41,950 research outputs found

    Development of computational tools and resources for systems biology of bacterial pathogens

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    Bacterial pathogens are a major cause of diseases in human, agricultural plants and farm animals. Even after decades of research they remain a challenge to health care as they are known to rapidly evolve and develop resistance to the existing drugs. Systems biology is an emerging area of research where all of the components of the system, their interactions, and the dynamics can be studied in a comprehensive, quantitative, and integrative fashion to generate predictive models. When applied to bacterial pathogenesis, systems biology approaches will help identify potential novel molecular targets for drug discovery. A pre-requisite for conducting systems analysis is the identification of the building blocks of the system i.e. individual components of the system (structural annotation), identification of their functions (functional annotation) and identification of the interactions among the individual components (interaction prediction). In the context of bacterial pathogenesis, it is necessary to identify the host-pathogen interactions. This dissertation work describes computational resources that enable comprehensive systems level study of host pathogen system to enhance our understanding of bacterial pathogenesis. It specifically focuses on improving the structural and functional annotation of pathogen genomes as well as identifying host-pathogen interactions at a genome scale. The novel contributions of this dissertation towards systems biology of bacterial pathogens include three computational tools/resources. “TAAPP” (Tiling array analysis pipeline for prokaryotes) is a web based tool for the analysis of whole genome tiling array data for bacterial pathogens. TAAPP helps improve the structural annotation of bacterial genomes. “ISO-IEA” (Inferred from sequence orthology - Inferred from electronic annotation) is a tool that can be used for the functional annotation of any sequenced genome. “HPIDB” (Host pathogen interaction database) is developed with data a mining capability that includes host-pathogen interaction prediction. The new knowledge gained due to the implementation of these tools is the description of the non coding RNA as well as a computationally predicted host-pathogen interaction network for the human respiratory pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. In summary, the computation tools and resources developed in this dissertation study will enable building systems biology models of bacterial pathogens

    Bacterial riboproteogenomics : the era of N-terminal proteoform existence revealed

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    With the rapid increase in the number of sequenced prokaryotic genomes, relying on automated gene annotation became a necessity. Multiple lines of evidence, however, suggest that current bacterial genome annotations may contain inconsistencies and are incomplete, even for so-called well-annotated genomes. We here discuss underexplored sources of protein diversity and new methodologies for high-throughput genome re-annotation. The expression of multiple molecular forms of proteins (proteoforms) from a single gene, particularly driven by alternative translation initiation, is gaining interest as a prominent contributor to bacterial protein diversity. In consequence, riboproteogenomic pipelines were proposed to comprehensively capture proteoform expression in prokaryotes by the complementary use of (positional) proteomics and the direct readout of translated genomic regions using ribosome profiling. To complement these discoveries, tailored strategies are required for the functional characterization of newly discovered bacterial proteoforms

    The impact of sequence database choice on metaproteomic results in gut microbiota studies

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    Background: Elucidating the role of gut microbiota in physiological and pathological processes has recently emerged as a key research aim in life sciences. In this respect, metaproteomics, the study of the whole protein complement of a microbial community, can provide a unique contribution by revealing which functions are actually being expressed by specific microbial taxa. However, its wide application to gut microbiota research has been hindered by challenges in data analysis, especially related to the choice of the proper sequence databases for protein identification. Results: Here, we present a systematic investigation of variables concerning database construction and annotation and evaluate their impact on human and mouse gut metaproteomic results. We found that both publicly available and experimental metagenomic databases lead to the identification of unique peptide assortments, suggesting parallel database searches as a mean to gain more complete information. In particular, the contribution of experimental metagenomic databases was revealed to be mandatory when dealing with mouse samples. Moreover, the use of a "merged" database, containing all metagenomic sequences from the population under study, was found to be generally preferable over the use of sample-matched databases. We also observed that taxonomic and functional results are strongly database-dependent, in particular when analyzing the mouse gut microbiota. As a striking example, the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio varied up to tenfold depending on the database used. Finally, assembling reads into longer contigs provided significant advantages in terms of functional annotation yields. Conclusions: This study contributes to identify host- and database-specific biases which need to be taken into account in a metaproteomic experiment, providing meaningful insights on how to design gut microbiota studies and to perform metaproteomic data analysis. In particular, the use of multiple databases and annotation tools has to be encouraged, even though this requires appropriate bioinformatic resources

    BUSCA: An integrative web server to predict subcellular localization of proteins

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    Here, we present BUSCA (http://busca.biocomp.unibo.it), a novel web server that integrates different computational tools for predicting protein subcellular localization. BUSCA combines methods for identifying signal and transit peptides (DeepSig and TPpred3), GPI-anchors (PredGPI) and transmembrane domains (ENSEMBLE3.0 and BetAware) with tools for discriminating subcellular localization of both globular and membrane proteins (BaCelLo, MemLoci and SChloro). Outcomes from the different tools are processed and integrated for annotating subcellular localization of both eukaryotic and bacterial protein sequences. We benchmark BUSCA against protein targets derived from recent CAFA experiments and other specific data sets, reporting performance at the state-of-the-art. BUSCA scores better than all other evaluated methods on 2732 targets from CAFA2, with a F1 value equal to 0.49 and among the best methods when predicting targets from CAFA3. We propose BUSCA as an integrated and accurate resource for the annotation of protein subcellular localization

    The Human Oral Microbiome Database: a web accessible resource for investigating oral microbe taxonomic and genomic information

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    The human oral microbiome is the most studied human microflora, but 53% of the species have not yet been validly named and 35% remain uncultivated. The uncultivated taxa are known primarily from 16S rRNA sequence information. Sequence information tied solely to obscure isolate or clone numbers, and usually lacking accurate phylogenetic placement, is a major impediment to working with human oral microbiome data. The goal of creating the Human Oral Microbiome Database (HOMD) is to provide the scientific community with a body site-specific comprehensive database for the more than 600 prokaryote species that are present in the human oral cavity based on a curated 16S rRNA gene-based provisional naming scheme. Currently, two primary types of information are provided in HOMD—taxonomic and genomic. Named oral species and taxa identified from 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of oral isolates and cloning studies were placed into defined 16S rRNA phylotypes and each given unique Human Oral Taxon (HOT) number. The HOT interlinks phenotypic, phylogenetic, genomic, clinical and bibliographic information for each taxon. A BLAST search tool is provided to match user 16S rRNA gene sequences to a curated, full length, 16S rRNA gene reference data set. For genomic analysis, HOMD provides comprehensive set of analysis tools and maintains frequently updated annotations for all the human oral microbial genomes that have been sequenced and publicly released. Oral bacterial genome sequences, determined as part of the Human Microbiome Project, are being added to the HOMD as they become available. We provide HOMD as a conceptual model for the presentation of microbiome data for other human body sites

    Re-annotation and re-analysis of the Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168 genome sequence

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    BACKGROUND: Campylobacter jejuni is the leading bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis in the developed world. To improve our understanding of this important human pathogen, the C. jejuni NCTC11168 genome was sequenced and published in 2000. The original annotation was a milestone in Campylobacter research, but is outdated. We now describe the complete re-annotation and re-analysis of the C. jejuni NCTC11168 genome using current database information, novel tools and annotation techniques not used during the original annotation. RESULTS: Re-annotation was carried out using sequence database searches such as FASTA, along with programs such as TMHMM for additional support. The re-annotation also utilises sequence data from additional Campylobacter strains and species not available during the original annotation. Re-annotation was accompanied by a full literature search that was incorporated into the updated EMBL file [EMBL: AL111168]. The C. jejuni NCTC11168 re-annotation reduced the total number of coding sequences from 1654 to 1643, of which 90.0% have additional information regarding the identification of new motifs and/or relevant literature. Re-annotation has led to 18.2% of coding sequence product functions being revised. CONCLUSIONS: Major updates were made to genes involved in the biosynthesis of important surface structures such as lipooligosaccharide, capsule and both O- and N-linked glycosylation. This re-annotation will be a key resource for Campylobacter research and will also provide a prototype for the re-annotation and re-interpretation of other bacterial genomes

    Extending Seqenv: a taxa-centric approach to environmental annotations of 16S rDNA sequences

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    Understanding how the environment selects a given taxon and the diversity patterns that emerge as a result of environmental filtering can dramatically improve our ability to analyse any environment in depth as well as advancing our knowledge on how the response of different taxa can impact each other and ecosystem functions. Most of the work investigating microbial biogeography has been site-specific, and logical environmental factors, rather than geographical location, may be more influential on microbial diversity. SEQenv, a novel pipeline aiming to provide environmental annotations of sequences emerged to provide a consistent description of the environmental niches using the ENVO ontology. While the pipeline provides a list of environmental terms on the basis of sample datasets and, therefore, the annotations obtained are at the dataset level, it lacks a taxa centric approach to environmental annotation. The work here describes an extension developed to enhance the SEQenv pipeline, which provided the means to directly generate environmental annotations for taxa under different contexts. 16S rDNA amplicon datasets belonging to distinct biomes were selected to illustrate the applicability of the extended SEQenv pipeline. A literature survey of the results demonstrates the immense importance of sequence level environmental annotations by illustrating the distribution of both taxa across environments as well as the various environmental sources of a specific taxon. Significantly enhancing the SEQenv pipeline in the process, this information would be valuable to any biologist seeking to understand the various taxa present in the habitat and the environment they originated from, enabling a more thorough analysis of which lineages are abundant in certain habitats and the recovery of patterns in taxon distribution across different habitats and environmental gradients

    ProteoClade: A taxonomic toolkit for multi-species and metaproteomic analysis

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    We present ProteoClade, a Python toolkit that performs taxa-specific peptide assignment, protein inference, and quantitation for multi-species proteomics experiments. ProteoClade scales to hundreds of millions of protein sequences, requires minimal computational resources, and is open source, multi-platform, and accessible to non-programmers. We demonstrate its utility for processing quantitative proteomic data derived from patient-derived xenografts and its speed and scalability enable a novel de novo proteomic workflow for complex microbiota samples

    B mu G@Sbase-a microbial gene expression and comparative genomic database

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    The reducing cost of high-throughput functional genomic technologies is creating a deluge of high volume, complex data, placing the burden on bioinformatics resources and tool development. The Bacterial Microarray Group at St George's (BÎĽG@S) has been at the forefront of bacterial microarray design and analysis for over a decade and while serving as a hub of a global network of microbial research groups has developed BÎĽG@Sbase, a microbial gene expression and comparative genomic database. BÎĽG@Sbase (http://bugs.sgul.ac.uk/bugsbase/) is a web-browsable, expertly curated, MIAME-compliant database that stores comprehensive experimental annotation and multiple raw and analysed data formats. Consistent annotation is enabled through a structured set of web forms, which guide the user through the process following a set of best practices and controlled vocabulary. The database currently contains 86 expertly curated publicly available data sets (with a further 124 not yet published) and full annotation information for 59 bacterial microarray designs. The data can be browsed and queried using an explorer-like interface; integrating intuitive tree diagrams to present complex experimental details clearly and concisely. Furthermore the modular design of the database will provide a robust platform for integrating other data types beyond microarrays into a more Systems analysis based future
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