1,146 research outputs found

    Convex Global 3D Registration with Lagrangian Duality

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    The registration of 3D models by a Euclidean transformation is a fundamental task at the core of many application in computer vision. This problem is non-convex due to the presence of rotational constraints, making traditional local optimization methods prone to getting stuck in local minima. This paper addresses finding the globally optimal transformation in various 3D registration problems by a unified formulation that integrates common geometric registration modalities (namely point-to-point, point-to-line and point-to-plane). This formulation renders the optimization problem independent of both the number and nature of the correspondences. The main novelty of our proposal is the introduction of a strengthened Lagrangian dual relaxation for this problem, which surpasses previous similar approaches [32] in effectiveness. In fact, even though with no theoretical guarantees, exhaustive empirical evaluation in both synthetic and real experiments always resulted on a tight relaxation that allowed to recover a guaranteed globally optimal solution by exploiting duality theory. Thus, our approach allows for effectively solving the 3D registration with global optimality guarantees while running at a fraction of the time for the state-of-the-art alternative [34], based on a more computationally intensive Branch and Bound method.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sustainable building : strategies, methods, practice

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    The Southeastern Librarian v 62, no. 1 (Spring 2014) Complete Issue

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    Complete issue of The Southeastern Librarian, vol. 62, no.

    The Bulgarian economy - April 2005

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    Measurement of cosmic-ray reconstruction efficiencies in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using a small external cosmic-ray counter

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    The MicroBooNE detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber at Fermilab designed to study short-baseline neutrino oscillations and neutrino-argon interaction cross-section. Due to its location near the surface, a good understanding of cosmic muons as a source of backgrounds is of fundamental importance for the experiment. We present a method of using an external 0.5 m (L) x 0.5 m (W) muon counter stack, installed above the main detector, to determine the cosmic-ray reconstruction efficiency in MicroBooNE. Data are acquired with this external muon counter stack placed in three different positions, corresponding to cosmic rays intersecting different parts of the detector. The data reconstruction efficiency of tracks in the detector is found to be ϵdata=(97.1±0.1 (stat)±1.4 (sys))%\epsilon_{\mathrm{data}}=(97.1\pm0.1~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 1.4~(\mathrm{sys}))\%, in good agreement with the Monte Carlo reconstruction efficiency ϵMC=(97.4±0.1)%\epsilon_{\mathrm{MC}} = (97.4\pm0.1)\%. This analysis represents a small-scale demonstration of the method that can be used with future data coming from a recently installed cosmic-ray tagger system, which will be able to tag 80%\approx80\% of the cosmic rays passing through the MicroBooNE detector.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands and its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile

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    Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands and its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile – short title Upstream-Downstream in Blue Nile River project is one of the projects in the Nile Basin supported by the CPWF. It was implemented during from 2007 to 2009 through a partnership of 8 institutions. The Blue Nile is the major tributary of the Nile River, contributing about 62% of the Nile flow at Aswan. About two thirds of the area of this densely populated basin is in the highlands and hence receives fairly high levels of annual rainfall of 800 to 2,200 mm. However, the rainfall is erratic in terms of both spatial and temporal distribution with prolonged dry spells and drought often leading to crop failures. Currently, water resources are only marginally exploited in the upper basin but are much more developed in the downstream reaches. The population, located in the downstream part of the Blue Nile, is dependent on the river water for supplementary irrigation and energy production. Canal and reservoir siltation is a major problem, adding the burdens of poor riparian farmers. This project was envisaged to improve the scientific understanding of the land and water resources of the basin, and hypothesized that with increased scientific knowledge of the hydrological, watershed, and institutional processes of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia (Abbay), constraints to up-scaling adaptable best practices and promising technologies (technical, socio-economic, institutional) could be overcome, which will result in significant positive impacts for both upstream and downstream communities and state

    Multi-scale Spatial Analysis of the Water-Food-Climate Nexus in the Nile Basin using Earth Observation Data

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    Securing enough water and food for everyone is a great challenge that the humanity faces today. This challenge is aggravated by many external drivers such as population growth, climate variability, and degradation of natural resources. Solutions for weak water and food securities require holistic knowledge of the different involved drivers through a nexus approach that looks at the interlinkages and the multi-directional synergies to be promoted and increased and trade-offs to be reduced or eliminated. In particular, the interlinkages between water, food, and climate, the so-called Water-Food-Climate Nexus (WFC Nexus) is critical for the given challenge in many regions around the world such as the Nile Basin (NB). Studying the WFC Nexus synergies and trade-offs might provide entry points for the required interventions that are potential to induce positive impacts on water and food securities. However, these synergies and trade-offs are not well known due to factors such as the complexity of the interactions which involve many dimensions within and across spatial and temporal domains and unavailability of reliable ground observations that could be used for such analysis. Therefore, multidisciplinary research that encompasses different methodologies and employs datasets with adequate spatial and temporal resolutions is required. The recent advancement in Earth Observation (EO) sensors and data processing algorithms have resulted in the accumulation of big data that are produced in rates faster than their usage in solving real challenges such as the one that is in the focus of the current research. The availability of public-domain datasets for several parameters with spatial and temporal coverage offers an excellent opportunity to discover the WFC Nexus interlinkages. To this end, the main goal of the current research is to employ EO data derived from public-domain datasets and supplemented with other primary and secondary data to identify WFC Nexus synergies and trade-offs in the NB region, taking the agricultural systems in Sudan as a central focus of this assessment. By concentrating mainly on the agricultural systems in Sudan, which are characterized by low performance and efficiency despite the huge potentials for food production, the current research provides a representative case study that could deliver helpful and transferrable knowledge to many areas within and outside the NB region. In the current research, multi-scale analysis of the WFC Nexus synergies and trade-offs was conducted. The assessment involved investigations on a country scale as a strategic level, and on river basin, agricultural scheme (both irrigated and rainfed systems) and field scales as operational levels. On a country scale, a general analysis of the vegetation’s Net Primary Productivity (NPP) and Water and Carbon Use Efficiencies (WUE and CUE, respectively) in different land cover types was carried out. A comparison between the land cover types in Sudan and Ethiopia was conducted to understand and compare the impact of inter-annual climate variability on the NPP, WUE and CUE indicators of these different land cover types under relatively different climate regimes. The results of this analysis indicate low magnitude of the three indicators in the land cover types that are in Sudan compared to their counterparts in Ethiopia. Moreover, the response of these indicators to climate variability varies widely among the land cover types. In addition, land cover types such as forests and woody savannah represent important natural sinks for the atmospheric CO2 that need to be protected. These observations suggest the need for effective policies that enhance crop productivity, especially in Sudan, and at the same time ensure preserving the land cover types that are important for climate change mitigation. On a river basin scale, which represented by the Blue Nile Basin (BNB), precipitation estimation is of utmost importance, as it is not only the main source of water in the basin but also because precipitation variability is controlling food production in the agricultural systems, especially in the rainfed schemes. The high spatial and temporal variation in precipitation within the BNB suggests the need for water storage and water harvesting be promoted and practiced. This would ensure water transfer spatially from wet to dry areas and temporally from wet to dry seasons. As a major staple cereal crop in Sudan, the performance of sorghum production in irrigated and rainfed schemes was investigated on agriculture schemes and field scales. A noticeable low and unstable sorghum yield is detected under both agricultural systems. This low performance represents a serious challenge, not only for food production but also for water availability. The current low performance was found to be controlled by many factors of physical, socio-economic and management nature. As many of these factors are closely linked, effectively addressing some of them might induce positive impacts on the other controlling factors. To conclude, the identified synergies and trade-offs of the WFC Nexus could be used as entry points to increase the efficiency of water use and bridge the crop yield gap. Even simple interventions in the field might induce positive effects to the total crop production of the agricultural schemes and water use efficiency. The increase of water availability in the river basin and improved production in the schemes would enhance the overall water and food security in the country and would minimize the need to convert land covers that are important for climate change mitigation into croplands. This paradigm shift needs to be done through a comprehensive sustainable intensification (SI) framework that is not only aimed at increasing crop yield but also targets promoting a healthy environment, improved livelihood, and a growing economy

    Perceptual video quality optimization in AWGN channel using low complexity channel code rate allocation

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    ABSTRACT In error-prone channels, forward error correction is necessary for protecting important data. In this paper, we use a packet loss visibility model to evaluate the visual importance of video packets to be transmitted. With the loss visibility of each packet, we use the Branch and Bound method to optimally allocate rates of Rate-Compatible Punctured Convolutional codes. The complexity of our prior algorithm can be reduced by k-means clustering before using the Branch and Bound method. Experimental results show that the proposed unequal error protection algorithm can improve upon the received video quality compared to our prior work with much lower complexity. Index Terms-Unequal error protection, packet loss visibility model, perceptual quality

    The BIM2LCA approach: An industry foundation classes (IFC)-based interface to integrate life cycle assessment in integral planning

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    An increasing degree of digitalization in construction planning offers significant potential for building life cycle assessment (LCA) to reduce access barriers, as well as the assessment effort itself. To realize the widespread application of LCA tools and their potential to effectively minimize life cycle impacts, an open approach is required that allows for flexible application of comprehensive LCA studies and early integration in planning processes. The authors present an approach for LCA integration in all phases of digital planning which aims at a DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen) certification based on the open Building Information Modeling (BIM) standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). The approach takes into account varying levels of development and resulting data availability during integral planning phases, as well as resulting LCA application contexts. It goes beyond existing strategies and allows one to consider both BIM and LCA software through a workflow based on a single data format. The assessment framework is operationalized through standardized interface development and technical realization following the information delivery manual (IDM) process standardized for IFC interfaces. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema, as a specific implementation for certification, provides the target system for LCA data requirements and is generalized to a planning phase specific IDM base table. The technical realization based on respective model view definitions and distributed data suggests a pathway to the standardization of LCA-IFC integration based on an open approach. The overall approach exemplarily applies to the “LERNZENTRUM” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) campus. We conclude that an open BIM approach for LCA integration in model-based planning is feasible, but requires several adjustments in IFC, LCA, and planning practice. Adding a lifecycle element to the IFC to connect BIM and LCA provides comprehensive feedback for informed decision making based on environmental impact