128 research outputs found

    Innovative Techniques for Testing and Diagnosing SoCs

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    We rely upon the continued functioning of many electronic devices for our everyday welfare, usually embedding integrated circuits that are becoming even cheaper and smaller with improved features. Nowadays, microelectronics can integrate a working computer with CPU, memories, and even GPUs on a single die, namely System-On-Chip (SoC). SoCs are also employed on automotive safety-critical applications, but need to be tested thoroughly to comply with reliability standards, in particular the ISO26262 functional safety for road vehicles. The goal of this PhD. thesis is to improve SoC reliability by proposing innovative techniques for testing and diagnosing its internal modules: CPUs, memories, peripherals, and GPUs. The proposed approaches in the sequence appearing in this thesis are described as follows: 1. Embedded Memory Diagnosis: Memories are dense and complex circuits which are susceptible to design and manufacturing errors. Hence, it is important to understand the fault occurrence in the memory array. In practice, the logical and physical array representation differs due to an optimized design which adds enhancements to the device, namely scrambling. This part proposes an accurate memory diagnosis by showing the efforts of a software tool able to analyze test results, unscramble the memory array, map failing syndromes to cell locations, elaborate cumulative analysis, and elaborate a final fault model hypothesis. Several SRAM memory failing syndromes were analyzed as case studies gathered on an industrial automotive 32-bit SoC developed by STMicroelectronics. The tool displayed defects virtually, and results were confirmed by real photos taken from a microscope. 2. Functional Test Pattern Generation: The key for a successful test is the pattern applied to the device. They can be structural or functional; the former usually benefits from embedded test modules targeting manufacturing errors and is only effective before shipping the component to the client. The latter, on the other hand, can be applied during mission minimally impacting on performance but is penalized due to high generation time. However, functional test patterns may benefit for having different goals in functional mission mode. Part III of this PhD thesis proposes three different functional test pattern generation methods for CPU cores embedded in SoCs, targeting different test purposes, described as follows: a. Functional Stress Patterns: Are suitable for optimizing functional stress during I Operational-life Tests and Burn-in Screening for an optimal device reliability characterization b. Functional Power Hungry Patterns: Are suitable for determining functional peak power for strictly limiting the power of structural patterns during manufacturing tests, thus reducing premature device over-kill while delivering high test coverage c. Software-Based Self-Test Patterns: Combines the potentiality of structural patterns with functional ones, allowing its execution periodically during mission. In addition, an external hardware communicating with a devised SBST was proposed. It helps increasing in 3% the fault coverage by testing critical Hardly Functionally Testable Faults not covered by conventional SBST patterns. An automatic functional test pattern generation exploiting an evolutionary algorithm maximizing metrics related to stress, power, and fault coverage was employed in the above-mentioned approaches to quickly generate the desired patterns. The approaches were evaluated on two industrial cases developed by STMicroelectronics; 8051-based and a 32-bit Power Architecture SoCs. Results show that generation time was reduced upto 75% in comparison to older methodologies while increasing significantly the desired metrics. 3. Fault Injection in GPGPU: Fault injection mechanisms in semiconductor devices are suitable for generating structural patterns, testing and activating mitigation techniques, and validating robust hardware and software applications. GPGPUs are known for fast parallel computation used in high performance computing and advanced driver assistance where reliability is the key point. Moreover, GPGPU manufacturers do not provide design description code due to content secrecy. Therefore, commercial fault injectors using the GPGPU model is unfeasible, making radiation tests the only resource available, but are costly. In the last part of this thesis, we propose a software implemented fault injector able to inject bit-flip in memory elements of a real GPGPU. It exploits a software debugger tool and combines the C-CUDA grammar to wisely determine fault spots and apply bit-flip operations in program variables. The goal is to validate robust parallel algorithms by studying fault propagation or activating redundancy mechanisms they possibly embed. The effectiveness of the tool was evaluated on two robust applications: redundant parallel matrix multiplication and floating point Fast Fourier Transform

    Constraint-driven RF test stimulus generation and built-in test

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    With the explosive growth in wireless applications, the last decade witnessed an ever-increasing test challenge for radio frequency (RF) circuits. While the design community has pushed the envelope far into the future, by expanding CMOS process to be used with high-frequency wireless devices, test methodology has not advanced at the same pace. Consequently, testing such devices has become a major bottleneck in high-volume production, further driven by the growing need for tighter quality control. RF devices undergo testing during the prototype phase and during high-volume manufacturing (HVM). The benchtop test equipment used throughout prototyping is very precise yet specialized for a subset of functionalities. HVM calls for a different kind of test paradigm that emphasizes throughput and sufficiency, during which the projected performance parameters are measured one by one for each device by automated test equipment (ATE) and compared against defined limits called specifications. The set of tests required for each product differs greatly in terms of the equipment required and the time taken to test individual devices. Together with signal integrity, precision, and repeatability concerns, the initial cost of RF ATE is prohibitively high. As more functionality and protocols are integrated into a single RF device, the required number of specifications to be tested also increases, adding to the overall cost of testing, both in terms of the initial and recurring operating costs. In addition to the cost problem, RF testing proposes another challenge when these components are integrated into package-level system solutions. In systems-on-packages (SOP), the test problems resulting from signal integrity, input/output bandwidth (IO), and limited controllability and observability have initiated a paradigm shift in high-speed analog testing, favoring alternative approaches such as built-in tests (BIT) where the test functionality is brought into the package. This scheme can make use of a low-cost external tester connected through a low-bandwidth link in order to perform demanding response evaluations, as well as make use of the analog-to-digital converters and the digital signal processors available in the package to facilitate testing. Although research on analog built-in test has demonstrated hardware solutions for single specifications, the paradigm shift calls for a rather general approach in which a single methodology can be applied across different devices, and multiple specifications can be verified through a single test hardware unit, minimizing the area overhead. Specification-based alternate test methodology provides a suitable and flexible platform for handling the challenges addressed above. In this thesis, a framework that integrates ATE and system constraints into test stimulus generation and test response extraction is presented for the efficient production testing of high-performance RF devices using specification-based alternate tests. The main components of the presented framework are as follows: Constraint-driven RF alternate test stimulus generation: An automated test stimulus generation algorithm for RF devices that are evaluated by a specification-based alternate test solution is developed. The high-level models of the test signal path define constraints in the search space of the optimized test stimulus. These models are generated in enough detail such that they inherently define limitations of the low-cost ATE and the I/O restrictions of the device under test (DUT), yet they are simple enough that the non-linear optimization problem can be solved empirically in a reasonable amount of time. Feature extractors for BIT: A methodology for the built-in testing of RF devices integrated into SOPs is developed using additional hardware components. These hardware components correlate the high-bandwidth test response to low bandwidth signatures while extracting the test-critical features of the DUT. Supervised learning is used to map these extracted features, which otherwise are too complicated to decipher by plain mathematical analysis, into the specifications under test. Defect-based alternate testing of RF circuits: A methodology for the efficient testing of RF devices with low-cost defect-based alternate tests is developed. The signature of the DUT is probabilistically compared with a class of defect-free device signatures to explore possible corners under acceptable levels of process parameter variations. Such a defect filter applies discrimination rules generated by a supervised classifier and eliminates the need for a library of possible catastrophic defects.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Chatterjee, Abhijit; Committee Member: Durgin, Greg; Committee Member: Keezer, David; Committee Member: Milor, Linda; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Sures


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    The integrated circuit (IC) is an integral part of everyday modern technology, and its application is very attractive to hardware and software design engineers because of its versatility, integration, power consumption, cost, and board area reduction. IC is available in various types such as Field Programming Gate Array (FPGA), Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), System on Chip (SoC) architecture, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), microcontrollers (μC), and many more. With technology demand focused on faster, low power consumption, efficient IC application, design engineers are facing tremendous challenges in developing and testing integrated circuits that guaranty functionality, high fault coverage, and reliability as the transistor technology is shrinking to the point where manufacturing defects of ICs are affecting yield which associates with the increased cost of the part. The competitive IC market is pressuring manufactures of ICs to develop and market IC in a relatively quick turnaround which in return requires design and verification engineers to develop an integrated self-test structure that would ensure fault-free and the quality product is delivered on the market. 70-80% of IC design is spent on verification and testing to ensure high quality and reliability for the enduser. To test complex and sophisticated IC designs, the verification engineers must produce laborious and costly test fixtures which affect the cost of the part on the competitive market. To avoid increasing the part cost due to yield and test time to the end-user and to keep up with the competitive market many IC design engineers are deviating from complex external test fixture approach and are focusing on integrating Built-in Self-Test (BIST) or Design for Test (DFT) techniques onto IC’s which would reduce time to market but still guarantee high coverage for the product. Understanding the BIST, the architecture, as well as the application of IC, must be understood before developing IC. The architecture of FPGA is elaborated in this paper followed by several BIST techniques and applications of those BIST relative to FPGA, SoC, analog to digital (ADC), or digital to analog converters (DAC) that are integrated on IC. Paper is concluded with verification of BIST for the 32-bit adder/subtracter designed in Quartus II software using the Analog Discovery 2 module as stimulus and DE0-NANO FPGA board for verification

    Fault and Defect Tolerant Computer Architectures: Reliable Computing With Unreliable Devices

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    This research addresses design of a reliable computer from unreliable device technologies. A system architecture is developed for a fault and defect tolerant (FDT) computer. Trade-offs between different techniques are studied and yield and hardware cost models are developed. Fault and defect tolerant designs are created for the processor and the cache memory. Simulation results for the content-addressable memory (CAM)-based cache show 90% yield with device failure probabilities of 3 x 10(-6), three orders of magnitude better than non fault tolerant caches of the same size. The entire processor achieves 70% yield with device failure probabilities exceeding 10(-6). The required hardware redundancy is approximately 15 times that of a non-fault tolerant design. While larger than current FT designs, this architecture allows the use of devices much more likely to fail than silicon CMOS. As part of model development, an improved model is derived for NAND Multiplexing. The model is the first accurate model for small and medium amounts of redundancy. Previous models are extended to account for dependence between the inputs and produce more accurate results

    High Speed Test Interface Module Using MEMS Technology

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    With the transient frequency of available CMOS technologies exceeding hundreds of gigahertz and the increasing complexity of Integrated Circuit (IC) designs, it is now apparent that the architecture of current testers needs to be greatly improved to keep up with the formidable challenges ahead. Test requirements for modern integrated circuits are becoming more stringent, complex and costly. These requirements include an increasing number of test channels, higher test-speeds and enhanced measurement accuracy and resolution. In a conventional test configuration, the signal path from Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) to the Device-Under-Test (DUT) includes long traces of wires. At frequencies above a few gigahertz, testing integrated circuits becomes a challenging task. The effects on transmission lines become critical requiring impedance matching to minimize signal reflection. AC resistance due to the skin effect and electromagnetic coupling caused by radiation can also become important factors affecting the test results. In the design of a Device Interface Board (DIB), the greater the physical separation of the DUT and the ATE pin electronics, the greater the distortion and signal degradation. In this work, a new Test Interface Module (TIM) based on MEMS technology is proposed to reduce the distance between the tester and device-under-test by orders of magnitude. The proposed solution increases the bandwidth of test channels and reduces the undesired effects of transmission lines on the test results. The MEMS test interface includes a fixed socket and a removable socket. The removable socket incorporates MEMS contact springs to provide temporary with the DUT pads and the fixed socket contains a bed of micro-pins to establish electrical connections with the ATE pin electronics. The MEMS based contact springs have been modified to implement a high-density wafer level test probes for Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) in three dimensional integrated circuits (3D-IC). Prototypes have been fabricated using Silicon On Insulator SOI wafer. Experimental results indicate that the proposed architectures can operate up to 50 GHz without much loss or distortion. The MEMS probes can also maintain a good elastic performance without any damage or deformation in the test phase

    STT-MRAM characterization and its test implications

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    Spin torque transfer (STT)-magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) has come a long way in research to meet the speed and power consumption requirements for future memory applications. The state-of-the-art STT-MRAM bit-cells employ magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). The process repeatabil- ity and yield stability for wafer fabrication are some of the critical issues encountered in STT-MRAM mass production. Some of the yield improvement techniques to combat the e ect of process variations have been previously explored. However, little research has been done on defect oriented testing of STT-MRAM arrays. In this thesis, the author investi- gates the parameter deviation and non-idealities encountered during the development of a novel MTJ stack con guration. The characterization result provides motivation for the development of the design for testability (DFT) scheme that can help test and characterize STT-MRAM bit-cells and the CMOS peripheral circuitry e ciently. The primary factors for wafer yield degradation are the device parameter variation and its non-uniformity across the wafer due to the fabrication process non-idealities. There- fore, e ective in-process testing strategies for exploring and verifying the impact of the parameter variation on the wafer yield will be needed to achieve fabrication process opti- mization. While yield depends on the CMOS process variability, quality of the deposited MTJ lm, and other process non-idealities, test platform can enable parametric optimiza- tion and veri cation using the CMOS-based DFT circuits. In this work, we develop a DFT algorithm and implement a DFT circuit for parametric testing and prequali cation of the critical circuits in the CMOS wafer. The DFT circuit successfully replicates the electrical characteristics of MTJ devices and captures their spatial variation across the wafer with an error of less than 4%. We estimate the yield of the read sensing path by implement- ing the DFT circuit, which can replicate the resistance-area product variation up to 50% from its nominal value. The yield data from the read sensing path at di erent wafer loca- tions are analyzed, and a usable wafer radius has been estimated. Our DFT scheme can provide quantitative feedback based on in-die measurement, enabling fabrication process optimization through iterative estimation and veri cation of the calibrated parameters. Another concern that prevents mass production of STT-MRAM arrays is the defect formation in MTJ devices due to aging. Identifying manufacturing defects in the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) device is crucial for the yield and reliability of spin-torque-transfer (STT) magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) arrays. Several of the MTJ defects result in parametric deviations of the device that deteriorate over time. We extend our work on the DFT scheme by monitoring the electrical parameter deviations occurring due to the defect formation over time. A programmable DFT scheme was implemented for a sub-arrayin 65 nm CMOS technology to evaluate the feasibility of the test scheme. The scheme utilizes the read sense path to compare the bit-cell electrical parameters against known DFT cells characteristics. Built-in-self-test (BIST) methodology is utilized to trigger the onset of the fault once the device parameter crosses a threshold value. We demonstrate the operation and evaluate the accuracy of detection with the proposed scheme. The DFT scheme can be exploited for monitoring aging defects, modeling their behavior and optimization of the fabrication process. DFT scheme could potentially nd numerous applications for parametric characteriza- tion and fault monitoring of STT-MRAM bit-cell arrays during mass production. Some of the applications include a) Fabrication process feedback to improve wafer turnaround time, b) STT-MRAM bit-cell health monitoring, c) Decoupled characterization of the CMOS pe- ripheral circuitry such as read-sensing path and sense ampli er characterization within the STT-MRAM array. Additionally, the DFT scheme has potential applications for detec- tion of fault formation that could be utilized for deploying redundancy schemes, providing a graceful degradation in MTJ-based bit-cell array due to aging of the device, and also providing feedback to improve the fabrication process and yield learning

    Design techniques for safe, reliable, and trustworthy analog circuits

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    Rapid developments in communication, automation, and smart technologies continue to drive the trend of increasingly large-scale integration of electronics. The number of ICs embedded in various systems continues to rise to realize more sophisticated functions and capabilities, and as a result we rely more and more on the smooth, safe, and secure operation of ICs. Quality assurance of ICs is of paramount importance in critical missions because faults can incur heavy consequences. To ensure reliability, IC designs undergo a thorough verification process prior to fabrication and comprehensive testing and measurements before distribution. These steps provide confidence in parts shortly after their deployment into operation. Many critical ICs also embed functions to detect abnormal or faulty behavior in the field and add another layer of safety to the operation. The methodology for creating these built-in self-tests (BISTs) for digital circuits is fairly mature, yet analog and mixed signal (AMS) circuits still present a significant challenge for verification and testing. The development of in-field tests for AMS circuits is relatively new. Part of the difficulty is the many constraints that define satisfactory function. Complicated signal generators and observers are usually required to stimulate the circuit and measure its response in order to accurately determine if it meets specifications. These are available in a production test environment in the form of external equipment, but the amount of hardware, power, and other resources required for these tests make it impractical for in-field operation. To address this issue, some simple, low-resource test circuits have been developed to test some fundamental AMS blocks. The test results allow one to infer faulty behavior of circuit rather than explicitly confirming specifications are not met, which makes the design of test inputs and observers significantly easier. These test circuits use simple analog-digital interfaces which aid the integration of the designs into existing digital test architectures. The AMS test circuits were implemented on a PCB to demonstrate their feasibility. For ICs targeting high reliability, the parts are designed such that the probability of a fault occurring is extremely low, at least for a time. BISTs for in-field testing are intended to detect faults originating from a single source because of a defect or some other unpredictable event. But every IC will reach a time when devices start to fail independently of each other because of normal wear from use. The physical mechanisms causing transistor degradation, called transistor aging, have a predictable trend for a given history of use. On-chip monitors that track device aging over the life of a part can provide warnings before widespread failure occurs and allow confident operation of IC right up to its effective end of life (EOL). A bias and temperature instability (BTI) monitor was designed to estimate the evolving probability of BTI degradation in a device or devices during its operation. In addition to the chance of random failures in critical ICs, designers and customers must also concern themselves with intentionally induced failures. The important role these parts play in their respective systems makes them potential targets of attack by third parties whose goal is contrary to the parts’ primary missions. One potential class of threats is the hardware Trojan horse, a hidden and malicious function physically embedded in the design. These are high- risk/high-reward attacks because insertion of the Trojan is generally considered difficult but successful activation is potentially devastating. Much research and resources have been dedicated to developing threat models, identifying potential means of insertion and operation, and detection of Trojans during production tests. However, these efforts are almost entirely focused on the security of digital circuits while threats to AMS circuits have been ignored. One of the main reasons for this is the inherent sensitivity of AMS circuits, which leads to the assumption that any tampering would be obvious. This assumption falls short when a well- known problem in AMS circuit design is considered: multi-stable operation. A definitive taxonomy of this sub-class of hardware Trojans was constructed to complement existing definitions and efforts on Trojan classification. An example of an AMS circuit with such a Trojan is provided to validate the threat this class of Trojans poses

    Machine learning support for logic diagnosis

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    Iddq testing of a CMOS 10-bit charge scaling digital-to-analog converter

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    This work presents an effective built-in current sensor (BICS), which has a very small impact on the performance of the circuit under test (CUT). The proposed BICS works in two-modes the normal mode and the test mode. In the normal mode the BICS is isolated from the CUT due to which there is no performance degradation of the CUT. In the testing mode, our BICS detects the abnormal current caused by permanent manufacturing defects. Further more our BICS can also distinguish the type of defect induced (Gate-source short, source-drain short and drain-gate short). Our BICS requires neither an external voltage source nor current source. Hence the BICS requires less area and is more efficient than the conventional current sensors. The circuit under test is a 10-bit digital to analog converter using charge-scaling architecture

    Power Management and SRAM for Energy-Autonomous and Low-Power Systems

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    We demonstrate the two first-known, complete, self-powered millimeter-scale computer systems. These microsystems achieve zero-net-energy operation using solar energy harvesting and ultra-low-power circuits. A medical implant for monitoring intraocular pressure (IOP) is presented as part of a treatment for glaucoma. The 1.5mm3 IOP monitor is easily implantable because of its small size and measures IOP with 0.5mmHg accuracy. It wirelessly transmits data to an external wand while consuming 4.7nJ/bit. This provides rapid feedback about treatment efficacies to decrease physician response time and potentially prevent unnecessary vision loss. A nearly-perpetual temperature sensor is presented that processes data using a 2.1μW near-threshold ARM°R Cortex- M3TM μP that provides a widely-used and trusted programming platform. Energy harvesting and power management techniques for these two microsystems enable energy-autonomous operation. The IOP monitor harvests 80nW of solar power while consuming only 5.3nW, extending lifetime indefinitely. This allows the device to provide medical information for extended periods of time, giving doctors time to converge upon the best glaucoma treatment. The temperature sensor uses on-demand power delivery to improve low-load dc-dc voltage conversion efficiency by 4.75x. It also performs linear regulation to deliver power with low noise, improved load regulation, and tight line regulation. Low-power high-throughput SRAM techniques help millimeter-scale microsystems meet stringent power budgets. VDD scaling in memory decreases energy per access, but also decreases stability margins. These margins can be improved using sizing, VTH selection, and assist circuits, as well as new bitcell designs. Adaptive Crosshairs modulation of SRAM power supplies fixes 70% of parametric failures. Half-differential SRAM design improves stability, reducing VMIN by 72mV. The circuit techniques for energy autonomy presented in this dissertation enable millimeter-scale microsystems for medical implants, such as blood pressure and glucose sensors, as well as non-medical applications, such as supply chain and infrastructure monitoring. These pervasive sensors represent the continuation of Bell’s Law, which accurately traces the evolution of computers as they become smaller, more numerous, and more powerful. The development of millimeter-scale massively-deployed ubiquitous computers ensures the continued expansion and profitability of the semiconductor industry. NanoWatt circuit techniques will allow us to meet this next frontier in IC design.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86387/1/grgkchen_1.pd
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