153 research outputs found

    UWB Radio Wireless Communication System Design for Railway Tunnels

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    Railway is an economical and comfortable mode of transportation for long distances. Safety, reliability and good quality of service are the main concern of railway industries which are maintained by railway management and communication system. There are several existing management systems like CCCS, ATCS, PTC and many more. With increasing population, demand for railway services also increases. To full fill these demands railway infrastructure has been developing continuously. By implementing latest technologies for railway communication we can make railway transportation safer, efficient, and more accessible. Ultra wideband radio communication system is amongst those very latest and rapidly growing technologies. This research work focuses on the study of UWB radio based wireless communication system for railway tunnels, whose main task is to maintain an uninterrupted data transmission between train driver to wayside controller

    Wireless communication characteristics for tunnels with and without traffic

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    [[abstract]]The bit error rate performance for a high-speed personal communication service in tunnels with and without traffic is investigated. The impulse responses of tunnels with and without traffic for any transmitter-receiver location are computed by shooting and bouncing ray/image techniques. By using the impulse responses of these multipath channels, the bit error rate performance of BPSK (binary phase shift keying) system with phase and timing recovery circuits are calculated. Numerical results have showed that the multipath effect caused by the vehicles in the tunnel is an important factor in the bit error rate performance. In addition, the effect of space diversity techniques on mitigating the multipath fading is also investigated[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19981005~19981009[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Florence, Ital

    Vehicle to vehicle (V2V) wireless communications

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    This work focuses on the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, its current challenges, future perspective and possible improvement.V2V communication is characterized by the dynamic environment, high mobility, nonpredective scenario, propagation effects, and also communicating antenna's positions. This peculiarity of V2V wireless communication makes channel modelling and the vehicular propagation quite challenging. In this work, firstly we studied the present context of V2V communication also known as Vehicular Ad-hoc Netwok (VANET) including ongoing researches and studies particularly related to Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), specifically designed for automotive uses with corresponding set of protocols and standards. Secondly, we focused on communication models and improvement of these models to make them more suitable, reliable and efficient for the V2V environment. As specifies the standard, OFDM is used in V2V communication, Adaptable OFDM transceiver was designed. Some parameters as performance analytics are used to compare the improvement with the actual situation. For the enhancement of physical layer of V2V communication, this work is focused in the study of MIMO channel instead of SISO. In the designed transceiver both SISO and MIMO were implemented and studied successfully

    Wireless Channel Model and LDM-Based Transmission with Unequal Error Protection for Inside Train Communications

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    Although the deployment of wireless systems is widespread, there are still sectors where they are not used due to their lack of reliability in comparison to wired systems. Sectors like industry or vehicle communications consider their environment hostile because the wireless signals suffer a lot of interferences. One of such environments is the railway sector, where wiring removal will allow more flexibility for both control and monitoring systems. This thesis analyzes wireless communications inside train cars, aiming at modelling their behavior and at proposing techniques to increase the reliability of the critical signals among train systems, wich can coexist with other lower priority systems. After proposing a novel model of an inside train wireless channel, a transmission system based on Layered Division Multiplexing (LDM) has been proposed which theoretically promises higher capacities than traditional TDM or FDM. This capacity gain is used to provide higher reliability to critical data using Unequal Error Protection (UEP) while maintaining the same bit rate as equivalent TDM or FDM based systems. In the final part of the thesis, simulation results of the proposed LDM system are provided, combined with Alamouti space time coding and different coding rates. Multiantenna extensions of the proposed LDM schemes are also simulated, providing BER and throughput results. These results will be used to shed light about how to reduce BER of an inside train wireless communication system.Aunque el despliegue de los sistemas inalámbricos está muy extendido, aun hay sectores donde no se utiliza por la poca fiabilidad que proporcionan comparado con los sistemas cableados. Sectores como la industria o las comunicaciones vehiculares consideran el entorno donde trabajan como entorno hostil, debido a que las señales inalámbricas sufren muchas interferencias. Uno de estos entornos es el de las comunicaciones en ferrocarril donde la eliminación de cables permitiría mayor flexibilidad entre los sistemas de control y monitorización. En esta tesis se analiza el canal de comunicación inalámbrico dentro de los trenes, con el objetivo de modelar su comportamiento y proponer técnicas que permitan aumentar la fiabilidad de la información de tipo crítico transmitida entre los sistemas del tren, repercutiendo lo menos posible en otros sistemas de menor prioridad. Tras proponer el modelo de canal inalámbrico dentro del tren, se ha propuesto un sistema de transmisión basado en Layered Division Multiplexing (LDM) que analizándolo teóricamente promete mayores capacidades que los tradicionales TDM o FDM. Esta capacidad se utilizará para obtener mayor redundancia de los datos críticos usando Unequal Error Protection (UEP) manteniendo la misma tasa de transferencia bits que los sistemas basados en TDM/FDM. En la parte final de la tesis, se obtienen resultados de las simulaciones realizadas con el sistema LDM propuesto, combinada con codificación espacio temporal como Alamouti y diferentes ratios de codificación. También se han simulado configuraciones multiantena obteniendo resultados de BER y throughput. Estos resultados servirán para arrojar luz sobre cómo reducir el BER en las comunicaciones inalámbricas dentro de los trenes.Haririk gabeko sistemak oso hedatuak dauden arren oraindik erabiltzen ez dituen sektoreak badaude ematen duten fidagarritasuna txikia delako kableatutako sistemekin alderatuz. Industria bezalako sektoreek edo ibilgailuetako komunikazioek lan egiten duten ingurua oso zaratatsua izaten da eta seinaleek interferentzia asko jasaten dituzte. Tesi honetan tren barruko haririk gabeko komunikazio kanala aztertzen da, bere portaera aztertu eta modelatzeko asmotan. Jakintza honekin zein teknika izan daitekeen erabilgarriak aztertuko da datuen fidagarritasuna handitzeko helburuarekin, lehentasun gutxiago duten sistemetan eragin txikiena izanik. Modeloa atera ondoren proposatu den transmisio sistema Layered Division Multiplexing (LDM) izan da, non azterketa teorikoek TDM edo FDM sistemek baino kapazitate gehiago dutela frogatzen dute. Kapazitate hau sistemaren datu kritikoei erredundantzia gehiago emateko erabiliko da Unequal Error Protection (UEP) erabiliz, TDM/FDM sistemetan bidaltzen den bit tasa kopurua mantenduz. Tesiaren azken partean, proposatutako LDM sistemaren simulazio emaitzak ematen dira, Alamouti espazio denbora kodifikazioarekin konbinatuak eta kodigo ratio desberdinekin. Antena anitzezko konfigurazioak ere simulatu dira BER eta throughput emaitzak lortuz. Emaitza hauek haririk gabeko tren barruko komunikazioetan BER-a nola gutxitu daitekeen jakiten lagunduko digute

    Scalable Multiple Description Coding and Distributed Video Streaming over 3G Mobile Networks

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    In this thesis, a novel Scalable Multiple Description Coding (SMDC) framework is proposed. To address the bandwidth fluctuation, packet loss and heterogeneity problems in the wireless networks and further enhance the error resilience tools in Moving Pictures Experts Group 4 (MPEG-4), the joint design of layered coding (LC) and multiple description coding (MDC) is explored. It leverages a proposed distributed multimedia delivery mobile network (D-MDMN) to provide path diversity to combat streaming video outage due to handoff in Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). The corresponding intra-RAN (Radio Access Network) handoff and inter-RAN handoff procedures in D-MDMN are studied in details, which employ the principle of video stream re-establishing to replace the principle of data forwarding in UMTS. Furthermore, a new IP (Internet Protocol) Differentiated Services (DiffServ) video marking algorithm is proposed to support the unequal error protection (UEP) of LC components of SMDC. Performance evaluation is carried through simulation using OPNET Modeler 9. 0. Simulation results show that the proposed handoff procedures in D-MDMN have better performance in terms of handoff latency, end-to-end delay and handoff scalability than that in UMTS. Performance evaluation of our proposed IP DiffServ video marking algorithm is also undertaken, which shows that it is more suitable for video streaming in IP mobile networks compared with the previously proposed DiffServ video marking algorithm (DVMA)

    Intra- and Out-of-Vehicle Channel Measurements and Modeling

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na měření a modelování kanálu uvnitř a vně vozidla pro komunikaci a lokalizaci. Pro účely vytvoření integrovaného inteligentního dopravního systému ITS (Intelligent transportation system) je důležitý odhad vlastnosti kanálů pro vnitřní a venkovní scénáře. Za tímto účelem je vhodné provést řadu činností, které jsou obsahem disertační práce: Simulace fyzické vrstvy 802.11p, její srovnávání s 802.11a, měření kanálu pro různé scénáře pro 802.11p a pro širokopásmový systém (UWB), vytvoření modelů kanálů pro 802.11p a UWB a výzkum vlastností lokalizace založené na měření v pásmu UWB. Výzkum komunikace vozidla s okolím založená na IEEE 802.11p standardu. Jedním z cílů disertační práce je ukázat rozdíly mezi standardy fyzické vrstvy IEEE 802.11a a IEEE 802.11p prostřednictvím simulace s použitím modelu kanálu HIPERPLAN/2. V práci je uvedena simulace přenosu signálu 802.11p kanálem ITU-R M.1225 s odlišným zpožděním a středním výkonem (pro chodce a vozidla). Vliv kanálu na signál je analyzován za použití simulace v prostředí MATLABu pomocí vyhodnocení chybovosti. Určení vlastností kanálů v kmitočtovém pásmu 5,8 GHz pro standard IEEE 802.11p a UWB. Experimenty byly prováděny pro vnitřní a vnější prostředí vozidla. Bylo zjištěno, že pro protokol 802.11p může být trend (dlouhodobý vývoj) profilu PDP (power delay profile) nejlépe aproximován pomocí modelu obsahujícího dvě klesající exponenciální funkce, na rozdíl od Saleh-Valenzuelova (S-V) modelu, který je více vhodný pro UWB systémy pracující v pásmu 3 až 11 GHz. Vytvoření odpovídající impulzní odezvy (CIR) s využitím trendu PDP. Informace o CIR byla použita pro simulaci 802.11p za účelem vyhodnocení chybovosti při použití Ricianova modelu. Výsledky odhadu BER ukazují vhodnost protokolu pro vnitřní a vnější prostředí bezdrátových aplikací. Výsledky simulací dále ukazují, že se chybovost zásadně nemění a proto je možné určit střední křivku BER pro celou sadu změřených dat. Určení vlivu malé změny polohy antény na vlastnosti kanálu. Práce ukazuje náhodnost parametrů UWB kanálu pro malé změny polohy antény okolo vozidla, zaparkovaného v podzemní garáži. Ztráty šířením jsou monotónně rostoucí se vzdáleností, avšak náhodně se mění v závislosti na úhlu a výšce antén, a proto je vyhodnocení vzdálenosti pomocí síly signálu pro tyto scénáře nevhodné. Na druhé straně může být pro spolehlivé určení vzdálenosti bez ohledu na úhel nebo výšku antény použita doba příchodu prvního svazku. Ověření vlivu změn konfigurace kanálu na parametry S-V modelu. Práce demonstruje závislost parametrů Saleh-Valenzuela modelu v na vzdálenosti a výšce antén, avšak ukazuje, že jejich průměrné hodnoty jsou blízké IEEE 802.15.3 standardu. Ověření možnosti lokalizace pomocí metody TOA (time of arrival). Vzdálenost mezi anténami byla určena z profilu PDP s využitím lineární závislosti vzdálenosti na zpoždění. Souřadnice vysílací antény byly nalezeny pomocí dvou přijímacích antén pomocí 2-D lokalizační techniky TOA. Porovnání vypočtených souřadnic s původními vykazuje chybu menší než 6%, což ukazuje vhodnost navrženého přístupu pro lokalizaci vozidel.The dissertation is focused on channel measurements and modeling for vehicle-to-X communication and on localization. In order to realize an integrated intelligent transportation system (ITS), it is important to estimate channel features for intra-vehicle and out-of-vehicle scenarios. For this propose the following activities are carried out: simulation of the 802.11p PHY; comparison with 802.11a; channel measurements for different scenarios based on the 802.11p and ultra-wideband (UWB); creating channel models for 802.11p and UWB; UWB measurements to assess performance of localization. The vehicle-to-X communication is supposed on the IEEE 802.11p standard. The dissertation presents the differences between IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11p physical layer standards through the simulation results of the transmission over a HIPERPLAN/2 channel. Further, the simulation of the 802.11p signal transmission over ITU-R M.1225 channel, which includes pedestrian and vehicle models with different relative delays and average power, is presented. The influence of the channel on the signal is analyzed using MATLAB simulation in terms of bit error rate (BER). The dissertation reports vehicular channel measurements in the frequency band of 5.8 GHz for IEEE 802.11p standard and for UWB (3-11 GHz). Experiments for both intra-vehicle and out-of-vehicle environments are carried out. It was observed that the large-scale variations (LSVs) of the power delay profiles (PDPs) can be best approximated through a two-term exponential decay model for the 802.11p protocol, in contrast to the Saleh-Valenzuela (S-V) model which is suitable for UWB systems. For each measurement, the LSV trend was used to construct the respective channel impulse response (CIR). Next, the CIR is used in 802.11p simulation to evaluate the BER performance, following a Rician model. The results of the BER simulation shows the suitability of the protocol for in-car as well as out-of-car wireless applications. The simulation for out-of-car parameters indicate that the error performances do not vary much and it is possible to determine an average BER curve for the whole set of data. The randomness in UWB channel for small positional variations around a car, parked in an underground garage, is reported. The path loss (PL) is found to be monotonically increasing with distance but varies randomly with angle and height and thereby renders signal strength based ranging inaccurate for such scenarios. On the other hand, arrival time of the first ray can be used for reliable estimation of distance, independent on transmitter angle or height. The number of clusters in the PDP is reduced with distance but the nature of the profile remains fairly consistent with angle. The S-V model parameters also vary with distance and height but their average values are close to the IEEE 802.15.3 recommended channel model. For localization applications the distance between the antennas is calculated exploiting the linear dependence of distance on delay from PDP. The coordinates of a transmitting antenna are found with the help of two receiving antennas following a two-dimensional (2-D) time-of-arrival (TOA) based localization technique. A comparison of the calculated coordinates with the original ones exhibits an error of less than 6% which supports the suitability of the proposed approach for localization of the cars.

    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Optimising lower layers of the protocol stack to improve communication performance in a wireless temperature sensor network

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    The function of wireless sensor networks is to monitor events or gather information and report the information to a sink node, a central location or a base station. It is a requirement that the information is transmitted through the network efficiently. Wireless communication is the main activity that consumes energy in wireless sensor networks through idle listening, overhearing, interference and collision. It becomes essential to limit energy usage while maintaining communication between the sensor nodes and the sink node as the nodes die after the battery has been exhausted. Thus, conserving energy in a wireless sensor network is of utmost importance. Numerous methods to decrease energy expenditure and extend the lifetime of the network have been proposed. Researchers have devised methods to efficiently utilise the limited energy available for wireless sensor networks by optimising the design parameters and protocols. Cross-layer optimisation is an approach that has been employed to improve wireless communication. The essence of cross-layer scheme is to optimise the exchange and control of data between two or more layers to improve efficiency. The number of transmissions is therefore a vital element in evaluating overall energy usage. In this dissertation, a Markov Chain model was employed to analyse the tuning of two layers of the protocol stack, namely the Physical Layer (PHY) and Media Access Control layer (MAC), to find possible energy gains. The study was conducted utilising the IEEE 802.11 channel, SensorMAC (SMAC) and Slotted-Aloha (S-Aloha) medium access protocols in a star topology Wireless Temperature Sensor Network (WTSN). The research explored the prospective energy gains that could be realised through optimizing the Forward Error Correction (FEC) rate. Different Reed Solomon codes were analysed to explore the effect of protocol tuning on energy efficiency, namely transmission power, modulation method, and channel access. The case where no FEC code was used and analysed as the control condition. A MATLAB simulation model was used to identify the statistics of collisions, overall packets transmitted, as well as the total number of slots used during the transmission phase. The bit error probability results computed analytically were utilised in the simulation model to measure the probability of successful transmitting data in the physical layer. The analytical values and the simulation results were compared to corroborate the correctness of the models. The results indicate that energy gains can be accomplished by the suggested layer tuning approach.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    Assessment and Real Time Implementation of Wireless Communications Systems and Applications in Transportation Systems

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e das Comunicacións en Redes Móbiles. 5029V01[Resumo] Os sistemas de comunicación sen fíos de cuarta e quinta xeración (4G e 5G) utilizan unha capa física (PHY) baseada en modulacións multiportadora para a transmisión de datos cun gran ancho de banda. Este tipo de modulacións proporcionan unha alta eficiencia espectral á vez que permiten corrixir de forma sinxela os efectos da canle radio. Estes sistemas utilizan OFDMA como mecanismo para a repartición dos recursos radio dispoñibles entre os diferentes usuarios. Este repartimento realízase asignando un subconxunto de subportadoras a cada usuario nun instante de tempo determinado. Isto aporta unha gran flexibilidade ó sistema que lle permite adaptarse tanto ós requisitos de calidade de servizo dos usuarios como ó estado da canle radio. A capa de acceso ó medio (MAC) destes sistemas encárgase de configurar os diversos parámetros proporcionados pola capa física OFDMA, ademais de xestionar os diversos fluxos de información de cada usuario, transformando os paquetes de capas superiores en paquetes da capa física. Neste traballo estúdase o deseño e implementación das capas MAC e PHY de sistemas de comunicación 4G ademais da súa aplicabilidade en sistemas de transporte ferroviarios. Por unha parte, abórdase o deseño e implementación en tempo real do estándar WiMAX. Estúdanse os mecanismos necesarios para establecer comunicacións bidireccionais entre unha estación base e múltiples dispositivos móbiles. Ademais, estúdase como realizar esta implementación nunha arquitectura hardware baseada en DSPs e FPGAs, na que se implementan as capas MAC e PHY. Dado que esta arquitectura ten uns recursos computacionais limitados, tamén se estudan as necesidades de cada módulo do sistema para poder garantir o funcionamento en tempo real do sistema completo. Por outra parte, tamén se estuda a aplicabilidade dos sistemas 4G a sistemas de transporte públicos. Os sistemas de comunicacións e sinalización son unha parte vital para os sistemas de transporte ferroviario e metro. As comunicacións sen fíos utilizadas por estes sistemas deben ser robustas e proporcionar unha alta fiabilidade para permitir a supervisión, control e seguridade do tráfico ferroviario. Para levar a cabo esta avaliación de viabilidade realízanse simulacións de redes de comunicacións LTE en contornos de transporte ferroviarios, comprobando o cumprimento dos requisitos de fiabilidade e seguridade. Realízanse diferentes simulacións do sistema de comunicacións para poder ser avaliadas e seleccionar a configuración e arquitectura do sistema máis axeitada en función do escenario considerado. Tamén se efectúan simulacións de redes baseadas en Wi-Fi, dado que é a solución máis utilizada nos metros, para confrontar os resultados cos obtidos para LTE. Para que os resultados das simulacións sexan realistas débense empregar modelos de propagación radio axeitados. Nas simulacións utilízanse tanto modelos deterministas como modelos baseados nos resultados de campañas de medida realizadas nestes escenarios. Nas simulacións empréganse os diferentes fluxos de información destes escenarios para comprobar que se cumpren os requisitos de calidade de servicio (QoS). Por exemplo, os fluxos críticos para o control ferroviario, como European Train Control System (ETCS) ou Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC), necesitan unha alta fiabilidade e un retardo mínimo nas comunicacións para garantir o correcto funcionamento do sistema.[Resumen] Los sistemas de comunicación inalámbricos de cuarta y quinta generación (4G y 5G) utilizan una capa física (PHY) basada en modulaciones multiportadora para la transmisión de datos con un gran ancho de banda. Este tipo de modulaciones han demostrado tener una alta eficiencia espectral a la vez que permiten corregir de forma sencilla los efectos del canal radio. Estos sistemas utilizan OFDMA como mecanismo para el reparto de los recursos radio disponibles entre los diferentes usuarios. Este reparto se realiza asignando un subconjunto de subportadoras a cada usuario en un instante de tiempo determinado. Esto aporta una gran flexibilidad al sistema que le permite adaptarse tanto a los requisitos de calidad de servicio de los usuarios como al estado del canal radio. La capa de acceso al medio (MAC) de estos sistemas se encarga de configurar los diversos parámetros proporcionados por la capa física OFDMA, además de gestionar los diversos flujos de información de cada usuario, transformando los paquetes de capas superiores en paquetes de la capa física. En este trabajo se estudia el diseño e implementación de las capas MAC y PHY de sistemas de comunicación 4G además de su aplicabilidad en sistemas de transporte ferroviarios. Por una parte, se aborda el diseño e implementación en tiempo real del estándar WiMAX. Se estudian los mecanismos necesarios para establecer comunicaciones bidireccionales entre una estación base y múltiples dispositivos móviles. Además, se estudia cómo realizar esta implementación en una arquitectura hardware basada en DSPs y FPGAs, en la que se implementan las capas MAC y PHY. Dado que esta arquitectura tiene unos recursos computacionales limitados, también se estudian las necesidades de cada módulo del sistema para poder garantizar el funcionamiento en tiempo real del sistema completo. Por otra parte, también se estudia la aplicabilidad de los sistemas 4G a sistemas de transporte públicos. Los sistemas de comunicaciones y señalización son una parte vital para los sistemas de transporte ferroviario y metro. Las comunicaciones inalámbricas utilizadas por estos sistemas deben ser robustas y proporcionar una alta fiabilidad para permitir la supervisión, control y seguridad del tráfico ferroviario. Para llevar a cabo esta evaluación de viabilidad se realizan simulaciones de redes de comunicaciones LTE en entornos de transporte ferroviarios, comprobando si se cumplen los requisitos de fiabilidad y seguridad. Se realizan diferentes simulaciones del sistema de comunicaciones para poder ser evaluados y seleccionar la configuración y arquitectura del sistema más adecuada en función del escenario planteado. También se efectúan simulaciones de redes basadas en Wi-Fi, dado que es la solución más utilizada en los metros, para comparar los resultados con los obtenidos para LTE. Para que los resultados de las simulaciones sean realistas se deben utilizar modelos de propagación radio apropiados. En las simulaciones se utilizan tanto modelos deterministas como modelos basados en los resultados de campañas de medida realizadas en estos escenarios. En las simulaciones se utilizan los diferentes flujos de información de estos escenarios para comprobar que se cumplen sus requisitos de calidad de servicio. Por ejemplo, los flujos críticos para el control ferroviario, como European Train Control System (ETCS) o Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC), necesitan una alta fiabilidad y un retardo bajo en las comunicaciones para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento del sistema.[Abstract] The fourth and fifth generation wireless communication systems (4G and 5G) use a physical layer (PHY) based on multicarrier modulations for data transmission using high bandwidth. This type of modulations has shown to provide high spectral efficiency while allowing low complexity radio channel equalization. These systems use OFDMA as a mechanism for distributing the available radio resources among different users. This allocation is done by assigning a subset of subcarriers to each user in a given instant of time. This provides great flexibility to the system that allows it to adapt to both the quality of service requirements of users and the radio channel state. The media access layer (MAC) of these systems is in charge of configuring the multiple OFDMA PHY layer parameters, in addition to managing the data flows of each user, transforming the higher layer packets into PHY layer packets. This work studies the design and implementation of MAC and PHY layers of 4G communication systems as well as their applicability in rail transport systems. On the one hand, the design and implementation in real time of the WiMAX standard is addressed. The required mechanisms to establish bidirectional communications between a base station and several mobile devices are also evaluated. Moreover, a MAC layer and PHY layer implementation is presented, using a hardware architecture based in DSPs and FPGAs. Since this architecture has limited computational resources, the requirements of each processing block of the system are also studied in order to guarantee the real time operation of the complete system. On the other hand, the applicability of 4G systems to public transportation systems is also studied. Communications and signaling systems are a vital part of rail and metro transport systems. The wireless communications used by these systems must be robust and provide high reliability to enable the supervision, control and safety of rail traffic. To carry out this feasibility assessment, LTE communications network simulations are performed in rail transport environments to verify that reliability and safety requirements are met. Several simulations are carried out in order to evaluate the system performance and select the most appropriate system configuration in each case. Simulations of Wi-Fi based networks are also carried out, since it is the most used solution in subways, to compare the results with those obtained for LTE. To perform the simulations correctly, appropriate radio propagation models must be used. Both deterministic models and models based on the results of measurement campaigns in these scenarios are used in the simulations. The simulations use the different information flows present in the railway transportation systems to verify that its quality of service requirements are met. For example, critical flows for railway control, such as the European Train Control System (ETCS) or Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC), require high reliability and low delay communications to ensure the proper functioning of the system