54 research outputs found

    The interior of axisymmetric and stationary black holes: Numerical and analytical studies

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    We investigate the interior hyperbolic region of axisymmetric and stationary black holes surrounded by a matter distribution. First, we treat the corresponding initial value problem of the hyperbolic Einstein equations numerically in terms of a single-domain fully pseudo-spectral scheme. Thereafter, a rigorous mathematical approach is given, in which soliton methods are utilized to derive an explicit relation between the event horizon and an inner Cauchy horizon. This horizon arises as the boundary of the future domain of dependence of the event horizon. Our numerical studies provide strong evidence for the validity of the universal relation \Ap\Am = (8\pi J)^2 where \Ap and \Am are the areas of event and inner Cauchy horizon respectively, and JJ denotes the angular momentum. With our analytical considerations we are able to prove this relation rigorously.Comment: Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE 2010, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Integrable systems and their finite-dimensional reductions

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    Regularized degenerate multi-solitons

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    We report complex PT-symmetric multi-soliton solutions to the Korteweg de-Vries equation that asymptotically contain one-soliton solutions, with each of them possessing the same amount of finite real energy. We demonstrate how these solutions originate from degenerate energy solutions of the Schrödinger equation. Technically this is achieved by the application of Darboux-Crum transformations involving Jordan states with suitable regularizing shifts. Alternatively they may be constructed from a limiting process within the context Hirota’s direct method or on a nonlinear superposition obtained from multiple Bäcklund transformations. The proposed procedure is completely generic and also applicable to other types of nonlinear integrable systems

    Twistor Theory of Higher-Dimensional Black Holes

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    The correspondence of stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically flat space-times and bundles over a reduced twistor space has been established in four dimensions. The main impediment for an application of this correspondence to examples in higher dimensions is the lack of a higher-dimensional equivalent of the Ernst potential. This thesis will propose such a generalized Ernst potential, point out where the rod structure of the space-time can be found in the twistor picture and thereby provide a procedure for generating solutions to the Einstein field equations in higher dimensions from the rod structure, other asymptotic data, and the requirement of a regular axis. Examples in five dimensions are studied and necessary tools are developed, in particular rules for the transition between different adaptations of the patching matrix and rules for the elimination of conical singularities.Comment: DPhil Thesis (University of Oxford, submitted February 2012), 119 pages, 15 figure

    On self-dual Yang-Mills fields on special complex surfaces

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    We derive a generalization of the flat space Yang's and Newman's equations for self-dual Yang-Mills fields to (locally) conformally Kahler Riemannian 4-manifolds. The results also apply to Einstein metrics (whose full curvature is not necessarily self-dual). We analyse the possibility of hidden symmetries in the form of Backlund transformations, and we find a continuous group of hidden symmetries only for the case in which the geometry is conformally half-flat. No isometries are assumed

    A class of third order partial differential equations describing spherical or pseudospherical surfaces

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    Third order equations, which describe spherical surfaces (ss) or pseudospherical surfaces (pss), of the form νztλzxxt=A(z,zx,zxx)zxxx+B(z,zx,zxx) \nu\,z_{t}-\lambda\,z_{xxt}=A(z,z_{x},z_{xx})\,z_{xxx}+B(z,z_{x},z_{xx}) with ν\nu, λ\lambda \in R\mathbb{R}, ν2+λ20\nu^2+\lambda^2\neq 0, are considered. These equations are equivalent to the structure equations of a metric with Gaussian curvature K=1K=1 or K=1K=-1, respectively. Alternatively they can be seen as the compatibility condition of an associated su(2)\mathfrak{su}(2)-valued or sl(2,R)\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{R})-valued linear problem, also referred to as a zero curvature representation. Under certain assumptions we obtain an explicit classification for equations of the considered form that describe ss or pss, in terms of some arbitrary differentiable functions. Several examples of such equations, which describe also a number of already known equations, are provided by suitably choosing the arbitrary functions