79 research outputs found

    Split-2 Bisimilarity has a Finite Axiomatization over CCS with<br> Hennessy&#39;s Merge

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    This note shows that split-2 bisimulation equivalence (also known as timed equivalence) affords a finite equational axiomatization over the process algebra obtained by adding an auxiliary operation proposed by Hennessy in 1981 to the recursion, relabelling and restriction free fragment of Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems. Thus the addition of a single binary operation, viz. Hennessy's merge, is sufficient for the finite equational axiomatization of parallel composition modulo this non-interleaving equivalence. This result is in sharp contrast to a theorem previously obtained by the same authors to the effect that the same language is not finitely based modulo bisimulation equivalence

    Axiomatizing ST Bisimulation for a Process Algebra with Recursion and Action Refinement (Extended Abstract)

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    AbstractDue to the complex nature of bisimulation equivalences which express some form of history dependence, it turned out to be problematic to axiomatize them for non trivial classes of systems. Here we introduce the idea of "compositional level-wise renaming" which gives rise to the new possibility of axiomatizing the class of history dependent bisimulations with slight modifications to the machinery for standard bisimulation. We propose two techniques, which are based on this idea, in the special case of the ST semantics, defined for terms of a process algebra with recursion. The first technique, which is more intuitive, is based on dynamic names, allowing weak ST bisimulation to be decided and axiomatized for all processes that possess a finite state interleaving semantics. The second technique, which is based on pointers, preserves the possibility of deciding and axiomatizing weak ST bisimulation also when an action refinement operator P[a Q] is considered

    Truly Concurrent Logic via In-Between Specification

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    AbstractIn order to obtain a formalism for the specification of true concurrency in reactive systems, we modify the μ-calculus such that properties that are valid during the execution of an action can be expressed. The interpretation of this logic is based on transition systems that are used to model the ST-semantics. We show that this logic and step equivalence have an incomparable expressive power. Furthermore, we show that the logic characterizes the ST-bisimulation equivalence for finite process algebra expressions that do not contain synchronization mechanisms

    Process algebra with pointers

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    Abstract. \Ve present a process algebra for mobile processes without bound or free variables. Instead; pointers arc used) that refer back to an action executed in the history of a process. The situation is comparable to a presentation of the '\~cakulus with De Bruijn indices. Note: Report CS~R 02~03) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) Tedmische Universiteit Eindhoven

    Axioms for concurrency

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    A Fully Abstract Denotational Model for Observational Congruence

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    Denotational Model for Observational Congruence Anna Ing olfsd ottir Andrea Schalk BRICS Report Series RS-95-40 ISSN 0909-0878 August 1995 Copyright c fl 1995, BRICS, Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or part of this work is permitted for educational or research use on condition that this copyright notice is included in any copy. See back inner page for a list of recent publications in the BRICS Report Series. Copies may be obtained by contacting: BRICS Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade, building 540 DK - 8000 Aarhus C Denmark Telephone:+45 8942 3360 Telefax: +45 8942 3255 Internet: [email protected] BRICS publications are in general accessible through WWW and anonymous FTP: http://www.brics.aau.dk/BRICS/ ftp ftp.brics.aau.dk (cd pub/BRICS) A Fully Abstract Denotational Model for Observational Congruence Anna Ing&apos;olfsd&apos;ottir BRICS Dep.of Maths and Computer Science ..

    Verification of LOTOS Specifications Using Term Rewriting Techniques

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    Recently the use of formal methods in describing and analysing the behaviour of (computer) systems has become more common. This has resulted in the proliferation of a wide variety of different specification formalisms, together with analytical techniques and methodologies for specification development. The particular specification formalism adopted for this study is LOTOS, an ISO standard formal description technique. Although there are many works dealing with how to write LOTOS specifications and how to develop a LOTOS specification from the initial abstract requirements specification to concrete implementation, relatively few works are concerned with the problems of expressing and proving the correctness of LOTOS specifications, i.e. verification. The main objective of this thesis is to address this shortfall by investigating the meaning of verification as it relates to concurrent systems in general, and in particular to those systems described using LOTUS. Further goals are to automate the verification process using equational reasoning and term rewriting, and also to attempt to make the results of this work, both theoretical and practical, as accessible to LOTOS practitioners as possible. After introducing the LOTUS language and related formalisms, the thesis continues with a survey of approaches to verification of concurrent systems with a view to identifying those approaches suitable for use in verification of properties of systems specified using LOTOS. Both general methodology and specific implementation techniques are considered. As a result of this survey, two useful approaches are identified. Both are based on the technique of expressing the correctness of a LOTUS specification by comparison with another, typically more abstract, specification. The second approach, covered later in the thesis, uses logic for the more abstract specification. The main part of the thesis is concerned with the first approach, in which both specifications are described in LOTUS, and the comparison is expressed by a behavioural equivalence or preorder relation. This approach is further explored by means of proofs based on the paradigm of equational reasoning, implemented by term rewriting. Initially, only Basic LOTUS (i.e. the process algebra) is considered. A complete (i.e. confluent and terminating) rule set for weak bisimulation congruence over a subset of Basic LOTOS is developed using RRL (Rewrite Rule Laboratory). Although fully automatic, this proof technique is found to be insufficient for anything other than finite toy examples. In order to give more power, the rule set is supplemented by an incomplete set of rules expressing the expansion law. The incompleteness of the rule set necessitates the use of a strategy in applying the rules, as indiscriminate application of the rules may lead to non-termination of the rewriting. A case study illustrates the use of these rules, and also the effect of different interpretations of the verification requirement on the outcome of the proof. This proof technique, as a result of the deficiencies of the tool on which it is based, has two major failings: an inability to handle recursion, and no opportunity for user control in the proof. Moving to a different tool, PAM (Process Algebra Manipulator), allows correction of these faults, but at the cost of automation. The new implementation acts merely as computerised pencil and paper, although tactics can be defined which allow some degree of automation. Equations may be applied in either direction, therefore completion is no longer as important. (Note that the tactic language could be used to describe a a complete set of rules which would give an automatic proof technique, therefore some effort towards completion is still desirable. However, since LOTOS weak bisimulation congruence is undecidable, there can never be a complete rule set for deciding equivalence of terms from the full LOTUS language.) The composition of the rule set is re-considered, with a. view to using alternative axiomatisations of weak bisimulation congruence: two main axiomatisations are described and their relative merits compared. The axiomatisation of other LOTUS relations is also considered. In particular, we consider the pitfalls of axiomatising the cred preorder relation. In order to demonstrate the use of the PAM proof system developed, the case study, modified to use recursion, is re-examined. Four other examples taken from the literature, one substantial, the others fairly small, are also investigated to further demonstrate the applicability of the PAM proof system to a variety of examples. The above approach considers Basic LOTUS only; to be more generally applicable the verification of properties of full LOTOS specifications (i.e. including abstract data types) must also be studied. Methods for proving the equivalence of full LOTUS specifications are examined, including a modification of the technique used successfully above. The application of this technique is illustrated via proofs of the equivalence of three variants of the well-known stack example

    A Categorical Axiomatics for Bisimulation

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