978 research outputs found

    Analysis and Simulation of the Signals Transmission in the DVB-H/SH Standards

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá analýzou, simulací a měřením zpracování a přenosu signálů digitální televize pro příjem mobilního TV vysílání ve standardech DVB-H a DVB-SH. Tyto standardy vycházejí z předpokladu, že příjem signálu je charakterizován modely přenosových kanálů s vícecestným šířením. Tyto, tzv. únikové kanály, jsou charakterizovány hlavně zpožděním a ziskem jednotlivých cest. V závislosti na dalších parametrech (rychlost přijímače, Dopplerovské spektrum), je možné rozdělit únikové kanály do třech hlavních skupin: mobilní, přenosné a fixní. Dá se předpokládat, že v různých modelech kanálů bude přenášený signál různě ovlivněn. Proto je potřebné najít optimální parametry systémů (DVB-H/SH) pro kvalitní příjem vysílaných služeb mobilní televize, což je hlavním cílem této disertační práci. Pro tento účel byly vytvořeny dvě vhodné aplikace (jedna pro DVB-H a jedna pro DVB-SH) s GUI v prostředí MATLAB, které umožňují simulovat a analyzovat míru zkreslení signálu v případě mobilních, přenosných a fixních scénářů přenosu. Navíc, tyto aplikace obsahují i druhý samostatný simulátor pro nastavení a modifikaci parametrů jednotlivých přenosových cest. Díky tomu je možné zhodnotit vliv parametrů celého systému a kanálových modelů na dosaženou chybovost (BER a MER) a kvalitu přenosu. Ve všech přenosových scénářích (v závislosti na poměru C/N) byly získané, vyhodnocené a diskutované zkreslení signálů. Navíc, u standardu DVB-H, všechny získané výsledky ze simulací byly ověřeny měřením. Rozdíly mezi dosaženými výsledky (simulace a měření) byly rovněž podrobeny diskuzi. Tuto disertační práci je možné rozdělit do čtyř hlavních částí. První část disertační práce se zabývá rešerší současného vývoje v oblasti digitálního televizního vysílání na mobilní terminály ve standardech DVB-H/SH. Na konci této části jsou jasně popsány cíle této disertační práce. Druhá část práce je zaměřená na stručný popis blokového diagramu vysílačů v obou standardech DVB-H/SH. Dále jsou stručně popsány modely přenosových kanálů, které se používají pro modelování přenosu signálu. Stručný popis vytvořených aplikací, i s vývojovým diagramem, které jsou vhodné pro simulaci a analýzu přenosu v DVB-H/SH, jsou popsány v třetí části práce. Čtvrtá a nejdelší část této disertační práce se zabývá vyhodnocením získaných výsledků ze simulací a měření.This dissertation thesis deals with the analysis, simulation and measurement of the signal processing and transmission in DVB-H and DVB-SH standards. These standards are based on the assumption that signal reception is characterized by the transmission channels with echoes. These, so called fading channels, are mainly characterized by the path delays and path losses. Depending on the other, additional features (speed of the receiver, Doppler spectrum, etc.), it can be possible divided these channels onto three main groups: mobile, portable and fixed. Of course, signal transmission in different transmission channel models are affected differently. Therefore, it is needed found the optimal system parameters in both, DVB-H and DVB-SH standards, for the quality reception of the broadcasted mobile TV services, which is the main goal of this thesis. For this purpose, two appropriate applications (one for DVB-H and one for DVB-SH) with GUI were created in MATLAB, which enable simulated and analyzed the signal distortions in mobile, portable and fixed transmission scenarios. Moreover, these applications also contain a second application with GUI for the easy set and modification of the parameters of the used channel models. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the effect of parameters of whole system and channel models on the achieved error rate (BER and MER) and quality of the transmission. In all mentioned transmission scenarios, the signal distortions (depending on the Carrier-to-Noise ratio) were obtained, evaluated and discussed in this dissertation thesis. Furthermore, in case of DVB-H, all obtained results from the simulations, were verified by the measuring. Differences between the obtained results (simulation and measuring) are also discussed. This dissertation thesis can be divided into four main parts. The first part of this dissertation thesis, after the short introduction, deals with present state-of-the-art and literature survey in mobile broadcast DVB-H/SH standards. At the end of this part are clearly outlined the main aims of this dissertation thesis. Second part is focused on the brief description of the functional block diagram of transmitters in both, DVB-H/SH standards. Furthermore, there are briefly described the transmission fading channel models, which are commonly used for the modeling of the signal transmission. The brief description of program applications with flowcharts, appropriate for the simulation of the transmission in the DVB-H/SH standards, are presented and described in the third part of this thesis. Finally, the fourth and longest part of this thesis is focused on the evaluation and comparison of obtained results from the simulations and measurements.

    Soluções de broadcast para redes 4G

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de TelecomunicaçõesA primeira difusão de conteúdos video e audio teve um forte impacto no quotidiano da população que assistiu a uma revolução nos modelos de transmissão de informação e de entretenimento. A evolução desde então foi significativa, e já na era digital, encontramo-nos face a uma nova sub-elevação da metodologia e do conceito subjacentes à transmissão de conteudos multimédia. O mundo actual apresenta, contudo, diferentes requisitos, de entre os quais se destacam a procura pela alta definição e mobilidade. A mobilidade tem sido um particular foco de atenção por parte dos operadores que exploram agora modelos para entregar uma vasta gama de serviços que sejam atractivos para os utilizadores. Esta dissertação apresenta um sumário das tecnologias emergentes de broadcast que se distinguem nas várias partes do mundo com a sua particular incidência geográfica, características e cenários de aplicação. É ainda apresentada uma arquitectura 4G abordando assuntos inerentes à mobilidade e qualidade de serviço com particular incidência nos aspectos relacionados com a integração de uma tecnologia de broadcast particular. Para avaliação da arquitectura proposta foram efectuados estudos com base num equipamento de broadcast na sua versão comercial, permitindo desta forma obter uma análise que ilustra o que os operadores podem esperar do estado actual dos dispositivos. Os resultados permitiram retirar ilações sobre o comportamento de um equipamento considerado como um produto final a disponibilizar aos operadores, quando integrado num ambiente 4G com suporte de mobilidade e QoS. Nomeadamente é discutida a sua aplicabildiade tendo em linha de conta as desvantagens introduzidas pelas características inerentes à própria tecnologia.Broadcast of video and audio through analogical television completely changed the paradigm of information and entertainment divulgation. Today, in the “digital era”, the Analogue Switch Off revolution is being held. Manufacturers and operators already show concerns regarding the support of mobility, quality of experience and of service. Delivering competitive High Definition contents and providing solutions for the average “on-the-move” user are two of the most important issues to be dealt by the service providers, which are also within the analysis scope of this work. This dissertation presents an overview on the most relevant broadcast technologies which are assumed to be of relative acceptance in their respective target market. It presents their main characteristics and applicability. 4G architectural concepts are also analyzed, closely dealing with mobility and quality of service provisioning, with particular focus on the seamless integration of broadcast technologies. As a mean to evaluate the feasibility of integrating broadcast technologies with 4G architectures, a performance evaluation study was performed using commercial equipment. In this way a several set of considerations constructed illustrating the features and functionalities which operators can expect or disregard from professional commercial broadcasting devices. Results allow the withdrawing of conclusions concerning the integration of a final broadcasting solution when incorporated within a 4G environment with QoS and mobility support. Its applicability is evaluated having in mind the performance drawbacks introduced by the specific technology, and generalized towards the gathering of more general conclusions which consider the main characteristics of the commercial broadcasting devices

    Mecanismos de mobilidade rápida com suporte de QdS

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA área das redes de comunicações está, neste momento, a deparar-se com um novo paradigma causado pela tendência de convergência de redes sem fios e celulares. Desta convergência resultará a existência de uma camada de rede integradora, para facilitar o suporte de mecanismos de Qualidade de Serviço e mobilidade. Aqui, o suporte de mobilidade rápida e transparente, sem ser perceptível pelo utilizador, tem sido alvo de muita atenção, apesar de ainda existirem algumas limitações no seu suporte. A mobilidade transparente entre redes celulares, sem fios e fixas, é ambicionada mas ainda não foi alcançada. O trabalho realizado nesta Dissertação consiste na descrição, especificação, implementação e teste de uma nova arquitectura de mobilidade sobre o protocolo IP. Esta arquitectura é baseada no protocolo de mobilidade Mobility Support for IPv6 e em extensões de Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6, sendo capaz de efectuar handovers iniciados pelo terminal e pela rede. A mobilidade é transparente entre tecnologias de acesso heterogéneas, através da integração de mecanismos de qualidade de serviço, tais como autorização de handovers, controlo de acesso, reserva e atribuição de recursos no novo ponto de ligação e também integrada com subsistemas de autenticação. São também propostos outros mecanismos de mobilidade rápida que fazem uso do protocolo multicast para distribuir os fluxos de tráfego direccionados ao terminal, pelos routers de acesso vizinhos, permitindo que os terminais móveis mudem para qualquer router de acesso na vizinhança sem interrupção dos serviços em curso. Estes mecanismos foram projectados para terminais móveis com grandes requisitos de mobilidade. No âmbito do projecto IST Daidalos foi efectuada a integração de uma rede de próxima geração (4G) de forma a permitir a realização de testes de desempenho e conformidade aos mecanismos propostos. A presente Dissertação efectua uma avaliação de desempenho de uma arquitectura de mobilidade, em cenários intra- e inter-tecnologia, numa rede de testes real. Nesta avaliação foram utilizadas as métricas de atraso, jitter e perdas de pacotes nas fases de preparação e execução do handover. O impacto deste processo em comunicações de dados sobre TCP e UDP é também analisado. A arquitectura e os resultados obtidos no demonstrador real são apresentados e discutidos. ABSTRACT: The field of network communications is, nowadays, facing a new paradigm caused by the forthcoming convergence of cellular and wireless data networks, which seems unavoidable. This convergence will result on an integration layer, to ease the support for Quality of Service and mobility mechanisms. Here, the support for fast and seamless mobility, not perceptible by the user, has been getting much attention, although several limitations still exist in this support. Seamless mobility between cellular, wireless and wired data networks is envisioned, but not yet achieved. The work performed in the scope of this thesis aims to describe, specify, implement and test a novel mobility architecture based on the IP protocol. This architecture is based on the mobility protocol Mobility Support for IPv6 and on extensions of Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 RFCs, and is able to provide mobile terminal and network initiated handovers. The mobility is seamless across heterogeneous access technologies, by integrating Quality of Service mechanisms, such as handover authorization, access control, resources reservation and allocation at the new point of attachment, also integrated with an authentication sub-system. Other novel fast mobility mechanisms are also proposed, which make use of the multicast protocol to distribute the traffic flows directed to the terminal during the handover process among the neighbour access routers, allowing the terminal to handover to any access router in the vicinity without disruption of the ongoing services. These latter mechanisms were designed to mobile terminals with high mobility requirements. In the scope of the IST Daidalos framework an integration process of a next generation (4G) network was carried out in order to perform performance and compliance tests to the proposed mechanisms. Furthermore, this thesis also evaluates the performance of a mobility architecture, both in intra and intertechnology scenarios, in a real testbed. In this evaluation were considered metrics such as packet delay, jitter and loss of the handover in its preparation and execution phases. The impact of the handover on ongoing TCP and UDP data communications is also addressed. The architecture and results obtained from the real demonstrator are also presented and discussed

    Lightweight mobile and wireless systems: technologies, architectures, and services

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    1Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICSE), University of the Aegean, 81100 Mytilene, Greece 2Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento, 38123 Trento, Italy 3Department of Informatics, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 574 00 Macedonia, Greece 4Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), 08860 Barcelona, Spain 5North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC 27695, US

    Connection robustness for wireless moving networks using transport layer multi-homing

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    Given any form of mobility management through wireless communication, one useful enhancement is improving the reliability and robustness of transport-layer connections in a heterogeneous mobile environment. This is particularly true in the case of mobile networks with multiple vertical handovers. In this thesis, issues and challenges in mobility management for mobile terminals in such a scenario are addressed, and a number of techniques to facilitate and improve efficiency and the QoS for such a handover are proposed and investigated. These are initially considered in an end-to-end context and all protocols and changes happened in the middleware of the connection where the network is involved with handover issues and end user transparency is satisfied. This thesis begins by investigating mobility management solutions particularly the transport layer models, also making significant observation pertinent to multi-homing for moving networks in general. A new scheme for transport layer tunnelling based on SCTP is proposed. Consequently a novel protocol to handle seamless network mobility in heterogeneous mobile networks, named nSCTP, is proposed. Efficiency of this protocol in relation to QoS for handover parameters in an end-to-end connection while wired and wireless networks are available is considered. Analytically and experimentally it has been proved that this new scheme can significantly increase the throughput, particularly when the mobile networks roam frequently. The detailed plan for the future improvements and expansion is also provided.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Network-Assisted Handover for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks using IEEE 802.21

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    The IEEE 802.21 is a standard for enabling handover in heterogeneous wireless networks. Published in January 2009, it defines protocols and messages for mobile-to-node and node-to-node communication in a technology-neutral and flexible manner. The need arises because of the widespread diffusion of different technologies for wireless communications (e.g., WiFi, WiMAX, LTE) coexisting in the same geographical area. Even though the number of multi-radio multi-technology mobile devices is increasing significantly, there are no open solutions in the market to enable efficient inter-technology handover. As is often the case with communication standards, the structure of the required components, the procedures, and the algorithms are left unspecified by the IEEE 802.21 standard so as to promote competion by differentiation of equipment capabilities and services. The contribution of this thesis is two-fold: i) a design and an implemenation of the Media Independent Information Service (MIIS) server; and, ii) a solution to enable network-assisted handover using the IEEE 802.21 standard, aimed at reducing the handover latency and the energy consumption of mobile devices due to scanning. The MIIS server has been fully implemented in C++ under Linux. In order to perform testbed evaluations, all the required components have been implemented, as well, within an open source framework for IEEE 802.21 called ODTONE. Modifications to the latter have been performed for optimization and fine tuning, and for extending those functional modules needed but not fully implemented. For a realistic evaluation, Linux-based embedded COTS devices have been used, equipped with multiple IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11g wireless network interface cards. This has required additional development for kernel/user space binding and hardware control. Testbed results are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed solution, also proving the MIIS server scalability