192 research outputs found

    A Re-Appraisal of the Effect of Amplitude on the Stability of Interlimb Coordination Based on Tightened Normalization Procedures

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    The stability of rhythmic interlimb coordination is governed by the coupling between limb movements. While it is amply documented how coordinative performance depends on movement frequency, theoretical considerations and recent empirical findings suggest that interlimb coupling (and hence coordinative stability) is actually mediated more by movement amplitude. Here, we present the results of a reanalysis of the data of Post, Peper, and Beek (2000), which were collected in an experiment aimed at teasing apart the effects of frequency and amplitude on coordinative stability of both steady-state and perturbed in-phase and antiphase interlimb coordination. The dataset in question was selected because we found indications that the according results were prone to artifacts, which may have obscured the potential effects of amplitude on the post-perturbation stability of interlimb coordination. We therefore redid the same analysis based on movement signals that were normalized each half-cycle for variations in oscillation center and movement frequency. With this refined analysis we found that (1) stability of both steady-state and perturbed coordination indeed seemed to depend more on amplitude than on movement frequency per se, and that (2) whereas steady-state antiphase coordination became less stable with increasing frequency for prescribed amplitudes, in-phase coordination became more stable at higher frequencies. Such effects may have been obscured in previous studies due to (1) unnoticed changes in performed amplitudes, and/or (2) artifacts related to inappropriate data normalization. The results of the present reanalysis therefore give cause for reconsidering the relation between the frequency, amplitude, and stability of interlimb coordination

    Development of temporal and spatial bimanual coordination during childhood

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    Developmental changes in bimanual coordination were examined in four age groups: 6/7, 10/11, 14/15 years, and young adults. Temporal coupling was assessed through the stabilizing contributions of interlimb interactions related to planning, error correction, and reflexes during rhythmic wrist movements, by comparing various unimanual and bimanual tasks involving passive and active movements. Spatial coupling was assessed via bimanual line-circle drawing. With increasing age, temporal stability improved. Relative contributions of planning and reflex interactions to the achieved stability did not change, whereas error correction improved. In-phase and antiphase coordination developed at similar rates; implications of this result were discussed in terms of mirror-activity inhibition. Overall spatial drawing performance (circularity, variability, smoothness) improved with age, and spatial interference was smaller in adults than children. Whereas temporal coupling increased from 6/7 years to adulthood, spatial coupling changed mainly after 14/15 years. This difference in the development of temporal and spatial coupling corresponds to the anterior-posterior direction of corpus callosum myelination as reported in the literature

    Alpha Band Signatures of Social Synchrony

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    Previous research has reported changes in mu rhythm, the central rhythm of the alpha frequency band, in both intentional and spontaneous interpersonal coordination. The current study was designed to extend existing findings on social synchrony to the pendulum swinging task and simultaneously measured time unfolding behavioral synchrony and EEG estimation of mu activity during spontaneous, intentional in-phase and intentional anti-phase interpersonal coordination. As expected, the behavioral measures of synchrony demonstrated the expected pattern of weak synchronization for spontaneous coordination, moderate synchronization for intentional anti-phase coordination, and strong synchronization for in-phase coordination. With respect to the EEG measures, we found evidence for mu enhancement for spontaneous coordination in contrast to mu suppression for intentional coordination (both in phase and anti-phase), with higher levels of synchronization associated with higher levels of mu suppression in the right hemisphere. The implications of the research findings and methodology for understanding the underlying mechanisms contributing to social problems in psychological disorders, leader-follower relationships, and inter-brain dynamics are discussed

    Behavioral Impact of Unisensory and Multisensory Audio-Tactile Events: Pros and Cons for Interlimb Coordination in Juggling

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    Recent behavioral neuroscience research revealed that elementary reactive behavior can be improved in the case of cross-modal sensory interactions thanks to underlying multisensory integration mechanisms. Can this benefit be generalized to an ongoing coordination of movements under severe physical constraints? We choose a juggling task to examine this question. A central issue well-known in juggling lies in establishing and maintaining a specific temporal coordination among balls, hands, eyes and posture. Here, we tested whether providing additional timing information about the balls and hands motions by using external sound and tactile periodic stimulations, the later presented at the wrists, improved the behavior of jugglers. One specific combination of auditory and tactile metronome led to a decrease of the spatiotemporal variability of the juggler's performance: a simple sound associated to left and right tactile cues presented antiphase to each other, which corresponded to the temporal pattern of hands movement in the juggling task. A contrario, no improvements were obtained in the case of other auditory and tactile combinations. We even found a degraded performance when tactile events were presented alone. The nervous system thus appears able to integrate in efficient way environmental information brought by different sensory modalities, but only if the information specified matches specific features of the coordination pattern. We discuss the possible implications of these results for the understanding of the neuronal integration process implied in audio-tactile interaction in the context of complex voluntary movement, and considering the well-known gating effect of movement on vibrotactile perception

    Stabilizing bimanual coordination: Changes in interlimb interactions

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    Beek, P.J. [Promotor]Peper, C.E. [Copromotor

    Dynamics of bimanual rhythmic coordination in the coronal plane

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    We investigated the 1:1 frequency locking of two hand-held pendulums oscillated parallel to the body's coronal plane. In this configuration, anti-phase defined muscularly is in-phase defined spatially, and vice versa. Coordination equilibria measured by average relative phase were shifted less from muscular anti-phase than from muscular in-phase by detuning (unequal uncoupled pendulum frequencies) and were shifted less in both modes with vision than without. Variability of the equilibria, however, was ordered opposite to their degrees of shift and was unaffected by vision. Demonstrated subcritical pitchfork and tangent bifurcations conformed to the variability classification of anti- and in-phase coordination. Implications for dynamical models, hierarchical control, and definitions of coordination modes were discussed.</jats:p

    Coordination between arm and leg movements during locomotion

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    To evaluate the contrasting dynamical and biomechanical interpretations of the 2:1 frequency coordination between arm and leg movements that occurs at low walking velocities and the 1:1 frequency coordination that occurs at higher walking velocities, the authors conducted an experiment in which they quantified the effect of walking velocity on the stability of the frequency and phase coordination between the individual limb movements. Spectral analyses revealed the presence of 2:1 frequency coordination as a consistent feature of the data in only 3 out of 8 participants at walking velocities ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 km/h, in spite of the fact that the eigenfrequencies of the arms were rather similar across participants. The degree of interlimb coupling, as indexed by weighted coherence and variability of relative phase, was lower for the arm movements and for ipsilateral and diagonal combinations of arm and leg movements than for the leg movements. Furthermore, the coupling between all pairs of limb movements was found to increase with walking velocity, whereas no clear signs were observed that the switches from 2:1 to 1:1 frequency coordination and vice versa were preceded by loss of stability. Therefore, neither a purely biomechanical nor a purely dynamical model is optimally suited to explain these results. Instead, an integrative model involving elements of both approaches seems to be required

    Mass perturbation of a body segment: 2. Effects on interlimb coordination

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    The shifts in relative phase that are observed when rhythmically coordinated limbs are submitted to asymmetric mass perturbations have typically been attributed to the induced eigenfrequency difference (DLoM) between the limbs. Modeling the moving limbs as forced linear oscillators, however, reveals that asymmetric mass perturbations may induce a difference not only in eigenfrequency (i.e., DLoM 0) but also in the covarying low-frequency control gains (i.e., DLk 0). Because the inverse of the lowfrequency control gain (k) reflects the level of muscular torque (input) required for a particular displacement from equilibrium (output), asymmetric mass perturbations may result in an imbalance in the muscular torques required for task performance (related to DLk 0). Thus, it is possible that the effects attributed to DLoM were in fact mediated by DLk. In 2 experiments, the authors manipulated DLk and DLoM separately by applying mass perturbations to the lower legs of 9 participants. The relative phasing between the legs was not affected by DLk, but manipulation of DLoM (while DLk remained approximately 0) induced systematic relative phase shifts that were more pronounced for antiphase than for in-phase coordination. That indication that the coordination dynamics is indeed influenced by an imbalance in eigenfrequency is discussed vis-à-vis the question of how such a merely peripheral property may affect the underlying coordination process
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