412,834 research outputs found

    Design of network monitoring system based on LibreNMS using Line Notify, Telegram, and Email notification

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    Institut Teknologi Telkom Jakarta (IT Telkom Jakarta) is an educational institution that supports student activities and provides internet capabilities to implement online learning systems. As the number of students increases with every year, so does the use of the internet and intranet networks and the experienced network problems. A network administrator is a person who is responsible for managing a computer network. Network administrators usually face network problems in monitoring network devices. This is because the process and operation are done manually. This means network administrators need direct access to the location to monitor all resources. Therefore, a network device monitoring system is needed to manage network devices centrally. This research focuses on the problem of monitoring network devices using open-source tools and software. Based on the implementation results, free network monitoring software such as LibreNMS can track and monitor all devices in all conditions and notify the active device condition in case of network failure such as up, down, reboot to the administrator via Line Notify, Telegram, and Email. With this network monitoring system, IT Telkom Jakarta is expected to be able to implement an integrated and well-monitored internet network system. Besides, the results of this study also produce real-time data on bandwidth usage, logging problems, and resource availability. This can significantly improve network availability and security

    Improving quality of service in application clusters

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    Quality of service (QoS) requirements, which include availability, integrity, performance and responsiveness are increasingly needed by science and engineering applications. Rising computational demands and data mining present a new challenge in the IT world. As our needs for more processing, research and analysis increase, performance and reliability degrade exponentially. In this paper we present a software system that manages quality of service for Unix based distributed application clusters. Our approach is synthetic and involves intelligent agents that make use of static and dynamic ontologies to monitor, diagnose and correct faults at run time, over a private network. Finally, we provide experimental results from our pilot implementation in a production environment

    Simulation of Aircraft Sortie Generation under an Autonomic Logistics System

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    Parallel to the developments in diagnostic and prognostic technology, autonomic logistics systems (ALS) have been a potential improvement for the aircraft sortie generation process. Currently, Lockheed Martin and the Joint Program Office are developing a new autonomic logistics system for the multibillion F-35 Lightning Joint Strike Fighter project, which is named the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS). Generally, researchers make an analogy between the ALS and the human bodys autonomic nervous system since both of them monitor, control, and adjust autonomic responses to external stimuli. Based on this perspective, ALS aims to switch the Air Force logistics mentality from a reactive one into a proactive one to achieve higher sortie generation rates and aircraft availability. The primary objective of this thesis is to explore the ALS concept in detail and to investigate the F-35s sortie generation process through a discrete-event simulation model developed in Arena Simulation Software

    Monitoring resilience in a rook-managed containerized cloud storage system

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    Distributed cloud storage solutions are currently gaining high momentum in industry and academia. The enterprise data volume growth and the recent tendency to move as much as possible data to the cloud is strongly stimulating the storage market growth. In this context, and as a main requirement for cloud native applications, it is of utmost importance to guarantee resilience of the deployed applications and the infrastructure. Indeed, with failures frequently occurring, a storage system should quickly recover to guarantee service availability. In this paper, we focus on containerized cloud storage, proposing a resilience monitoring solution for the recently developed Rook storage operator. While, Rook brings storage systems into a cloud-native container platform, in this paper we design an additional module to monitor and evaluate the resilience of the Rook-based system. Our proposed module is validated in a production environment, with software components generating a constant load and a controlled removal of system elements to evaluate the self-healing capability of the storage system. Failure recovery time revealed to be 41 and 142 seconds on average for a 32GB and a 215GB object storage device respectively

    Expert System for Structural Optimization Exploiting Past Experience and A-priori Knowledge.

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    The availability of comprehensive Structural Optimization Systems in the market is allowing designers direct access to software tools previously the domain of the specialist. The use of Structural Optimization is particularly troublesome requiring knowledge of finite element analysis, numerical optimization algorithms, and the overall design environment. The subject of the research is the application of Expert System methodologies to support nonspecialists when using a Structural Optimization System. The specific target is to produce an Expert System as an adviser for a working structural optimization system. Three types of knowledge are required to use optimization systems effectively; that relating to setting up the structural optimization problem which is based on logical deduction; past, experience; together with run-time and results interpretation knowledge. A knowledge base which is based on the above is set, up and reasoning mechanisms incorporating case based and rule based reasoning, theory of certainty, and an object oriented approach are developed. The Expert SVstem described here concentrates on the optimization formulation aspects. It is able to set up an optimization run for the user and monitor the run-time performance. In this second mode the system is able to decide if an optimization run is likely to converge to a, solution and advice the user accordingly. The ideas and Expert System techniques presented in this thesis have been implemented in the development; of a prototype system written in C++. The prototype has been extended through the development of a user interface which is based on XView

    Key Challenges and Potential Urban Modelling Opportunities in South Africa, with Specific Reference to the Gauteng City-Region

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    Urban growth and land use change models, supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software and increased digital data availability, have the potential to become important tools for monitoring and guiding urban spatial planning and development. Five broad categories of urban models are utilised internationally, that is, land use transportation models, cellular automata, system dynamics, agent-based models and spatial economics/econometric models. This paper provides a broad overview of South African modelling projects that monitor or simulate urban spatial change. The review identified a variety of government and academic urban modelling initiatives. These initiatives mostly track trends, rather than simulating future scenarios, and analyse historical land cover change using GIS and remote sensing software. There is a risk within Gauteng, however, that out-dated data, different population projections, duplicated tools, limited spatial data infrastructure (SDI) and a lack of resources; could compromise urban spatial change modelling efforts within government institutions. As such, the paper discusses key challenges and opportunities for modelling urban spatial change, with specific reference to the Gauteng City-Region – the heartland of the South African economy and the Southern African region

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control
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