475,636 research outputs found

    Autre langue – autre vidéo?

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    Cet article veut proposer une description de l’impact de la langue sur la perception de la vidéo, La Mort de Molière, en comparant ses deux versions, française et allemande. À part la langue et la voix, la manière de parler, qui communique la perception et l’interprétation du texte par l’acteur, influence aussi la perception du spectateur. La comparaison des facteurs plutôt extérieurs, telles la traduction des textes, leur structuration temporelle par pauses, césures, etc., et l’intégration de la langue dans les autres éléments de la bande acoustique, montre que les deux versions sont similaires et même identiques dans beaucoup de passages. À cause de cette précision d’harmonisation des textes dans les deux versions et de leur provenance (oeuvres d’auteurs différents de langue française, allemande et aussi anglaise), on ne peut pas considérer une des versions comme texte de référence. Cependant chacune des deux versions souligne un aspect spécifique de la vidéo, la version allemande une rigueur esthétiquerationnelle et une distance réservée, la version française une légèreté ludique et un aspect plus humain.The aim of this article is to describe the impact of language on the perception of the video La Mort de Molière, by comparing its French and German versions. Besides language and voice, ways of speaking, which communicate the actor’s perception and interpretation of the text, also influence the spectator’s perception. The comparison of aspects such as translation, the temporal structure of the text, established by ruptures, caesuras, etc., the integration of language into other parts of the sound track show that the two versions are similar and often even identical. Because of the precision with which the versions coincide and because of the various origins of the texts used, it is hardly possible to consider one of the two versions as the original. However, each version accentuates a particular aspect of the video, an esthetic-rational austerity and reserved distance in the German version, a more playful ease and humaneness in the French one

    Le bloc-notes en expansion - autre média, autre discours

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    This text falls under research of the discursive analysis as in what one qualifies of the blogoscopy to knowing in the analysis still little developed phenomenon of the blogs. These new media are in full expansion in France. We thus propose to analyze this advent of the new media while starting with simple observation of the language which it generates, while passing by its definition, typology and structure and to arrive finally at the influence and the range that it will be able to have on the political and media speech

    Mouse adipose tissue collection and processing for RNA analysis

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    Compared to other tissues, white adipose tissue has a considerably less RNA and protein content for downstream applications such as real-time PCR and Western Blot, since it mostly contains lipids. RNA isolation from adipose tissue samples is also challenging as extra steps are required to avoid these lipids. Here, we present a procedure to collect three anatomically different white adipose tissues from mice, to process these samples and perform RNA isolation. We further describe the synthesis of cDNA and gene expression experiments using real-time PCR. The hereby described protocol allows the reduction of contamination from the animal's hair and blood on fat pads as well as cross-contamination between different fat pads during tissue collection. It has also been optimized to ensure adequate quantity and quality of the RNA extracted. This protocol can be widely applied to any mouse model where adipose tissue samples are required for routine experiments such as real-time PCR but is not intended for isolation from primary adipocytes cell culture

    "Tout autre est tout autre": direitos humanos e perspectivismo semântico-transcendental

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    A impossibilidade de se fundamentar os direitos humanos hoje de maneira satisfatória, sem recorrer a modelos essencialistas ou metafísicos, parece correlata à universalidade de sua defesa e promoção. Uma abordagem fenomenológica favorece uma leitura perspectivista da alteridade, tornando altamente defensável e razoável que se aplique uma semântica transcendental ao problema da fundamentação dos direitos humano

    Auxine, un autre regard sur la démence, une autre pratique

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    'Cette autre nécessité essentielle: 'l'urbanisation': electrification and the Urbanisation of the Nebular City

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    The advent of modern utility systems together with improved transport infrastructures and information technologies introduced new spatial arrangements and temporalities in the territory. In time, these reveal a notion of urbanisation that does not only takes place in or directly adjacent to the traditional (territorially bounded) city, but in which co-evolving processes lead to differentiated territorial arrangements. Belgium’s distributed urban condition – the ‘nebular city’ – emerged out of the interplay of such multiple territorial arrangements. Often, it is explained by a historical roots in policies of industrial dispersal, while historical efforts to actively accommodate and organise the territory from the broader perspective of urbanisation are assigned a secondary role only. This article, however, takes a close look at two projects from the 1930’s that took the emerging condition of dispersal as their starting point and which both reflect on the role of urbanisation in the reproduction of the conditions in which industrialisation, among other processes of modernisation, can take place. In particular aspects surrounding the Belgian electrification are examined. Although not one of their main drivers, the electrification is both intertwined with the rise of industrial production and the development of an urban modern lifestyle. Only in the 1930’s, however, Belgian spatial planners started to explore issues concerning the distribution of electricity and its spatial and economic consequences. Both projects are embedded within the international debate on the functional city and present Belgium as a particular case. They show the general delay and mismatch between the process of industrialisation and urbanisation because of the nation’s chosen development path, both in spatial and temporal terms

    « L’Assommoir », langage de l’« autre »

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