12 research outputs found

    Topography, substratum and benthic macrofaunal relationships on a tropical mesophotic shelf margin, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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    Habitats and ecological communities occurring in the mesophotic region of the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, were investigated using autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) from 51 to 145 m. High-resolution multibeam bathymetry of the outer-shelf at Hydrographers Passage in the central GBR revealed submerged linear reefs with tops at 50, 55, 80, 90, 100 and 130 m separated by flat, sandy inter-reefal areas punctuated by limestone pinnacles. Cluster analysis of AUV images yielded five distinct site groups based on their benthic macrofauna, with rugosity and the presence of limestone reef identified as the most significant abiotic factors explaining the distribution of macrofaunal communities. Reef-associated macrofaunal communities occurred in three distinct depth zones: (1) a shallow (75 m). The effects of depth and microhabitat topography on irradiance most likely play a critical role in controlling vertical zonation on reef substrates. The lower depth limits of zooxanthellate corals are significantly shallower than that observed in many other mesophotic coral ecosystems. This may be a result of resuspension of sediments from the sand sheets by strong currents and/or a consequence of cold water upwelling

    Leveraging Automated Image Analysis Tools to Transform Our Capacity to Assess Status and Trends of Coral Reefs

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    Digital photography is widely used by coral reef monitoring programs to assess benthic status and trends. In addition to creating a permanent archive, photographic surveys can be rapidly conducted, which is important in environments where bottom-time is frequently limiting. However, substantial effort is required to manually analyze benthic images; which is expensive and leads to lags before data are available. Using previously analyzed imagery from NOAA’s Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program, we assessed the capacity of a trained and widely used machine-learning image analysis tool – CoralNet coralnet.ucsd.edu – to generate fully-automated benthic cover estimates for the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) and American Samoa. CoralNet was able to generate estimates of site-level coral cover for both regions that were highly comparable to those generated by human analysts (Pearson’s r > 0.97, and with bias of 1% or less). CoralNet was generally effective at estimating cover of common coral genera (Pearson’s r > 0.92 and with bias of 2% or less in 6 of 7 cases), but performance was mixed for other groups including algal categories, although generally better for American Samoa than MHI. CoralNet performance was improved by simplifying the classification scheme from genus to functional group and by training within habitat types, i.e., separately for coral-rich, pavement, boulder, or “other” habitats. The close match between human-generated and CoralNet-generated estimates of coral cover pooled to the scale of island and year demonstrates that CoralNet is capable of generating data suitable for assessing spatial and temporal patterns. The imagery we used was gathered from sites randomly located in <30 m hard-bottom at multiple islands and habitat-types per region, suggesting our results are likely to be widely applicable. As image acquisition is relatively straightforward, the capacity of fully-automated image analysis tools to minimize the need for resource intensive human analysts opens possibilities for enormous increases in the quantity and consistency of coral reef benthic data that could become available to researchers and managers

    Mesophotic coral reef ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area

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    This report reviews the most recent science regarding the potential distribution of mesophotic coral reef ecosystems (MCEs) throughout the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, and discusses the potential importance of MCEs as refugia for corals and other sessile benthic megafauna from disturbance and as potential sources of coral larvae to disturbed shallow-water coral reefs

    Deep-reef fish communities of the Great Barrier Reef shelf-break: trophic structure and habitat associations

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    The ecology of habitats along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) shelf-break has rarely been investigated. Thus, there is little understanding of how associated fishes interact with deeper environments. We examined relationships between deep-reef fish communities and benthic habitat structure. We sampled 48 sites over a large depth gradient (54–260 m) in the central GBR using Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations and multibeam sonar. Fish community composition differed both among multiple shelf-break reefs and habitats within reefs. Epibenthic cover decreased with depth. Deep epibenthic cover included sponges, corals, and macro-algae, with macro-algae present to 194 m. Structural complexity decreased with depth, with more calcified reef, boulders, and bedrock in shallower depths. Deeper sites were flatter and more homogeneous with softer substratum. Habitats were variable within depth strata and were reflected in different fish assemblages among sites and among locations. Overall, fish trophic groups changed with depth and included generalist and benthic carnivores, piscivores, and planktivores while herbivores were rare below 50 m. While depth influenced where trophic groups occurred, site orientation and habitat morphology determined the composition of trophic groups within depths. Future conservation strategies will need to consider the vulnerability of taxa with narrow distributions and habitat requirements in unique shelf-break environments

    Autonomous underwater vehicle–assisted surveying of drowned reefs on the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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    This paper describes the role of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sirius on a research cruise to survey drowned reefs along the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia. The primary function of the AUV was to provide georeferenced, high-resolution optical validation of seabed interpretations based on acoustic data.We describe the AUV capabilities and its operation in the context of the multiple systems used in the cruise. The data processing pipeline involved in generating simultaneous localization and mapping–based navigation, large-scale, three-dimensional visualizations, and automated classification of survey data is briefly described. We also present preliminary results illustrating the type of data products possible with our system and how they can inform the science driving the cruise

    Long-Term Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Dynamic Environments.

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    One of the core competencies required for autonomous mobile robotics is the ability to use sensors to perceive the environment. From this noisy sensor data, the robot must build a representation of the environment and localize itself within this representation. This process, known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), is a prerequisite for almost all higher-level autonomous behavior in mobile robotics. By associating the robot's sensory observations as it moves through the environment, and by observing the robot's ego-motion through proprioceptive sensors, constraints are placed on the trajectory of the robot and the configuration of the environment. This results in a probabilistic optimization problem to find the most likely robot trajectory and environment configuration given all of the robot's previous sensory experience. SLAM has been well studied under the assumptions that the robot operates for a relatively short time period and that the environment is essentially static during operation. However, performing SLAM over long time periods while modeling the dynamic changes in the environment remains a challenge. The goal of this thesis is to extend the capabilities of SLAM to enable long-term autonomous operation in dynamic environments. The contribution of this thesis has three main components: First, we propose a framework for controlling the computational complexity of the SLAM optimization problem so that it does not grow unbounded with exploration time. Second, we present a method to learn visual feature descriptors that are more robust to changes in lighting, allowing for improved data association in dynamic environments. Finally, we use the proposed tools in SLAM systems that explicitly models the dynamics of the environment in the map by representing each location as a set of example views that capture how the location changes with time. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed methods enable long-term SLAM in dynamic environments using a large, real-world vision and LIDAR dataset collected over the course of more than a year. This dataset captures a wide variety of dynamics: from short-term scene changes including moving people, cars, changing lighting, and weather conditions; to long-term dynamics including seasonal conditions and structural changes caused by construction.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111538/1/carlevar_1.pd

    Autonomous Exploration of Large-Scale Natural Environments

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    This thesis addresses issues which arise when using robotic platforms to explore large-scale, natural environments. Two main problems are identified: the volume of data collected by autonomous platforms and the complexity of planning surveys in large environments. Autonomous platforms are able to rapidly accumulate large data sets. The volume of data that must be processed is often too large for human experts to analyse exhaustively in a practical amount of time or in a cost-effective manner. This burden can create a bottleneck in the process of converting observations into scientifically relevant data. Although autonomous platforms can collect precisely navigated, high-resolution data, they are typically limited by finite battery capacities, data storage and computational resources. Deployments are also limited by project budgets and time frames. These constraints make it impractical to sample large environments exhaustively. To use the limited resources effectively, trajectories which maximise the amount of information gathered from the environment must be designed. This thesis addresses these problems. Three primary contributions are presented: a new classifier designed to accept probabilistic training targets rather than discrete training targets; a semi-autonomous pipeline for creating models of the environment; and an offline method for autonomously planning surveys. These contributions allow large data sets to be processed with minimal human intervention and promote efficient allocation of resources. In this thesis environmental models are established by learning the correlation between data extracted from a digital elevation model (DEM) of the seafloor and habitat categories derived from in-situ images. The DEM of the seafloor is collected using ship-borne multibeam sonar and the in-situ images are collected using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). While the thesis specifically focuses on mapping and exploring marine habitats with an AUV, the research applies equally to other applications such as aerial and terrestrial environmental monitoring and planetary exploration

    Hyperspectral benthic mapping from underwater robotic platforms

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    We live on a planet of vast oceans; 70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water. They are integral to supporting life, providing 99% of the inhabitable space on Earth. Our oceans and the habitats within them are under threat due to a variety of factors. To understand the impacts and possible solutions, the monitoring of marine habitats is critically important. Optical imaging as a method for monitoring can provide a vast array of information however imaging through water is complex. To compensate for the selective attenuation of light in water, this thesis presents a novel light propagation model and illustrates how it can improve optical imaging performance. An in-situ hyperspectral system is designed which comprised of two upward looking spectrometers at different positions in the water column. The downwelling light in the water column is continuously sampled by the system which allows for the generation of a dynamic water model. In addition to the two upward looking spectrometers the in-situ system contains an imaging module which can be used for imaging of the seafloor. It consists of a hyperspectral sensor and a trichromatic stereo camera. New calibration methods are presented for the spatial and spectral co-registration of the two optical sensors. The water model is used to create image data which is invariant to the changing optical properties of the water and changing environmental conditions. In this thesis the in-situ optical system is mounted onboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Data from the imaging module is also used to classify seafloor materials. The classified seafloor patches are integrated into a high resolution 3D benthic map of the surveyed site. Given the limited imaging resolution of the hyperspectral sensor used in this work, a new method is also presented that uses information from the co-registered colour images to inform a new spectral unmixing method to resolve subpixel materials

    Automated interpretation of benthic stereo imagery

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    Autonomous benthic imaging, reduces human risk and increases the amount of collected data. However, manually interpreting these high volumes of data is onerous, time consuming and in many cases, infeasible. The objective of this thesis is to improve the scientific utility of the large image datasets. Fine-scale terrain complexity is typically quantified by rugosity and measured by divers using chains and tape measures. This thesis proposes a new technique for measuring terrain complexity from 3D stereo image reconstructions, which is non-contact and can be calculated at multiple scales over large spatial extents. Using robots, terrain complexity can be measured without endangering humans, beyond scuba depths. Results show that this approach is more robust, flexible and easily repeatable than traditional methods. These proposed terrain complexity features are combined with visual colour and texture descriptors and applied to classifying imagery. New multi-dataset feature selection methods are proposed for performing feature selection across multiple datasets, and are shown to improve the overall classification performance. The results show that the most informative predictors of benthic habitat types are the new terrain complexity measurements. This thesis presents a method that aims to reduce human labelling effort, while maximising classification performance by combining pre-clustering with active learning. The results support that utilising the structure of the unlabelled data in conjunction with uncertainty sampling can significantly reduce the number of labels required for a given level of accuracy. Typically 0.00001–0.00007% of image data is annotated and processed for science purposes (20–50 points in 1–2% of the images). This thesis proposes a framework that uses existing human-annotated point labels to train a superpixel-based automated classification system, which can extrapolate the classified results to every pixel across all the images of an entire survey

    Automated interpretation of benthic stereo imagery

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    Autonomous benthic imaging, reduces human risk and increases the amount of collected data. However, manually interpreting these high volumes of data is onerous, time consuming and in many cases, infeasible. The objective of this thesis is to improve the scientific utility of the large image datasets. Fine-scale terrain complexity is typically quantified by rugosity and measured by divers using chains and tape measures. This thesis proposes a new technique for measuring terrain complexity from 3D stereo image reconstructions, which is non-contact and can be calculated at multiple scales over large spatial extents. Using robots, terrain complexity can be measured without endangering humans, beyond scuba depths. Results show that this approach is more robust, flexible and easily repeatable than traditional methods. These proposed terrain complexity features are combined with visual colour and texture descriptors and applied to classifying imagery. New multi-dataset feature selection methods are proposed for performing feature selection across multiple datasets, and are shown to improve the overall classification performance. The results show that the most informative predictors of benthic habitat types are the new terrain complexity measurements. This thesis presents a method that aims to reduce human labelling effort, while maximising classification performance by combining pre-clustering with active learning. The results support that utilising the structure of the unlabelled data in conjunction with uncertainty sampling can significantly reduce the number of labels required for a given level of accuracy. Typically 0.00001–0.00007% of image data is annotated and processed for science purposes (20–50 points in 1–2% of the images). This thesis proposes a framework that uses existing human-annotated point labels to train a superpixel-based automated classification system, which can extrapolate the classified results to every pixel across all the images of an entire survey