711 research outputs found

    The design and applications of the african buffalo algorithm for general optimization problems

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    Optimization, basically, is the economics of science. It is concerned with the need to maximize profit and minimize cost in terms of time and resources needed to execute a given project in any field of human endeavor. There have been several scientific investigations in the past several decades on discovering effective and efficient algorithms to providing solutions to the optimization needs of mankind leading to the development of deterministic algorithms that provide exact solutions to optimization problems. In the past five decades, however, the attention of scientists has shifted from the deterministic algorithms to the stochastic ones since the latter have proven to be more robust and efficient, even though they do not guarantee exact solutions. Some of the successfully designed stochastic algorithms include Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Firefly Optimization etc. A critical look at these ā€˜efficientā€™ stochastic algorithms reveals the need for improvements in the areas of effectiveness, the number of several parameters used, premature convergence, ability to search diverse landscapes and complex implementation strategies. The African Buffalo Optimization (ABO), which is inspired by the herd management, communication and successful grazing cultures of the African buffalos, is designed to attempt solutions to the observed shortcomings of the existing stochastic optimization algorithms. Through several experimental procedures, the ABO was used to successfully solve benchmark optimization problems in mono-modal and multimodal, constrained and unconstrained, separable and non-separable search landscapes with competitive outcomes. Moreover, the ABO algorithm was applied to solve over 100 out of the 118 benchmark symmetric and all the asymmetric travelling salesmanā€™s problems available in TSPLIB95. Based on the successful experimentation with the novel algorithm, it is safe to conclude that the ABO is a worthy contribution to the scientific literature

    A Consolidated Review of Path Planning and Optimization Techniques: Technical Perspectives and Future Directions

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    In this paper, a review on the three most important communication techniques (ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles) has been presented that throws light on trajectory planning, its optimization, and various issues in a summarized way. This kind of extensive research is not often seen in the literature, so an effort has been made for readers interested in path planning to fill the gap. Moreover, optimization techniques suitable for implementing ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles are also a part of this review. This paper covers the numerical, bio-inspired techniques and their hybridization with each other for each of the dimensions mentioned. The paper provides a consolidated platform, where plenty of available research on-ground autonomous vehicle and their trajectory optimization with the extension for aerial and underwater vehicles are documented

    Advanced and Innovative Optimization Techniques in Controllers: A Comprehensive Review

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    New commercial power electronic controllers come to the market almost every day to help improve electronic circuit and system performance and efficiency. In DCā€“DC switching-mode converters, a simple and elegant hysteretic controller is used to regulate the basic buck, boost and buckā€“boost converters under slightly different configurations. In ACā€“DC converters, the input current shaping for power factor correction posts a constraint. But, several brilliant commercial controllers are demonstrated for boost and fly back converters to achieve almost perfect power factor correction. In this paper a comprehensive review of the various advanced optimization techniques used in power electronic controllers is presented

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Multiobjective overtaking maneuver planning of autonomous ground vehicles

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    This paper proposes a computational trajectory optimization framework for solving the problem of multi-objective automatic parking motion planning. Constrained automatic parking maneuver problem is usually difficult to solve because of some practical limitations and requirements. This problem becomes more challenging when multiple objectives are required to be optimized simultaneously. The designed approach employs a swarm intelligent algorithm to produce the trade-off front along the objective space. In order to enhance the local search ability of the algorithm, a gradient operation is utilized to update the solution. In addition, since the evolutionary process tends to be sensitive with respect to the flight control parameters, a novel adaptive parameter controller is designed and incorporated in the algorithm framework such that the proposed method can dynamically balance the exploitation and exploration. The performance of using the designed multi-objective strategy is validated and analyzed by performing a number of simulation and experimental studies. The results indicate that the present approach can provide reliable solutions and it can outperform other existing approaches investigated in this paper

    A survey of swarm intelligence for dynamic optimization: algorithms and applications

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    Swarm intelligence (SI) algorithms, including ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, bee-inspired algorithms, bacterial foraging optimization, firefly algorithms, fish swarm optimization and many more, have been proven to be good methods to address difficult optimization problems under stationary environments. Most SI algorithms have been developed to address stationary optimization problems and hence, they can converge on the (near-) optimum solution efficiently. However, many real-world problems have a dynamic environment that changes over time. For such dynamic optimization problems (DOPs), it is difficult for a conventional SI algorithm to track the changing optimum once the algorithm has converged on a solution. In the last two decades, there has been a growing interest of addressing DOPs using SI algorithms due to their adaptation capabilities. This paper presents a broad review on SI dynamic optimization (SIDO) focused on several classes of problems, such as discrete, continuous, constrained, multi-objective and classification problems, and real-world applications. In addition, this paper focuses on the enhancement strategies integrated in SI algorithms to address dynamic changes, the performance measurements and benchmark generators used in SIDO. Finally, some considerations about future directions in the subject are given

    An Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm for Automated Classical Machine Learning

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    Machine learning is an evolving branch of computational algorithms that allow computers to learn from experiences, make predictions, and solve different problems without being explicitly programmed. However, building a useful machine learning model is a challenging process, requiring human expertise to perform various proper tasks and ensure that the machine learning\u27s primary objective --determining the best and most predictive model-- is achieved. These tasks include pre-processing, feature selection, and model selection. Many machine learning models developed by experts are designed manually and by trial and error. In other words, even experts need the time and resources to create good predictive machine learning models. The idea of automated machine learning (AutoML) is to automate a machine learning pipeline to release the burden of substantial development costs and manual processes. The algorithms leveraged in these systems have different hyper-parameters. On the other hand, different input datasets have various features. In both cases, the final performance of the model is closely related to the final selected configuration of features and hyper-parameters. That is why they are considered as crucial tasks in the AutoML. The challenges regarding the computationally expensive nature of tuning hyper-parameters and optimally selecting features create significant opportunities for filling the research gaps in the AutoML field. This dissertation explores how to select the features and tune the hyper-parameters of conventional machine learning algorithms efficiently and automatically. To address the challenges in the AutoML area, novel algorithms for hyper-parameter tuning and feature selection are proposed. The hyper-parameter tuning algorithm aims to provide the optimal set of hyper-parameters in three conventional machine learning models (Random Forest, XGBoost and Support Vector Machine) to obtain best scores regarding performance. On the other hand, the feature selection algorithm looks for the optimal subset of features to achieve the highest performance. Afterward, a hybrid framework is designed for both hyper-parameter tuning and feature selection. The proposed framework can discover close to the optimal configuration of features and hyper-parameters. The proposed framework includes the following components: (1) an automatic feature selection component based on artificial bee colony algorithms and machine learning training, and (2) an automatic hyper-parameter tuning component based on artificial bee colony algorithms and machine learning training for faster training and convergence of the learning models. The whole framework has been evaluated using four real-world datasets in different applications. This framework is an attempt to alleviate the challenges of hyper-parameter tuning and feature selection by using efficient algorithms. However, distributed processing, distributed learning, parallel computing, and other big data solutions are not taken into consideration in this framework
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