10 research outputs found

    Positioning of Radio Emission Sources with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using TDOA-AOA Measurement Processing

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    Actual trends in current passive geolocation system development includes cooperation of flying segment based on receiver stations aboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with terrestrial segment including stationary ground receiver stations. Existing accuracy results achieves the order of tens and hundreds of meters in optimistic Line of Sight (LOS) conditions. However, the problem of radio emission sources positioning with UAVs is especially relevant for search and rescue operations in heterogeneous terrain, when separate primary measurements obtained, for example, after reflections, could lead to a significant error. One possible way to improve the accuracy of positioning in such conditions is to use aerial passive geolocation based on UAVs with joint processing of Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) and Angle of Arrival (AOA) primary measurements. The contribution of the current investigation is the development of mathematical model for positioning of radio emission sources with UAVs using TDOA-AOA measurement processing.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation with Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of young Russian scientists № MK-3468.2018.9

    Towards 6G IoT : tracing mobile sensor nodes with deep learning clustering in UAV networks

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the role of flying anchor nodes have been proposed to assist the localisation of terrestrial Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and provide relay services in the context of the upcoming 6G networks. This paper considered the objective of tracing a mobile IoT device of unknown location, using a group of UAVs that were equipped with received signal strength indicator (RSSI) sensors. The UAVs employed measurements of the target’s radio frequency (RF) signal power to approach the target as quickly as possible. A deep learning model performed clustering in the UAV network at regular intervals, based on a graph convolutional network (GCN) architecture, which utilised information about the RSSI and the UAV positions. The number of clusters was determined dynamically at each instant using a heuristic method, and the partitions were determined by optimising an RSSI loss function. The proposed algorithm retained the clusters that approached the RF source more effectively, removing the rest of the UAVs, which returned to the base. Simulation experiments demonstrated the improvement of this method compared to a previous deterministic approach, in terms of the time required to reach the target and the total distance covered by the UAVs

    Dynamic Radar Network of UAVs: A Joint Navigation and Tracking Approach

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    Nowadays there is a growing research interest on the possibility of enriching small flying robots with autonomous sensing and online navigation capabilities. This will enable a large number of applications spanning from remote surveillance to logistics, smarter cities and emergency aid in hazardous environments. In this context, an emerging problem is to track unauthorized small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) hiding behind buildings or concealing in large UAV networks. In contrast with current solutions mainly based on static and on-ground radars, this paper proposes the idea of a dynamic radar network of UAVs for real-time and high-accuracy tracking of malicious targets. To this end, we describe a solution for real-time navigation of UAVs to track a dynamic target using heterogeneously sensed information. Such information is shared by the UAVs with their neighbors via multi-hops, allowing tracking the target by a local Bayesian estimator running at each agent. Since not all the paths are equal in terms of information gathering point-of-view, the UAVs plan their own trajectory by minimizing the posterior covariance matrix of the target state under UAV kinematic and anti-collision constraints. Our results show how a dynamic network of radars attains better localization results compared to a fixed configuration and how the on-board sensor technology impacts the accuracy in tracking a target with different radar cross sections, especially in non line-of-sight (NLOS) situations

    Motion Planning of UAV Swarm: Recent Challenges and Approaches

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    The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm is gaining massive interest for researchers as it has huge significance over a single UAV. Many studies focus only on a few challenges of this complex multidisciplinary group. Most of them have certain limitations. This paper aims to recognize and arrange relevant research for evaluating motion planning techniques and models for a swarm from the viewpoint of control, path planning, architecture, communication, monitoring and tracking, and safety issues. Then, a state-of-the-art understanding of the UAV swarm and an overview of swarm intelligence (SI) are provided in this research. Multiple challenges are considered, and some approaches are presented. Findings show that swarm intelligence is leading in this era and is the most significant approach for UAV swarm that offers distinct contributions in different environments. This integration of studies will serve as a basis for knowledge concerning swarm, create guidelines for motion planning issues, and strengthens support for existing methods. Moreover, this paper possesses the capacity to engender new strategies that can serve as the grounds for future work

    Swarm-Based Techniques for Adaptive Navigation Primitives

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    Adaptive Navigation (AN) has, in the past, been successfully accomplished by using mobile multi-robot systems (MMS) in highly structured formations known as clusters. Such multi-robot adaptive navigation (MAN) allows for real-time reaction to sensor readings and navigation to a goal location not known a priori. This thesis successfully reproduces MAN cluster techniques via swarm control techniques, a less computationally expensive but less formalized control technique for MMS, which achieves robot control through a combination of primitive robot behaviors. While powerful for large numbers of robots, swarm robotics often relies on “emergent” swarm behaviors resulting from robot-level behaviors, rather than top-down specification of swarm behaviors. For adaptive navigation purposes, it was desired to be able to specify swarm-level behavior from a top down perspective rather than experimenting with emergent behaviors. To this end, a simulation environment was developed to allow rapid development and vetting of swarm behaviors while easily interfacing with an existing testbed for validation on hardware. An initial suite of robot primitive and composite behaviors was developed and vetted using this simulator, and the behaviors were validated using the existing testbed in Santa Clara University’s Robotics System Laboratory (RSL). Of particular importance were the adaptive navigation primitives of extrema finding and contour finding and following. These AN primitives were tested over a variety of experimental parameters, yielding design guidelines for top-down specification of swarm robotic adaptive navigation. These design guidelines are presented, and their usefulness is demonstrated for a Contour Finding and Following application using the RSL’s testbed. Finally, possible future work to expand the capability of swarm-based adaptive navigation techniques is discussed