18 research outputs found

    Enabling connectivity for tactical networks in mountainous areas by aerial relays

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    A general modeling framework for realistic performance evaluations of tactical mobile ad-hoc networks deployed in mountainous areas is presented. The framework is easily extensible, and can be eventually automated. It can be also used to generate data for other network simulators. The framework utilizes the freely downloadable high resolution 3D terrain data to define time dependent trajectories of network nodes. The node speeds and directions are linked to the terrain profile which extends the previously proposed mobility models. The path-loss analysis along the node trajectories revealed the need for aerial relays to enable full network connectivity at all times. The network consisting of 5 cluster heads and a single stationary relay is considered as a case study. The relay location and its antenna height are optimized to achieve the line-of-sight connectivity over the whole mission duration. The antenna radiation pattern at the relay is incorporated in the analysis. The resulting star network topology is used by the cluster heads to broadcast their packets to all other cluster heads. Several relaying schemes including the amplify-and-forward and the decode-and-forward relaying are studied together with the go-back-N retransmissions to achieve the reliable data transfer

    Enabling connectivity for tactical networks in mountainous areas by aerial relays

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    The dimension of the Meiac as a diffuser of Latin American art has been key in Spain in the late twentieth century. The genesis of the museum, its cultural policy of debate and diffusion, and the creation of a Latin American collection, which until then did not exist in Spain, forced Spanish art criticism to look at and reconsider work from Latin America. At present the Meiac has developed the new technological platforms, as a new perspective of identity and common imaginaries between Spain and Latin America.La dimensión del Meiac como difusor del arte latinoamericano ha sido clave en España a finales del siglo XX. La génesis del museo, su política cultural de debate y difusión y la creación de una colección latinoamericana, hasta entonces inexistente en España, obligó a la crítica artística española a mirar y a reconsiderar la obra procedente de Latinoamérica. En la actualidad el Meiac ha desarrollado las nuevas plataformas tecnológicas, como una nueva perspectiva de identidad e imaginarios comunes entre España y América Latina

    Mobile Laser Scanning – System development, performance and applications

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    Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Antero Kukko, Sanna Kaasalainen, and Paula Litkey. 2008. Effect of incidence angle on laser scanner intensity and surface data. Applied Optics, volume 47, number 7, pages 986-992. doi:10.1364/AO.47.000986 Publication 2: Antero Kukko and Juha Hyyppä. 2009. Small-footprint laser scanning simulator for system validation, error assessment, and algorithm development. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, volume 75, number 9, pages 1177-1189. Publication 3: Antero Kukko, Constantin-Octavian Andrei, Veli-Matti Salminen, Harri Kaartinen, Yuwei Chen, Petri Rönnholm, Hannu Hyyppä, Juha Hyyppä, Ruizhi Chen, Henrik Haggrén, Iisakki Kosonen, and Karel Čapek. 2007. Road environment mapping system of the Finnish Geodetic Institute - FGI ROAMER -. In: Petri Rönnholm, Hannu Hyyppä, and Juha Hyyppä (editors). Proceedings of the ISPRS Workshop on Laser Scanning 2007 and SilviLaser 2007. Espoo, Finland. 12-14 September 2007. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, volume 36, part 3 / W52, pages 241-247. ISSN 1682-1777. Publication 4: Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Juha Hyyppä, and Yuwei Chen. 2012. Multiplatform mobile laser scanning: Usability and performance. Sensors, volume 12, number 9, pages 11712-11733. doi:10.3390/s120911712 Publication 5: Harri Kaartinen, Juha Hyyppä, Antero Kukko, Anttoni Jaakkola, and Hannu Hyyppä. 2012. Benchmarking the performance of mobile laser scanning systems using a permanent test field. Sensors, volume 12, number 9, pages 12814-12835. doi:10.3390/s120912814 Publication 6: P. Alho, A. Kukko, H. Hyyppä, H. Kaartinen, J. Hyyppä, and A. Jaakkola. 2009. Application of boat-based laser scanning for river survey. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, volume 34, number 13, pages 1831-1838. doi:10.1002/esp.1879 Publication 7: Matti Vaaja, Juha Hyyppä, Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Hannu Hyyppä, and Petteri Alho. 2011. Mapping topography changes and elevation accuracies using a mobile laser scanner. Remote Sensing, volume 3, number 3, pages 587-600. doi:10.3390/rs3030587Laser scanning is a surveying technique used for mapping topography, vegetation, urban areas and infrastructure, ice, and other targets of interest. Its application on a terrestrial mobile platform is a promising method for effectively collecting three-dimensional data for complex environments and for producing model information for location-based services necessitating rapidly collected and up-to-date data. Development of mobile laser scanning (MLS) systems for such purposes is presented in this study. Different aspects of this technology were analyzed in laboratory experiments, simulations and field tests, in order to understand their effects on the ranging, intensity and point cloud data, especially in terms of point distribution and accuracy. In order to validate the performance of the developed ROAMER and AKHKA MLS systems, various three-dimensional mapping tasks were performed during an international benchmarking test, as well as in the field in numerous projects. The results showed that the proposed systems can reliably provide accurate data. It has also been shown that the various modalities of the systems allow data acquisition in numerous application scenarios and environments not previously possible. MLS improves the data output compared to terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and outperforms airborne laser scanning (ALS) in ranging precision and point density. As a result, MLS is well suited to fill the gap between these two previously dominant 3D data acquisition techniques.Laserkeilaus on mittaustekniikka, jota käytetään maaston topografian kasvillisuuden, rakennettujen alueiden, infrastruktuurin, jään ja muiden kohteiden kartoitukseen. Tekniikan soveltaminen liikkuvalle alustalle on lupaava menetelmä monimuotoisten ympäristöjen tehokkaaseen kolmiulotteiseen mittaamiseen ja mallinnustiedon tuottamiseen paikkatietopalveluihin, jotka edellyttävät tiedon nopeaa hankintaa ja ajantasaisuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin liikkuvia laserkeilausjärjestelmiä (MLS). Eri tekijöiden vaikutuksia etäisyys- ja intensiteettihavaintoihin, pistejakaumaan ja tarkkuuteen selvitettiin laboratoriokokein, simuloimalla ja koetöin. Tutkimuksessa kehitettyjen ROAMER ja AKHKA MLS-järjestelmien suorituskykyä kolmiulotteisen mittaustiedon tuottamiseen erilaisissa kartoitustehtävissä tutkittiin kansainvälisessä vertailututkimuksessa kaupunkitestikentän avulla, mutta lisäksi käytännön sovelluksissa useassa eri projektissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kehitetyt MLS järjestelmät tuottavat tarkkaa tietoa luotettavasti. Järjestelmien monikäyttöisyys mahdollistaa aineistonhankinnan eri sovellustapauksissa ja ympäristöissä tavalla, joka ei ole aikaisemmin ollut mahdollista. Liikkuva laserkeilaus parantaa merkittävästi mittauksen tehokkuutta maalaserkeilaukseen verrattuna, ja ylittää lentolaserkeilauksen suorituskyvyn etäisyysmittauksen tarkkuudessa ja pistetiheydessä. Liikkuva laserkeilaus tarjoaakin näitä kahta aikaisemmin vallitsevaa 3D-mittausteknologiaa hyvin täydentävän kartoitusmenetelmän

    Civic Economies: Commerce, Regulation, and Public Space in the Antebellum City

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    Between 1790 and 1860, the governance of Baltimore and Philadelphia transformed to meet the demands of a capitalist economy predicated on moving people and goods ever more rapidly and indiscriminately. Far from being an era of diminished governmental oversight, however, the early republic saw a dramatic expansion in local and state regulation of urban economies and spaces, as newly minted municipal corporations endeavored to carve out spheres of economic and political influence and protect consumers and public welfare. They did so through market houses, licensing, product inspection, nuisance laws, and a bevy of other instruments. In response, men and women from across the social spectrum—from widows selling oranges to railroad corporations—shaped urban regulation and promoted their own visions of the market, enacting a civic economy. Through a study of thousands of petitions to city leaders, as well as city records and legislation, “Civic Economies” builds upon recent scholarship that has recovered a robust tradition of regulation in antebellum America. But it goes further to show how local variations, competing legal interpretations, and dynamics of class, gender, and race suffused regulatory institutions. “Civic Economies” also probes the myriad forms and meanings of capitalism in antebellum America. Understanding capitalism in the context of human-scale spaces like the market house, sidewalk, and neighborhood, petitioners tended not to view regulation and capitalism as oppositional forces. Beginning in the 1820s, however, other conceptions of capitalism—emblematized by railroads, global trade, and abstract markets—exerted greater influence over urban governance. Increasingly, economic and political elites used regulation to promote the free and efficient circulation of people, capital, and goods, rather than to ensure fair competition and just prices. Responsibility for market governance devolved from the state to urban capitalists operating through corporations and boards of trade. Municipal product inspection collapsed in the 1840s under the weight of free trade arguments, while private market houses proliferated at the expense of municipal market houses. Meanwhile, city leaders embarked on transforming urban space and governance in the image of nineteenth-century liberalism, promoting freedom of mobility and anchoring social inequalities in the built landscape—a pair of antebellum legacies that continues to shape American urbanism

    Optimisation, Optimal Control and Nonlinear Dynamics in Electrical Power, Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems

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    The electrical power system is undergoing a revolution enabled by advances in telecommunications, computer hardware and software, measurement, metering systems, IoT, and power electronics. Furthermore, the increasing integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, energy storage devices, and electric vehicles and the drive for energy efficiency have pushed power systems to modernise and adopt new technologies. The resulting smart grid is characterised, in part, by a bi-directional flow of energy and information. The evolution of the power grid, as well as its interconnection with energy storage systems and renewable energy sources, has created new opportunities for optimising not only their techno-economic aspects at the planning stages but also their control and operation. However, new challenges emerge in the optimization of these systems due to their complexity and nonlinear dynamic behaviour as well as the uncertainties involved.This volume is a selection of 20 papers carefully made by the editors from the MDPI topic “Optimisation, Optimal Control and Nonlinear Dynamics in Electrical Power, Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems”, which was closed in April 2022. The selected papers address the above challenges and exemplify the significant benefits that optimisation and nonlinear control techniques can bring to modern power and energy systems

    The Science of Citizen Science

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    History, Power, Text

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    History, Power, Text: Cultural Studies and Indigenous Studies is a collection of essays on Indigenous themes published between 1996 and 2013 in the journal known first as UTS Review and now as Cultural Studies Review. This journal opened up a space for new kinds of politics, new styles of writing and new modes of interdisciplinary engagement. History, Power, Text highlights the significance of just one of the exciting interdisciplinary spaces, or meeting points, the journal enabled. ‘Indigenous cultural studies’ is our name for the intersection of cultural studies and Indigenous studies showcased here. This volume republishes key works by academics and writers Katelyn Barney, Jennifer Biddle, Tony Birch, Wendy Brady, Gillian Cowlishaw, Robyn Ferrell, Bronwyn Fredericks, Heather Goodall, Tess Lea, Erin Manning, Richard Martin, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Stephen Muecke, Alison Ravenscroft, Deborah Bird Rose, Lisa Slater, Sonia Smallacombe, Rebe Taylor, Penny van Toorn, Eve Vincent, Irene Watson and Virginia Watson—many of whom have taken this opportunity to write reflections on their work—as well as interviews between Christine Nicholls and painter Kathleen Petyarre, and Anne Brewster and author Kim Scott. The book also features new essays by Birch, Moreton-Robinson and Crystal McKinnon, and a roundtable discussion with former and current journal editors Chris Healy, Stephen Muecke and Katrina Schlunke