303 research outputs found

    Multimodal Grounding for Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition

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    Humans are capable of processing speech by making use of multiple sensory modalities. For example, the environment where a conversation takes place generally provides semantic and/or acoustic context that helps us to resolve ambiguities or to recall named entities. Motivated by this, there have been many works studying the integration of visual information into the speech recognition pipeline. Specifically, in our previous work, we propose a multistep visual adaptive training approach which improves the accuracy of an audio-based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. This approach, however, is not end-to-end as it requires fine-tuning the whole model with an adaptation layer. In this paper, we propose novel end-to-end multimodal ASR systems and compare them to the adaptive approach by using a range of visual representations obtained from state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks. We show that adaptive training is effective for S2S models leading to an absolute improvement of 1.4% in word error rate. As for the end-to-end systems, although they perform better than baseline, the improvements are slightly less than adaptive training, 0.8 absolute WER reduction in single-best models. Using ensemble decoding, end-to-end models reach a WER of 15% which is the lowest score among all systems.Comment: ICASSP 201

    Whole Word Phonetic Displays for Speech Articulation Training

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    The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate and develop speech recognition technologies for speech training for people with hearing impairments. During the course of this work, a computer aided speech training system for articulation speech training was also designed and implemented. The speech training system places emphasis on displays to improve children\u27s pronunciation of isolated Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) words, with displays at both the phonetic level and whole word level. This dissertation presents two hybrid methods for combining Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Neural Networks (NNs) for speech recognition. The first method uses NN outputs as posterior probability estimators for HMMs. The second method uses NNs to transform the original speech features to normalized features with reduced correlation. Based on experimental testing, both of the hybrid methods give higher accuracy than standard HMM methods. The second method, using the NN to create normalized features, outperforms the first method in terms of accuracy. Several graphical displays were developed to provide real time visual feedback to users, to help them to improve and correct their pronunciations

    An acoustic-phonetic approach in automatic Arabic speech recognition

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    In a large vocabulary speech recognition system the broad phonetic classification technique is used instead of detailed phonetic analysis to overcome the variability in the acoustic realisation of utterances. The broad phonetic description of a word is used as a means of lexical access, where the lexicon is structured into sets of words sharing the same broad phonetic labelling. This approach has been applied to a large vocabulary isolated word Arabic speech recognition system. Statistical studies have been carried out on 10,000 Arabic words (converted to phonemic form) involving different combinations of broad phonetic classes. Some particular features of the Arabic language have been exploited. The results show that vowels represent about 43% of the total number of phonemes. They also show that about 38% of the words can uniquely be represented at this level by using eight broad phonetic classes. When introducing detailed vowel identification the percentage of uniquely specified words rises to 83%. These results suggest that a fully detailed phonetic analysis of the speech signal is perhaps unnecessary. In the adopted word recognition model, the consonants are classified into four broad phonetic classes, while the vowels are described by their phonemic form. A set of 100 words uttered by several speakers has been used to test the performance of the implemented approach. In the implemented recognition model, three procedures have been developed, namely voiced-unvoiced-silence segmentation, vowel detection and identification, and automatic spectral transition detection between phonemes within a word. The accuracy of both the V-UV-S and vowel recognition procedures is almost perfect. A broad phonetic segmentation procedure has been implemented, which exploits information from the above mentioned three procedures. Simple phonological constraints have been used to improve the accuracy of the segmentation process. The resultant sequence of labels are used for lexical access to retrieve the word or a small set of words sharing the same broad phonetic labelling. For the case of having more than one word-candidates, a verification procedure is used to choose the most likely one

    Rhythmic unit extraction and modelling for automatic language identification

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    International audienceThis paper deals with an approach to Automatic Language Identification based on rhythmic modelling. Beside phonetics and phonotactics, rhythm is actually one of the most promising features to be considered for language identification, even if its extraction and modelling are not a straightforward issue. Actually, one of the main problems to address is what to model. In this paper, an algorithm of rhythm extraction is described: using a vowel detection algorithm, rhythmic units related to syllables are segmented. Several parameters are extracted (consonantal and vowel duration, cluster complexity) and modelled with a Gaussian Mixture. Experiments are performed on read speech for 7 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish) and results reach up to 86 ± 6% of correct discrimination between stress-timed mora-timed and syllable-timed classes of languages, and to 67 ± 8% percent of correct language identification on average for the 7 languages with utterances of 21 seconds. These results are commented and compared with those obtained with a standard acoustic Gaussian mixture modelling approach (88 ± 5% of correct identification for the 7-languages identification task)

    Adaptive threshold optimisation for colour-based lip segmentation in automatic lip-reading systems

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, September 2016Having survived the ordeal of a laryngectomy, the patient must come to terms with the resulting loss of speech. With recent advances in portable computing power, automatic lip-reading (ALR) may become a viable approach to voice restoration. This thesis addresses the image processing aspect of ALR, and focuses three contributions to colour-based lip segmentation. The rst contribution concerns the colour transform to enhance the contrast between the lips and skin. This thesis presents the most comprehensive study to date by measuring the overlap between lip and skin histograms for 33 di erent colour transforms. The hue component of HSV obtains the lowest overlap of 6:15%, and results show that selecting the correct transform can increase the segmentation accuracy by up to three times. The second contribution is the development of a new lip segmentation algorithm that utilises the best colour transforms from the comparative study. The algorithm is tested on 895 images and achieves percentage overlap (OL) of 92:23% and segmentation error (SE) of 7:39 %. The third contribution focuses on the impact of the histogram threshold on the segmentation accuracy, and introduces a novel technique called Adaptive Threshold Optimisation (ATO) to select a better threshold value. The rst stage of ATO incorporates -SVR to train the lip shape model. ATO then uses feedback of shape information to validate and optimise the threshold. After applying ATO, the SE decreases from 7:65% to 6:50%, corresponding to an absolute improvement of 1:15 pp or relative improvement of 15:1%. While this thesis concerns lip segmentation in particular, ATO is a threshold selection technique that can be used in various segmentation applications.MT201

    Arabic Continuous Speech Recognition System using Sphinx-4

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    Speech is the most natural form of human communication and speech processing has been one of the most exciting areas of the signal processing. Speech recognition technology has made it possible for computer to follow human voice commands and understand human languages. The main goal of speech recognition area is to develop techniques and systems for speech input to machine and treat this speech to be used in many applications. As Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Statistics show that it is the first language (mother-tongue) of 206 million native speakers ranked as fourth after Mandarin, Spanish and English. In spite of its importance, research effort on Arabic Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is unfortunately still inadequate[7]. This thesis proposes and describes an efficient and effective framework for designing and developing a speaker-independent continuous automatic Arabic speech recognition system based on a phonetically rich and balanced speech corpus. The developing Arabic speech recognition system is based on the Carnegie Mellon university Sphinx tools. To build the system, we develop three basic components. The dictionary which contains all possible phonetic pronunciations of any word in the domain vocabulary. The second one is the language model such a model tries to capture the properties of a sequence of words by means of a probability distribution, and to predict the next word in a speech sequence. The last one is the acoustic model which will be created by taking audio recordings of speech, and their text transcriptions, and using software to create statistical representations of the sounds that make up each word. The system use the rich and balanced database that contains 367 sentences, a total of 14232 words. The phonetic dictionary contains about 23,841 definitions corresponding to the database words. And the language model contains14233 mono-gram and 32813 bi-grams and 37771 tri-grams. The engine uses 3-emmiting states Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for tri-phone-based acoustic models

    Confusion modelling for lip-reading

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    Lip-reading is mostly used as a means of communication by people with hearing di�fficulties. Recent work has explored the automation of this process, with the aim of building a speech recognition system entirely driven by lip movements. However, this work has so far produced poor results because of factors such as high variability of speaker features, diffi�culties in mapping from visual features to speech sounds, and high co-articulation of visual features. The motivation for the work in this thesis is inspired by previous work in dysarthric speech recognition [Morales, 2009]. Dysathric speakers have poor control over their articulators, often leading to a reduced phonemic repertoire. The premise of this thesis is that recognition of the visual speech signal is a similar problem to recog- nition of dysarthric speech, in that some information about the speech signal has been lost in both cases, and this brings about a systematic pattern of errors in the decoded output. This work attempts to exploit the systematic nature of these errors by modelling them in the framework of a weighted finite-state transducer cascade. Results indicate that the technique can achieve slightly lower error rates than the conventional approach. In addition, it explores some interesting more general questions for automated lip-reading

    Segmental and prosodic improvements to speech generation

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    Tracking Visible Features of Speech for Computer-Based Speech Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech

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    At present, there are few, if any, effective computer-based speech therapy systems (CBSTs) that support the at-home component for clinical interventions for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). PROMPT, an established speech therapy intervention for CAS, has the potential to be supported via a CBST, which could increase engagement and provide valuable feedback to the child. However, the necessary computational techniques have not yet been developed and evaluated. In this thesis, I will describe the development of some of the key underlying computational components that are required for the development of such a system. These components concern camera-based tracking of visible features of speech which concern jaw kinematics. These components would also be necessary for the serious game that we have envisioned