7 research outputs found

    Efficient query expansion

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    Hundreds of millions of users each day search the web and other repositories to meet their information needs. However, queries can fail to find documents due to a mismatch in terminology. Query expansion seeks to address this problem by automatically adding terms from highly ranked documents to the query. While query expansion has been shown to be effective at improving query performance, the gain in effectiveness comes at a cost: expansion is slow and resource-intensive. Current techniques for query expansion use fixed values for key parameters, determined by tuning on test collections. We show that these parameters may not be generally applicable, and, more significantly, that the assumption that the same parameter settings can be used for all queries is invalid. Using detailed experiments, we demonstrate that new methods for choosing parameters must be found. In conventional approaches to query expansion, the additional terms are selected from highly ranked documents returned from an initial retrieval run. We demonstrate a new method of obtaining expansion terms, based on past user queries that are associated with documents in the collection. The most effective query expansion methods rely on costly retrieval and processing of feedback documents. We explore alternative methods for reducing query-evaluation costs, and propose a new method based on keeping a brief summary of each document in memory. This method allows query expansion to proceed three times faster than previously, while approximating the effectiveness of standard expansion. We investigate the use of document expansion, in which documents are augmented with related terms extracted from the corpus during indexing, as an alternative to query expansion. The overheads at query time are small. We propose and explore a range of corpus-based document expansion techniques and compare them to corpus-based query expansion on TREC data. These experiments show that document expansion delivers at best limited benefits, while query expansion, including standard techniques and efficient approaches described in recent work, usually delivers good gains. We conclude that document expansion is unpromising, but it is likely that the efficiency of query expansion can be further improved

    Knowledge management for TEXPROS

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    Most of the document processing systems today have applied Al technologies to support their system intelligent behaviors. For the application of Al technologies in such systems, the core problem is how to represent and manage different kinds of knowledge to support their inference engine components\u27 functionalities. In other words, knowledge management has become a critical issue in the document processing systems. In this dissertation, within the scope of the TEXt PROcessing System (TEXPROS), we identify knowledge of various kinds that are applicable in the system. We investigate several problems of managing this knowledge and then develop a knowledge base for TEXPROS. In developing this knowledge base, we present approaches to representing and managing different kinds of knowledge to support its inference engine components\u27 functionalities. In TEXPROS, a dual-model paradigm is used, which contains the folder organization and the document type hierarchy, to represent and manage documents. We introduce a new System Catalog structure to represent and manage the knowledge for TEXPROS. This knowledge includes the system-level information of the folder organization and the document type hierarchy, and the operational level information of the document base itself. A unified storage approach is employed to store both the operational level information and system level information. Such storage is to house the frame template base and frame instance base. An enhanced two-level thesaurus model is presented in this dissertation. When dealing with special kinds of data in processing documents, a new structure DataDomain is presented, which supports the extended thesaurus functionalities, pattern recognition and data type operations. Based on the dual-model paradigm of TEXPROS, a concept of “Semantic Range” is presented to solve the sense ambiguity problems. In this dissertation, we also present the approaches to implement the general KeyTerm transformation and approximate term matching of TEXPROS. Finally, a new component “Registration Center” at the knowledge management level of TEXPROS is presented. The registration center aims to help users handle knowledge packages for specific working domain and to solve the knowledge porting problem for TEXPROS. This dissertation is concluded with the future research work

    A framework to support the annotation, discovery and evaluation of data in ecology, for a better visibility and reuse of data and an increased societal value gained from environmental projects

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    Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich im Kern mit der Verwendung von Metadaten in alltäglichen, datenbezogenen Arbeitsabläufen von Ökologen. Die vorgelegte Arbeit befasst sich dabei mit der Erstellung eines Rahmenwerkes zur Unterstützung der Annotation ökologischer Daten, der effizienten Suche nach ökologischen Daten in Datenbanken und der Einbindung von Metadaten während der Datenanalyse. Weiterhin behandelt die Arbeit die Dokumentation von Analysen sowie die Auswertung von Metadaten zur Entwicklung von Werkzeugen für eine Aufbereitung von Informationen über ökologische Projekte. Diese Informationen können zur Evaluation und Maximierung des aus den Projekten gezogenen gesellschaftlichen Mehrwerts eingesetzt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist als kumulative Dissertation in englischer Sprache abgefasst. Sie basiert auf zwei Veröffentlichungen als Erstautor und einem zur Einreichung vorbereiteten Manuskript

    Deep Learning for Time-Series Analysis of Optical Satellite Imagery

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    In this cumulative thesis, I cover four papers on time-series analysis of optical satellite imagery. The contribution is split into two parts. The first one introduces DENETHOR and DynamicEarthNet, two landmark datasets with high-quality ground truth data for agricultural monitoring and change detection. Second, I introduce SiROC and SemiSiROC, two methodological contributions to label-efficient change detection