189 research outputs found

    Image Restoration for Remote Sensing: Overview and Toolbox

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    Remote sensing provides valuable information about objects or areas from a distance in either active (e.g., RADAR and LiDAR) or passive (e.g., multispectral and hyperspectral) modes. The quality of data acquired by remotely sensed imaging sensors (both active and passive) is often degraded by a variety of noise types and artifacts. Image restoration, which is a vibrant field of research in the remote sensing community, is the task of recovering the true unknown image from the degraded observed image. Each imaging sensor induces unique noise types and artifacts into the observed image. This fact has led to the expansion of restoration techniques in different paths according to each sensor type. This review paper brings together the advances of image restoration techniques with particular focuses on synthetic aperture radar and hyperspectral images as the most active sub-fields of image restoration in the remote sensing community. We, therefore, provide a comprehensive, discipline-specific starting point for researchers at different levels (i.e., students, researchers, and senior researchers) willing to investigate the vibrant topic of data restoration by supplying sufficient detail and references. Additionally, this review paper accompanies a toolbox to provide a platform to encourage interested students and researchers in the field to further explore the restoration techniques and fast-forward the community. The toolboxes are provided in https://github.com/ImageRestorationToolbox.Comment: This paper is under review in GRS

    Deep learning methods for solving linear inverse problems: Research directions and paradigms

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    The linear inverse problem is fundamental to the development of various scientific areas. Innumerable attempts have been carried out to solve different variants of the linear inverse problem in different applications. Nowadays, the rapid development of deep learning provides a fresh perspective for solving the linear inverse problem, which has various well-designed network architectures results in state-of-the-art performance in many applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the recent progress in the development of deep learning for solving various linear inverse problems. We review how deep learning methods are used in solving different linear inverse problems, and explore the structured neural network architectures that incorporate knowledge used in traditional methods. Furthermore, we identify open challenges and potential future directions along this research line

    Adorym: A multi-platform generic x-ray image reconstruction framework based on automatic differentiation

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    We describe and demonstrate an optimization-based x-ray image reconstruction framework called Adorym. Our framework provides a generic forward model, allowing one code framework to be used for a wide range of imaging methods ranging from near-field holography to and fly-scan ptychographic tomography. By using automatic differentiation for optimization, Adorym has the flexibility to refine experimental parameters including probe positions, multiple hologram alignment, and object tilts. It is written with strong support for parallel processing, allowing large datasets to be processed on high-performance computing systems. We demonstrate its use on several experimental datasets to show improved image quality through parameter refinement

    On Control and Estimation of Large and Uncertain Systems

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    This thesis contains an introduction and six papers about the control and estimation of large and uncertain systems. The first paper poses and solves a deterministic version of the multiple-model estimation problem for finite sets of linear systems. The estimate is an interpolation of Kalman filter estimates. It achieves a provided energy gain bound from disturbances to the point-wise estimation error, given that the gain bound is feasible. The second paper shows how to compute upper and lower bounds for the smallest feasible gain bound. The bounds are computed via Riccati recursions. The third paper proves that it is sufficient to consider observer-based feedback in output-feedback control of linear systems with uncertain parameters, where the uncertain parameters belong to a finite set. The paper also contains an example of a discrete-time integrator with unknown gain. The fourth paper argues that the current methods for analyzing the robustness of large systems with structured uncertainty do not distinguish between sparse and dense perturbations and proposes a new robustness measure that captures sparsity. The paper also thoroughly analyzes this new measure. In particular, it proposes an upper bound that is amenable to distributed computation and valuable for control design. The fifth paper solves the problem of localized state-feedback L2 control with communication delay for large discrete-time systems. The synthesis procedure can be performed for each node in parallel. The paper combines the localized state-feedback controller with a localized Kalman filter to synthesize a localized output feedback controller that stabilizes the closed-loop subject to communication constraints. The sixth paper concerns optimal linear-quadratic team-decision problems where the team does not have access to the model. Instead, the players must learn optimal policies by interacting with the environment. The paper contains algorithms and regret bounds for the first- and zeroth-order information feedback

    Contextual Beamforming: Exploiting Location and AI for Enhanced Wireless Telecommunication Performance

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    The pervasive nature of wireless telecommunication has made it the foundation for mainstream technologies like automation, smart vehicles, virtual reality, and unmanned aerial vehicles. As these technologies experience widespread adoption in our daily lives, ensuring the reliable performance of cellular networks in mobile scenarios has become a paramount challenge. Beamforming, an integral component of modern mobile networks, enables spatial selectivity and improves network quality. However, many beamforming techniques are iterative, introducing unwanted latency to the system. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in leveraging mobile users' location information to expedite beamforming processes. This paper explores the concept of contextual beamforming, discussing its advantages, disadvantages and implications. Notably, the study presents an impressive 53% improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by implementing the adaptive beamforming (MRT) algorithm compared to scenarios without beamforming. It further elucidates how MRT contributes to contextual beamforming. The importance of localization in implementing contextual beamforming is also examined. Additionally, the paper delves into the use of artificial intelligence schemes, including machine learning and deep learning, in implementing contextual beamforming techniques that leverage user location information. Based on the comprehensive review, the results suggest that the combination of MRT and Zero forcing (ZF) techniques, alongside deep neural networks (DNN) employing Bayesian Optimization (BO), represents the most promising approach for contextual beamforming. Furthermore, the study discusses the future potential of programmable switches, such as Tofino, in enabling location-aware beamforming

    Deep Learning for Inverse Problems: Performance Characterizations, Learning Algorithms, and Applications

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    Deep learning models have witnessed immense empirical success over the last decade. However, in spite of their widespread adoption, a profound understanding of the generalization behaviour of these over-parameterized architectures is still missing. In this thesis, we provide one such way via a data-dependent characterizations of the generalization capability of deep neural networks based data representations. In particular, by building on the algorithmic robustness framework, we offer a generalisation error bound that encapsulates key ingredients associated with the learning problem such as the complexity of the data space, the cardinality of the training set, and the Lipschitz properties of a deep neural network. We then specialize our analysis to a specific class of model based regression problems, namely the inverse problems. These problems often come with well defined forward operators that map variables of interest to the observations. It is therefore natural to ask whether such knowledge of the forward operator can be exploited in deep learning approaches increasingly used to solve inverse problems. We offer a generalisation error bound that -- apart from the other factors -- depends on the Jacobian of the composition of the forward operator with the neural network. Motivated by our analysis, we then propose a `plug-and-play' regulariser that leverages the knowledge of the forward map to improve the generalization of the network. We likewise also provide a method allowing us to tightly upper bound the norms of the Jacobians of the relevant operators that is much more {computationally} efficient than existing ones. We demonstrate the efficacy of our model-aware regularised deep learning algorithms against other state-of-the-art approaches on inverse problems involving various sub-sampling operators such as those used in classical compressed sensing setup and inverse problems that are of interest in the biomedical imaging setup

    Acoustic localization of people in reverberant environments using deep learning techniques

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    La localización de las personas a partir de información acústica es cada vez más importante en aplicaciones del mundo real como la seguridad, la vigilancia y la interacción entre personas y robots. En muchos casos, es necesario localizar con precisión personas u objetos en función del sonido que generan, especialmente en entornos ruidosos y reverberantes en los que los métodos de localización tradicionales pueden fallar, o en escenarios en los que los métodos basados en análisis de vídeo no son factibles por no disponer de ese tipo de sensores o por la existencia de oclusiones relevantes. Por ejemplo, en seguridad y vigilancia, la capacidad de localizar con precisión una fuente de sonido puede ayudar a identificar posibles amenazas o intrusos. En entornos sanitarios, la localización acústica puede utilizarse para controlar los movimientos y actividades de los pacientes, especialmente los que tienen problemas de movilidad. En la interacción entre personas y robots, los robots equipados con capacidades de localización acústica pueden percibir y responder mejor a su entorno, lo que permite interacciones más naturales e intuitivas con los humanos. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de sistemas de localización acústica precisos y robustos utilizando técnicas avanzadas como el aprendizaje profundo es de gran importancia práctica. Es por esto que en esta tesis doctoral se aborda dicho problema en tres líneas de investigación fundamentales: (i) El diseño de un sistema extremo a extremo (end-to-end) basado en redes neuronales capaz de mejorar las tasas de localización de sistemas ya existentes en el estado del arte. (ii) El diseño de un sistema capaz de localizar a uno o varios hablantes simultáneos en entornos con características y con geometrías de arrays de sensores diferentes sin necesidad de re-entrenar. (iii) El diseño de sistemas capaces de refinar los mapas de potencia acústica necesarios para localizar a las fuentes acústicas para conseguir una mejor localización posterior. A la hora de evaluar la consecución de dichos objetivos se han utilizado diversas bases de datos realistas con características diferentes, donde las personas involucradas en las escenas pueden actuar sin ningún tipo de restricción. Todos los sistemas propuestos han sido evaluados bajo las mismas condiciones consiguiendo superar en términos de error de localización a los sistemas actuales del estado del arte