13 research outputs found

    Modelo de arborización dendrítica basado en reconstrucciones de motoneuronas frénicas en ratas adultas

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    El área superficial de las dendritas en motoneuronas frénicas (PhrMNs) ha sido estimada anteriormente mediante técnicas estereológicas basadas en suposiciones geométricas, y medida en tres dimensiones (3D) utilizando microscopía confocal. Dado que el 97% del área receptora de una motoneurona corresponde a sus dendritas, la ramificación y extensión dendrítica son fisiológicamente importantes para determinar la salida de sus campos receptivos. Sin embargo, limitaciones inherentes a las estimaciones basadas en morfología neuronal y la tinción incompleta de los árboles dendríticos mediante técnicas retrógradas han dificultado los estudios sistemáticos de la morfología dendrítica en PhrMNs. En este estudio, se utilizó una nueva técnica que mejora la tinción dendrítica de las PhrMNs en preparaciones fijadas ligeramente. La reconstrucción dendrítica en 3D se logró con gran precisión utilizando microscopía confocal en PhrMNs de ratas adultas. Luego de una etapa de pre-procesamiento, la segmentación de los árboles dendríticos se realizó semi-automáticamente en 3D y usando mediciones directas del área superficial, se derivó un modelo cuadrático para estimar dicha área partiendo del diámetro de la dendrita primaria (r2 = 0.932; p<0.0001). Este método podría mejorar la evaluación de la plasticidad neuronal en respuesta a trauma u otras enfermedades permitiendo la estimación de la arborización dendrítica en PhrMNs, ya que el diámetro de la dendrita primaria puede obtenerse confiablemente de numerosas técnicas de tinción retrógrada.Stereological techniques that rely on morphological assumptions and direct three-dimensional (3D) confocal measurements have been previously used to estimate the dendritic surface areas of phrenic motoneurons (PhrMNs). Given that 97% of a motoneuron’s receptive area is provided by dendrites, dendritic branching and overall extension are physiologically important in determining the output of their synaptic receptive fields. However, limitations intrinsic to shape-based estimations and incomplete labeling of dendritic trees by retrograde techniques have hindered systematic approaches to examine dendritic morphology of PhrMNs. In this study, a novel method that improves dendritic filling of PhrMNs in lightly-fixed samples was used. Confocal microscopy allowed accurate 3D reconstruction of dendritic arbors from adult rat PhrMNs. Following pre-processing, segmentation was semi-automatically performed in 3D, and direct measurements of dendritic surface area were obtained. A quadratic model for estimating dendritic tree surface area based on measurements of primary dendrite diameter was derived (r2 = 0.932; p<0.0001). This method may enhance interpretation of motoneuron plasticity in response to injury or disease by permitting estimations of dendritic arborization of PhrMNs since measurements of primary dendrite diameter can be reliably obtained from a number of retrograde labeling techniques

    DeadEasy Mito-Glia: Automatic Counting of Mitotic Cells and Glial Cells in Drosophila

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    Cell number changes during normal development, and in disease (e.g., neurodegeneration, cancer). Many genes affect cell number, thus functional genetic analysis frequently requires analysis of cell number alterations upon loss of function mutations or in gain of function experiments. Drosophila is a most powerful model organism to investigate the function of genes involved in development or disease in vivo. Image processing and pattern recognition techniques can be used to extract information from microscopy images to quantify automatically distinct cellular features, but these methods are still not very extended in this model organism. Thus cellular quantification is often carried out manually, which is laborious, tedious, error prone or humanly unfeasible. Here, we present DeadEasy Mito-Glia, an image processing method to count automatically the number of mitotic cells labelled with anti-phospho-histone H3 and of glial cells labelled with anti-Repo in Drosophila embryos. This programme belongs to the DeadEasy suite of which we have previously developed versions to count apoptotic cells and neuronal nuclei. Having separate programmes is paramount for accuracy. DeadEasy Mito-Glia is very easy to use, fast, objective and very accurate when counting dividing cells and glial cells labelled with a nuclear marker. Although this method has been validated for Drosophila embryos, we provide an interactive window for biologists to easily extend its application to other nuclear markers and other sample types. DeadEasy MitoGlia is freely available as an ImageJ plug-in, it increases the repertoire of tools for in vivo genetic analysis, and it will be of interest to a broad community of developmental, cancer and neuro-biologists

    Semi-Automated Reconstruction of Neural Processes from Large Numbers of Fluorescence Images

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    We introduce a method for large scale reconstruction of complex bundles of neural processes from fluorescent image stacks. We imaged yellow fluorescent protein labeled axons that innervated a whole muscle, as well as dendrites in cerebral cortex, in transgenic mice, at the diffraction limit with a confocal microscope. Each image stack was digitally re-sampled along an orientation such that the majority of axons appeared in cross-section. A region growing algorithm was implemented in the open-source Reconstruct software and applied to the semi-automatic tracing of individual axons in three dimensions. The progression of region growing is constrained by user-specified criteria based on pixel values and object sizes, and the user has full control over the segmentation process. A full montage of reconstructed axons was assembled from the ∼200 individually reconstructed stacks. Average reconstruction speed is ∼0.5 mm per hour. We found an error rate in the automatic tracing mode of ∼1 error per 250 um of axonal length. We demonstrated the capacity of the program by reconstructing the connectome of motor axons in a small mouse muscle

    A CANDLE for a deeper in-vivo insight

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    A new Collaborative Approach for eNhanced Denoising under Low-light Excitation (CANDLE) is introduced for the processing of 3D laser scanning multiphoton microscopy images. CANDLE is designed to be robust for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions typically encountered when imaging deep in scattering biological specimens. Based on an optimized non-local means filter involving the comparison of filtered patches, CANDLE locally adapts the amount of smoothing in order to deal with the noise inhomogeneity inherent to laser scanning fluorescence microscopy images. An extensive validation on synthetic data, images acquired on microspheres and in vivo images is presented. These experiments show that the CANDLE filter obtained competitive results compared to a state-of-the-art method and a locally adaptive optimized non-local means filter, especially under low SNR conditions (PSNR < 8 dB). Finally, the deeper imaging capabilities enabled by the proposed filter are demonstrated on deep tissue in vivo images of neurons and fine axonal processes in the Xenopus tadpole brain.We want to thank Florian Luisier for providing free plugin of his PureDenoise filter. We also want to thank Markku Makitalo for providing the code of their OVST. This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, MOP-84360 to DLC and MOP-77567 to ESR) and Cda (CECR)-Gevas-OE016. MM holds a fellowship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austasch Dienst (DAAD) and a McGill Principal's Award. ESR is a tier 2 Canada Research Chair. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III through the RETICS Combiomed, RD07/0067/2001. This work benefited from the use of ImageJ.Coupé, P.; Munz, M.; Manjón Herrera, JV.; Ruthazer, ES.; Collins, DL. (2012). A CANDLE for a deeper in-vivo insight. Medical Image Analysis. 16(4):849-864. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2012.01.002S84986416

    Automatic cell counting in vivo in the larval nervous system of Drosophila

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    Identification and counting of cells is necessary to test biological hypotheses, for instance of nervous system formation, disease, degeneration, injury and regeneration, but manual counting is time-consuming, tedious, and subject to bias. The fruit-fly Drosophila is a widely used model organism to analyse gene function, and most research is carried out in the intact animal or in whole organs, rather than in cell culture. Inferences on gene function require that cell counts are known from these sample types. Image processing and pattern recognition techniques are appropriate tools to automate cell counting. However, counting cells in Drosophila is a complex task: variations in immunohistochemical markers and developmental stages result in images of very different properties, rendering it challenging to identify true cells. Here, we present a technique for counting automatically larval glial cells in 3D, from confocal microscopy serial optical sections. Local outlier thresholding and domes are combined to find the cells. Shape descriptors extracted from a data set are used to characterise cells and avoid over-segmentation. Morphological operators are employed to divide cells that could otherwise be missed. The method is accurate and very fast, and treats all samples equally and objectively, rendering all data comparable across specimens. Our method is also applicable to identify cells labelled with other nuclear markers and in sections of mouse tissues

    Optimization of Traced Neuron Skeleton Using Lasso-Based Model

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    Reconstruction of neuronal morphology from images involves mainly the extraction of neuronal skeleton points. It is an indispensable step in the quantitative analysis of neurons. Due to the complex morphology of neurons, many widely used tracing methods have difficulties in accurately acquiring skeleton points near branch points or in structures with tortuosity. Here, we propose two models to solve these problems. One is based on an L1-norm minimization model, which can better identify tortuous structure, namely, a local structure with large curvature skeleton points; the other detects an optimized branch point by considering the combination patterns of all neurites that link to this point. We combined these two models to achieve optimized skeleton detection for a neuron. We validate our models in various datasets including MOST and BigNeuron. In addition, we demonstrate that our method can optimize the traced skeletons from large-scale images. These characteristics of our approach indicate that it can reduce manual editing of traced skeletons and help to accelerate the accurate reconstruction of neuronal morphology

    Automatic segmentation and skeletonization of neurons from confocal microscopy images based on the 3-D wavelet transform

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    A Contour Grouping Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction of Biological Cells

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    Advances in computational modelling offer unprecedented potential for obtaining insights into the mechanics of cell-cell interactions. With the aid of such models, cell-level phenomena such as cell sorting and tissue self-organization are now being understood in terms of forces generated by specific sub-cellular structural components. Three-dimensional systems can behave differently from two-dimensional ones and since models cannot be validated without corresponding data, it is crucial to build accurate three-dimensional models of real cell aggregates. The lack of automated methods to determine which cell outlines in successive images of a confocal stack or time-lapse image set belong to the same cell is an important unsolved problem in the reconstruction process. This thesis addresses this problem through a contour grouping algorithm (CGA) designed to lead to unsupervised three-dimensional reconstructions of biological cells. The CGA associates contours obtained from fluorescently-labeled cell membranes in individual confocal slices using concepts from the fields of machine learning and combinatorics. The feature extraction step results in a set of association metrics. The algorithm then uses a probabilistic grouping step and a greedy-cost optimization step to produce grouped sets of contours. Groupings are representative of imaged cells and are manually evaluated for accuracy. The CGA presented here is able to produce accuracies greater than 96% when properly tuned. Parameter studies show that the algorithm is robust. That is, acceptable results are obtained under moderately varied probabilistic constraints and reasonable cost weightings. Image properties – such as slicing distance, image quality – affect the results. Sources of error are identified and enhancements based on fuzzy-logic and other optimization methods are considered. The successful grouping of cell contours, as realized here, is an important step toward the development of realistic, three-dimensional, cell-based finite element models

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe nervous system is comprised of an estimated 100 billion individual neurons, which are connected to one another to form a network that senses environmental stimuli and coordinates the organism's behavior. Because of the complexity of the nervous system, deciphering the developmental processes and adult wiring diagram has proved challenging. A number of axon guidance molecules have been identified; however, the means by which they guide billions of axons to their target cells in vivo remains poorly understood. Several axon guidance molecules have been found to be bifunctional, meaning they can elicit different growth cone responses depending on the presence or absence of other molecules, such as growth cone receptors, intracellular signal transduction molecules, or extracellular modulators. Axon sorting within axon tracts is perhaps a means by which axons are presorted to make a precise connection on their target cells. The zebrafish, Danio rerio, is an ideal model organism to study vertebrate axon guidance and axon sorting due to its external fertilization, optical transparency, amenability to forward genetics, and ease of making transgenic lines. In order to study axon guidance within the zebrafish retinotectal system, I developed a new method of misexpressing genes. Local misexpression can be induced by using a modified soldering iron in transgenic zebrafish in which a gene of interest is driven by a heat shock promoter. This method allowed me to examine the mechanisms by which Slit1a and Slit2 guide axons from the retina to the optic tectum. I determined the expression pattern of Slits in the zebrafish and used antisense morpholino technology to knock down Slit1a. The iv resultant axon guidance errors indicated that Slit1a acts to guide retinal axons through the optic tract. I then misexpressed Slit1a and Slit2 near the optic tract to observe their effect on axons. I found that both proteins appeared to attract retinal axons. Additionally, I saw that Slit2 seems to attract retinal axons earlier in the retinotectal pathway, at the optic chiasm. I also report on a new method, to whose development I contributed, for automated tracking of axons through electron microscopy datasets. Taken together, my results add new methods to the endeavor of mapping neural connectivity and development, and suggest a new role for Slits in axon guidance