18 research outputs found

    Automatic plant disease diagnosis using mobile capture devices, applied on a wheat use case

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    Disease diagnosis based on the detection of early symptoms is a usual threshold taken into account for integrated pest management strategies. Early phytosanitary treatment minimizes yield losses and increases the efficacy and efficiency of the treatments. However, the appearance of new diseases associated to new resistant crop variants complicates their early identification delaying the application of the appropriate corrective actions. The use of image based automated identification systems can leverage early detection of diseases among farmers and technicians but they perform poorly under real field conditions using mobile devices. A novel image processing algorithm based on candidate hot-spot detection in combination with statistical inference methods is proposed to tackle disease identification in wild conditions. This work analyses the performance of early identification of three European endemic wheat diseases – septoria, rust and tan spot. The analysis was done using 7 mobile devices and more than 3500 images captured in two pilot sites in Spain and Germany during 2014, 2015 and 2016. Obtained results reveal AuC (Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic –ROC– Curve) metrics higher than 0.80 for all the analyzed diseases on the pilot tests under real conditions

    Segmentación de instancias para detección automática de malezas y cultivos en campos de cultivo

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    Con base en las recientes aplicaciones exitosas de técnicas de Aprendizaje Profundo en la clasificación, detección y segmentación de plantas, proponemos un enfoque de segmentación de instancias utilizando un modelo Mask R-CNN para la detección de malezas y cultivos en tierras de cultivo. Evaluamos el rendimiento de nuestro modelo con la métrica de precisión promedio de MSCOCO, contrastando el uso de técnicas de aumento de datos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo el modelo se adapta muy bien en este contexto, abriendo nuevas oportunidades para soluciones automatizadas de control de malezas a gran escala

    Image based Plant leaf disease detection using Deep learning

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    Agriculture is important for India. Every year growing variety of crops is at loss due to inefficiency in shipping, cultivation, pest infestation in crop and storage of government-subsidized crops.  There is reduction in production of good crops in both quality and quantity due to Plants being affected by diseases. Hence it is important for early detection and identification of diseases in plants. The proposed methodology consists of collection of Plant leaf dataset, Image preprocessing, Image Augmentation and Neural network training. The dataset is collected from ImageNet for training phase. The CNN technique is used to differentiate the healthy leaf from disease affected leaf. In image preprocessing resizing the image is carried out to reduce the training phase time. Image augmentation is performed in training phase by applying various transformation function on Plant images. The Network is trained by Caffenet deep learning framework. CNN is trained with ReLu (Rectified Linear Unit). The convolution base of CNN generates features from image through the multiple convolution layers and pooling layers. The classifier part of CNN classifies the image based on the features extracted from the convolution base. The classification is performed through the fully connected layers. The performance is measured using 10-fold cross validation function. The final layer uses activation function like softmax to categorize the outputs

    Artificial intelligence-based solutions for coffee leaf disease classification

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    Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages and the quantity and quality of coffee beans depend significantly on the health and condition of coffee plants, particularly their leaves. The automation of coffee leaf disease classification using AI is an essential need, providing not only economic benefits but also contributing to environmental conservation and creating better conditions for sustainable coffee cultivation. Through the application of AI, early disease detection is facilitated, thereby reducing pest and disease control costs, minimizing crop losses, increasing coffee productivity and product quality, and promoting environmental preservation. Many studies have proposed AI algorithms for coffee disease classification. However, numerous algorithms employ classical algorithms, while some utilize deep learning, the current state-of-the-art in computer vision. The challenge lies in the fact that when using deep learning, a substantial amount of data is required for training. The design of deep learning architectures to enhance model accuracy while still working with a small training dataset remains an area of ongoing research. In this study, we propose deep learning-based method for coffee leaf disease classification. We propose the combination of different deep convolutional neural networks to further improve overall classification performance. Early and late fusion have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the pre-trained model. Our experimental results demonstrate that the ensemble method outperforms single-model approaches, achieving high accuracy and precision in BRACOL coffee disease leaf

    Design and Implementation of Deep Learning Method for Disease Identification in Plant Leaf

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    In the whole agriculture plays a very important in country’s economic condition specially in Indian agriculture has a crucial role for raising the Indian economic structure and its level. India’s frequent changing climatic situation, various bacterial disease is much normal that drastically decreases the productivity of crop productivity. Most of the researcher is moving towards into this topic to find the early detection technique to identify the disease in small green leaves plants. A single, micro bacterial infectious disease can destroy all the agricultural small green leaves plants get damaged overnight and hence must be prevented and cured as earliest as possible so that agriculture production. In this research work, we had tried to developed a green small green leaves plants bacterial disease early detection system based on the deep learning network system which will detect the disease at very earlier state of symptoms observed. Deep learning technique is has various algorithms to detect the earliest stage of any of the procedural processing of any bacterial infections or disease. This paper consists of investigations and analysis of latest deep learning techniques. Initially we will explore the deep learning architecture, its various source of data and different types of image processing method that can be used for processing the images captured of leaf for data processing. Different DL architectures with various data visualization’s tools has recently developed to determine symptoms and classifications of different type of plant-based disease. We had observed some issue that was un identified in previous research work during our literature survey and their technique to resolve that issue in order to handle the functional auto-detection system for identifying the certain plant disease in the field where massive growth of green small green leaves plants production is mostly done. Recently various enhancement has been done in techniques in CNN (convolution neural network) that generates much accurate images classification of any object. Our research work is based on deep learning network that will observe and identifies the symptoms generated in leaflet of plant and identifies the type of bacterial infection in progress in that with the help of plant classification stated in the plant dataset. Our research work represents the implementation DCGAN and Hybrid Net Model using Deep learning algorithm for early-stage identification of green plant leaves disease in various environmental condition. Our result obtained shows that it has DCGAN accuracy 96.90% when compared withHybrid Net model disease detection methodologies

    Advancements in Deep Learning for Early Detection of Plant Diseases: Techniques, Challenges, and Opportunities in Precision Agriculture

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    Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a transformative technology in the field of agriculture, revolutionizing various applications such as disease recognition, plant classification, and fruit counting. Compared to traditional image processing techniques, deep learning has demonstrated a remarkable ability to achieve significantly higher accuracy, surpassing the performance of conventional methods.One of the primary advantages of leveraging deep learning in agriculture is its unparalleled capacity to provide more precise predictions, enabling farmers and researchers to make better-informed decisions that lead to improved outcomes. Deep learning models have consistently exhibited impressive performance across a wide range of tasks, including visual recognition, language processing, and speech detection, making them highly suitable for diverse agricultural applications. Furthermore, the success of deep learning in medical imaging has been successfully extended to the agricultural domain. By applying deep learning's powerful capabilities, stakeholders in the agricultural sector can now accurately classify plant species, detect diseases, and identify pests with unprecedented precision. This advancement has the potential to drive significant improvements in productivity, reduce crop losses, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately transforming the way we approach agricultural practices

    Developing A Neural Network-Based Model for Identifying Medicinal Plant Leaves Using Image Recognition Techniques

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    Herbal plants contribute an important role in people's health and the environment, as they can provide both medical benefits and oxygen. Many herbal plants contain valuable therapeutic elements that can be passed down to future generations. Traditional methods of identifying plant species, such as manual measurement and examination of characteristics, are labor-intensive and time-consuming. To address this, there has been a push to develop more efficient methods using technology, such as digital image processing and pattern recognition techniques. The exact recognition of plants uses methodologies like computer vision and neural networks, which have been proposed earlier. This approach involves neural network models such as CNN, ALexnet, and ResNet for identifying the medical plants based on their respective features. Classification metrics give the 96.82 average accuracies. These results have been promising, and further research will involve using a larger dataset and going more into deep-learning neural networks to improve the accuracy of medicinal plant identification. It is hoped that a web or mobile-based system for automatic plant identification can help increase knowledge about medicinal plants, improve techniques for species recognition, and participate in the preservation of species that are considered ad endangered