628 research outputs found

    Deteção automática de lesões de esclerose múltipla em imagens de ressonância magnética cerebral utilizando BIANCA

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    The aim of this work was to design and optimize a workflow to apply the Machine Learning classifier BIANCA (Brain Intensity AbNormalities Classification Algorithm) to detect lesions characterized by white matter T2 hyperintensity in clinical Magnetic Resonance Multiple Sclerosis datasets. The designed pipeline includes pre-processing, lesion identification and optimization of BIANCA options. The classifier has been trained and tuned on 15 cases making up the training dataset of the MICCAI 2016 (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions) challenge and then tested on 30 cases from the Lesjak et al. public dataset. The results obtained are in good agreement with those reported by the 13 teams concluding the MICCAI 2016 challenge, thus confirming that this algorithm can be a reliable tool to detect and classify Multiple Sclerosis lesions in Magnetic Resonance studies.Este trabalho teve como objetivo a conceção e otimização de um procedimento para aplicação de um algoritmo de Machine Learning, o classificador BIANCA (Brain Intensity AbNormalities Classification Algorithm), para deteção de lesões caracterizadas por hiperintensidade em T2 da matéria branca em estudos clínicos de Esclerose Múltipla por Ressonância Magnética. O procedimento concebido inclui pré-processamento, identificação das lesões e otimização dos parâmetros do algoritmo BIANCA. O classificador foi treinado e afinado utilizando os 15 casos clínicos que constituíam o conjunto de treino do desafio MICCAI 2016 (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions) e posteriormente testado em 30 casos clínicos de uma base de dados pública (Lesjak et al.). Os resultados obtidos são em concordância com os alcançados pelas 13 equipas que concluíram o desafio MICCAI 2016, confirmando que este algoritmo pode ser uma ferramenta válida para a deteção e classificação de lesões de Esclerose Múltipla em estudos de Ressonância Magnética.Mestrado em Tecnologias da Imagem Médic

    Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation

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    In this paper, we present an automated approach for segmenting multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions from multi-modal brain magnetic resonance images. Our method is based on a deep end-to-end 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) for slice-based segmentation of 3D volumetric data. The proposed CNN includes a multi-branch downsampling path, which enables the network to encode information from multiple modalities separately. Multi-scale feature fusion blocks are proposed to combine feature maps from different modalities at different stages of the network. Then, multi-scale feature upsampling blocks are introduced to upsize combined feature maps to leverage information from lesion shape and location. We trained and tested the proposed model using orthogonal plane orientations of each 3D modality to exploit the contextual information in all directions. The proposed pipeline is evaluated on two different datasets: a private dataset including 37 MS patients and a publicly available dataset known as the ISBI 2015 longitudinal MS lesion segmentation challenge dataset, consisting of 14 MS patients. Considering the ISBI challenge, at the time of submission, our method was amongst the top performing solutions. On the private dataset, using the same array of performance metrics as in the ISBI challenge, the proposed approach shows high improvements in MS lesion segmentation compared with other publicly available tools.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in NeuroImag

    Shallow vs deep learning architectures for white matter lesion segmentation in the early stages of multiple sclerosis

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    In this work, we present a comparison of a shallow and a deep learning architecture for the automated segmentation of white matter lesions in MR images of multiple sclerosis patients. In particular, we train and test both methods on early stage disease patients, to verify their performance in challenging conditions, more similar to a clinical setting than what is typically provided in multiple sclerosis segmentation challenges. Furthermore, we evaluate a prototype naive combination of the two methods, which refines the final segmentation. All methods were trained on 32 patients, and the evaluation was performed on a pure test set of 73 cases. Results show low lesion-wise false positives (30%) for the deep learning architecture, whereas the shallow architecture yields the best Dice coefficient (63%) and volume difference (19%). Combining both shallow and deep architectures further improves the lesion-wise metrics (69% and 26% lesion-wise true and false positive rate, respectively).Comment: Accepted to the MICCAI 2018 Brain Lesion (BrainLes) worksho

    Automated detection of lupus white matter lesions in MRI

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    Brain magnetic resonance imaging provides detailed information which can be used to detect and segment white matter lesions (WML). In this work we propose an approach to automatically segment WML in Lupus patients by using T1w and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. Lupus WML appear as small focal abnormal tissue observed as hyperintensities in the FLAIR images. The quantification of these WML is a key factor for the stratification of lupus patients and therefore both lesion detection and segmentation play an important role. In our approach, the T1w image is first used to classify the three main tissues of the brain, white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), while the FLAIR image is then used to detect focal WML as outliers of its GM intensity distribution. A set of post-processing steps based on lesion size, tissue neighborhood, and location are used to refine the lesion candidates. The proposal is evaluated on 20 patients, presenting qualitative, and quantitative results in terms of precision and sensitivity of lesion detection [True Positive Rate (62%) and Positive Prediction Value (80%), respectively] as well as segmentation accuracy [Dice Similarity Coefficient (72%)]. Obtained results illustrate the validity of the approach to automatically detect and segment lupus lesions. Besides, our approach is publicly available as a SPM8/12 toolbox extension with a simple parameter configuration

    Simultaneous lesion and neuroanatomy segmentation in Multiple Sclerosis using deep neural networks

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    Segmentation of both white matter lesions and deep grey matter structures is an important task in the quantification of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis. Typically these tasks are performed separately: in this paper we present a single segmentation solution based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for providing fast, reliable segmentations of multimodal magnetic resonance images into lesion classes and normal-appearing grey- and white-matter structures. We show substantial, statistically significant improvements in both Dice coefficient and in lesion-wise specificity and sensitivity, compared to previous approaches, and agreement with individual human raters in the range of human inter-rater variability. The method is trained on data gathered from a single centre: nonetheless, it performs well on data from centres, scanners and field-strengths not represented in the training dataset. A retrospective study found that the classifier successfully identified lesions missed by the human raters. Lesion labels were provided by human raters, while weak labels for other brain structures (including CSF, cortical grey matter, cortical white matter, cerebellum, amygdala, hippocampus, subcortical GM structures and choroid plexus) were provided by Freesurfer 5.3. The segmentations of these structures compared well, not only with Freesurfer 5.3, but also with FSL-First and Freesurfer 6.0

    A Review of MRI Acute Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation

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    Immediate treatment of a stroke can minimize long-term effects and even help reduce death risk. In the ischemic stroke cases, there are two zones of injury which are ischemic core and ischemic penumbra zone. The ischemic penumbra indicates the part that is located around the infarct core that is at risk of developing a brain infarction. Recently, various segmentation methods of infarct lesion from the MRI input images were developed and these methods gave a high accuracy in the extraction and detection of the infarct core. However, only some limited works have been reported to isolate the penumbra tissues and infarct core separately. The challenges exist in ischemic core identification are traditional approach prone to error, time-consuming and tedious for medical expert which could delay the treatment. In this paper, we study and analyse the segmentation algorithms for brain MRI ischemic of different categories. The focus of the review is mainly on the segmentation algorithms of infarct core with penumbra and infarct core only. We highlight the advantages and limitations alongside the discussion of the capabilities of these segmentation algorithms and its key challenges. The paper also devised a generic structure for automated stroke lesion segmentation. The performance of these algorithms was investigated by comparing different parameters of the surveyed algorithms. In addition, a new structure of the segmentation process for segmentation of penumbra is proposed by considering the challenges remains. The best accuracy for segmentation of infarct core and penumbra tissues is 82.1% whereas 99.1% for segmentation infarct core only. Meanwhile, the shortest average computational time recorded was 3.42 seconds for segmenting 10 slices of MR images. This paper presents an inclusive analysis of the discussed papers based on different categories of the segmentation algorithm. The proposed structure is important to enable a more robust and accurate assessment in clinical practice. This could be an opportunity for the medical and engineering sector to work together in designing a complete end-to-end automatic framework in detecting stroke lesion and penumbra