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    Advanced tracking and image registration techniques for intraoperative radiation therapy

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIntraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) is a technique used to deliver radiation to the surgically opened tumor bed without irradiating healthy tissue. Treatment planning systems and mobile linear accelerators enable clinicians to optimize the procedure, minimize stress in the operating room (OR) and avoid transferring the patient to a dedicated radiation room. However, placement of the radiation collimator over the tumor bed requires a validation methodology to ensure correct delivery of the dose prescribed in the treatment planning system. In this dissertation, we address three well-known limitations of IOERT: applicator positioning over the tumor bed, docking of the mobile linear accelerator gantry with the applicator and validation of the dose delivery prescribed. This thesis demonstrates that these limitations can be overcome by positioning the applicator appropriately with respect to the patient’s anatomy. The main objective of the study was to assess technological and procedural alternatives for improvement of IOERT performance and resolution of problems of uncertainty. Image-to-world registration, multicamera optical trackers, multimodal imaging techniques and mobile linear accelerator docking are addressed in the context of IOERT. IOERT is carried out by a multidisciplinary team in a highly complex environment that has special tracking needs owing to the characteristics of its working volume (i.e., large and prone to occlusions), in addition to the requisites of accuracy. The first part of this dissertation presents the validation of a commercial multicamera optical tracker in terms of accuracy, sensitivity to miscalibration, camera occlusions and detection of tools using a feasible surgical setup. It also proposes an automatic miscalibration detection protocol that satisfies the IOERT requirements of automaticity and speed. We show that the multicamera tracker is suitable for IOERT navigation and demonstrate the feasibility of the miscalibration detection protocol in clinical setups. Image-to-world registration is one of the main issues during image-guided applications where the field of interest and/or the number of possible anatomical localizations is large, such as IOERT. In the second part of this dissertation, a registration algorithm for image-guided surgery based on lineshaped fiducials (line-based registration) is proposed and validated. Line-based registration decreases acquisition time during surgery and enables better registration accuracy than other published algorithms. In the third part of this dissertation, we integrate a commercial low-cost ultrasound transducer and a cone beam CT C-arm with an optical tracker for image-guided interventions to enable surgical navigation and explore image based registration techniques for both modalities. In the fourth part of the dissertation, a navigation system based on optical tracking for the docking of the mobile linear accelerator to the radiation applicator is assessed. This system improves safety and reduces procedure time. The system tracks the prescribed collimator location to solve the movements that the linear accelerator should perform to reach the docking position and warns the user about potentially unachievable arrangements before the actual procedure. A software application was implemented to use this system in the OR, where it was also evaluated to assess the improvement in docking speed. Finally, in the last part of the dissertation, we present and assess the installation setup for a navigation system in a dedicated IOERT OR, determine the steps necessary for the IOERT process, identify workflow limitations and evaluate the feasibility of the integration of the system in a real OR. The navigation system safeguards the sterile conditions of the OR, clears the space available for surgeons and is suitable for any similar dedicated IOERT OR.La Radioterapia Intraoperatoria por electrones (RIO) consiste en la aplicación de radiación de alta energía directamente sobre el lecho tumoral, accesible durante la cirugía, evitando radiar los tejidos sanos. Hoy en día, avances como los sistemas de planificación (TPS) y la aparición de aceleradores lineales móviles permiten optimizar el procedimiento, minimizar el estrés clínico en el entorno quirúrgico y evitar el desplazamiento del paciente durante la cirugía a otra sala para ser radiado. La aplicación de la radiación se realiza mediante un colimador del haz de radiación (aplicador) que se coloca sobre el lecho tumoral de forma manual por el oncólogo radioterápico. Sin embargo, para asegurar una correcta deposición de la dosis prescrita y planificada en el TPS, es necesaria una adecuada validación de la colocación del colimador. En esta Tesis se abordan tres limitaciones conocidas del procedimiento RIO: el correcto posicionamiento del aplicador sobre el lecho tumoral, acoplamiento del acelerador lineal con el aplicador y validación de la dosis de radiación prescrita. Esta Tesis demuestra que estas limitaciones pueden ser abordadas mediante el posicionamiento del aplicador de radiación en relación con la anatomía del paciente. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la evaluación de alternativas tecnológicas y procedimentales para la mejora de la práctica de la RIO y resolver los problemas de incertidumbre descritos anteriormente. Concretamente se revisan en el contexto de la radioterapia intraoperatoria los siguientes temas: el registro de la imagen y el paciente, sistemas de posicionamiento multicámara, técnicas de imagen multimodal y el acoplamiento del acelerador lineal móvil. El entorno complejo y multidisciplinar de la RIO precisa de necesidades especiales para el empleo de sistemas de posicionamiento como una alta precisión y un volumen de trabajo grande y propenso a las oclusiones de los sensores de posición. La primera parte de esta Tesis presenta una exhaustiva evaluación de un sistema de posicionamiento óptico multicámara comercial. Estudiamos la precisión del sistema, su sensibilidad a errores cometidos en la calibración, robustez frente a posibles oclusiones de las cámaras y precisión en el seguimiento de herramientas en un entorno quirúrgico real. Además, proponemos un protocolo para la detección automática de errores por calibración que satisface los requisitos de automaticidad y velocidad para la RIO demostrando la viabilidad del empleo de este sistema para la navegación en RIO. Uno de los problemas principales de la cirugía guiada por imagen es el correcto registro de la imagen médica y la anatomía del paciente en el quirófano. En el caso de la RIO, donde el número de posibles localizaciones anatómicas es bastante amplio, así como el campo de trabajo es grande se hace necesario abordar este problema para una correcta navegación. Por ello, en la segunda parte de esta Tesis, proponemos y validamos un nuevo algoritmo de registro (LBR) para la cirugía guiada por imagen basado en marcadores lineales. El método propuesto reduce el tiempo de la adquisición de la posición de los marcadores durante la cirugía y supera en precisión a otros algoritmos de registro establecidos y estudiados en la literatura. En la tercera parte de esta tesis, integramos un transductor de ultrasonido comercial de bajo coste, un arco en C de rayos X con haz cónico y un sistema de posicionamiento óptico para intervenciones guiadas por imagen que permite la navegación quirúrgica y exploramos técnicas de registro de imagen para ambas modalidades. En la cuarta parte de esta tesis se evalúa un navegador basado en el sistema de posicionamiento óptico para el acoplamiento del acelerador lineal móvil con aplicador de radiación, mejorando la seguridad y reduciendo el tiempo del propio acoplamiento. El sistema es capaz de localizar el colimador en el espacio y proporcionar los movimientos que el acelerador lineal debe realizar para alcanzar la posición de acoplamiento. El sistema propuesto es capaz de advertir al usuario de aquellos casos donde la posición de acoplamiento sea inalcanzable. El sistema propuesto de ayuda para el acoplamiento se integró en una aplicación software que fue evaluada para su uso final en quirófano demostrando su viabilidad y la reducción de tiempo de acoplamiento mediante su uso. Por último, presentamos y evaluamos la instalación de un sistema de navegación en un quirófano RIO dedicado, determinamos las necesidades desde el punto de vista procedimental, identificamos las limitaciones en el flujo de trabajo y evaluamos la viabilidad de la integración del sistema en un entorno quirúrgico real. El sistema propuesto demuestra ser apto para el entorno RIO manteniendo las condiciones de esterilidad y dejando despejado el campo quirúrgico además de ser adaptable a cualquier quirófano similar.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Raúl San José Estépar.- Secretario: María Arrate Muñoz Barrutia.- Vocal: Carlos Ferrer Albiac

    Advances in navigation and intraoperative imaging for intraoperative electron radiotherapy

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEsta tesis se enmarca dentro del campo de la radioterapia y trata específicamente sobre la radioterapia intraoperatoria (RIO) con electrones. Esta técnica combina la resección quirúrgica de un tumor y la radiación terapéutica directamente aplicada sobre el lecho tumoral post-resección o sobre el tumor no resecado. El haz de electrones de alta energía es colimado y conducido por un aplicador específico acoplado a un acelerador lineal. La planificación de la RIO con electrones es compleja debido a las modificaciones geométricas y anatómicas producidas por la retracción de estructuras y la eliminación de tejidos cancerosos durante la cirugía. Actualmente, no se dispone del escenario real en este tipo de tratamientos (por ejemplo, la posición/orientación del aplicador respecto a la anatomía del paciente o las irregularidades en la superficie irradiada), sólo de una estimación grosso modo del tratamiento real administrado al paciente. Las imágenes intraoperatorias del escenario real durante el tratamiento (concretamente imágenes de tomografía axial computarizada [TAC]) serían útiles no sólo para la planificación intraoperatoria, sino también para registrar y evaluar el tratamiento administrado al paciente. Esta información es esencial en estudios prospectivos. En esta tesis se evaluó en primer lugar la viabilidad de un sistema de seguimiento óptico de varias cámaras para obtener la posición/orientación del aplicador en los escenarios de RIO con electrones. Los resultados mostraron un error de posición del aplicador inferior a 2 mm (error medio del centro del bisel) y un error de orientación menor de 2º (error medio del eje del bisel y del eje longitudinal del aplicador). Estos valores están dentro del rango propuesto por el Grupo de Trabajo 147 (encargo del Comité de Terapia y del Subcomité para la Mejora de la Garantía de Calidad y Resultados de la Asociación Americana de Físicos en Medicina [AAPM] para estudiar en radioterapia externa la exactitud de la localización con métodos no radiográficos, como los sistemas infrarrojos). Una limitación importante de la solución propuesta es que el aplicador se superpone a la imagen preoperatoria del paciente. Una imagen intraoperatoria proporcionaría información anatómica actualizada y permitiría estimar la distribución tridimensional de la dosis. El segundo estudio específico de esta tesis evaluó la viabilidad de adquirir con un TAC simulador imágenes TAC intraoperatorias de escenarios reales de RIO con electrones. No hubo complicaciones en la fase de transporte del paciente utilizando la camilla y su acople para el transporte, o con la adquisición de imágenes TAC intraoperatorias en la sala del TAC simulador. Los estudios intraoperatorios adquiridos se utilizaron para evaluar la mejora obtenida en la estimación de la distribución de dosis en comparación con la obtenida a partir de imágenes TAC preoperatorias, identificando el factor dominante en esas estimaciones (la región de aire y las irregularidades en la superficie, no las heterogeneidades de los tejidos). Por último, el tercer estudio específico se centró en la evaluación de varias tecnologías TAC de kilovoltaje, aparte del TAC simulador, para adquirir imágenes intraoperatorias con las que estimar la distribución de la dosis en RIO con electrones. Estos dispositivos serían necesarios en el caso de disponer de aceleradores lineales portátiles en el quirófano ya que no se aprobaría mover al paciente a la sala del TAC simulador. Los resultados con un maniquí abdominal mostraron que un TAC portátil (BodyTom) e incluso un acelerador lineal con un TAC de haz de cónico (TrueBeam) serían adecuados para este propósito.This thesis is framed within the field of radiotherapy, specifically intraoperative electron radiotherapy (IOERT). This technique combines surgical resection of a tumour and therapeutic radiation directly applied to a post-resection tumour bed or to an unresected tumour. The high-energy electron beam is collimated and conducted by a specific applicator docked to a linear accelerator (LINAC). Dosimetry planning for IOERT is challenging owing to the geometrical and anatomical modifications produced by the retraction of structures and removal of cancerous tissues during the surgery. No data of the actual IOERT 3D scenario is available (for example, the applicator pose in relation to the patient’s anatomy or the irregularities in the irradiated surface) and consequently only a rough approximation of the actual IOERT treatment administered to the patient can be estimated. Intraoperative computed tomography (CT) images of the actual scenario during the treatment would be useful not only for intraoperative planning but also for registering and evaluating the treatment administered to the patient. This information is essential for prospective trials. In this thesis, the feasibility of using a multi-camera optical tracking system to obtain the applicator pose in IOERT scenarios was firstly assessed. Results showed that the accuracy of the applicator pose was below 2 mm in position (mean error of the bevel centre) and 2º in orientation (mean error of the bevel axis and the longitudinal axis), which are within the acceptable range proposed in the recommendation of Task Group 147 (commissioned by the Therapy Committee and the Quality Assurance and Outcomes Improvement Subcommittee of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine [AAPM] to study the localization accuracy with non-radiographic methods such as infrared systems in external beam radiation therapy). An important limitation of this solution is that the actual pose of applicator is superimposed on a patient’s preoperative image. An intraoperative image would provide updated anatomical information and would allow estimating the 3D dose distribution. The second specific study of this thesis evaluated the feasibility of acquiring intraoperative CT images with a CT simulator in real IOERT scenarios. There were no complications in the whole procedure related to the transport step using the subtable and its stretcher or the acquisition of intraoperative CT images in the CT simulator room. The acquired intraoperative studies were used to evaluate the improvement achieved in the dose distribution estimation when compared to that obtained from preoperative CT images, identifying the dominant factor in those estimations (air gap and the surface irregularities, not tissue heterogeneities). Finally, the last specific study focused on assessing several kilovoltage (kV) CT technologies other than CT simulators to acquire intraoperative images for estimating IOERT dose distribution. That would be necessary when a mobile electron LINAC was available in the operating room as transferring the patient to the CT simulator room could not be approved. Our results with an abdominal phantom revealed that a portable CT (BodyTom) and even a LINAC with on-board kV cone-beam CT (TrueBeam) would be suitable for this purpose.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Joaquín López Herráiz.- Secretario: María Arrate Muñoz Barrutia.- Vocal: Óscar Acosta Tamay

    Advanced Endoscopic Navigation:Surgical Big Data,Methodology,and Applications

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    随着科学技术的飞速发展,健康与环境问题日益成为人类面临的最重大问题之一。信息科学、计算机技术、电子工程与生物医学工程等学科的综合应用交叉前沿课题,研究现代工程技术方法,探索肿瘤癌症等疾病早期诊断、治疗和康复手段。本论文综述了计算机辅助微创外科手术导航、多模态医疗大数据、方法论及其临床应用:从引入微创外科手术导航概念出发,介绍了医疗大数据的术前与术中多模态医学成像方法、阐述了先进微创外科手术导航的核心流程包括计算解剖模型、术中实时导航方案、三维可视化方法及交互式软件技术,归纳了各类微创外科手术方法的临床应用。同时,重点讨论了全球各种手术导航技术在临床应用中的优缺点,分析了目前手术导航领域内的最新技术方法。在此基础上,提出了微创外科手术方法正向数字化、个性化、精准化、诊疗一体化、机器人化以及高度智能化的发展趋势。【Abstract】Interventional endoscopy (e.g., bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, cystoscopy) is a widely performed procedure that involves either diagnosis of suspicious lesions or guidance for minimally invasive surgery in a variety of organs within the body cavity. Endoscopy may also be used to guide the introduction of certain items (e.g., stents) into the body. Endoscopic navigation systems seek to integrate big data with multimodal information (e.g., computed tomography, magnetic resonance images, endoscopic video sequences, ultrasound images, external trackers) relative to the patient's anatomy, control the movement of medical endoscopes and surgical tools, and guide the surgeon's actions during endoscopic interventions. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to realize the next generation of context-aware navigated endoscopy. This review presents a broad survey of various aspects of endoscopic navigation, particularly with respect to the development of endoscopic navigation techniques. First, we investigate big data with multimodal information involved in endoscopic navigation. Next, we focus on numerous methodologies used for endoscopic navigation. We then review different endoscopic procedures in clinical applications. Finally, we discuss novel techniques and promising directions for the development of endoscopic navigation.X.L. acknowledges funding from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. T.M.P. acknowledges funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and a grant from Intuitive Surgical Inc

    A biomechanical approach for real-time tracking of lung tumors during External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)

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    Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer related death in both men and women. Radiation therapy is widely used for lung cancer treatment. However, this method can be challenging due to respiratory motion. Motion modeling is a popular method for respiratory motion compensation, while biomechanics-based motion models are believed to be more robust and accurate as they are based on the physics of motion. In this study, we aim to develop a biomechanics-based lung tumor tracking algorithm which can be used during External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT). An accelerated lung biomechanical model can be used during EBRT only if its boundary conditions (BCs) are defined in a way that they can be updated in real-time. As such, we have developed a lung finite element (FE) model in conjunction with a Neural Networks (NNs) based method for predicting the BCs of the lung model from chest surface motion data. To develop the lung FE model for tumor motion prediction, thoracic 4D CT images of lung cancer patients were processed to capture the lung and diaphragm geometry, trans-pulmonary pressure, and diaphragm motion. Next, the chest surface motion was obtained through tracking the motion of the ribcage in 4D CT images. This was performed to simulate surface motion data that can be acquired using optical tracking systems. Finally, two feedforward NNs were developed, one for estimating the trans-pulmonary pressure and another for estimating the diaphragm motion from chest surface motion data. The algorithm development consists of four steps of: 1) Automatic segmentation of the lungs and diaphragm, 2) diaphragm motion modelling using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), 3) Developing the lung FE model, and 4) Using two NNs to estimate the trans-pulmonary pressure values and diaphragm motion from chest surface motion data. The results indicate that the Dice similarity coefficient between actual and simulated tumor volumes ranges from 0.76±0.04 to 0.91±0.01, which is favorable. As such, real-time lung tumor tracking during EBRT using the proposed algorithm is feasible. Hence, further clinical studies involving lung cancer patients to assess the algorithm performance are justified

    Optimization of computer-assisted intraoperative guidance for complex oncological procedures

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe role of technology inside the operating room is constantly increasing, allowing surgical procedures previously considered impossible or too risky due to their complexity or limited access. These reliable tools have improved surgical efficiency and safety. Cancer treatment is one of the surgical specialties that has benefited most from these techniques due to its high incidence and the accuracy required for tumor resections with conservative approaches and clear margins. However, in many cases, introducing these technologies into surgical scenarios is expensive and entails complex setups that are obtrusive, invasive, and increase the operative time. In this thesis, we proposed convenient, accessible, reliable, and non-invasive solutions for two highly complex regions for tumor resection surgeries: pelvis and head and neck. We explored how the introduction of 3D printing, surgical navigation, and augmented reality in these scenarios provided high intraoperative precision. First, we presented a less invasive setup for osteotomy guidance in pelvic tumor resections based on small patient-specific instruments (PSIs) fabricated with a desktop 3D printer at a low cost. We evaluated their accuracy in a cadaveric study, following a realistic workflow, and obtained similar results to previous studies with more invasive setups. We also identified the ilium as the region more prone to errors. Then, we proposed surgical navigation using these small PSIs for image-to-patient registration. Artificial landmarks included in the PSIs substitute the anatomical landmarks and the bone surface commonly used for this step, which require additional bone exposure and is, therefore, more invasive. We also presented an alternative and more convenient installation of the dynamic reference frame used to track the patient movements in surgical navigation. The reference frame is inserted in a socket included in the PSIs and can be attached and detached without losing precision and simplifying the installation. We validated the setup in a cadaveric study, evaluating the accuracy and finding the optimal PSI configuration in the three most common scenarios for pelvic tumor resection. The results demonstrated high accuracy, where the main source of error was again incorrect placements of PSIs in regular and homogeneous regions such as the ilium. The main limitation of PSIs is the guidance error resulting from incorrect placements. To overcome this issue, we proposed augmented reality as a tool to guide PSI installation in the patient’s bone. We developed an application for smartphones and HoloLens 2 that displays the correct position intraoperatively. We measured the placement errors in a conventional and a realistic phantom, including a silicone layer to simulate tissue. The results demonstrated a significant reduction of errors with augmented reality compared to freehand placement, ensuring an installation of the PSI close to the target area. Finally, we proposed three setups for surgical navigation in palate tumor resections, using optical trackers and augmented reality. The tracking tools for the patient and surgical instruments were fabricated with low-cost desktop 3D printers and designed to provide less invasive setups compared to previous solutions. All setups presented similar results with high accuracy when tested in a 3D-printed patient-specific phantom. They were then validated in the real surgical case, and one of the solutions was applied for intraoperative guidance. Postoperative results demonstrated high navigation accuracy, obtaining optimal surgical outcomes. The proposed solution enabled a conservative surgical approach with a less invasive navigation setup. To conclude, in this thesis we have proposed new setups for intraoperative navigation in two complex surgical scenarios for tumor resection. We analyzed their navigation precision, defining the optimal configurations to ensure accuracy. With this, we have demonstrated that computer-assisted surgery techniques can be integrated into the surgical workflow with accessible and non-invasive setups. These results are a step further towards optimizing the procedures and continue improving surgical outcomes in complex surgical scenarios.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Biomédica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Raúl San José Estépar.- Secretario: Alba González Álvarez.- Vocal: Simon Droui

    Clinical Validation of an Optical Surface Detection System for Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Frameless Immobilization Device in CNS Tumors

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Radiações em Diagnóstico e Terapia), 2022Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) has been consolidated in recent years as the treatment of choice in selected central nervous system (CNS) tumors. With the introduction of stereotactic approach in clinical practice, accurate immobilization and motion control during treatment becomes fundamental. During SRS treatments, the common practice is to immobilize CNS patients in a cushion molded head support, with specific open-face thermoplastic masks. To verify and correct internal isocenter uncertainties before and during treatment, X-Ray volumetric imaging (XVI) is performed - image guided radiation therapy (IGRT). An alternative to mid‐treatment imaging is optical surface detection (OSD) imaging – a non‐invasive, non‐radiographic form of image guidance – to monitor patient intra-fraction motion. This imaging technique has shown to properly position, accurately monitor, and quantify patient movements throughout the entirety of the treatment – surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT). The aim of this investigation is to test the viability of the implementation of a maskless immobilization approach, using only a vacuum mouthpiece suction system for head fixation in patients with CNS tumors who will undergo SRS treatment under the guidance of an OSD system coupled with 6-Degree of Freedom (6-DOF) robotic couch for submillimeter position correction. This master thesis addresses the five technical performance tests conducted on the Linear Accelerator components – XVI, HexaPOD couch and OSD system in the Radiotherapy Department of Hospital CUF Descobertas. The results obtained lecture the best acquisition orientation to perform image verification; if the HexaPOD couch is correctly calibrated to the XVI radiation isocenter to assure submillimeter corrections; OSD system performance regarding phantom surface detection since some immobilization components can block the signal reading; which coplanar and non-coplanar angles occur most signal inconsistencies due to camera pod occlusion; what is the overall OSD system accuracy and what is the best non-coplanar angle arrangement to perform an SRS treatment with OSD system monitoring

    Advances in real-time thoracic guidance systems

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    Substantial tissue motion: \u3e1cm) arises in the thoracic/abdominal cavity due to respiration. There are many clinical applications in which localizing tissue with high accuracy: \u3c1mm) is important. Potential applications include radiation therapy, radio frequency ablation, lung/liver biopsies, and brachytherapy seed placement. Recent efforts have made highly accurate sub-mm 3D localization of discrete points available via electromagnetic: EM) position monitoring. Technology from Calypso Medical allows for simultaneous tracking of up to three implanted wireless transponders. Additionally, Medtronic Navigation uses wired electromagnetic tracking to guide surgical tools for image guided surgery: IGS). Utilizing real-time EM position monitoring, a prototype system was developed to guide a therapeutic linear accelerator to follow a moving target: tumor) within the lung/abdomen. In a clinical setting, electromagnetic transponders would be bronchoscopically implanted into the lung of the patient in or near the tumor. These transponders would ax to the lung tissue in a stable manner and allow real-time position knowledge throughout a course of radiation therapy. During each dose of radiation, the beam is either halted when the target is outside of a given threshold, or in a later study the beam follows the target in real-time based on the EM position monitoring. We present quantitative analysis of the accuracy and efficiency of the radiation therapy tumor tracking system. EM tracking shows promise for IGS applications. Tracking the position of the instrument tip allows for minimally invasive intervention and alleviates the trauma associated with conventional surgery. Current clinical IGS implementations are limited to static targets: e.g. craniospinal, neurological, and orthopedic intervention. We present work on the development of a respiratory correlated image guided surgery: RCIGS) system. In the RCIGS system, target positions are modeled via respiratory correlated imaging: 4DCT) coupled with a breathing surrogate representative of the patient\u27s respiratory phase/amplitude. Once the target position is known with respect to the surrogate, intervention can be performed when the target is in the correct location. The RCIGS system consists of imaging techniques and custom developed software to give visual and auditory feedback to the surgeon indicating both the proper location and time for intervention. Presented here are the details of the IGS lung system along with quantitative results of the system accuracy in motion phantom, ex-vivo porcine lung, and human cadaver environments

    Image-guided and adaptive radiation therapy with 3D ultrasound imaging

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