69 research outputs found

    Classification of glomerular hypercellularity using convolutional features and support vector machine

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    Glomeruli are histological structures of the kidney cortex formed by interwoven blood capillaries, and are responsible for blood filtration. Glomerular lesions impair kidney filtration capability, leading to protein loss and metabolic waste retention. An example of lesion is the glomerular hypercellularity, which is characterized by an increase in the number of cell nuclei in different areas of the glomeruli. Glomerular hypercellularity is a frequent lesion present in different kidney diseases. Automatic detection of glomerular hypercellularity would accelerate the screening of scanned histological slides for the lesion, enhancing clinical diagnosis. Having this in mind, we propose a new approach for classification of hypercellularity in human kidney images. Our proposed method introduces a novel architecture of a convolutional neural network (CNN) along with a support vector machine, achieving near perfect average results with the FIOCRUZ data set in a binary classification (lesion or normal). Our deep-based classifier outperformed the state-of-the-art results on the same data set. Additionally, classification of hypercellularity sub-lesions was also performed, considering mesangial, endocapilar and both lesions; in this multi-classification task, our proposed method just failed in 4\% of the cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on deep learning over a data set of glomerular hypercellularity images of human kidney.Comment: 26 page

    Semantic Segmentation Framework for Glomeruli Detection and Classification in Kidney Histological Sections

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    The evaluation of kidney biopsies performed by expert pathologists is a crucial process for assessing if a kidney is eligible for transplantation. In this evaluation process, an important step consists of the quantification of global glomerulosclerosis, which is the ratio between sclerotic glomeruli and the overall number of glomeruli. Since there is a shortage of organs available for transplantation, a quick and accurate assessment of global glomerulosclerosis is essential for retaining the largest number of eligible kidneys. In the present paper, the authors introduce a Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system to assess global glomerulosclerosis. The proposed tool is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). In particular, the authors considered approaches based on Semantic Segmentation networks, such as SegNet and DeepLab v3+. The dataset has been provided by the Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantations (DETO) of Bari University Hospital, and it is composed of 26 kidney biopsies coming from 19 donors. The dataset contains 2344 non-sclerotic glomeruli and 428 sclerotic glomeruli. The proposed model consents to achieve promising results in the task of automatically detecting and classifying glomeruli, thus easing the burden of pathologists. We get high performance both at pixel-level, achieving mean F-score higher than 0.81, and Weighted Intersection over Union (IoU) higher than 0.97 for both SegNet and Deeplab v3+ approaches, and at object detection level, achieving 0.924 as best F-score for non-sclerotic glomeruli and 0.730 as best F-score for sclerotic glomeruli

    Biomedical Image Processing and Classification

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    Biomedical image processing is an interdisciplinary field involving a variety of disciplines, e.g., electronics, computer science, physics, mathematics, physiology, and medicine. Several imaging techniques have been developed, providing many approaches to the study of the human body. Biomedical image processing is finding an increasing number of important applications in, for example, the study of the internal structure or function of an organ and the diagnosis or treatment of a disease. If associated with classification methods, it can support the development of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems, which could help medical doctors in refining their clinical picture

    Role of deep learning techniques in non-invasive diagnosis of human diseases.

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    Machine learning, a sub-discipline in the domain of artificial intelligence, concentrates on algorithms able to learn and/or adapt their structure (e.g., parameters) based on a set of observed data. The adaptation is performed by optimizing over a cost function. Machine learning obtained a great attention in the biomedical community because it offers a promise for improving sensitivity and/or specificity of detection and diagnosis of diseases. It also can increase objectivity of the decision making, decrease the time and effort on health care professionals during the process of disease detection and diagnosis. The potential impact of machine learning is greater than ever due to the increase in medical data being acquired, the presence of novel modalities being developed and the complexity of medical data. In all of these scenarios, machine learning can come up with new tools for interpreting the complex datasets that confront clinicians. Much of the excitement for the application of machine learning to biomedical research comes from the development of deep learning which is modeled after computation in the brain. Deep learning can help in attaining insights that would be impossible to obtain through manual analysis. Deep learning algorithms and in particular convolutional neural networks are different from traditional machine learning approaches. Deep learning algorithms are known by their ability to learn complex representations to enhance pattern recognition from raw data. On the other hand, traditional machine learning requires human engineering and domain expertise to design feature extractors and structure data. With increasing demands upon current radiologists, there are growing needs for automating the diagnosis. This is a concern that deep learning is able to address. In this dissertation, we present four different successful applications of deep learning for diseases diagnosis. All the work presented in the dissertation utilizes medical images. In the first application, we introduce a deep-learning based computer-aided diagnostic system for the early detection of acute renal transplant rejection. The system is based on the fusion of both imaging markers (apparent diffusion coefficients derived from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging) and clinical biomarkers (creatinine clearance and serum plasma creatinine). The fused data is then used as an input to train and test a convolutional neural network based classifier. The proposed system is tested on scans collected from 56 subjects from geographically diverse populations and different scanner types/image collection protocols. The overall accuracy of the proposed system is 92.9% with 93.3% sensitivity and 92.3% specificity in distinguishing non-rejected kidney transplants from rejected ones. In the second application, we propose a novel deep learning approach for the automated segmentation and quantification of the LV from cardiac cine MR images. We aimed at achieving lower errors for the estimated heart parameters compared to the previous studies by proposing a novel deep learning segmentation method. Using fully convolutional neural networks, we proposed novel methods for the extraction of a region of interest that contains the left ventricle, and the segmentation of the left ventricle. Following myocardial segmentation, functional and mass parameters of the left ventricle are estimated. Automated Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge dataset was used to validate our framework, which gave better segmentation, accurate estimation of cardiac parameters, and produced less error compared to other methods applied on the same dataset. Furthermore, we showed that our segmentation approach generalizes well across different datasets by testing its performance on a locally acquired dataset. In the third application, we propose a novel deep learning approach for automated quantification of strain from cardiac cine MR images of mice. For strain analysis, we developed a Laplace-based approach to track the LV wall points by solving the Laplace equation between the LV contours of each two successive image frames over the cardiac cycle. Following tracking, the strain estimation is performed using the Lagrangian-based approach. This new automated system for strain analysis was validated by comparing the outcome of these analysis with the tagged MR images from the same mice. There were no significant differences between the strain data obtained from our algorithm using cine compared to tagged MR imaging. In the fourth application, we demonstrate how a deep learning approach can be utilized for the automated classification of kidney histopathological images. Our approach can classify four classes: the fat, the parenchyma, the clear cell renal cell carcinoma, and the unusual cancer which has been discovered recently, called clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma. Our framework consists of three convolutional neural networks and the whole-slide kidney images were divided into patches with three different sizes to be inputted to the networks. Our approach can provide patch-wise and pixel-wise classification. Our approach classified the four classes accurately and surpassed other state-of-the-art methods such as ResNet (pixel accuracy: 0.89 Resnet18, 0.93 proposed). In conclusion, the results of our proposed systems demonstrate the potential of deep learning for the efficient, reproducible, fast, and affordable disease diagnosis

    Towards automated three-dimensional tracking of nephrons through stacked histological image sets

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Witwatersrand for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. August, 2015The three-dimensional microarchitecture of the mammalian kidney is of keen interest in the fields of cell biology and biomedical engineering as it plays a crucial role in renal function. This study presents a novel approach to the automatic tracking of individual nephrons through three-dimensional histological image sets of mouse and rat kidneys. The image database forms part of a previous study carried out at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. The previous study involved manually tracking a few hundred nephrons through the image sets in order to explore the renal microarchitecture, the results of which forms the gold standard for this study. The purpose of the current research is to develop methods which contribute towards creating an automated, intelligent system as a standard tool for such image sets. This would reduce the excessive time and human effort previously required for the tracking task, enabling a larger sample of nephrons to be tracked. It would also be desirable, in future, to explore the renal microstructure of various species and diseased specimens. The developed algorithm is robust, able to isolate closely packed nephrons and track their convoluted paths despite a number of non-ideal conditions such as local image distortions, artefacts and connective tissue interference. The system consists of initial image pre-processing steps such as background removal, adaptive histogram equalisation and image segmentation. A feature extraction stage achieves data abstraction and information concentration by extracting shape iii descriptors, radial shape profiles and key coordinates for each nephron crosssection. A custom graph-based tracking algorithm is implemented to track the nephrons using the extracted coordinates. A rule-base and machine learning algorithms including an Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine are used to evaluate the shape features and other information to validate the algorithm’s results through each of its iterations. The validation steps prove to be highly effective in rejecting incorrect tracking moves, with the rule-base having greater than 90% accuracy and the Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine both producing 93% classification accuracies. Comparison of a selection of automatically and manually tracked nephrons yielded results of 95% accuracy and 98% tracking extent for the proximal convoluted tubule, proximal straight tubule and ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle. The ascending and descending thin limbs of the loop of Henle pose a challenge, having low accuracy and low tracking extent due to the low resolution, narrow diameter and high density of cross-sections in the inner medulla. Limited manual intervention is proposed as a solution to these limitations, enabling full nephron paths to be obtained with an average of 17 manual corrections per mouse nephron and 58 manual corrections per rat nephron. The developed semi-automatic system saves a considerable amount of time and effort in comparison with the manual task. Furthermore, the developed methodology forms a foundation for future development towards a fully automated tracking system for nephrons

    Karpinski Score under Digital Investigation: A Fully Automated Segmentation Algorithm to Identify Vascular and Stromal Injury of Donors’ Kidneys

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    In kidney transplantations, the evaluation of the vascular structures and stromal areas is crucial for determining kidney acceptance, which is currently based on the pathologist’s visual evaluation. In this context, an accurate assessment of the vascular and stromal injury is fundamental to assessing the nephron status. In the present paper, the authors present a fully automated algorithm, called RENFAST (Rapid EvaluatioN of Fibrosis And vesselS Thickness), for the segmentation of kidney blood vessels and fibrosis in histopathological images. The proposed method employs a novel strategy based on deep learning to accurately segment blood vessels, while interstitial fibrosis is assessed using an adaptive stain separation method. The RENFAST algorithm is developed and tested on 350 periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) images for blood vessel segmentation and on 300 Massone’s trichrome (TRIC) stained images for the detection of renal fibrosis. In the TEST set, the algorithm exhibits excellent segmentation performance in both blood vessels (accuracy: 0.8936) and fibrosis (accuracy: 0.9227) and outperforms all the compared methods. To the best of our knowledge, the RENFAST algorithm is the first fully automated method capable of detecting both blood vessels and fibrosis in digital histological images. Being very fast (average computational time 2.91 s), this algorithm paves the way for automated, quantitative, and real-time kidney graft assessments

    Karpinski Score under Digital Investigation: A Fully Automated Segmentation Algorithm to Identify Vascular and Stromal Injury of Donors’ Kidneys

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    In kidney transplantations, the evaluation of the vascular structures and stromal areas is crucial for determining kidney acceptance, which is currently based on the pathologist's visual evaluation. In this context, an accurate assessment of the vascular and stromal injury is fundamental to assessing the nephron status. In the present paper, the authors present a fully automated algorithm, called RENFAST (Rapid EvaluatioN of Fibrosis And vesselS Thickness), for the segmentation of kidney blood vessels and fibrosis in histopathological images. The proposed method employs a novel strategy based on deep learning to accurately segment blood vessels, while interstitial fibrosis is assessed using an adaptive stain separation method. The RENFAST algorithm is developed and tested on 350 periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) images for blood vessel segmentation and on 300 Massone's trichrome (TRIC) stained images for the detection of renal fibrosis. In the TEST set, the algorithm exhibits excellent segmentation performance in both blood vessels (accuracy: 0.8936) and fibrosis (accuracy: 0.9227) and outperforms all the compared methods. To the best of our knowledge, the RENFAST algorithm is the first fully automated method capable of detecting both blood vessels and fibrosis in digital histological images. Being very fast (average computational time 2.91 s), this algorithm paves the way for automated, quantitative, and real-time kidney graft assessments

    Automated Grading of Bladder Cancer using Deep Learning

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    PhD thesis in Information technologyUrothelial carcinoma is the most common type of bladder cancer and is among the cancer types with the highest recurrence rate and lifetime treatment cost per patient. Diagnosed patients are stratified into risk groups, mainly based on the histological grade and stage. However, it is well known that correct grading of bladder cancer suffers from intra- and interobserver variability and inconsistent reproducibility between pathologists, potentially leading to under- or overtreatment of the patients. The economic burden, unnecessary patient suffering, and additional load on the health care system illustrate the importance of developing new tools to aid pathologists. With the introduction of digital pathology, large amounts of data have been made available in the form of digital histological whole-slide images (WSI). However, despite the massive amount of data, annotations for the given data are lacking. Another potential problem is that the tissue samples of urothelial carcinoma contain a mixture of damaged tissue, blood, stroma, muscle, and urothelium, where it is mainly the urothelium tissue that is diagnostically relevant for grading. A method for tissue segmentation is investigated, where the aim is to segment WSIs into the six tissue classes: urothelium, stroma, muscle, damaged tissue, blood, and background. Several methods based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) for tile-wise classification are proposed. Both single-scale and multiscale models were explored to see if including more magnification levels would improve the performance. Different techniques, such as unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and domain adaptation techniques, are explored to mitigate the challenge of missing large quantities of annotated data. It is necessary to extract tiles from the WSI since it is intractable to process the entire WSI at full resolution at once. We have proposed a method to parameterize and automate the task of extracting tiles from different scales with a region of interest (ROI) defined at one of the scales. The method is reproducible and easy to describe by reporting the parameters. A pipeline for automated diagnostic grading is proposed, called TRIgrade. First, the tissue segmentation method is utilized to find the diagnostically relevant urothelium tissue. Then, the parameterized tile extraction method is used to extract tiles from the urothelium regions at three magnification levels from 300 WSIs. The extracted tiles form the training, validation, and test data used to train and test a diagnostic model. The final system outputs a segmented tissue image showing all the tissue regions in the WSI, a WHO grade heatmap indicating low- and high-grade carcinoma regions, and finally, a slide-level WHO grade prediction. The proposed TRIgrade pipeline correctly graded 45 of 50 WSIs, achieving an accuracy of 90%
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