132 research outputs found

    Frequency shifting approach towards textual transcription of heartbeat sounds

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    Auscultation is an approach for diagnosing many cardiovascular problems. Automatic analysis of heartbeat sounds and extraction of its audio features can assist physicians towards diagnosing diseases. Textual transcription allows recording a continuous heart sound stream using a text format which can be stored in very small memory in comparison with other audio formats. In addition, a text-based data allows applying indexing and searching techniques to access to the critical events. Hence, the transcribed heartbeat sounds provides useful information to monitor the behavior of a patient for the long duration of time. This paper proposes a frequency shifting method in order to improve the performance of the transcription. The main objective of this study is to transfer the heartbeat sounds to the music domain. The proposed technique is tested with 100 samples which were recorded from different heart diseases categories. The observed results show that, the proposed shifting method significantly improves the performance of the transcription

    Efficient method for events detection in phonocardiographic signals

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    The auscultation of the heart is still the first basic analysis tool used to evaluate the functional state of the heart, as well as the first indicator used to submit the patient to a cardiologist. In order to improve the diagnosis capabilities of auscultation, signal processing algorithms are currently being developed to assist the physician at primary care centers for adult and pediatric population. A basic task for the diagnosis from the phonocardiogram is to detect the events (main and additional sounds, murmurs and clicks) present in the cardiac cycle. This is usually made by applying a threshold and detecting the events that are bigger than the threshold. However, this method usually does not allow the detection of the main sounds when additional sounds and murmurs exist, or it may join several events into a unique one. In this paper we present a reliable method to detect the events present in the phonocardiogram, even in the presence of heart murmurs or additional sounds. The method detects relative maxima peaks in the amplitude envelope of the phonocardiogram, and computes a set of parameters associated with each event. Finally, a set of characteristics is extracted from each event to aid in the identification of the events. Besides, the morphology of the murmurs is also detected, which aids in the differentiation of different diseases that can occur in the same temporal localization. The algorithms have been applied to real normal heart sounds and murmurs, achieving satisfactory results.This work has been supported by Fundación Séneca of Región de Murcia and Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, under grants PB/63/FS/02 and TIC2003-09400-C04-02, respectively

    Extraction and Assessment of Diagnosis-Relevant Features for Heart Murmur Classification [post-print]

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    This paper presents a heart murmur detection and multi-class classification approach via machine learning. We extracted heart sound and murmur features that are of diagnostic importance and developed additional 16 features that are not perceivable by human ears but are valuable to improve murmur classification accuracy. We examined and compared the classification performance of supervised machine learning with k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms. We put together a test repertoire having more than 450 heart sound and murmur episodes to evaluate the performance of murmur classification using cross-validation of 80–20 and 90–10 splits. As clearly demonstrated in our evaluation, the specific set of features chosen in our study resulted in accurate classification consistently exceeding 90% for both classifiers


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    DIGITAL ANALYSIS OF CARDIAC ACOUSTIC SIGNALS IN CHILDREN Milad El-Segaier, MD Division of Paediatric Cardiology, Department of Paediatrics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden SUMMARY Despite tremendous development in cardiac imaging, use of the stethoscope and cardiac auscultation remains the primary diagnostic tool in evaluation of cardiac pathology. With the advent of miniaturized and powerful technology for data acquisition, display and digital signal processing, the possibilities for detecting cardiac pathology by signal analysis have increased. The objective of this study was to develop a simple, cost-effective diagnostic tool for analysis of cardiac acoustic signals. Heart sounds and murmurs were recorded in 360 children with a single-channel device and in 15 children with a multiple-channel device. Time intervals between acoustic signals were measured. Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) analysis was used to present the acoustic signals to a digital algorithm for detection of heart sounds, define systole and diastole and analyse the spectrum of a cardiac murmur. A statistical model for distinguishing physiological murmurs from pathological findings was developed using logistic regression analysis. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the discriminating ability of the developed model. The sensitivities and specificities of the model were calculated at different cut-off points. Signal deconvolution using blind source separation (BSS) analysis was performed for separation of signals from different sources. The first and second heart sounds (S1 and S2) were detected with high accuracy (100% for the S1 and 97% for the S2) independently of heart rates and presence of a murmur. The systole and diastole were defined, but only systolic murmur was analysed in this work. The developed statistical model showed excellent prediction ability (area under the curve, AUC = 0.995) in distinguishing a physiological murmur from a pathological one with high sensitivity and specificity (98%). In further analyses deconvolution of the signals was successfully performed using blind separation analysis. This yielded two spatially independent sources, heart sounds (S1 and S2) in one component, and a murmur in another. The study supports the view that a cost-effective diagnostic device would be useful in primary health care. It would diminish the need for referring children with cardiac murmur to cardiac specialists and the load on the health care system. Likewise, it would help to minimize the psychological stress experienced by the children and their parents at an early stage of the medical care

    Automatic analysis and classification of cardiac acoustic signals for long term monitoring

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    Objective: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide resulting in over 17.9 million deaths each year. Most of these diseases are preventable and treatable, but their progression and outcomes are significantly more positive with early-stage diagnosis and proper disease management. Among the approaches available to assist with the task of early-stage diagnosis and management of cardiac conditions, automatic analysis of auscultatory recordings is one of the most promising ones, since it could be particularly suitable for ambulatory/wearable monitoring. Thus, proper investigation of abnormalities present in cardiac acoustic signals can provide vital clinical information to assist long term monitoring. Cardiac acoustic signals, however, are very susceptible to noise and artifacts, and their characteristics vary largely with the recording conditions which makes the analysis challenging. Additionally, there are challenges in the steps used for automatic analysis and classification of cardiac acoustic signals. Broadly, these steps are the segmentation, feature extraction and subsequent classification of recorded signals using selected features. This thesis presents approaches using novel features with the aim to assist the automatic early-stage detection of cardiovascular diseases with improved performance, using cardiac acoustic signals collected in real-world conditions. Methods: Cardiac auscultatory recordings were studied to identify potential features to help in the classification of recordings from subjects with and without cardiac diseases. The diseases considered in this study for the identification of the symptoms and characteristics are the valvular heart diseases due to stenosis and regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, and splitting of fundamental heart sounds leading to additional lub/dub sounds in the systole or diastole interval of a cardiac cycle. The localisation of cardiac sounds of interest was performed using an adaptive wavelet-based filtering in combination with the Shannon energy envelope and prior information of fundamental heart sounds. This is a prerequisite step for the feature extraction and subsequent classification of recordings, leading to a more precise diagnosis. Localised segments of S1 and S2 sounds, and artifacts, were used to extract a set of perceptual and statistical features using wavelet transform, homomorphic filtering, Hilbert transform and mel-scale filtering, which were then fed to train an ensemble classifier to interpret S1 and S2 sounds. Once sound peaks of interest were identified, features extracted from these peaks, together with the features used for the identification of S1 and S2 sounds, were used to develop an algorithm to classify recorded signals. Overall, 99 features were extracted and statistically analysed using neighborhood component analysis (NCA) to identify the features which showed the greatest ability in classifying recordings. Selected features were then fed to train an ensemble classifier to classify abnormal recordings, and hyperparameters were optimized to evaluate the performance of the trained classifier. Thus, a machine learning-based approach for the automatic identification and classification of S1 and S2, and normal and abnormal recordings, in real-world noisy recordings using a novel feature set is presented. The validity of the proposed algorithm was tested using acoustic signals recorded in real-world, non-controlled environments at four auscultation sites (aortic valve, tricuspid valve, mitral valve, and pulmonary valve), from the subjects with and without cardiac diseases; together with recordings from the three large public databases. The performance metrics of the methodology in relation to classification accuracy (CA), sensitivity (SE), precision (P+), and F1 score, were evaluated. Results: This thesis proposes four different algorithms to automatically classify fundamental heart sounds – S1 and S2; normal fundamental sounds and abnormal additional lub/dub sounds recordings; normal and abnormal recordings; and recordings with heart valve disorders, namely the mitral stenosis (MS), mitral regurgitation (MR), mitral valve prolapse (MVP), aortic stenosis (AS) and murmurs, using cardiac acoustic signals. The results obtained from these algorithms were as follows: • The algorithm to classify S1 and S2 sounds achieved an average SE of 91.59% and 89.78%, and F1 score of 90.65% and 89.42%, in classifying S1 and S2, respectively. 87 features were extracted and statistically studied to identify the top 14 features which showed the best capabilities in classifying S1 and S2, and artifacts. The analysis showed that the most relevant features were those extracted using Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and Hilbert transform. • The algorithm to classify normal fundamental heart sounds and abnormal additional lub/dub sounds in the systole or diastole intervals of a cardiac cycle, achieved an average SE of 89.15%, P+ of 89.71%, F1 of 89.41%, and CA of 95.11% using the test dataset from the PASCAL database. The top 10 features that achieved the highest weights in classifying these recordings were also identified. • Normal and abnormal classification of recordings using the proposed algorithm achieved a mean CA of 94.172%, and SE of 92.38%, in classifying recordings from the different databases. Among the top 10 acoustic features identified, the deterministic energy of the sound peaks of interest and the instantaneous frequency extracted using the Hilbert Huang-transform, achieved the highest weights. • The machine learning-based approach proposed to classify recordings of heart valve disorders (AS, MS, MR, and MVP) achieved an average CA of 98.26% and SE of 95.83%. 99 acoustic features were extracted and their abilities to differentiate these abnormalities were examined using weights obtained from the neighborhood component analysis (NCA). The top 10 features which showed the greatest abilities in classifying these abnormalities using recordings from the different databases were also identified. The achieved results demonstrate the ability of the algorithms to automatically identify and classify cardiac sounds. This work provides the basis for measurements of many useful clinical attributes of cardiac acoustic signals and can potentially help in monitoring the overall cardiac health for longer duration. The work presented in this thesis is the first-of-its-kind to validate the results using both, normal and pathological cardiac acoustic signals, recorded for a long continuous duration of 5 minutes at four different auscultation sites in non-controlled real-world conditions.Open Acces

    Preliminary Study: Mobile Phone as a Phonocardiographic Signal Recorder

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of using a mobile phone with a voice recorder function as a phonocardiographic signal recorder. Test measurements were carried out by placing the phone at various points on the chest. For one selected point, measurements were carried out for a group of 120 people, using different models of mobile phones. Data on weight, height and age were collected through a survey. Participants of the study were also asked about diagnosed heart defects and potential problems related to the measurement. Signal quality was assessed using quality parameters. It was checked how the selected methods of signal pre-processing (editing of recordings, filtering) affect the values of quality parameters. The obtained recordings were subjected to automatic signal classification. The result of this work is an extended analysis of the use of mobile phones as electronic stethoscopes and an analysis of the usefulness of signals obtained using this measurement method. The results of these studies are important for the field of medical diagnostics, especially in situations where access to traditional stethoscopes is limited. If mobile phones prove to be effective recorders of phonocardiographic signals, it will open new possibilities in the field of remote heart monitoring and telemedicine. However, it should be noted that further research, including validation and comparison of results obtained with mobile phones with those obtained with traditional stethoscopes, is needed before this technology is introduced into clinical practice

    PCGCleaner: Development and implementation of an R package for heart sound signal preprocessing

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    In our present study, we focused on developing an R package, PCGCleaner, for the preprocessing of PCG signals. We replicated parts of a well-established algorithm for heart sound analysis in MATLAB code and translated them into R. We also implemented this tool on a heart sounds database established by the University of Michigan.Master of ScienceInformation, School ofUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162560/1/Fu_Mingzhou_Final_MTOP_Thesis_20200527.pd

    An open access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithms

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Physiological Measurement. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/37/12/2181In the past few decades, analysis of heart sound signals (i.e. the phonocardiogram or PCG), especially for automated heart sound segmentation and classification, has been widely studied and has been reported to have the potential value to detect pathology accurately in clinical applications. However, comparative analyses of algorithms in the literature have been hindered by the lack of high-quality, rigorously validated, and standardized open databases of heart sound recordings. This paper describes a public heart sound database, assembled for an international competition, the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Challenge 2016. The archive comprises nine different heart sound databases sourced from multiple research groups around the world. It includes 2435 heart sound recordings in total collected from 1297 healthy subjects and patients with a variety of conditions, including heart valve disease and coronary artery disease. The recordings were collected from a variety of clinical or nonclinical (such as in-home visits) environments and equipment. The length of recording varied from several seconds to several minutes. This article reports detailed information about the subjects/patients including demographics (number, age, gender), recordings (number, location, state and time length), associated synchronously recorded signals, sampling frequency and sensor type used. We also provide a brief summary of the commonly used heart sound segmentation and classification methods, including open source code provided concurrently for the Challenge. A description of the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2016, including the main aims, the training and test sets, the hand corrected annotations for different heart sound states, the scoring mechanism, and associated open source code are provided. In addition, several potential benefits from the public heart sound database are discussed.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01-EB001659 from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and R01GM104987 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.Liu, C.; Springer, DC.; Li, Q.; Moody, B.; Abad Juan, RC.; Li, Q.; Moody, B.... (2016). An open access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithms. Physiological Measurement. 37(12):2181-2213. doi:10.1088/0967-3334/37/12/2181S21812213371

    Redes Neuronais Pré-Treinadas na Classificação Automática de Sons Cardíacos

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    As doenças cardiovasculares são uma das principais causas de morte e hospitalização, tanto em países desenvolvidos como em desenvolvimento. O seu diagnóstico requer intervenção profissional e equipamento específico, sendo normalmente dispendioso. O desenvolvimento de algoritmos capazes de segmentar e classificar sinais dos batimentos cardíacos beneficia esta área, uma vez que muitas doenças cardiovasculares se manifestam como irregularidades nos mesmos. Estes algoritmos servirão de apoio ao diagnóstico para os profissionais de saúde e oferecem a possibilidade de serem incorporados em dispositivos próprios para uso doméstico reduzindo a necessidade de consumo de recursos hospitalares ou de centros privados de saúde. No entanto, até ao momento, não existem implementações, clínicas ou não, destes métodos. Nos últimos anos, vários algoritmos de classificação baseados em diferentes técnicas surgiram e bases de dados vastas e de livre acesso foram disponibilizadas procurando estabelecer um ponto de comparação da eficácia dos mesmos. A presente dissertação explora a eficácia da utilização de redes neuronais pré-treinadas na classificação dos sinais disponibilizados no PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2016, uma das maiores bases de dados de fonocardiogramas já reunida. A melhor rede gerada obteve uma precisão de classificação de 80.85%, uma sensibilidade de 79.77% e uma especificidade de 81.94%, estando em linha com resultados obtidos por métodos diferentes e recorrendo a menos pré-processamento do sinal.Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of hospitalization and death, in both developed and developing countries. Its diagnosis requires expert intervention as well as specialized equipment, being costly. The development of algorithms capable of segmenting and classifying signals from the heartbeat benefits this field since many cardiovascular diseases manifest themselves through irregular heartbeats. These algorithms will serve as a clinical decision support system for health professionals and offer the opportunity of creating domestic devices, reducing the need for hospital and private centres resource consumption. However, at the moment, there is no clinical or otherwise implementation of such technology. In the last years, many classification algorithms working on different techniques have emerged and vast open source databases have been made available looking to establish a comparison between those methods. This dissertation aims to test the efficiency of pre-trained neural networks in the classification of signals retrieved from the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2016, one of the largest collection of PCG ever assembled. Our best network achieved an accuracy of 80.85%, a recall of 79.77% and a specificity of 81.94%, being competitive with other methods and requiring less signal processing