26 research outputs found

    Automatic floating-point to fixed-point conversion for DSP code generation

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    FPGA design methodology for industrial control systems—a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) design methodologies with a focus on industrial control system applications. This paper starts with an overview of FPGA technology development, followed by a presentation of design methodologies, development tools and relevant CAD environments, including the use of portable hardware description languages and system level programming/design tools. They enable a holistic functional approach with the major advantage of setting up a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete industrial electronics systems. Three main design rules are then presented. These are algorithm refinement, modularity, and systematic search for the best compromise between the control performance and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of FPGAs is also given, followed by a short survey of FPGA-based intelligent controllers for modern industrial systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of an FPGA implementation when using the proposed system modeling and design methodology. These consist of the direct torque control for induction motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven synchronous stand-alone generator with the help of fuzzy logic

    Customizing Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Arithmetic - A Case Study in K-Means Clustering

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    International audienceThis paper presents a comparison between custom fixed-point (FxP) and floating-point (FlP) arithmetic, applied to bidimensional K-means clustering algorithm. After a discussion on the K-means clustering algorithm and arithmetic characteristics, hardware implementations of FxP and FlP arithmetic operators are compared in terms of area, delay and energy, for different bitwidth, using the ApxPerf2.0 framework. Finally, both are compared in the context of K-means clustering. The direct comparison shows the large difference between 8-to-16-bit FxP and FlP operators, FlP adders consuming 5-12× more energy than FxP adders, and multipliers 2-10× more. However, when applied to K-means clustering algorithm, the gap between FxP and FlP tightens. Indeed, the accuracy improvements brought by FlP make the computation more accurate and lead to an accuracy equivalent to FxP with less iterations of the algorithm, proportionally reducing the global energy spent. The 8-bit version of the algorithm becomes more profitable using FlP, which is 80% more accurate with only 1.6× more energy. This paper finally discusses the stake of custom FlP for low-energy general-purpose computation, thanks to its ease of use, supported by an energy overhead lower than what could have been expected


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    Design, analysis and evaluation of sigma-delta based beamformers for medical ultrasound imaging applications

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    The inherent analogue nature of medical ultrasound signals in conjunction with the abundant merits provided by digital image acquisition, together with the increasing use of relatively simple front-end circuitries, have created considerable demand for single-bit beamformers in digital ultrasound imaging systems. Furthermore, the increasing need to design lightweight ultrasound systems with low power consumption and low noise, provide ample justification for development and innovation in the use of single-bit beamformers in ultrasound imaging systems. The overall aim of this research program is to investigate, establish, develop and confirm through a combination of theoretical analysis and detailed simulations, that utilize raw phantom data sets, suitable techniques for the design of simple-to-implement hardware efficient digital ultrasound beamformers to address the requirements for 3D scanners with large channel counts, as well as portable and lightweight ultrasound scanners for point-of-care applications and intravascular imaging systems. In addition, the stability boundaries of higher-order High-Pass (HP) and Band-Pass (BP) Σ−Δ modulators for single- and dual- sinusoidal inputs are determined using quasi-linear modeling together with the describing-function method, to more accurately model the modulator quantizer. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results for a variety of input amplitudes, bandwidths, and modulator orders. The proposed mathematical models of the quantizer will immensely help speed up the design of higher order HP and BP Σ−Δ modulators to be applicable for digital ultrasound beamformers. Finally, a user friendly design and performance evaluation tool for LP, BP and HP modulators is developed. This toolbox, which uses various design methodologies and covers an assortment of modulators topologies, is intended to accelerate the design process and evaluation of modulators. This design tool is further developed to enable the design, analysis and evaluation of beamformer structures including the noise analyses of the final B-scan images. Thus, this tool will allow researchers and practitioners to design and verify different reconstruction filters and analyze the results directly on the B-scan ultrasound images thereby saving considerable time and effort

    Evaluation de la précision des algorithmes de projection affine en virgule fixe

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    Le but de ce papier est de déterminer de manière analytique la puissance du bruit généré par une implémentation virgule fixe des Algorithmes de Projection Affine (APA). Ces algorithmes ont été développés dans les années 80 mais aucune étude de ce type n'a encore été menée. Dans cet article, nous définissons une expression analytique de la puissance du bruit puis celle-ci est appliquée à l'algorithme NLMS-OCF, un type d'Algorithme de Projection Affine. La validité du modèle est ensuite vérifiée par des simulations

    Mathematics and Digital Signal Processing

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    Modern computer technology has opened up new opportunities for the development of digital signal processing methods. The applications of digital signal processing have expanded significantly and today include audio and speech processing, sonar, radar, and other sensor array processing, spectral density estimation, statistical signal processing, digital image processing, signal processing for telecommunications, control systems, biomedical engineering, and seismology, among others. This Special Issue is aimed at wide coverage of the problems of digital signal processing, from mathematical modeling to the implementation of problem-oriented systems. The basis of digital signal processing is digital filtering. Wavelet analysis implements multiscale signal processing and is used to solve applied problems of de-noising and compression. Processing of visual information, including image and video processing and pattern recognition, is actively used in robotic systems and industrial processes control today. Improving digital signal processing circuits and developing new signal processing systems can improve the technical characteristics of many digital devices. The development of new methods of artificial intelligence, including artificial neural networks and brain-computer interfaces, opens up new prospects for the creation of smart technology. This Special Issue contains the latest technological developments in mathematics and digital signal processing. The stated results are of interest to researchers in the field of applied mathematics and developers of modern digital signal processing systems

    Accuracy-Guaranteed Fixed-Point Optimization in Hardware Synthesis and Processor Customization

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, le calcul avec des nombres fractionnaires est essentiel dans une vaste gamme d’applications de traitement de signal et d’image. Pour le calcul numérique, un nombre fractionnaire peut être représenté à l’aide de l’arithmétique en virgule fixe ou en virgule flottante. L’arithmétique en virgule fixe est largement considérée préférable à celle en virgule flottante pour les architectures matérielles dédiées en raison de sa plus faible complexité d’implémentation. Dans la mise en œuvre du matériel, la largeur de mot attribuée à différents signaux a un impact significatif sur des métriques telles que les ressources (transistors), la vitesse et la consommation d'énergie. L'optimisation de longueur de mot (WLO) en virgule fixe est un domaine de recherche bien connu qui vise à optimiser les chemins de données par l'ajustement des longueurs de mots attribuées aux signaux. Un nombre en virgule fixe est composé d’une partie entière et d’une partie fractionnaire. Il y a une limite inférieure au nombre de bits alloués à la partie entière, de façon à prévenir les débordements pour chaque signal. Cette limite dépend de la gamme de valeurs que peut prendre le signal. Le nombre de bits de la partie fractionnaire, quant à lui, détermine la taille de l'erreur de précision finie qui est introduite dans les calculs. Il existe un compromis entre la précision et l'efficacité du matériel dans la sélection du nombre de bits de la partie fractionnaire. Le processus d'attribution du nombre de bits de la partie fractionnaire comporte deux procédures importantes: la modélisation de l'erreur de quantification et la sélection de la taille de la partie fractionnaire. Les travaux existants sur la WLO ont porté sur des circuits spécialisés comme plate-forme cible. Dans cette thèse, nous introduisons de nouvelles méthodologies, techniques et algorithmes pour améliorer l’implémentation de calculs en virgule fixe dans des circuits et processeurs spécialisés. La thèse propose une approche améliorée de modélisation d’erreur, basée sur l'arithmétique affine, qui aborde certains problèmes des méthodes existantes et améliore leur précision. La thèse introduit également une technique d'accélération et deux algorithmes semi-analytiques pour la sélection de la largeur de la partie fractionnaire pour la conception de circuits spécialisés. Alors que le premier algorithme suit une stratégie de recherche progressive, le second utilise une méthode de recherche en forme d'arbre pour l'optimisation de la largeur fractionnaire. Les algorithmes offrent deux options de compromis entre la complexité de calcul et le coût résultant. Le premier algorithme a une complexité polynomiale et obtient des résultats comparables avec des approches heuristiques existantes. Le second algorithme a une complexité exponentielle, mais il donne des résultats quasi-optimaux par rapport à une recherche exhaustive. Cette thèse propose également une méthode pour combiner l'optimisation de la longueur des mots dans un contexte de conception de processeurs configurables. La largeur et la profondeur des blocs de registres et l'architecture des unités fonctionnelles sont les principaux objectifs ciblés par cette optimisation. Un nouvel algorithme d'optimisation a été développé pour trouver la meilleure combinaison de longueurs de mots et d'autres paramètres configurables dans la méthode proposée. Les exigences de précision, définies comme l'erreur pire cas, doivent être respectées par toute solution. Pour faciliter l'évaluation et la mise en œuvre des solutions retenues, un nouvel environnement de conception de processeur a également été développé. Cet environnement, qui est appelé PolyCuSP, supporte une large gamme de paramètres, y compris ceux qui sont nécessaires pour évaluer les solutions proposées par l'algorithme d'optimisation. L’environnement PolyCuSP soutient l’exploration rapide de l'espace de solution et la capacité de modéliser différents jeux d'instructions pour permettre des comparaisons efficaces.----------ABSTRACT Fixed-point arithmetic is broadly preferred to floating-point in hardware development due to the reduced hardware complexity of fixed-point circuits. In hardware implementation, the bitwidth allocated to the data elements has significant impact on efficiency metrics for the circuits including area usage, speed and power consumption. Fixed-point word-length optimization (WLO) is a well-known research area. It aims to optimize fixed-point computational circuits through the adjustment of the allocated bitwidths of their internal and output signals. A fixed-point number is composed of an integer part and a fractional part. There is a minimum number of bits for the integer part that guarantees overflow and underflow avoidance in each signal. This value depends on the range of values that the signal may take. The fractional word-length determines the amount of finite-precision error that is introduced in the computations. There is a trade-off between accuracy and hardware cost in fractional word-length selection. The process of allocating the fractional word-length requires two important procedures: finite-precision error modeling and fractional word-length selection. Existing works on WLO have focused on hardwired circuits as the target implementation platform. In this thesis, we introduce new methodologies, techniques and algorithms to improve the hardware realization of fixed-point computations in hardwired circuits and customizable processors. The thesis proposes an enhanced error modeling approach based on affine arithmetic that addresses some shortcomings of the existing methods and improves their accuracy. The thesis also introduces an acceleration technique and two semi-analytical fractional bitwidth selection algorithms for WLO in hardwired circuit design. While the first algorithm follows a progressive search strategy, the second one uses a tree-shaped search method for fractional width optimization. The algorithms offer two different time-complexity/cost efficiency trade-off options. The first algorithm has polynomial complexity and achieves comparable results with existing heuristic approaches. The second algorithm has exponential complexity but achieves near-optimal results compared to an exhaustive search. The thesis further proposes a method to combine word-length optimization with application-specific processor customization. The supported datatype word-length, the size of register-files and the architecture of the functional units are the main target objectives to be optimized. A new optimization algorithm is developed to find the best combination of word-length and other customizable parameters in the proposed method. Accuracy requirements, defined as the worst-case error bound, are the key consideration that must be met by any solution. To facilitate evaluation and implementation of the selected solutions, a new processor design environment was developed. This environment, which is called PolyCuSP, supports necessary customization flexibility to realize and evaluate the solutions given by the optimization algorithm. PolyCuSP supports rapid design space exploration and capability to model different instruction-set architectures to enable effective compari