6,528 research outputs found

    Implementation of hierarchical design for manufacture rules in manufacturing processes

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    In order to shorten the product development cycle time, minimise overall cost and smooth transition into production, early consideration of manufacturing processes is important. Design for Manufacture (DFM) is the practice of designing products with manufacturing issues using an intelligent system, which translates 3D solid models into manufacturable features. Many existing and potential applications, particularly in the field of manufacturing, require various aspects of features technology. In all engineering fields geometric modelling wluch accurately represents the shape of a whole engineering component has become accepted for a wide range of applications. To apply DFM rules or guidelines in manufacturing processes, they have to be systematised and organised into a hierarchical rule system. Rules at the higher level of the hierarchical system are applied to more generic manufacturing features, and specific rules are applied to more detailed features. This enables the number of rules and amount of repetition to be minimsed. Violation of the design for manufacture rules in the features, their characteristics and manufacturing capabilities are further examined in this hierarchical system. Manufacturabillty analysis, such as production type, materials, tolerances, surface finish, feature characteristics and accessibility, are also taken into consideration. Consideration of process capabilities and limitations during the design process is necessary in order to minimise production time and as a result, rnanufactunng cost. The correct selection of manufacturing processes is also important as it is related to the overal cost. As a result of this research, a hierarchical design for manufacture rule system is proposed which would aid designers in avoiding designs that would lead to costly manufacturing processes

    Manufacturing technologies in mould industry and future challenges

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    This report is based on the manufacturing technologies actively used in the industry. The mould industry in Portugal is one of the biggest and considered the best in quality of moulds in various types of industries like Automobile, Medical and Aerospace. The State of the art mould manufacturing technologies like conformal cooling in complex parts, multi cavity moulds are taking over the industry standards to a new level of competitiveness in terms of business and quality achievement. The industry in Portugal is very well known for the quality of the moulds and the process fabrication of mould tools. The future is becoming more and more competitive with advancement in lean manufacturing and the enormous advancement in the 3D printers. With more time the advance in these technologies will help the requirement of polymer parts be met with high power and high capability of print quality achievable it is seen to be posing a threat to the mould manufacturers. They are in dire need to update the manufacturing process and to be in touch with the developments of production technologies in the world of polymers to stay in the competitive market for a long time. This report will touch upon the present manufacturing techniques and state of the art technologies that are coming into use in the industry and the challenges this industry will face due to increase in use of 3D printers

    Micro-manufacturing : research, technology outcomes and development issues

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    Besides continuing effort in developing MEMS-based manufacturing techniques, latest effort in Micro-manufacturing is also in Non-MEMS-based manufacturing. Research and technological development (RTD) in this field is encouraged by the increased demand on micro-components as well as promised development in the scaling down of the traditional macro-manufacturing processes for micro-length-scale manufacturing. This paper highlights some EU funded research activities in micro/nano-manufacturing, and gives examples of the latest development in micro-manufacturing methods/techniques, process chains, hybrid-processes, manufacturing equipment and supporting technologies/device, etc., which is followed by a summary of the achievements of the EU MASMICRO project. Finally, concluding remarks are given, which raise several issues concerning further development in micro-manufacturing

    Features and design intent in engineering sketches

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    We investigate the problem of determining design intent from engineering sketches: what did the designer have in mind when sketching a component? Specifically, we consider the unidirectional reverse mapping from form features, as determined from an input sketch, to design features, representing the design intent present in the designer’s mind. We introduce a list of com- mon engineering form features. For each, we list which geometrical cues may be helpful in identifying these features in design sketches, and we list the design features which such form features commonly imply. We show that a reductionist approach which decomposes a diagram into form features can be used to deduce the design intent of the object portrayed in a drawing. We supply experimental results in support of this idea

    A Methodological Approach to Knowledge-Based Engineering Systems for Manufacturing

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    A survey of implementations of the knowledge-based engineering approach in different technological sectors is presented. The main objectives and techniques of examined applications are pointed out to illustrate the trends and peculiarities for a number of manufacturing field. Existing methods for the development of these engineering systems are then examined in order to identify critical aspects when applied to manufacturing. A new methodological approach is proposed to overcome some specific limitations that emerged from the above-mentioned survey. The aim is to provide an innovative method for the implementation of knowledge-based engineering applications in the field of industrial production. As a starting point, the field of application of the system is defined using a spatial representation. The conceptual design phase is carried out with the aid of a matrix structure containing the most relevant elements of the system and their relations. In particular, objectives, descriptors, inputs and actions are defined and qualified using categorical attributes. The proposed method is then applied to three case studies with different locations in the applicability space. All the relevant elements of the detailed implementation of these systems are described. The relations with assumptions made during the design are highlighted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The adoption of case studies with notably different applications also reveals the versatility in the application of the method

    Automated Core And Cavity Design System For Mould Works Using Generative Method Of Computer Aided Process Planning

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    In recent years, many efforts have been made for core and cavity design system to be fully automated. Three profound limitations in the previous automated core and cavity design systems are (i) the lack in parting direction flexibility, (ii) inability to detect and generate parting direction for both inner and outer undercuts and (iii) no information transfer from automated core and cavity design system to machining system. To overcome these limitations, automated core and cavity design system (ACCDS) is developed. This system acts as a component in computer aided process planning system where it takes information from any 3D CAD model and provides information to the machining system. Generative method is the basis of this system where core and cavity models are generated from scratch. The outputs from the system are (i) the generated core, cavity and side-cores with parting direction and (ii) the information of zero tool-face collision angle range of core and cavity mould pieces. By comparing ACCDS with a recent system proposed by a researcher, improvements such as better core and cavity design and the reduction of system computational time were observed. This shows that ACCDS were able to contribute in the betterment of the core and cavity design system in automatic manner

    Automatic tolerance inspection through Reverse Engineering: a segmentation technique for plastic injection moulded parts

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    This work studies segmentations procedures to recognise features in a Reverse Engineering (RE) application that is oriented to computer-aided tolerance inspection of injection moulding die set-up, necessary to manufacture electromechanical components. It will discuss all steps of the procedures, from the initial acquisition to the final measure data management, but specific original developments will be focused on the RE post-processing method, that should solve the problem related to the automation of the surface recognition and then of the inspection process. As it will be explained in the first two Chapters, automation of the inspection process pertains, eminently, to feature recognition after the segmentation process. This work presents a voxel-based approach with the aim of reducing the computation efforts related to tessellation and curvature analysis, with or without filtering. In fact, a voxel structure approximates the shape through parallelepipeds that include small sub-set of points. In this sense, it represents a filter, since the number of voxels is less than the total number of points, but also a local approximation of the surface, if proper fitting models are applied. Through sensitivity analysis and industrial applications, limits and perspectives of the proposed algorithms are discussed and validated in terms of accuracy and save of time. Validation case-studies are taken from real applications made in ABB Sace S.p.A., that promoted this research. Plastic injection moulding of electromechanical components has a time-consuming die set-up. It is due to the necessity of providing dies with many cavities, which during the cooling phase may present different stamping conditions, thus defects that include lengths outside their dimensional tolerance, and geometrical errors. To increase the industrial efficiency, the automation of the inspection is not only due to the automatic recognition of features but also to a computer-aided inspection protocol (path planning and inspection data management). For this reason, also these steps will be faced, as the natural framework of the thesis research activity. The work structure concerns with six chapters. In Chapter 1, an introduction to the whole procedure is presented, focusing on reasons and utilities of the application of RE techniques in industrial engineering. Chapter 2 analyses acquisition issues and methods that are related to our application, describing: (a) selected hardware; (b) adopted strategy related to the cloud of point acquisition. In Chapter 3, the proposed RE post-processing is described together with a state of art about data segmentation and surface reconstruction. Chapter 4 discusses the proposed algorithms through sensitivity studies concerning thresholds and parameters utilised in segmentation phase and surface reconstruction. Chapter 5 explains briefly the inspection workflow, PDM requirements and solution, together with a preliminary assessing of measures and their reliability. These three chapters (3, 4 and 5) report final sections, called “Discussion”, in which specific considerations are given. Finally, Chapter 6 gives examples of the proposed segmentation technique in the framework of the industrial applications, through specific case studies
