199 research outputs found

    A Pointillism Approach for Natural Language Processing of Social Media

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    Natural language processing tasks typically start with the basic unit of words, and then from words and their meanings a big picture is constructed about what the meanings of documents or other larger constructs are in terms of the topics discussed. Social media is very challenging for natural language processing because it challenges the notion of a word. Social media users regularly use words that are not in even the most comprehensive lexicons. These new words can be unknown named entities that have suddenly risen in prominence because of a current event, or they might be neologisms newly created to emphasize meaning or evade keyword filtering. Chinese social media is particularly challenging. The Chinese language poses challenges for natural language processing based on the unit of a word even for formal uses of the Chinese language, social media only makes word segmentation in Chinese even more difficult. Thus, even knowing what the boundaries of words are in a social media corpus is a difficult proposition. For these reasons, in this document I propose the Pointillism approach to natural language processing. In the pointillism approach, language is viewed as a time series, or sequence of points that represent the grams\u27 usage over time. Time is an important aspect of the Pointillism approach. Detailed timing information, such as timestamps of when posts were posted, contain correlations based on human patterns and current events. This timing information provides the necessary context to build words and phrases out of trigrams and then group those words and phrases into topical clusters. Rather than words that have individual meanings, the basic unit of the pointillism approach is trigrams of characters. These grams take on meaning in aggregate when they appear together in a way that is correlated over time. I anticipate that the pointillism approach can perform well in a variety of natural language processing tasks for many different languages, but in this document my focus is on trend analysis for Chinese microblogging. Microblog posts have a timestamp of when posts were posted, that is accurate to the minute or second (though, in this dissertation, I bin posts by the hour). To show that trigrams supplemented with frequency information do collect scattered information into meaningful pieces, I first use the pointillism approach to extract phrases. I conducted experiments on 4-character idioms, a set of 500 phrases that are longer than 3 characters taken from the Chinese-language version of Wiktionary, and also on Weibo\u27s hot keywords. My results show that when words and topics do have a meme-like trend, they can be reconstructed from only trigrams. For example, for 4-character idioms that appear at least 99 times in one day in my data, the unconstrained precision (that is, precision that allows for deviation from a lexicon when the result is just as correct as the lexicon version of the word or phrase) is 0.93. For longer words and phrases collected from Wiktionary, including neologisms, the unconstrained precision is 0.87. I consider these results to be very promising, because they suggest that it is feasible for a machine to reconstruct complex idioms, phrases, and neologisms with good precision without any notion of words. Next, I examine the potential of the pointillism approach for extracting topical trends from microblog posts that are related to environmental issues. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is utilized to find the trigrams which have the same independent signal source, i.e., topics. Contrast this with probabilistic topic models, which leverage co-occurrence to classify the documents into the topics they have learned, so it is hard for it to extract topics in real-time. However, pointillism approach can extract trends in real-time, whether those trends have been discussed before or not. This is more challenging because in phrase extraction, order information is used to narrow down the candidates, whereas for trend extraction only the frequency of the trigrams are considered. The proposed approach is compared against a state of the art topic extraction technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), on 9,147 labelled posts with timestamps. The experimental results show that the highest F1 score of the pointillism approach with ICA is 4% better than that of LDA. Thus, using the pointillism approach, the colorful and baroque uses of language that typify social media in challenging languages such as Chinese may in fact be accessible to machines. The thesis that my dissertation tests is this: For topic extraction for scenarios where no adequate lexicon is available, such as social media, the Pointillism approach uses timing information to out-perform traditional techniques that are based on co-occurrence

    Exploiting prior knowledge during automatic key and chord estimation from musical audio

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    Chords and keys are two ways of describing music. They are exemplary of a general class of symbolic notations that musicians use to exchange information about a music piece. This information can range from simple tempo indications such as “allegro” to precise instructions for a performer of the music. Concretely, both keys and chords are timed labels that describe the harmony during certain time intervals, where harmony refers to the way music notes sound together. Chords describe the local harmony, whereas keys offer a more global overview and consequently cover a sequence of multiple chords. Common to all music notations is that certain characteristics of the music are described while others are ignored. The adopted level of detail depends on the purpose of the intended information exchange. A simple description such as “menuet”, for example, only serves to roughly describe the character of a music piece. Sheet music on the other hand contains precise information about the pitch, discretised information pertaining to timing and limited information about the timbre. Its goal is to permit a performer to recreate the music piece. Even so, the information about timing and timbre still leaves some space for interpretation by the performer. The opposite of a symbolic notation is a music recording. It stores the music in a way that allows for a perfect reproduction. The disadvantage of a music recording is that it does not allow to manipulate a single aspect of a music piece in isolation, or at least not without degrading the quality of the reproduction. For instance, it is not possible to change the instrumentation in a music recording, even though this would only require the simple change of a few symbols in a symbolic notation. Despite the fundamental differences between a music recording and a symbolic notation, the two are of course intertwined. Trained musicians can listen to a music recording (or live music) and write down a symbolic notation of the played piece. This skill allows one, in theory, to create a symbolic notation for each recording in a music collection. In practice however, this would be too labour intensive for the large collections that are available these days through online stores or streaming services. Automating the notation process is therefore a necessity, and this is exactly the subject of this thesis. More specifically, this thesis deals with the extraction of keys and chords from a music recording. A database with keys and chords opens up applications that are not possible with a database of music recordings alone. On one hand, chords can be used on their own as a compact representation of a music piece, for example to learn how to play an accompaniment for singing. On the other hand, keys and chords can also be used indirectly to accomplish another goal, such as finding similar pieces. Because music theory has been studied for centuries, a great body of knowledge about keys and chords is available. It is known that consecutive keys and chords form sequences that are all but random. People happen to have certain expectations that must be fulfilled in order to experience music as pleasant. Keys and chords are also strongly intertwined, as a given key implies that certain chords will likely occur and a set of given chords implies an encompassing key in return. Consequently, a substantial part of this thesis is concerned with the question whether musicological knowledge can be embedded in a technical framework in such a way that it helps to improve the automatic recognition of keys and chords. The technical framework adopted in this thesis is built around a hidden Markov model (HMM). This facilitates an easy separation of the different aspects involved in the automatic recognition of keys and chords. Most experiments reviewed in the thesis focus on taking into account musicological knowledge about the musical context and about the expected chord duration. Technically speaking, this involves a manipulation of the transition probabilities in the HMMs. To account for the interaction between keys and chords, every HMM state is actually representing the combination of a key and a chord label. In the first part of the thesis, a number of alternatives for modelling the context are proposed. In particular, separate key change and chord change models are defined such that they closely mirror the way musicians conceive harmony. Multiple variants are considered that differ in the size of the context that is accounted for and in the knowledge source from which they were compiled. Some models are derived from a music corpus with key and chord notations whereas others follow directly from music theory. In the second part of the thesis, the contextual models are embedded in a system for automatic key and chord estimation. The features used in that system are so-called chroma profiles, which represent the saliences of the pitch classes in the audio signal. These chroma profiles are acoustically modelled by means of templates (idealised profiles) and a distance measure. In addition to these acoustic models and the contextual models developed in the first part, durational models are also required. The latter ensure that the chord and key estimations attain specified mean durations. The resulting system is then used to conduct experiments that provide more insight into how each system component contributes to the ultimate key and chord output quality. During the experimental study, the system complexity gets gradually increased, starting from a system containing only an acoustic model of the features that gets subsequently extended, first with duration models and afterwards with contextual models. The experiments show that taking into account the mean key and mean chord duration is essential to arrive at acceptable results for both key and chord estimation. The effect of using contextual information, however, is highly variable. On one hand, the chord change model has only a limited positive impact on the chord estimation accuracy (two to three percentage points), but this impact is fairly stable across different model variants. On the other hand, the chord change model has a much larger potential to improve the key output quality (up to seventeen percentage points), but only on the condition that the variant of the model is well adapted to the tested music material. Lastly, the key change model has only a negligible influence on the system performance. In the final part of this thesis, a couple of extensions to the formerly presented system are proposed and assessed. First, the global mean chord duration is replaced by key-chord specific values, which has a positive effect on the key estimation performance. Next, the HMM system is modified such that the prior chord duration distribution is no longer a geometric distribution but one that better approximates the observed durations in an appropriate data set. This modification leads to a small improvement of the chord estimation performance, but of course, it requires the availability of a suitable data set with chord notations from which to retrieve a target durational distribution. A final experiment demonstrates that increasing the scope of the contextual model only leads to statistically insignificant improvements. On top of that, the required computational load increases greatly

    Topic modelling: Going beyond token outputs

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    Topic modelling is a text mining technique for identifying salient themes from a number of documents. The output is commonly a set of topics consisting of isolated tokens that often co-occur in such documents. Manual effort is often associated with interpreting a topic's description from such tokens. However, from a human's perspective, such outputs may not adequately provide enough information to infer the meaning of the topics; thus, their interpretability is often inaccurately understood. Although several studies have attempted to automatically extend topic descriptions as a means of enhancing the interpretation of topic models, they rely on external language sources that may become unavailable, must be kept up-to-date to generate relevant results, and present privacy issues when training on or processing data. This paper presents a novel approach towards extending the output of traditional topic modelling methods beyond a list of isolated tokens. This approach removes the dependence on external sources by using the textual data itself by extracting high-scoring keywords and mapping them to the topic model's token outputs. To compare how the proposed method benchmarks against the state-of-the-art, a comparative analysis against results produced by Large Language Models (LLMs) is presented. Such results report that the proposed method resonates with the thematic coverage found in LLMs, and often surpasses such models by bridging the gap between broad thematic elements and granular details. In addition, to demonstrate and reinforce the generalisation of the proposed method, the approach was further evaluated using two other topic modelling methods as the underlying models and when using a heterogeneous unseen dataset. To measure the interpretability of the proposed outputs against those of the traditional topic modelling approach, independent annotators manually scored each output based on their quality and usefulness, as well as the efficiency of the annotation task. The proposed approach demonstrated higher quality and usefulness, as well as higher efficiency in the annotation task, in comparison to the outputs of a traditional topic modelling method, demonstrating an increase in their interpretability

    Survey of Automatic Labeling Methods for Topic Models

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    Topic models are often used in modeling unstructured corpora and discrete data to extract the latent topic. As topics are generally expressed in the form of word lists, it is usually difficult for users to understand the meanings of topics, especially when users lack knowledge in the subject area. Although manually labeling topics can generate more explanatory and easily understandable topic labels, the cost is too high for the method to be feasible. Therefore, research on automatic labeling of topic discovered provides solutions to the problem. Firstly, the currently most popular technique, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), is elaborated and analyzed. According to the three different representations of topic labels, based on phrases, abstracts, and pictures, the topic labeling methods are classified into three types. Then, centered on improving the interpretability of topics, with different types of generated topic labels utilized, the relevant research in recent years is sorted out, analyzed, and summarized. The applicable scenarios and usability of different labels are also discussed. Meanwhile, methods are further categorized according to their different characteristics. The focus is placed on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the abstract topic labels generated through lexical-based, submodular optimization, and graph-based methods. The differences between separate methods with respect to the learning types, technologies used, and data sources are then compared. Finally, the existing problems and trend of development of research on automatic topic labeling are discussed. Based on deep learning, integrating with sentiment analysis, and continuously expanding the applicable scenarios of topic labeling, will be the directions of future development

    Article Segmentation in Digitised Newspapers

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    Digitisation projects preserve and make available vast quantities of historical text. Among these, newspapers are an invaluable resource for the study of human culture and history. Article segmentation identifies each region in a digitised newspaper page that contains an article. Digital humanities, information retrieval (IR), and natural language processing (NLP) applications over digitised archives improve access to text and allow automatic information extraction. The lack of article segmentation impedes these applications. We contribute a thorough review of the existing approaches to article segmentation. Our analysis reveals divergent interpretations of the task, and inconsistent and often ambiguously defined evaluation metrics, making comparisons between systems challenging. We solve these issues by contributing a detailed task definition that examines the nuances and intricacies of article segmentation that are not immediately apparent. We provide practical guidelines on handling borderline cases and devise a new evaluation framework that allows insightful comparison of existing and future approaches. Our review also reveals that the lack of large datasets hinders meaningful evaluation and limits machine learning approaches. We solve these problems by contributing a distant supervision method for generating large datasets for article segmentation. We manually annotate a portion of our dataset and show that our method produces article segmentations over characters nearly as well as costly human annotators. We reimplement the seminal textual approach to article segmentation (Aiello and Pegoretti, 2006) and show that it does not generalise well when evaluated on a large dataset. We contribute a framework for textual article segmentation that divides the task into two distinct phases: block representation and clustering. We propose several techniques for block representation and contribute a novel highly-compressed semantic representation called similarity embeddings. We evaluate and compare different clustering techniques, and innovatively apply label propagation (Zhu and Ghahramani, 2002) to spread headline labels to similar blocks. Our similarity embeddings and label propagation approach substantially outperforms Aiello and Pegoretti but still falls short of human performance. Exploring visual approaches to article segmentation, we reimplement and analyse the state-of-the-art Bansal et al. (2014) approach. We contribute an innovative 2D Markov model approach that captures reading order dependencies and reduces the structured labelling problem to a Markov chain that we decode with Viterbi (1967). Our approach substantially outperforms Bansal et al., achieves accuracy as good as human annotators, and establishes a new state of the art in article segmentation. Our task definition, evaluation framework, and distant supervision dataset will encourage progress in the task of article segmentation. Our state-of-the-art textual and visual approaches will allow sophisticated IR and NLP applications over digitised newspaper archives, supporting research in the digital humanities

    Automatic identification and translation of multiword expressions

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Multiword Expressions (MWEs) belong to a class of phraseological phenomena that is ubiquitous in the study of language. They are heterogeneous lexical items consisting of more than one word and feature lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic idiosyncrasies. Scholarly research on MWEs benefits both natural language processing (NLP) applications and end users. This thesis involves designing new methodologies to identify and translate MWEs. In order to deal with MWE identification, we first develop datasets of annotated verb-noun MWEs in context. We then propose a method which employs word embeddings to disambiguate between literal and idiomatic usages of the verb-noun expressions. Existence of expression types with various idiomatic and literal distributions leads us to re-examine their modelling and evaluation. We propose a type-aware train and test splitting approach to prevent models from overfitting and avoid misleading evaluation results. Identification of MWEs in context can be modelled with sequence tagging methodologies. To this end, we devise a new neural network architecture, which is a combination of convolutional neural networks and long-short term memories with an optional conditional random field layer on top. We conduct extensive evaluations on several languages demonstrating a better performance compared to the state-of-the-art systems. Experiments show that the generalisation power of the model in predicting unseen MWEs is significantly better than previous systems. In order to find translations for verb-noun MWEs, we propose a bilingual distributional similarity approach derived from a word embedding model that supports arbitrary contexts. The technique is devised to extract translation equivalents from comparable corpora which are an alternative resource to costly parallel corpora. We finally conduct a series of experiments to investigate the effects of size and quality of comparable corpora on automatic extraction of translation equivalents

    Conversational Arabic Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Colloquial Arabic (CA) is the set of spoken variants of modern Arabic that exist in the form of regional dialects and are considered generally to be mother-tongues in those regions. CA has limited textual resource because it exists only as a spoken language and without a standardised written form. Normally the modern standard Arabic (MSA) writing convention is employed that has limitations in phonetically representing CA. Without phonetic dictionaries the pronunciation of CA words is ambiguous, and can only be obtained through word and/or sentence context. Moreover, CA inherits the MSA complex word structure where words can be created from attaching affixes to a word. In automatic speech recognition (ASR), commonly used approaches to model acoustic, pronunciation and word variability are language independent. However, one can observe significant differences in performance between English and CA, with the latter yielding up to three times higher error rates. This thesis investigates the main issues for the under-performance of CA ASR systems. The work focuses on two directions: first, the impact of limited lexical coverage, and insufficient training data for written CA on language modelling is investigated; second, obtaining better models for the acoustics and pronunciations by learning to transfer between written and spoken forms. Several original contributions result from each direction. Using data-driven classes from decomposed text are shown to reduce out-of-vocabulary rate. A novel colloquialisation system to import additional data is introduced; automatic diacritisation to restore the missing short vowels was found to yield good performance; and a new acoustic set for describing CA was defined. Using the proposed methods improved the ASR performance in terms of word error rate in a CA conversational telephone speech ASR task

    Comparative sentiment analysis of techniques for cyberbullying detection on twitter

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    Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Information in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Science in Information TechnologyCyberbullying has become a common vice on the social media platforms and is quickly running out of hand. The psychological researches conducted on its effect are showing dire trends on the victims, sometimes leading to suicides among the victims. Currently, the efforts by the social media sites in curbing cyberbullying is largely user centered. Twitter platform provides a series of reactionary measures of dealing with cyberbullying instances, including; blocking users, reporting users, deleting posts and tagging tweets with warning labels. However, these approaches are more of reactionary than preventive. This leaves a gap in the software systems design which should eliminate the human intervention, by implementing technological methods in curbing cyberbullying. This research implemented the application of machine learning techniques to build a text classifier to detect instances of cyberbullying as the tweets are being composed. The research collected data from Twitter which was processed and labelled appropriately. A Support Vector Machine model was developed, trained and validated based on labelled text data using bigram features and term frequency-inverse document frequency weighting. An experimental approach was taken in determining what combination of features provided the most desirable performance outcome on the data collected. A comparative analysis was then done between the text classification algorithms (including Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Classifier) coupled the different features. The SVM classifier coupled with the bi-gram feature emerged as the best classifier while using sentiment to classify texts documents, with an accuracy of 84.22%