9 research outputs found

    Fingerprint Image-Quality Estimation and its Application to Multialgorithm Verification

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    Signal-quality awareness has been found to increase recognition rates and to support decisions in multisensor environments significantly. Nevertheless, automatic quality assessment is still an open issue. Here, we study the orientation tensor of fingerprint images to quantify signal impairments, such as noise, lack of structure, blur, with the help of symmetry descriptors. A strongly reduced reference is especially favorable in biometrics, but less information is not sufficient for the approach. This is also supported by numerous experiments involving a simpler quality estimator, a trained method (NFIQ), as well as the human perception of fingerprint quality on several public databases. Furthermore, quality measurements are extensively reused to adapt fusion parameters in a monomodal multialgorithm fingerprint recognition environment. In this study, several trained and nontrained score-level fusion schemes are investigated. A Bayes-based strategy for incorporating experts past performances and current quality conditions, a novel cascaded scheme for computational efficiency, besides simple fusion rules, is presented. The quantitative results favor quality awareness under all aspects, boosting recognition rates and fusing differently skilled experts efficiently as well as effectively (by training).Comment: Published at IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    A Computer Vision Story on Video Sequences::From Face Detection to Face Super- Resolution using Face Quality Assessment

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    Cross-Spectral Full and Partial Face Recognition: Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and Matching

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    Cross-spectral face recognition remains a challenge in the area of biometrics. The problem arises from some real-world application scenarios such as surveillance at night time or in harsh environments, where traditional face recognition techniques are not suitable or limited due to usage of imagery obtained in the visible light spectrum. This motivates the study conducted in the dissertation which focuses on matching infrared facial images against visible light images. The study outspreads from aspects of face recognition such as preprocessing to feature extraction and to matching.;We address the problem of cross-spectral face recognition by proposing several new operators and algorithms based on advanced concepts such as composite operators, multi-level data fusion, image quality parity, and levels of measurement. To be specific, we experiment and fuse several popular individual operators to construct a higher-performed compound operator named GWLH which exhibits complementary advantages of involved individual operators. We also combine a Gaussian function with LBP, generalized LBP, WLD and/or HOG and modify them into multi-lobe operators with smoothed neighborhood to have a new type of operators named Composite Multi-Lobe Descriptors. We further design a novel operator termed Gabor Multi-Levels of Measurement based on the theory of levels of measurements, which benefits from taking into consideration the complementary edge and feature information at different levels of measurements.;The issue of image quality disparity is also studied in the dissertation due to its common occurrence in cross-spectral face recognition tasks. By bringing the quality of heterogeneous imagery closer to each other, we successfully achieve an improvement in the recognition performance. We further study the problem of cross-spectral recognition using partial face since it is also a common problem in practical usage. We begin with matching heterogeneous periocular regions and generalize the topic by considering all three facial regions defined in both a characteristic way and a mixture way.;In the experiments we employ datasets which include all the sub-bands within the infrared spectrum: near-infrared, short-wave infrared, mid-wave infrared, and long-wave infrared. Different standoff distances varying from short to intermediate and long are considered too. Our methods are compared with other popular or state-of-the-art methods and are proven to be advantageous

    BioTwist - overcoming severe distortions in ridge-based biometrics for successful identication

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    Biometrics rely on a physical trait's permanence and stability over time, as well as its individuality, robustness and ease to be captured. Challenges arise when working with newborns or infants because of the tininess and fragility of an infant's features, their uncooperative nature and their rapid growth. The last of these is particularly relevant when one tries to verify an infant's identity based on captures of a biometric taken at an earlier age. Finding a physical trait that is feasible for infants is often referred to as the infant biometric problem. This thesis explores the quality aspect of adult fingermarks and the correlation between image quality and the mark’s usefulness for an ongoing forensic investigation, and researches various aspects of the “ballprint” as an infant biometric. The ballprint, the friction ridge skin area of the foot pad under the big toe, exhibits similar properties to fingerprint but the ball possesses larger physical structures and a greater number of features. We collected a longitudinal ballprint database from 54 infants within 3 days of birth, at two months old, at 6 months and at 2 years. It has been observed that the skin of a newborn's foot dries and cracks so the ridge lines are often not visible to the naked eye and an adult fingerprint scanner cannot capture them. This thesis presents the physiological discovery that the ballprint grows isotropically during infancy and can be well approximated by a linear function of the infant's age. Fingerprint technology developed for adult fingerprints can match ballprints if they are adjusted by a physical feature (the inter-ridge spacing) to be of a similar size to adult fingerprints. The growth in ballprint inter-ridge spacing mirrors infant growth in terms of length/height. When growth is compensated for by isotropic rescaling, impressive verification scores are achieved even for captures taken 22 months apart. The scores improve even further when low-quality prints are rejected; the removal of the bottom third improves the Equal Error Rate from 1-2% to 0%. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that the ballprint is a feasible solution to the infant biometric problem

    Forging a Stable Relationship?: Bridging the Law and Forensic Science Divide in the Academy

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    The marriage of law and science has most often been represented as discordant. While the law/science divide meme is hardly novel, concerns over the potentially deleterious coupling within the criminal justice system may have reached fever pitch. There is a growing chorus of disapproval addressed to ‘forensic science’, accompanied by the denigration of legal professionals for being unable or unwilling to forge a symbiotic relationship with forensic scientists. The 2009 National Academy of Sciences Report on forensic science heralds the latest call for greater collaboration between ‘law’ and ‘science’, particularly in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) yet little reaction has been apparent amid law and science faculties. To investigate the potential for interdisciplinary cooperation, the authors received funding for a project: ‘Lowering the Drawbridges: Forensic and Legal Education in the 21st Century’, hoping to stimulate both law and forensic science educators to seek mutually beneficial solutions to common educational problems and build vital connections in the academy. A workshop held in the UK, attended by academics and practitioners from scientific, policing, and legal backgrounds marked the commencement of the project. This paper outlines some of the workshop conclusions to elucidate areas of dissent and consensus, and where further dialogue is required, but aims to strike a note of optimism that the ‘cultural divide’ should not be taken to be so wide as to be beyond the legal and forensic science academy to bridge. The authors seek to demonstrate that legal and forensic science educators can work cooperatively to respond to critics and forge new paths in learning and teaching, creating an opportunity to take stock and enrich our discipline as well as answer critics. As Latham (2010:34) exhorts, we are not interested in turning lawyers into scientists and vice versa, but building a foundation upon which they can build during their professional lives: “Instead of melding the two cultures, we need to establish conditions of cooperation, mutual respect, and mutual reliance between them.” Law and forensic science educators should, and can assist with the building of a mutual understanding between forensic scientists and legal professionals, a significant step on the road to answering calls for the professions to minimise some of the risks associated with the use of forensic science in the criminal process. REFERENCES Latham, S.R. 2010, ‘Law between the cultures: C.P.Snow’s The Two Cultures and the problem of scientific illiteracy in law’ 32 Technology in Society, 31-34. KEYWORDS forensic science education legal education law/science divid

    Automatic Image Quality Assessment with Application in Biometrics

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    Automatic Image Quality Assessment with Application in Biometrics

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    A method using local features to assess the quality of an image, with demonstration in biometrics, is proposed. Recently, image quality awareness has been found to increase recognition rates and to support decisions in multimodal authentication systems significantly. Nevertheless, automatic quality assessment is still an open issue, especially with regard to general tasks. Indicators of perceptual quality like noise, lack of structure, blur, etc. can be retrieved from the orientation tensor of an image, but there are few studies reporting on this. Here we study the orientation tensor with a set of symmetry descriptors, which can be varied according to the application. Allowed classes of local shapes are generically provided by the user but no training or explicit reference information is required. Experimental results are given for fingerprint. Furthermore, we indicate the applicability of the proposed method to face images.©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.</p