154 research outputs found

    Model transformation for multi-objective architecture optimisation for dependable systems

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    Model-based engineering (MBE) promises a number of advantages for the development of embedded systems. Model-based engineering depends on a common model of the system, which is refined as the system is developed. The use of a common model promises a consistent and systematic analysis of dependability, correctness, timing and performance properties. These benefits are potentially available early and throughout the development life cycle. An important part of model-based engineering is the use of analysis and design languages. The Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) is a new modelling language which is increasingly being used for high dependability embedded systems development. AADL is ideally suited to model-based engineering but the use of new language threatens to isolate existing tools which use different languages. This is a particular problem when these tools provide an important development or analysis function, for example system optimisation. System designers seek an optimal trade-off between high dependability and low cost. For large systems, the design space of alternatives with respect to both dependability and cost is enormous and too large to investigate manually. For this reason automation is required to produce optimal or near optimal designs.There is, however, a lack of analysis techniques and tools that can perform a dependability analysis and optimisation of AADL models. Some analysis tools are available in the literature but they are not able to accept AADL models since they use a different modelling language. A cost effective way of adding system dependability analysis and optimisation to models expressed in AADL is to exploit the capabilities of existing tools. Model transformation is a useful technique to maximise the utility of model-based engineering approaches because it provides a route for the exploitation of mature and tested tools in a new model-based engineering context. By using model transformation techniques, one can automatically translate between AADL models and other models. The advantage of this model transformation approach is that it opens a path by which AADL models may exploit existing non-AADL tools.There is little published work which gives a comprehensive description of a method for transforming AADL models. Although transformations from AADL into other models have been reported only one comprehensive description has been published, a transformation of AADL to petri net models. There is a lack of detailed guidance for the transformation of AADL models.This thesis investigates the transformation of AADL models into the HiP-HOPS modelling language, in order to provide dependability analysis and optimisation. HiP-HOPS is a mature, state of the art, dependability analysis and optimisation tool but it has its own model. A model transformation is defined from the AADL model to the HiP-HOPS model. In addition to the model-to-model transformation, it is necessary to extend the AADL modelling attributes. For cost and dependability optimisation, a new AADL property set is developed for modelling component and system variability. This solves the problem of describing, within an AADL model, the design space of alternative designs. The transformation (with transformation rules written in ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL)) has been implemented as a plug-in for the AADL model development tool OSATE (Open-source AADL Tool Environment). To illustrate the method, the plug-in is used to transform some AADL model case-studies

    An overview of fault tree analysis and its application in model based dependability analysis

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    YesFault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a well-established and well-understood technique, widely used for dependability evaluation of a wide range of systems. Although many extensions of fault trees have been proposed, they suffer from a variety of shortcomings. In particular, even where software tool support exists, these analyses require a lot of manual effort. Over the past two decades, research has focused on simplifying dependability analysis by looking at how we can synthesise dependability information from system models automatically. This has led to the field of model-based dependability analysis (MBDA). Different tools and techniques have been developed as part of MBDA to automate the generation of dependability analysis artefacts such as fault trees. Firstly, this paper reviews the standard fault tree with its limitations. Secondly, different extensions of standard fault trees are reviewed. Thirdly, this paper reviews a number of prominent MBDA techniques where fault trees are used as a means for system dependability analysis and provides an insight into their working mechanism, applicability, strengths and challenges. Finally, the future outlook for MBDA is outlined, which includes the prospect of developing expert and intelligent systems for dependability analysis of complex open systems under the conditions of uncertainty

    Compositional dependability analysis of dynamic systems with uncertainty

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    Over the past two decades, research has focused on simplifying dependability analysis by looking at how we can synthesise dependability information from system models automatically. This has led to the field of model-based safety assessment (MBSA), which has attracted a significant amount of interest from industry, academia, and government agencies. Different model-based safety analysis methods, such as Hierarchically Performed Hazard Origin & Propagation Studies (HiP-HOPS), are increasingly applied by industry for dependability analysis of safety-critical systems. Such systems may feature multiple modes of operation where the behaviour of the systems and the interactions between system components can change according to what modes of operation the systems are in.MBSA techniques usually combine different classical safety analysis approaches to allow the analysts to perform safety analyses automatically or semi-automatically. For example, HiP-HOPS is a state-of-the-art MBSA approach which enhances an architectural model of a system with logical failure annotations to allow safety studies such as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). In this way it shows how the failure of a single component or combinations of failures of different components can lead to system failure. As systems are getting more complex and their behaviour becomes more dynamic, capturing this dynamic behaviour and the many possible interactions between the components is necessary to develop an accurate failure model.One of the ways of modelling this dynamic behaviour is with a state-transition diagram. Introducing a dynamic model compatible with the existing architectural information of systems can provide significant benefits in terms of accurate representation and expressiveness when analysing the dynamic behaviour of modern large-scale and complex safety-critical systems. Thus the first key contribution of this thesis is a methodology to enable MBSA techniques to model dynamic behaviour of systems. This thesis demonstrates the use of this methodology using the HiP-HOPS tool as an example, and thus extends HiP-HOPS with state-transition annotations. This extension allows HiP-HOPS to model more complex dynamic scenarios and perform compositional dynamic dependability analysis of complex systems by generating Pandora temporal fault trees (TFTs). As TFTs capture state, the techniques used for solving classical FTs are not suitable to solve them. They require a state space solution for quantification of probability. This thesis therefore proposes two methodologies based on Petri Nets and Bayesian Networks to provide state space solutions to Pandora TFTs.Uncertainty is another important (yet incomplete) area of MBSA: typical MBSA approaches are not capable of performing quantitative analysis under uncertainty. Therefore, in addition to the above contributions, this thesis proposes a fuzzy set theory based methodology to quantify Pandora temporal fault trees with uncertainty in failure data of components.The proposed methodologies are applied to a case study to demonstrate how they can be used in practice. Finally, the overall contributions of the thesis are evaluated by discussing the results produced and from these conclusions about the potential benefits of the new techniques are drawn

    Safe code transfromations for speculative execution in real-time systems

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    Although compiler optimization techniques are standard and successful in non-real-time systems, if naively applied, they can destroy safety guarantees and deadlines in hard real-time systems. For this reason, real-time systems developers have tended to avoid automatic compiler optimization of their code. However, real-time applications in several areas have been growing substantially in size and complexity in recent years. This size and complexity makes it impossible for real-time programmers to write optimal code, and consequently indicates a need for compiler optimization. Recently researchers have developed or modified analyses and transformations to improve performance without degrading worst-case execution times. Moreover, these optimization techniques can sometimes transform programs which may not meet constraints/deadlines, or which result in timeouts, into deadline-satisfying programs. One such technique, speculative execution, also used for example in parallel computing and databases, can enhance performance by executing parts of the code whose execution may or may not be needed. In some cases, rollback is necessary if the computation turns out to be invalid. However, speculative execution must be applied carefully to real-time systems so that the worst-case execution path is not extended. Deterministic worst-case execution for satisfying hard real-time constraints, and speculative execution with rollback for improving average-case throughput, appear to lie on opposite ends of a spectrum of performance requirements and strategies. Deterministic worst-case execution for satisfying hard real-time constraints, and speculative execution with rollback for improving average-case throughput, appear to lie on opposite ends of a spectrum of performance requirements and strategies. Nonetheless, this thesis shows that there are situations in which speculative execution can improve the performance of a hard real-time system, either by enhancing average performance while not affecting the worst-case, or by actually decreasing the worst-case execution time. The thesis proposes a set of compiler transformation rules to identify opportunities for speculative execution and to transform the code. Proofs for semantic correctness and timeliness preservation are provided to verify safety of applying transformation rules to real-time systems. Moreover, an extensive experiment using simulation of randomly generated real-time programs have been conducted to evaluate applicability and profitability of speculative execution. The simulation results indicate that speculative execution improves average execution time and program timeliness. Finally, a prototype implementation is described in which these transformations can be evaluated for realistic applications

    Dynamically fighting bugs : prevention, detection and elimination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-160).This dissertation presents three test-generation techniques that are used to improve software quality. Each of our techniques targets bugs that are found by different stake-holders: developers, testers, and maintainers. We implemented and evaluated our techniques on real code. We present the design of each tool and conduct experimental evaluation of the tools with available alternatives. Developers need to prevent regression errors when they create new functionality. This dissertation presents a technique that helps developers prevent regression errors in object-oriented programs by automatically generating unit-level regression tests. Our technique generates regressions tests by using models created dynamically from example executions. In our evaluation, our technique created effective regression tests, and achieved good coverage even for programs with constrained APIs. Testers need to detect bugs in programs. This dissertation presents a technique that helps testers detect and localize bugs in web applications. Our technique automatically creates tests that expose failures by combining dynamic test generation with explicit state model checking. In our evaluation, our technique discovered hundreds of faults in real applications. Maintainers have to reproduce failing executions in order to eliminate bugs found in deployed programs. This dissertation presents a technique that helps maintainers eliminate bugs by generating tests that reproduce failing executions. Our technique automatically generates tests that reproduce the failed executions by monitoring methods and storing optimized states of method arguments.(cont.) In our evaluation, our technique reproduced failures with low overhead in real programs Analyses need to avoid unnecessary computations in order to scale. This dissertation presents a technique that helps our other techniques to scale by inferring the mutability classification of arguments. Our technique classifies mutability by combining both static analyses and a novel dynamic mutability analysis. In our evaluation, our technique efficiently and correctly classified most of the arguments for programs with more than hundred thousand lines of code.by Shay Artzi.Ph.D

    Methodologies synthesis

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    This deliverable deals with the modelling and analysis of interdependencies between critical infrastructures, focussing attention on two interdependent infrastructures studied in the context of CRUTIAL: the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures supporting management, control and maintenance functionality. The main objectives are: 1) investigate the main challenges to be addressed for the analysis and modelling of interdependencies, 2) review the modelling methodologies and tools that can be used to address these challenges and support the evaluation of the impact of interdependencies on the dependability and resilience of the service delivered to the users, and 3) present the preliminary directions investigated so far by the CRUTIAL consortium for describing and modelling interdependencies

    A Model-Driven Methodology for Critical Systems Engineering

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) promises to enhance system development by reducing development time, and increasing productivity and quality. MDE is gaining popularity in several industry sectors, and is attractive also for critical systems where they can reduce efforts and costs for verification and validation (V&V), and can ease certification. This thesis proposes a novel model-driven life cycle that is tailored to the development of critical railway systems. It also integrates an original approach for model-driven system validation, based on a new model named Computation Independent Test model (CIT). Moreover, the process supports the Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), with a novel approach to conduct Model-Driven FMEA, based on custom SysML Diagram, namely the FMEA Diagram, and Prolog. The approaches have been experimented in multiple real-world case studies, from railway and automative domains

    Optimizing the Automotive Security Development Process in Early Process Design Phases

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    Security is a relatively new topic in the automotive industry. In the former days, the only security defense methods were the engine immobilizer and the anti-theft alarm system. The rising connection of vehicles to external networks made it necessary to extend the security effort by introducing security development processes. These processes include, amongothers, risk analysis and treatment steps. In parallel, the development of ISO/SAE 21434 and UN-ECE No. R155 started. The long development cycles in the automotive industry made it necessary to align the development processes' early designs with the standards' draft releases. This work aims to design a new consistent, complete and efficient security development process, aligned with the normative references. The resulting development process design aligns with the overall development methodology of the underlying, evaluated development process. Use cases serve as a basis for evaluating improvements and the method designs. This work concentrates on the left leg of the V-Model. Nevertheless, future work targets extensions for a holistic development approach for safety and security.:I. Foundation 1. Introduction 2. Automotive Development 3. Methodology II. Meta-Functional Aspects 4. Dependability as an Umbrella-Term 5. Security Taxonomy 6. Terms and Definitions III. Security Development Process Design 7. Security Relevance Evaluation 8. Function-oriented Security Risk Analysis 9. Security Risk Analysis on System Level 10. Risk Treatment IV. Use Cases and Evaluation 11. Evaluation Criteria 12. Use Case: Security Relevance Evaluation 13. Use Case: Function-oriented Security Risk Analysis 14. Use Case: System Security Risk Analysis 15. Use Case: Risk Treatment V. Closing 16. Discussion 17. Conclusion 18. Future Work Appendix A. Attacker Model Categories and Rating Appendix B. Basic Threat Classes for System SRA Appendix C. Categories of Defense Method Propertie
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