11 research outputs found

    2019 EC3 July 10-12, 2019 Chania, Crete, Greece

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    Approche hybride : une approche pour une meilleure intégration des outils CAAD dans le développement du processus architecturale du projet

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    Avec l’usage élargi de la CAAO, ces outils ont été largement utilisés dans le processus de conception architecturale. En dépit des fonctionnalités avancées offertes par les systèmes de CAAO, l'utilisation de la CAAO est principalement concentrée dans les étapes de production, comme un support graphique pour le dessin, la modélisation, le rendu et la simulation. Par conséquent, il est raisonnable de considérer que la situation actuelle relative à l’usage de la CAAO dans la profession d'architecte appelle à de nouvelles améliorations. En d'autres termes, nous devons trouver un moyen de mieux intégrer la technologie et les outils de CAAO dans le processus de conception architecturale, qui est notre question de recherche. Nous avons besoin de savoir comment la CAAO pourrait être utilisée pour améliorer la capacité de conception de l'architecte. Il ressort des discussions et des recherches menées pour cette étude que nous voulons un soutien de la technologie pour nous aider à mieux concevoir et non pas que la technologie conçoive à notre place. Nous aimerions avoir un système de CAAO qui pourrait nous servir d’assistant à la conception. En étudiant la situation de l'intégration des outils de CAAO dans les pratiques actuelles de conception des architectes et en examinant les approches utilisées dans les premières tentatives de développement d’un outil de CAAO intégré au processus de conception, on peut conclure que l'approche exploratoire et heuristique serait une meilleure approche qui pourrait être adaptée pour développer un système CAAO en soutien au travail de l’architecte. De plus, une étude plus approfondie a démontré que les deux sous- approches des approches exploratoires et heuristiques (approches basées sur les cas et les contraintes), sont applicables, mais aucune d'elles n'est suffisante. Par conséquent, l’approche hybride qui prend en compte les avantages de chacune des deux sous- approches précitées serait la plus applicable. Elle nous permettrait de développer un outil CAAD qui pourrait vraiment être intégré dans le processus de conception architecturale. Cette conclusion a été vérifiée par une étude complémentaire basée sur des entrevues.The CAAD tools have been widely adopted in the architectural design process with the popular utilization of CAAD. In spite of the advanced features that have been designed for the CAAD systems, the utilization of CAAD is mainly concentrated on the production stage of design, as a graphic medium for drawing, modeling, rendering and simulation. Therefore, it is reasonable to deem that the current situation of CAAD tools involvement in the architectural profession is calling for further improvement. In other words, we need to find a way to better integrate the CAAD tools/technology into the architectural conceptual design stage, which is our research question. We need to find out how CAAD could be utilized to improve the architect’s design ability during the conceptual design. The discussion and research conducted for this study lead to the assessment that we want technology to help us design better, but not to design for us. We would like to have a CAAD system that could help us as a design assistant. By studying the current situation of the integration of CAAD tools into architects’ design practice and reviewing the approaches that have been employed to create a CAAD tool that could be better integrated into the design process, we reach the decision that the exploring & heuristic approach would be a preferred approach that could be adopted to further develop a more feasible CAAD system. In addition, within the two sub-approaches of the Exploring & Heuristic Approaches (case-based approach and constraint approach), further study has proved that both of them are applicable approaches, but neither of them could sufficiently serve as the sole approach for this purpose. Therefore, a hybrid approach that takes advantage of both approaches would be the most applicable one because it can help us develop a CAAD tool that could be really integrated into the conceptual architectural design procedure

    Second CLIPS Conference Proceedings, volume 2

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    Papers presented at the 2nd C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) Conference held at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) on 23-25 September 1991 are documented in these proceedings. CLIPS is an expert system tool developed by the Software Technology Branch at NASA JSC and is used at over 4000 sites by government, industry, and business. During the three days of the conference, over 40 papers were presented by experts from NASA, Department of Defense, other government agencies, universities, and industry

    Proceedings of the 9th Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) international conference 2021 (ASCAAD 2021): architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges.

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    The ASCAAD 2021 conference theme is Architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges. The theme addresses the gradual shift in computational design from prototypical morphogenetic-centered associations in the architectural discourse. This imminent shift of focus is increasingly stirring a debate in the architectural community and is provoking a much needed critical questioning of the role of computation in architecture as a sole embodiment and enactment of technical dimensions, into one that rather deliberately pursues and embraces the humanities as an ultimate aspiration

    Computer Science Logic 2018: CSL 2018, September 4-8, 2018, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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    Reports to the President

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    A compilation of annual reports for the 1988-1989 academic year, including a report from the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as reports from the academic and administrative units of the Institute. The reports outline the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans

    KI-Realitäten: Modelle, Praktiken und Topologien maschinellen Lernens

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    Maschinelles Lernen stellt zunehmend einen wichtigen Faktor soziotechnischen Wandels dar. Zugleich ist es selbst Produkt der Realitäten, an deren Reproduktion es in Form praktischer Anwendungen wie auch als Spekulationsobjekt beteiligt ist. Die Beiträge des Bandes verhandeln gegenwärtige Manifestationen maschinellen Lernens als Phänomene, die für epistemische Verunsicherungen sorgen und die Bedingungen von Sozialität rekonfigurieren. Sie begegnen dieser Herausforderung, indem sie konkrete Verfahren in ihrer gesellschaftlichen Einbettung analysieren sowie bestehende theoretische Charakterisierungen sogenannter Künstlicher Intelligenz kritisch reflektieren

    The Mother of Chaos and Night: Kant\u27s Metaphilosophical Attack on Indifferentism

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    Kant positions the Critical philosophy as a response to the crisis of metaphysics - a crisis that is still with us. But his diagnosis of that crisis in terms of a struggle between dogmatism, skepticism, and indifferentism is given short shrift in the secondary literature, despite its promise to help us understand Kant\u27s claim that transcendental philosophy represents a radical alternative to these philosophical modi vivendi. After a consideration of Kant\u27s remarks on what philosophy is in general, I argue that all four of these mutually-exclusive ways of philosophizing are best understood as metaphilosophical stances: ways of conceiving of the ends or aims of philosophy, which collectively determine the legitimate moves in philosophical argumentation, thereby setting the terms of success for such inquiry. I then make these four competing stances explicit, by drawing on Kant\u27s scattered remarks on them and their history. This involves articulating and defending Kant\u27s complex and surprisingly sophisticated relationship to dogmatism and skepticism, and hence a general assessment of Kant\u27s attempts to incorporate these stances\u27 insights, and so subvert their appeal, in the course of developing his transcendental philosophy. Readings of Kant which myopically take him to be focused on bluntly refuting the dogmatist (e.g., Allison), or the skeptic (e.g., Guyer), fall into characteristic errors as a result. Even more importantly, I show that Kant\u27s central target is in fact the much-neglected indifferentist, whose metaphilosophical stance is defined by a denial of the distinctness and autonomy of philosophy, in a way antithetical to Kant\u27s attempt to ground his philosophical activity on the fact of human agency. Indifferentism has numerous adherents, though naturally not under that name, both in Kant\u27s day (e.g., the so-called Popularphilosophen) and in our own (e.g., the Wittgenstein of On Certainty). Reading Kant against these thinkers sharply clarifies his aims and methods in the Critical philosophy, in a way that the predominant anti-dogmatic and anti-skeptical readings fail to do. Kant\u27s assault on indifferentism centrally employs a set of arguments designed to put us in a position to rationally endorse our high-order normative principles without risk of (indifferentistically) ascribing that endorsement either to passive uptake from the wider culture, or to the oracular dictates of common sense. Thus, it is only by means of Kant\u27s distinctive transcendental proofs that can we invoke the authority of reason in philosophy without making one of two fatal errors: making reason utterly transcendent, which produces skepticism; or casting reason as wholly immanent, which yields dogmatism. Taken together, Kant\u27s metaphilosophical views promise a revitalization of transcendental philosophy for our contemporary age