41 research outputs found

    An experimental testbed to predict the performance of XACML Policy Decision Points

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    The performance and scalability of access control systems is a growing concern as organisations deploy ever more complex communications and content management systems. This paper describes how an (offline) experimental testbed may be used to address performance concerns. To begin, timing measurements are collected from a server component incorporating the Policy Decision Point (PDP) under test, using representative policies and corresponding requests. Our experiments with two XACML PDP implementations show that measured request service times are typically clustered by request type; thus an algorithm for request cluster identification is presented. Cluster characterisations are used as inputs to a PDP performance model for a given policy/request mix and an analytic (queueing) model is used to estimate the equilibrium server load for different mixes of request clusters. The analytic performance prediction model is validated and extended by discrete event simulation of a PDP subject to additional load. These predictive models enable network administrators to explore the capacity of the PDP for different overall loadings (requests per unit time) and profiles (relative frequencies) of requests


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    Beyond its functional requirements, architectural design, the quality of a software system is also defined by the degree to which it meets its non-functional requirements. The complexity of managing these non-functional requirements is exacerbated by the fact that they are potentially conflicting with one another. For cloud-based software, i.e., software whose service is delivered through a cloud infrastructure, other constraints related to the features of the hosting data center, such as cost, security and performance, have to be considered by system and software designers. For instance, the evaluation of requests to access sensitive resources results in performance overhead introduced by policy rules evaluation and message exchange between the different geographically distributed components of the authorization system. Duplicating policy rule evaluation engines traditionally solves such performance issues, however such a decision has an impact on security since it introduces additional potential private data leakage points. Taking into account all the aforementioned features is a key factor to enhance the perceived quality of service (QoS) of the cloud as a whole. Maximizing users and software developers satisfaction with cloud-based software is a challenging task since trade-off decisions have to be dynamically taken between these conflicting quality attributes to adapt to system requirements evolution. In this thesis, we tackle the challenges of building a decision support method to optimize software deployment in a cloud environment. Our proposed holistic method operates both at the level of 1) Platform as a service (PaaS) by handling software components deployment to achieve an efficient runtime optimization to satisfy cloud providers and customers objectives 2) Guest applications by making inroads into the design of applications to enable the design of secure systems that also meet flexibility, performance and cost requirements. To thoroughly investigate these challenges, we identify three main objectives that we address as follows: The first objective is to achieve a runtime optimization of cloud-based software deployment at the Platform as a service (PaaS) layer, by considering both cloud customers and providers constraints. To fulfill this objective, we leverage the [email protected] paradigm to build an abstraction layer to model a cloud infrastructure. In a second step, we model the software placement problem as a multi-objective optimization problem and we use multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) to identify a set of possible cloud optimal configurations that exhibit best trade-offs between conflicting objectives. The approach is validated through a case study that we defined with EBRC1, a cloud provider in Luxembourg, as a representative of a software component placement problem in heterogeneous distributed cloud nodes. The second objective is to ameliorate the convergence speed of MOEAs that we have used to achieve a run-time optimization of cloud-based software. To cope with elasticity requirements of cloud-based applications, we improve the way the search strategy operates by proposing a hyper-heuristic that operates on top of MOEAs. Our hyper-heuristic uses the history of mutation effect on fitness functions to select the most relevant mutation operators. Our evaluation shows that MOEAs in conjunction with our hyper-heuristic has a significant performance improvement in terms of resolution time over the original MOEAs. The third objective aims at optimizing cloud-based software trade-offs by exploring applications design as a complementary step to the optimization at the level of the cloud infrastructure, tackled in the first and second objectives. We aimed at achieving security trade-offs at the level of guest applications by revisiting current practices in software methods. We focus on access control as a main security concern and we opt for guest applications that manage resources regulated by access control policies specified in XACML2. This focus is mainly motivated by two key factors: 1) Access control is the pillar of computer security as it allows to protect sensitive resources in a given system from unauthorized accesses 2) XACML is the de facto standard language to specify access control policies and proposes an access control architectural model that supports several advanced access requirements such as interoperability and portability. To attain this objective, we advocate the design of applications based on XACML architectural model to achieve a trade-off between security and flexibility and we adopt a three-step approach: First, we identify a lack in the literature in XACML with obligation handling support. Obligations enable to specify user actions that have to be performed before/during/after the access to resources. We propose an extension of the XACML reference model and language to use the history of obligations states at the decision making time. In this step, we extend XACML access control architecture to support a wider range of usage control scenarios. Second, in order to avoid degrading performance while using a secure architecture based on XACML, we propose a refactoring technique applied on access control policies to enhance request evaluation time. Our approach, evaluated on three Java policy-based systems, enables to substantially reduce request evaluation time. Finally, to achieve a trade-off between a safe security policy evolution and regression testing costs, we develop a regression-test-selection approach for selecting test cases that reveal faults caused by policy changes. To sum up, in all aforementioned objectives, we pursue the goal of analysing and improving the current landscape in the development of cloud-based software. Our focus on security quality attributes is driven by its crucial role in widening the adoption of cloud computing. Our approach brings to light a security-aware design of guest applications that is based on XACML architecture. We provide useful guidelines, methods with underlying algorithms and tools for developers and cloud solution designers to enhance tomorrow’s cloud-based software design. Keywords: XACML-policy based systems, Cloud Computing, Trade-offs, Multi-Objective Optimizatio

    Optimization of Access Control Policies

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    Organizations undertake complex and costly projects to model high-quality Access Control Policies (ACPs). Once built, these policies must be maintained and managed in an ongoing process to keep their quality high. Insufficient maintenance leads to inaccurate authorization decisions and increases the policies’ administrative effort and susceptibility to errors. While the initial modeling of ACPs has received significant research interest, their optimization is not yet covered as broadly. This work provides a theoretical foundation for ACP quality and its optimization. Furthermore, it analyzes how existing research addresses optimization of ACPs with regard to six crucial optimization dimensions. It presents a structured literature survey tracing these optimization dimensions, the contributed research artifact and data requirements. Building on this literature catalogue, this work elaborates on inaccuracies for user permission assignments, data availability, minimal perturbation and recommendation-based optimization

    AMUSE: autonomic management of ubiquitous e-Health systems

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    Future e-Health systems will consist of low-power on-body wireless sensors attached to mobile users that interact with an ubiquitous computing environment to monitor the health and well being of patients in hospitals or at home. Patients or health practitioners have very little technical computing expertise so these systems need to be self-configuring and self-managing with little or no user input. More importantly, they should adapt autonomously to changes resulting from user activity, device failure, and the addition or loss of services. We propose the Self-Managed Cell (SMC) as an architectural pattern for all such types of ubiquitous computing applications and use an e-Health application in which on-body sensors are used to monitor a patient living in their home as an exemplar. We describe the services comprising the SMC and discuss cross-SMC interactions as well as the composition of SMCs into larger structures

    Ensuring Cyber-Security in Smart Railway Surveillance with SHIELD

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    Modern railways feature increasingly complex embedded computing systems for surveillance, that are moving towards fully wireless smart-sensors. Those systems are aimed at monitoring system status from a physical-security viewpoint, in order to detect intrusions and other environmental anomalies. However, the same systems used for physical-security surveillance are vulnerable to cyber-security threats, since they feature distributed hardware and software architectures often interconnected by ‘open networks’, like wireless channels and the Internet. In this paper, we show how the integrated approach to Security, Privacy and Dependability (SPD) in embedded systems provided by the SHIELD framework (developed within the EU funded pSHIELD and nSHIELD research projects) can be applied to railway surveillance systems in order to measure and improve their SPD level. SHIELD implements a layered architecture (node, network, middleware and overlay) and orchestrates SPD mechanisms based on ontology models, appropriate metrics and composability. The results of prototypical application to a real-world demonstrator show the effectiveness of SHIELD and justify its practical applicability in industrial settings

    A Goal-Directed and Policy-Based Approach to System Management

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    This thesis presents a domain-independent approach to dynamic system management using goals and policies. A goal is a general, high-level aim a system must continually work toward achieving. A policy is a statement of how a system should behave for a given set of detectable events and conditions. Combined, goals may be realised through the selection and execution of policies that contribute to their aims. In this manner, a system may be managed using a goal-directed, policy-based approach. The approach is a collection of related techniques and tools: a policy language and policy system, goal definition and refinement via policy selection, and conflict filtering among policies. Central to these themes, ontologies are used to model application domains, and incorporate domain knowledge within the system. The ACCENT policy system (Advanced Component Control Enhancing Network Technologies, http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/accent) is used as a base for the approach, while goals and policies are defined using an extension of APPEL (Adaptable and Programmable Policy Environment and Language, http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/appel). The approach differs from existing work in that it reduces system state, goals and policies to a numerical rather than logical form. This is more user-friendly as the goal domain may be expressed without any knowledge of formal methods. All developed techniques and tools are entirely domain-independent, allowing for reuse with other event-driven systems. The ability to express a system aim as a goal provides more powerful and proactive high-level management than was previously possible using policies alone. The approach is demonstrated and evaluated within this thesis for the domains of Internet telephony and sensor network/wind turbine management

    IaaS-cloud security enhancement: an intelligent attribute-based access control model and implementation

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    The cloud computing paradigm introduces an efficient utilisation of huge computing resources by multiple users with minimal expense and deployment effort compared to traditional computing facilities. Although cloud computing has incredible benefits, some governments and enterprises remain hesitant to transfer their computing technology to the cloud as a consequence of the associated security challenges. Security is, therefore, a significant factor in cloud computing adoption. Cloud services consist of three layers: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud computing services are accessed through network connections and utilised by multi-users who can share the resources through virtualisation technology. Accordingly, an efficient access control system is crucial to prevent unauthorised access. This thesis mainly investigates the IaaS security enhancement from an access control point of view. [Continues.