614 research outputs found

    Lego Librarian: Book Sorter

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    Manual book sorting is time consuming and laborious. Traditionally, human librarians have to get the books from the circulation desk to be sorted and carry the books around to the right locations and putting it on the right shelf. It is prone to misplacement of books in the library. It is quite difficult and seems impractical to return the books back to the original locations daily. To overcome this problem, a book sorting robot known as Book Sorter, a small scaled prototype has been proposed as a simulation of an efficient method to ease the daunting task of librarians in the manual organisation of books. It is also proposed to provide a better allocation of resources of a library. Book Sorter is built as a robot that compliments another robot in LEGO Librarian called Book Carrier. LEGO Librarian is an automated system that is used for organising books on the shelf at the library. The scope of study for this project involves the current system used in the UTP library as well as the robotics application in the librarian system that covers some chapters of study. The activity diagram describes the overall process flow of the system and the development methodology used in this project is throwaway prototyping.. Several interview, survey, field test and acceptance testing were conducted and briefly discussed in Chapter 4. This project is expected to have vast potential to provide a view in real life especially in its capability to alleviate the intensive labours and efforts (time) in sorting the books automatically onto the right shelves

    Early modern to postmodern library expansion in the West: how have libraries and their catalogues developed to accommodate, organise and perpetuate the printed word?

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    This paper examines how the library building accommodates books and how the library catalogue allows the management and use of those books; all in the context of the great increase in book numbers after the establishment of printing with moveable type in Europe from about the year 1500. The following subjects are studied in particular: furniture for storing books, how this is laid out and how it develops; the practical and intellectual concerns behind the development of the library catalogue; the design of library buildings, particularly internally, to house, provide, and preserve increasing numbers of books; the intellectual changes brought to the catalogue by physical developments, such as paper slips, cards, and computerisation; the era of the remote library warehouse, accessed only indirectly. Examples are sought throughout Western Europe and North America, with particular attention paid to two of the UK’s legal-deposit libraries, the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford, and the British Library. It is found that these institutions anticipate a reduction in the number of printed books and other matter that they must ingest but are unable to reliably predict when this will occur and have subsequently planned for a short- and medium-term of continuing growth

    Special Libraries, March 1977

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    Volume 68, Issue 3https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1977/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Access barriers : an investigation into the availability and accessibility of high-demand materials in the Short Loan Centre of an academic library

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    Bibliography: p. 175-197.Academic libraries in South Africa are facing the challenge of tighter budgets, increasing student enrolments, greater diversity in students' backgrounds and library experience, and a call for greater accountability to all the stakeholders. The effectiveness of a library service can be measured in terms of the availability and accessibility of library materials, two attributes of a library's document delivery capability. This study focused on the availability of prescribed materials for undergraduate students in an academic library. It involved a micro-evaluation of the immediate materials availability rate in a short loan collection, by using a combination of a quantitative simulation study, and a qualitative user survey. Generally, the availability rates determined were high, which suggests a high degree of collection adequacy. However, the user study confirmed that many SLC users experienced difficulties in using the system, indicating a need for continuous user education programmes and constant dialogue between the staff and the users concerning future service improvements. The study indicated that overall materials availability rates can be misleading if accepted at face value. A introspective analysis of the reasons for the non-availability of high-demand materials revealed hidden access barriers such as poor information retrieval skills on the part of the users and certain inefficient organisational procedures on the part of the library. The study reiterates the fundamental importance of constructive communication between the various stakeholders in meeting the educational goals of the institution and the necessity of regular library performance evaluation to ensure a dynamic, proactive service. The coexistence of print-based and electronic resources in the forseeable future underscores the importance of convenience and accessibility factors in making required documents available to the users

    Rethinking the Business Model with RFID

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an enabling technology that can provide organizations with unprecedented improved visibility and traceability of items throughout their journey in the value chain. This paper explores how RFID can impact traditional business models or create new ones. In particular, we propose an RFID business model framework and use it to show how value can be created for organizations, suppliers, customers, and business partners. We also identify the major dynamic phases of RFID and their corresponding impact on RFID business models. A taxonomy of 12 specific RFID business models is also presented, reflecting the wide spectrum of potential directions and applications of the technology. Finally, we present a case study to test the practical and theoretical relevance of our conceptual models. The paper outlines the need for technology managers to take a holistic approach to RFID business model innovation, taking into account the interrelated technical, strategic, organizational, and external environmental factors

    Analysis, Design, and Implementation of a training center for variable-speed drive assembly production : Case ABB Oy

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    In manufacturing constant developments in production, processes, and layouts are required to respond towards increased production volume, quality, and customer requirements while meeting production targets and objectives. The case company of this thesis is ABB Ltd Drives Manufacturing Unit, which specializes in variable-speed drive production. ABB has recognized the need for re-designing a new and effective training center that supports One-piece flow assembly production since the old model is based on a cell production method. The training center is used for the training and integration of the company's new and experienced assemblers. The aim of the research is to analyze the current training concept, design a new technical solution, and create a detailed implementation plan. Thus, the following research questions were developed: RQ1: How to develop and re-design a training center that supports the assembler for One-piece flow method production of variable-speed drives? RQ2: How to design and create the best possible layout and solution to guarantee safety, flexibility, ergonomics, clear flow, and the maximum utilization of space? RQ3: How to implement a training center that does not disrupt the main production lines and makes that way operations more efficient? To achieve the objectives, the waste, bottlenecks, and issues of the current design were first identified by observing the training process and organizing focus groups and workshops with the production line and logistics (customer), and with the project team. Work-time studies were also conducted to solve the flow, outputs, cycle time, and waste time of the current process. These data collection methods aided in identifying potential improvement opportunities for the new design. The layout design process was committed by utilizing Lean principles and the Systematic layout planning procedure. AutoCAD was used to create and map various layout structures, options, and alternatives. The design process required the tendering of two layout location options, which were solved using the quantitative multiple attribute decision-making method, Weighted decision matrix (WDM), with voting based on the scoring of various criteria and features. The result was a Flexible 6-phase U-model one-piece flow training center that allows assemblers to be trained in both one-piece flow and cell production methods. The new design's scope of work was delivered to the supplier, numerous negotiations were held to achieve the best final solution, and the new training center was ordered. In the end, a detailed implementation plan with an estimated schedule was created and a future action list was established. The new design fulfils the objectives and eliminates all issues, waste, and bottlenecks while also ensuring safety, ergonomics, flexibility, a clear flow, and a high-quality training process. With the new design, the efficiency, quality, and output of training and production operations will improve.Teollisuuden alalla tuotantojärjestelmiä, prosesseja ja layouteja on jatkuvasti kehitettävä sekä modifioitava reagoidakseen kasvaneisiin tuotantomääriin sekä laatu- ja asiakasvaatimuksiin ja saavuttaakseen asetetut tuotantotavoitteet ja päämäärät. Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on ABB Oy Drives Manufacturing -yksikkö, joka on erikoistunut taajuusmuuttajatuotantoon. Toimeksiantaja on tunnistanut tarpeen uuden ja tehokkaamman koulutuslinjan suunnitteluun One-piece flow malliseen taajuusmuuttajien kokoonpanotuotantoon, sillä vanha tuotantomalli perustuu solutuotantomenetelmään. Koulutuslinjaa käytetään niin uusien kuten jo talossa olevien vanhojen kokoonpanoasentajien koulutukseen ja integrointiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on analysoida nykyinen koulutuskonsepti, suunnitella uusi tekninen ratkaisu ja laatia yksityiskohtainen implementointisuunnitelma. Tavoitteiden saavuttamista varten on kehitetty seuraavat kolme tutkimuskysymystä: RQ1: Kuinka kehittää ja suunnitella koulutuslinja, joka tukee asentajia One-piece flow malliseen kokoonpanotuotantoon? RQ2: Miten suunnitella ja luoda paras mahdollinen layout ja ratkaisu, joka takaa turvallisuuden, joustavuuden, ergonomian, selkeän virtauksen ja maksimaalisen tilankäytön? RQ3: Kuinka implementoida koulutuslinja, joka ei häiritse päätuotantolinjoja ja tehostaa siten operaatioiden tehokkuutta? Saavuttaakseen tavoitteet, nykyisen koulutuskonseptin aiheuttamat pullonkaulat, ongelmat ja hukka tunnistettiin ensin havainnoimalla koulutusprosessia ja järjestämällä haastatteluja sekä työpajoja tuotantolinjan ja logistiikan (asiakkaan) sekä projektiryhmän kanssa. Nykyisen prosessin virtauksen, ulostulon, tahti -ja hukka-ajan selvittämiseksi suoritettiin myös työaikatutkimuksia. Nämä tiedonkeruumenetelmät auttoivat kehitysmahdollisuuksien tunnistamisessa uutta ratkaisua varten. Layout suunnitteluprosessi toteutettiin Lean-periaatteita ja systemaattista layout suunnittelua käyttäen. AutoCAD layout suunnittelusovellusta käytettiin erilaisien asettelurakenteiden ja vaihtoehtojen luomiseen sekä kartoittamiseen. Suunnitteluprosessi edellytti kahden layout-sijaintivaihtoehdon kilpailuttamista. Lopputulos ratkaistiin äänestämällä kvantitatiivisen päätöksentekomatriisin (WDM) avulla, joka perustui eri kriteerien ja ominaisuuksien pisteytykseen. Tulokseksi saatiin joustava 6-vaiheinen U-mallinen One-piece flow koulutuslinja, jonka avulla asentajia voidaan kouluttaa sekä One-piece flow että solutuotantomallisesti. Uuden koulutuslinjan työn laajuus -dokumentti toimitettiin toimittajalle sekä lukuisia neuvotteluja käytiin parhaan loppuratkaisun saavuttamiseksi, jonka jälkeen uusi koulutuslinja tilattiin. Lopuksi koostettiin yksityiskohtainen implementointisuunnitelma arvioituineen aikatauluineen ja laadittiin toimenpidelista tulevaisuutta varten. Uusi ratkaisu täyttää asetetut tavoitteet ja eliminoi kaikki ongelmat, hukat ja pullonkaulat sekä takaa turvallisuuden, ergonomian, joustavuuden, selkeän virtauksen ja laadukkaan koulutusprosessin. Uuden ratkaisun myötä koulutuksen ja operaatioiden tehokkuus, laatu ja tuottavuus paranevat

    The effects of automation in libraries: the implications for work organisation and job design

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    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how libraries, as organisations, may adapt to the introduction of automation, specifically the use of computing technology. The study focusses on the effects on the organisation of work. The thesis commences with an overview of libraries, their organisation, structure and environment, placing the development of automation in context. The nature of work in libraries is described and a categorisation of selected tasks drawn up, divided into four functional areas: acquisition, organisation, exploitation and administration. The question of whether librarianship is a profession is addressed. The relationship between the ‘professional’ and 'non-professional' is raised. Reviews of published research into the job preferences of library workers and the characteristics of library work are undertaken. The development of automation in libraries is described, followed by a review of library experiences of automation, with specific reference to the impact on organisational structure and the nature of work. Theories of job design are described and their use within libraries examined. The potential application of contemporary approaches to job redesigns is investigated. Field research undertaken involved administering a questionnaire to a group of library workers whose libraries were members, at that time, of the Scottish Libraries Cooperative Automation Project (SCOLCAP). Questions covered job preferences and characteristics, and attitudes to automation. The various facets of the topic are brought together in a final discussion. The future of libraries and librarians is explored. Some recommendations for further research are made. The major conclusions are that automation is a catalyst for change in libraries rather than an instigator of change; that there are strategic choices involved in the change process, including choices in the capabilities of the technology used, why it is used and how work is organised around it. A model outlining the consequences of automation in libraries is presented

    Improving Energy Efficiency and Motion Control in Load-Carrying Applications using Self-Contained Cylinders

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    Because of an increasing focus on environmental impact, including CO2 emissions and fluid spill pollution, inefficient hydraulic systems are being replaced by more environmentally friendly alternatives in several industries. For instance, in some offshore applications that have multiple diesel generators continuously running to produce electricity, all hydraulic rotating actuators supplied from a central hydraulic power unit have been replaced with AC induction motors containing a variable frequency drive and gearbox. However, hydraulic linear actuators are still needed in most load-carrying applications mainly because of their high reliability associated with external impact shocks. Moreover, their force capacity is higher than that of their linear electromechanical counterparts. Valve-controlled linear actuators (cylinders) supplied from a centralized hydraulic power unit are standard in offshore load-carrying applications. In addition to the advantages mentioned above of hydraulic linear actuators, they have, nevertheless, a number of important drawbacks, which include: 1) a high level of energy consumption due to significant power losses caused by flow throttling in both the pipelines and valves, 2) reduced motion performance due to the influence of load-holding valves, 3) high CO2 emissions and fuel costs related to the diesel generator that supplies electricity to the hydraulic power unit, 4) significant potential for hydraulic fluid leakage because of many leakage points, 5) demanding efforts with respect to installation and maintenance, as well as 6) costly piping due to the centralized hydraulic power supply. The work presented in this dissertation and the appended papers are devoted to replacing inefficient hydraulic linear actuation systems traditionally used in offshore load-carrying applications with more environmentally friendly solutions. Two alternative technologies are identified, namely electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic self-contained cylinders. The feasibility of replacing conventional valve-controlled cylinders with self-contained cylinder concepts is investigated in two relevant case studies.publishedVersio

    Market Analysis: Wavetrend Technologies, Inc.

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    Our project team performed a market analysis for Wavetrend Technologies, Inc. Wavetrend is a world leader in the deployment of comprehensive track-and-trace solutions providing real-time visibility of assets, people and modes of transportation. This project recommended implementation of RFID technology in the aviation and healthcare industries because of profit potential and the technology\u27s advantages. These recommendations were supported by a great deal of market research gathered from a variety of primary and secondary sources. Our key primary source was a survey distributed to a number of Wavetrend\u27s customers while our secondary sources consisted of various RFID technology periodicals, several academic publications in the WPI database, Yahoo! Finance, and ABI Research

    Everyday Automation

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    This Open Access book brings the experiences of automation as part of quotidian life into focus. It asks how, where and when automated technologies and systems are emerging in everyday life across different global regions? What are their likely impacts in the present and future? How do engineers, policy makers, industry stakeholders and designers envisage artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) as solutions to individual and societal problems? How do these future visions compare with the everyday realities, power relations and social inequalities in which AI and ADM are experienced? What do people know about automation and what are their experiences of engaging with ‘actually existing’ AI and ADM technologies? An international team of leading scholars bring together research developed across anthropology, sociology, media and communication studies and ethnology, which shows how by rehumanising automation, we can gain deeper understandings of its societal impacts
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