16 research outputs found

    Automated Detection of Cigarette Smoking Puffs from Mobile Sensors - A Multimodal Approach

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    Smoking has been conclusively proved to be the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Extensive research is conducted on developing effective smoking cessation programs. Most smoking cessation programs achieve low success rate because they are unable to intervene at the right moment. Identification of high-risk situations that may lead an abstinent smoker to relapse involves discovering the associations among various contexts that precede a smoking session or a smoking lapse. In the absence of an automated method, detection of smoking events still relies on subject self-report that is prone to failure to report and involves subject burden. Automated detection of smoking events in the natural environment can revolutionize smoking research and lead to effective intervention. We investigate the feasibility of automated detection smoking puff from measurement obtained from respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) sensor. We introduce several new features from respiration that can help classify individual respiration cycles into smoking puffs or non-puffs. We then propose supervised and semi-supervised support vector models to detect smoking puffs. We train our models on data collected from 10 daily smokers and show that our model can still identify smoking puffs with an accuracy of 86.7%. We further show accuracy of smoking puff detection can be improved by fusing measurements from RIP and inertial sensors. We use measurements obtained from wrist worn accelerometer and gyroscope to find segments when the hand is at mouth. The segments are used to identify respiration cycles that can be potentially puff cycles. A SVM classifier is trained using 40 hours of data collected from 6 participants. The 10-fold cross validation results show that at 90.3% true positive rate, respiration feature based classifier produces on average 43.8 false positives puff per hours which is reduced to 3.7 false positives per hour when both wrist and respiration features are used. We also perform leave one subject out cross validation and show that the method generalized well

    Laboratory Validation of Inertial Body Sensors to Detect Cigarette Smoking Arm Movements

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    Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Traditional in-clinic cessation interventions may fail to intervene and interrupt the rapid progression to relapse that typically occurs following a quit attempt. The ability to detect actual smoking behavior in real-time is a measurement challenge for health behavior research and intervention. The successful detection of real-time smoking through mobile health (mHealth) methodology has substantial implications for developing highly efficacious treatment interventions. The current study was aimed at further developing and testing the ability of inertial sensors to detect cigarette smoking arm movements among smokers. The current study involved four smokers who smoked six cigarettes each in a laboratory-based assessment. Participants were outfitted with four inertial body movement sensors on the arms, which were used to detect smoking events at two levels: the puff level and the cigarette level. Two different algorithms (Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Edge-Detection based learning) were trained to detect the features of arm movement sequences transmitted by the sensors that corresponded with each level. The results showed that performance of the SVM algorithm at the cigarette level exceeded detection at the individual puff level, with low rates of false positive puff detection. The current study is the second in a line of programmatic research demonstrating the proof-of-concept for sensor-based tracking of smoking, based on movements of the arm and wrist. This study demonstrates efficacy in a real-world clinical inpatient setting and is the first to provide a detection rate against direct observation, enabling calculation of true and false positive rates. The study results indicate that the approach performs very well with some participants, whereas some challenges remain with participants who generate more frequent non-smoking movements near the face. Future work may allow for tracking smoking in real-world environments, which would facilitate developing more effective, just-in-time smoking cessation interventions

    Behavioral Privacy Risks and Mitigation Approaches in Sharing of Wearable Inertial Sensor Data

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    Wrist-worn inertial sensors in activity trackers and smartwatches are increasingly being used for daily tracking of activity and sleep. Wearable devices, with their onboard sensors, provide appealing mobile health (mHealth) platform that can be leveraged for continuous and unobtrusive monitoring of an individual in their daily life. As a result, an adaptation of wrist-worn devices in many applications (such as health, sport, and recreation) increases. Additionally, an increasing number of sensory datasets consisting of motion sensor data from wrist-worn devices are becoming publicly available for research. However, releasing or sharing these wearable sensor data creates serious privacy concerns of the user. First, in many application domains (such as mHealth, insurance, and health provider), user identity is an integral part of the shared data. In such settings, instead of identity privacy preservation, the focus is more on the behavioral privacy problem that is the disclosure of sensitive behaviors from the shared sensor data. Second, different datasets usually focus on only a select subset of these behaviors. But, in the event that users can be re-identified from accelerometry data, different databases of motion data (contributed by the same user) can be linked, resulting in the revelation of sensitive behaviors or health diagnoses of a user that was neither originally declared by a data collector nor consented by the user. The contributions of this dissertation are multifold. First, to show the behavioral privacy risk in sharing the raw sensor, this dissertation presents a detailed case study of detecting cigarette smoking in the field. It proposes a new machine learning model, called puffMarker, that achieves a false positive rate of 1/6 (or 0.17) per day, with a recall rate of 87.5%, when tested in a field study with 61 newly abstinent daily smokers. Second, it proposes a model-based data substitution mechanism, namely mSieve, to protect behavioral privacy. It evaluates the efficacy of the scheme using 660 hours of raw sensor data collected and demonstrates that it is possible to retain meaningful utility, in terms of inference accuracy (90%), while simultaneously preserving the privacy of sensitive behaviors. Finally, it analyzes the risks of user re-identification from wrist-worn sensor data, even after applying mSieve for protecting behavioral privacy. It presents a deep learning architecture that can identify unique micro-movement pattern in each wearer\u27s wrists. A new consistency-distinction loss function is proposed to train the deep learning model for open set learning so as to maximize re-identification consistency for known users and amplify distinction with any unknown user. In 10 weeks of daily sensor wearing by 353 participants, we show that a known user can be re-identified with a 99.7% true matching rate while keeping the false acceptance rate to 0.1% for an unknown user. Finally, for mitigation, we show that injecting even a low level of Laplace noise in the data stream can limit the re-identification risk. This dissertation creates new research opportunities on understanding and mitigating risks and ethical challenges associated with behavioral privacy

    Continuous Estimation of Smoking Lapse Risk from Noisy Wrist Sensor Data Using Sparse and Positive-Only Labels

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    Estimating the imminent risk of adverse health behaviors provides opportunities for developing effective behavioral intervention mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of the target behavior. One of the key goals is to find opportune moments for intervention by passively detecting the rising risk of an imminent adverse behavior. Significant progress in mobile health research and the ability to continuously sense internal and external states of individual health and behavior has paved the way for detecting diverse risk factors from mobile sensor data. The next frontier in this research is to account for the combined effects of these risk factors to produce a composite risk score of adverse behaviors using wearable sensors convenient for daily use. Developing a machine learning-based model for assessing the risk of smoking lapse in the natural environment faces significant outstanding challenges requiring the development of novel and unique methodologies for each of them. The first challenge is coming up with an accurate representation of noisy and incomplete sensor data to encode the present and historical influence of behavioral cues, mental states, and the interactions of individuals with their ever-changing environment. The next noteworthy challenge is the absence of confirmed negative labels of low-risk states and adequate precise annotations of high-risk states. Finally, the model should work on convenient wearable devices to facilitate widespread adoption in research and practice. In this dissertation, we develop methods that account for the multi-faceted nature of smoking lapse behavior to train and evaluate a machine learning model capable of estimating composite risk scores in the natural environment. We first develop mRisk, which combines the effects of various mHealth biomarkers such as stress, physical activity, and location history in producing the risk of smoking lapse using sequential deep neural networks. We propose an event-based encoding of sensor data to reduce the effect of noises and then present an approach to efficiently model the historical influence of recent and past sensor-derived contexts on the likelihood of smoking lapse. To circumvent the lack of confirmed negative labels (i.e., annotated low-risk moments) and only a few positive labels (i.e., sensor-based detection of smoking lapse corroborated by self-reports), we propose a new loss function to accurately optimize the models. We build the mRisk models using biomarker (stress, physical activity) streams derived from chest-worn sensors. Adapting the models to work with less invasive and more convenient wrist-based sensors requires adapting the biomarker detection models to work with wrist-worn sensor data. To that end, we develop robust stress and activity inference methodologies from noisy wrist-sensor data. We first propose CQP, which quantifies wrist-sensor collected PPG data quality. Next, we show that integrating CQP within the inference pipeline improves accuracy-yield trade-offs associated with stress detection from wrist-worn PPG sensors in the natural environment. mRisk also requires sensor-based precise detection of smoking events and confirmation through self-reports to extract positive labels. Hence, we develop rSmoke, an orientation-invariant smoking detection model that is robust to the variations in sensor data resulting from orientation switches in the field. We train the proposed mRisk risk estimation models using the wrist-based inferences of lapse risk factors. To evaluate the utility of the risk models, we simulate the delivery of intelligent smoking interventions to at-risk participants as informed by the composite risk scores. Our results demonstrate the envisaged impact of machine learning-based models operating on wrist-worn wearable sensor data to output continuous smoking lapse risk scores. The novel methodologies we propose throughout this dissertation help instigate a new frontier in smoking research that can potentially improve the smoking abstinence rate in participants willing to quit

    Comparing Sampling Strategies for Tackling Imbalanced Data in Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) using wearable sensors is an increasingly active research topic in machine learning, aided in part by the ready availability of detailed motion capture data from smartphones, fitness trackers, and smartwatches. The goal of HAR is to use such devices to assist users in their daily lives in application areas such as healthcare, physical therapy, and fitness. One of the main challenges for HAR, particularly when using supervised learning methods, is obtaining balanced data for algorithm optimisation and testing. As people perform some activities more than others (e.g., walk more than run), HAR datasets are typically imbalanced. The lack of dataset representation from minority classes hinders the ability of HAR classifiers to sufficiently capture new instances of those activities. We introduce three novel hybrid sampling strategies to generate more diverse synthetic samples to overcome the class imbalance problem. The first strategy, which we call the distance-based method (DBM), combines Synthetic Minority Oversampling Techniques (SMOTE) with Random_SMOTE, both of which are built around the k-nearest neighbors (KNN). The second technique, referred to as the noise detection-based method (NDBM), combines SMOTE Tomek links (SMOTE_Tomeklinks) and the modified synthetic minority oversampling technique (MSMOTE). The third approach, which we call the cluster-based method (CBM), combines Cluster-Based Synthetic Oversampling (CBSO) and Proximity Weighted Synthetic Oversampling Technique (ProWSyn). We compare the performance of the proposed hybrid methods to the individual constituent methods and baseline using accelerometer data from three commonly used benchmark datasets. We show that DBM, NDBM, and CBM reduce the impact of class imbalance and enhance F1 scores by a range of 9–20 percentage point compared to their constituent sampling methods. CBM performs significantly better than the others under a Friedman test, however, DBM has lower computational requirements

    DrinkSense: Characterizing Youth Drinking Behavior using Smartphones

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    Alcohol consumption is the number one risk factor for morbidity and mortality among young people. In late adolescence and early adulthood, excessive drinking and intoxication are more common than in any other life period, increasing the risk of adverse physical and psychological health consequences. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of using smartphone sensor data and machine learning to automatically characterize and classify drinking behavior of young adults in an urban, ecologically valid nightlife setting. Our work has two contributions. First, we use previously unexplored data from a large-scale mobile crowdsensing study involving 241 young participants in two urban areas in a European country, which includes phone data (location, accelerometer, Wit, Bluetooth, battery, screen, and app usage) along with self-reported, fine-grain data on individual alcoholic drinks consumed on Friday and Saturday nights over a three-month period. Second,we build a machine learning methodology to infer whether an individual consumed alcohol on a given weekend night, based on her/his smartphone data contributed between 8 PM and 4 AM. We found that accelerometer data is the most informative single cue, and that a combination of features results in an overall accuracy of 76.6 percent

    Sampling Strategies for Tackling Imbalanced Data in Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) using wearable sensors is a topic that is being actively researched in machine learning. Smart, sensor-embedded devices, such as smartphones, fitness trackers, or smart watches that collect detailed data on movement, are widely available now. HAR may be applied in areas such as healthcare, physiotherapy, and fitness to assist users of these smart devices in their daily lives. However, one of the main challenges facing HAR, particularly when it is used in supervised learning, is how balanced data may be obtained for algorithm optimisation and testing. Because users engage in some activities more than others, e.g. walking more than running, HAR datasets are typically imbalanced. The lack of dataset representation from minority classes, therefore, hinders the ability of HAR classifiers to sufficiently capture new instances of those activities. Inspired by the concept of data fusion, this thesis will introduce three new hybrid sampling methods. Thus, the diversity of the synthesised samples will be enhanced by combining output from separate sampling methods into three hybrid approaches. The advantage of the hybrid method is that it provides diverse synthetic data that can increase the size of the training data from different sampling approaches. This leads to improvements in the generalisation of a learning activity recognition model. The first strategy, known as the (DBM), combines synthetic minority oversampling techniques (SMOTE) with Random_SMOTE, both of which are built around the k-nearest neighbours algorithm. The second technique, called the noise detection-based method (NDBM), combines Tomek links (SMOTE_Tomeklinks) and the modified synthetic minority oversampling technique (MSMOTE). The third approach, titled the cluster-based method (CBM), combines cluster-based synthetic oversampling (CBSO) and the proximity weighted synthetic oversampling technique (ProWSyn). The performance of the proposed hybrid methods is compared with existing methods using accelerometer data from three commonly used benchmark datasets. The results show that the DBM, NDBM and CBM can significantly reduce the impact of class imbalance and enhance F1 scores of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) by as much as 9 % to 20 % compared with their constituent sampling methods. Also, the Friedman statistical significance test was conducted to compare the effect of the different sampling methods. The test results confirm that the CBM is more effective than the other sampling approaches. This thesis also introduces a method based on the Wasserstein generative adversarial network (WGAN) for generating different types of data on human activity. The WGAN is more stable to train than a generative adversarial network (GAN) and this is due to the use of a stable metric, namely Wasserstein distance, to compare the similarity between the real data distribution with the generated data distribution. WGAN is a deep learning approach, and in contrast to the six existing sampling methods referred to previously, it can operate on raw sensor data as convolutional and recurrent layers can act as feature extractors. WGAN is used to generate raw sensor data to overcome the limitations of the traditional machine learning-based sampling methods that can only operate on extracted features. The synthetic data that is produced by WGAN is then used to oversample the imbalanced training data. This thesis demonstrates that this approach significantly enhances the learning ability of the convolutional neural network(CNN) by as much as 5 % to 6 % from imbalanced human activity datasets. This thesis concludes that the proposed sampling methods based on traditional machine learning are efficient when human activity training data is imbalanced and small. These methods are less complex to implement, require less human activity training data to produce synthetic data and fewer computational resources than the WGAN approach. The proposed WGAN method is effective at producing raw sensor data when a large quantity of human activity training data is available. Additionally, it is time-consuming to optimise the hyperparameters related to the WGAN architecture, which significantly impacts the performance of the method

    A home-based intervention to promote physical activity in low income African American adults

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    Physical activity has long been regarded as a key component to a healthy lifestyle; however, the U.S. has disturbingly high rates of sedentary behavior and related chronic illnesses (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2003). While many studies have attempted to address inactive lifestyle, few have reached out to high risk groups, such as African Americans and low income individuals. A recent review of the physical activity literature among African Americans called for more research with this population and encouraged future studies to focus on enduring exercise behavior (at least 6 months post intervention) and use theory-based interventions (Banks-Wallace & Conn, 2002). The transtheoretical model (TTM) is the predominant theoretical model utilized in the physical activity promotion literature. TTM-based studies have shown promising results in promoting physical activity among Caucasians. Recently, a stage-matched mail-delivered intervention was implemented among a predominantly African American low income sample (Whitehead, Bodenlos, Jones, Cowles, & Brantley, 2007). Results indicated that the intervention produced modest increases in self-reported physical activity at one month, but effects were diminished by six months. Thus, the current study saught to maintain these gains by supplementing the mail-delivered intervention with two telephone-delivered motivational interviews and five monthly newsletters, while also addressing methodological problems common to this research area. Overall, results from the current study indicated that participants increased in stage of change and self-reported physical activity from baseline to six months; however, there were no significant group differences in changes in physical activity, self efficacy, or decisional balance. These findings suggest that the physical activity intervention needs and preferences of low income African Americans require further examination. While 90% of this sample reported preferring to receive physical activity information in the mail, as opposed to telephone or Internet, the current intervention was developed and tested among mostly Caucasians and may not be appropriate for use among African Americans due to cultural differences regarding physical activity. Future researchers should consider using qualitative methods to develop culturally sensitive physical activity print materials for low income African Americans

    mHealth Engineering: A Technology Review

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    In this paper, we review the technological bases of mobile health (mHealth). First, we derive a component-based mHealth architecture prototype from an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-based multistage research and filter process. Second, we analyze medical databases with regard to these prototypic mhealth system components.. We show the current state of research literature concerning portable devices with standard and additional equipment, data transmission technology, interface, operating systems and software embedment, internal and external memory, and power-supply issues. We also focus on synergy effects by combining different mHealth technologies (e.g., BT-LE combined with RFID link technology). Finally, we also make suggestions for future improvements in mHealth technology (e.g., data-protection issues, energy supply, data processing and storage)