18 research outputs found

    Testing of Concurrent Programs

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    Testing concurrent systems requires exploring all possible non-deterministic interleavings that the concurrent execution may have, as any of the interleavings may reveal erroneous behaviour. This introduces a new problem: the well-known state space problem, which is often computationally intractable. In the present thesis, this issue will be addressed through: (1) the development of new Partial-Order Reduction Techniques and (2) the combination of static analysis and testing (property-based testing) in order to reduce the combinatorial explosion. As a preliminary result, we have performed an experimental evaluation on the SYCO tool, a CLP-based testing framework for actor-based concurrency, where these techniques have been implemented. Finally, our experiments prove the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed techniques

    Partial Order Reduction for Security Protocols

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    Security protocols are concurrent processes that communicate using cryptography with the aim of achieving various security properties. Recent work on their formal verification has brought procedures and tools for deciding trace equivalence properties (e.g., anonymity, unlinkability, vote secrecy) for a bounded number of sessions. However, these procedures are based on a naive symbolic exploration of all traces of the considered processes which, unsurprisingly, greatly limits the scalability and practical impact of the verification tools. In this paper, we overcome this difficulty by developing partial order reduction techniques for the verification of security protocols. We provide reduced transition systems that optimally eliminate redundant traces, and which are adequate for model-checking trace equivalence properties of protocols by means of symbolic execution. We have implemented our reductions in the tool Apte, and demonstrated that it achieves the expected speedup on various protocols

    Supporting Domain-Specific State Space Reductions through Local Partial-Order Reduction

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    Model checkers offer to automatically prove safety and liveness properties of complex concurrent software systems, but they are limited by state space explosion. Partial-Order Reduction (POR) is an effective technique to mitigate this burden. However, applying existing notions of POR requires to verify conditions based on execution paths of unbounded length, a difficult task in general. To enable a more intuitive and still flexible application of POR, we propose local POR (LPOR). LPOR is based on the existing notion of statically computed stubborn sets, but its locality allows to verify conditions in single states rather than over long paths. As a case study, we apply LPOR to message-passing systems. We implement it within the Java Pathfinder model checker using our general Java-based LPOR library. Our experiments show significant reductions achieved by LPOR for model checking representative message-passing protocols and, maybe surprisingly, that LPOR can outperform dynamic POR. © 2011 IEEE

    A Reduced Semantics for Deciding Trace Equivalence

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    Many privacy-type properties of security protocols can be modelled using trace equivalence properties in suitable process algebras. It has been shown that such properties can be decided for interesting classes of finite processes (i.e., without replication) by means of symbolic execution and constraint solving. However, this does not suffice to obtain practical tools. Current prototypes suffer from a classical combinatorial explosion problem caused by the exploration of many interleavings in the behaviour of processes. M\"odersheim et al. have tackled this problem for reachability properties using partial order reduction techniques. We revisit their work, generalize it and adapt it for equivalence checking. We obtain an optimisation in the form of a reduced symbolic semantics that eliminates redundant interleavings on the fly. The obtained partial order reduction technique has been integrated in a tool called APTE. We conducted complete benchmarks showing dramatic improvements.Comment: Accepted for publication in LMC

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We present a new dynamic partial-order reduction method for stateless model checking of concurrent programs. A common approach for exploring program behaviors relies on enumerating the traces of the program, without storing the visited states (aka stateless exploration). As the number of distinct traces grows exponentially, dynamic partial-order reduction (DPOR) techniques have been successfully used to partition the space of traces into equivalence classes (Mazurkiewicz partitioning), with the goal of exploring only few representative traces from each class. We introduce a new equivalence on traces under sequential consistency semantics, which we call the observation equivalence. Two traces are observationally equivalent if every read event observes the same write event in both traces. While the traditional Mazurkiewicz equivalence is control-centric, our new definition is data-centric. We show that our observation equivalence is coarser than the Mazurkiewicz equivalence, and in many cases even exponentially coarser. We devise a DPOR exploration of the trace space, called data-centric DPOR, based on the observation equivalence. 1. For acyclic architectures, our algorithm is guaranteed to explore exactly one representative trace from each observation class, while spending polynomial time per class. Hence, our algorithm is optimal wrt the observation equivalence, and in several cases explores exponentially fewer traces than any enumerative method based on the Mazurkiewicz equivalence. 2. For cyclic architectures, we consider an equivalence between traces which is finer than the observation equivalence; but coarser than the Mazurkiewicz equivalence, and in some cases is exponentially coarser. Our data-centric DPOR algorithm remains optimal under this trace equivalence. Finally, we perform a basic experimental comparison between the existing Mazurkiewicz-based DPOR and our data-centric DPOR on a set of academic benchmarks. Our results show a significant reduction in both running time and the number of explored equivalence classes


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    In software testing area, all test cases are often generated manually. It time-consumming and costly to complete such task. Symbolic execution is a well-known technique for automatically making the test cases that cover almost every testing criteria in order to deeply discover some errors in complex software systems. In this paper, we present some general points and several results in recent researches about symbolic execution technique. This paper also shows different challenges that need setting in this field such as the explosion of execution paths in a program, the ability of constraint solving, memory modelling or concurrent problems etc. The evaluation of published results is given in this paper as well.Trong hoạt động kiểm thử phần mềm, các ca kiểm thử thường được tạo ra một cách thủ công, gây tốn kém về chi phí cũng như thời gian để hoàn thành công đoạn này. Thực thi tượng trưng (Symbolic execution) được biết đến là một kỹ thuật nổi tiếng với khả năng tự động sinh những bộ test case có độ bao phủ cao với các tiêu chí kiểm thử nhằm phát hiện những lỗi sâu trong các hệ thống phần mềm phức tạp. Bài báo trình bày các vấn đề tổng quan và một số kết quả của các nghiên cứu gần đây về kỹ thuật thực thi tượng trưng. Bài báo cũng đưa ra những thách thức cần giải quyết trong lĩnh vực này như: sự bùng nổ đường thực thi của chương trình, khả năng giải các ràng buộc, mô hình hóa bộ nhớ, các vấn đề về tương tranh vv.. đồng thời đưa ra một số đánh giá từ những kết quả đã công bố

    Multiverse Debugging: Non-deterministic Debugging for Non-deterministic Programs

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    Many of today's software systems are parallel or concurrent. With the rise of Node.js and more generally event-loop architectures, many systems need to handle concurrency. However, its non-deterministic behavior makes it hard to reproduce bugs. Today's interactive debuggers unfortunately do not support developers in debugging non-deterministic issues. They only allow us to explore a single execution path. Therefore, some bugs may never be reproduced in the debugging session, because the right conditions are not triggered. As a solution, we propose multiverse debugging, a new approach for debugging non-deterministic programs that allows developers to observe all possible execution paths of a parallel program and debug it interactively. We introduce the concepts of multiverse breakpoints and stepping, which can halt a program in different execution paths, i.e. universes. We apply multiverse debugging to AmbientTalk, an actor-based language, resulting in Voyager, a multiverse debugger implemented on top of the AmbientTalk operational semantics. We provide a proof of non-interference, i.e., we prove that observing the behavior of a program by the debugger does not affect the behavior of that program and vice versa. Multiverse debugging establishes the foundation for debugging non-deterministic programs interactively, which we believe can aid the development of parallel and concurrent systems