19 research outputs found

    Software Quality Assurance A Study Based on Pakistan’s Software Industry

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    This paper investigates the role of quality management practices in software industry of Pakistan. We present a comparison between the more-experienced and less-experienced firms with respect to the critical factors of quality management. The critical factors of quality management practices in the software industry are first identified from the literature survey and validated through an empirical study. The study attempts to probe the influence of “age of quality” and “use of software” over software quality management practices and programs. The results of the study shows that the ‘age of quality” and “use of software” have partial influence over the software quality management

    A comparative analysis of maintainability approaches for web applications

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    Web applications incorporate important business assets and offer a convenient way for businesses to promote their services through the internet. Many of these web applications have evolved from simple HTML pages to complex applications that have high maintenance cost. The high maintenance cost of web applications is due to the inherent characteristics of web applications, to the fast internet evolution and to the pressing market which imposes short development cycles and frequent modifications. In order to control the maintenance cost, quantitative metrics and models for predicting web applications' maintainability must be used. Since, web applications are different from traditional software systems, models and metrics for traditional systems can not be applied to web applications. The reason for that is that web applications have special features such as hypertext structure, dynamic code generation and heterogenousity that can not be captured by traditional and object-oriented metrics. In this paper, we will provide a comparative analysis of the different approaches for predicting web applications


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    Software companies have to face serious problems about how to measure the progress of test activities and quality of software products in order to estimate test completion criteria, and if the shipment milestone will be reached on time. Measurement is a key activity in testing life cycle and requires established, managed and well documented test process, defined software quality attributes, quantitative measures, and using of test management and bug tracking tools. Test metrics are a subset of software metrics (product metrics, process metrics) and enable the measurement and quality improvement of test process and/or software product. The goal of this paper is to briefly present Fabasoft best practices and lessons learned during functional and system testing of big complex software products, and to describe a simple test metrics model applied to the software test process with the purpose to better control software projects, measure and increase software quality

    ADVANCE System Requirements

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    Application of Service-Oriented Architecture in Software Quality Management

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    ACM Computing Classification System (1998): D.2.5, D.2.9, D.2.11.This article examines the quality management software processes and offers a model for their automation based on Service-oriented Architecture. The prerequisites for creating such a solution are analyzed, as are existing automated tools in this area. The possibilities of service-oriented architecture are presented along with its advantages in the context of this research on developing a quality management system that will operate effectively against defined requirements, consistently and regardless of the used platform, database management system (DBMS) and other technological features of the applications

    System Design Quality and Efficiency of System Analysts: An Automated CASE Tool Versus a Manual Method

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    The purpose of the current research study is to find out if CASE tools help to increase the software design quality and efficiency of system analysts and designers when they modify a system design document. Results of the experimental data analysis show that only the experience level of subjects had an effect on quality of their work. Results indicated that the design methods, either CASE tools or manual, do not have a significant effect on quality of the modification task nor the efficiency of system analysts and designers

    A methodology for producing reliable software, volume 1

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    An investigation into the areas having an impact on producing reliable software including automated verification tools, software modeling, testing techniques, structured programming, and management techniques is presented. This final report contains the results of this investigation, analysis of each technique, and the definition of a methodology for producing reliable software