608 research outputs found

    Deploying building information modeling software on Desktop as a Service platform

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    Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is a novel cloud computing service that provides cloud-based virtual desktops on-demand to end users. The major advantage of DaaS is the capability to quickly deliver expeditious control of a full desktop environment to end users from various device platforms such as Android, iOS, MacOS or Web access from anywhere and at any time. This master thesis is a proof of concept to demonstrate the practicability to deploy the case company's graphics-intensive building information modeling software, Tekla Structures on Amazon Web Services' DaaS solution, named Amazon WorkSpaces. We investigated the whole deployment process of the software to the Amazon WorkSpaces. After clarifying the deployment process, we developed the working prototype consisting of different Amazon Web Services to automate the process. Furthermore, we implemented operational test cases for the prototype and for the Tekla Structures running on Amazon WorkSpaces to determine the feasibility of using this novel cloud service for the production purpose in the case company. In summary, Amazon WorkSpaces is a highly anticipated DaaS solution that can simplify the desktop and software delivery process to the case company's customers. The prototype developed in the thesis can automate the deployment process and launch new Amazon WorkSpaces to a sufficient extent. Moreover, the evaluation shows that the prototype can handle its automation tasks correctly based on the proposed architectural design and the Amazon WorkSpaces with Graphics hardware configuration are capable of operating Tekla Structures impeccably as in physical Windows desktops

    Serverless Computing Strategies on Cloud Platforms

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    [ES] Con el desarrollo de la Computación en la Nube, la entrega de recursos virtualizados a través de Internet ha crecido enormemente en los últimos años. Las Funciones como servicio (FaaS), uno de los modelos de servicio más nuevos dentro de la Computación en la Nube, permite el desarrollo e implementación de aplicaciones basadas en eventos que cubren servicios administrados en Nubes públicas y locales. Los proveedores públicos de Computación en la Nube adoptan el modelo FaaS dentro de su catálogo para proporcionar computación basada en eventos altamente escalable para las aplicaciones. Por un lado, los desarrolladores especializados en esta tecnología se centran en crear marcos de código abierto serverless para evitar el bloqueo con los proveedores de la Nube pública. A pesar del desarrollo logrado por la informática serverless, actualmente hay campos relacionados con el procesamiento de datos y la optimización del rendimiento en la ejecución en los que no se ha explorado todo el potencial. En esta tesis doctoral se definen tres estrategias de computación serverless que permiten evidenciar los beneficios de esta tecnología para el procesamiento de datos. Las estrategias implementadas permiten el análisis de datos con la integración de dispositivos de aceleración para la ejecución eficiente de aplicaciones científicas en plataformas cloud públicas y locales. En primer lugar, se desarrolló la plataforma CloudTrail-Tracker. CloudTrail-Tracker es una plataforma serverless de código abierto basada en eventos para el procesamiento de datos que puede escalar automáticamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo, con la capacidad de escalar a cero para minimizar los costos operativos. Seguidamente, se plantea la integración de GPUs en una plataforma serverless local impulsada por eventos para el procesamiento de datos escalables. La plataforma admite la ejecución de aplicaciones como funciones severless en respuesta a la carga de un archivo en un sistema de almacenamiento de ficheros, lo que permite la ejecución en paralelo de las aplicaciones según los recursos disponibles. Este procesamiento es administrado por un cluster Kubernetes elástico que crece y decrece automáticamente según las necesidades de procesamiento. Ciertos enfoques basados en tecnologías de virtualización de GPU como rCUDA y NVIDIA-Docker se evalúan para acelerar el tiempo de ejecución de las funciones. Finalmente, se implementa otra solución basada en el modelo serverless para ejecutar la fase de inferencia de modelos de aprendizaje automático previamente entrenados, en la plataforma de Amazon Web Services y en una plataforma privada con el framework OSCAR. El sistema crece elásticamente de acuerdo con la demanda y presenta una escalado a cero para minimizar los costes. Por otra parte, el front-end proporciona al usuario una experiencia simplificada en la obtención de la predicción de modelos de aprendizaje automático. Para demostrar las funcionalidades y ventajas de las soluciones propuestas durante esta tesis se recogen varios casos de estudio que abarcan diferentes campos del conocimiento como la analítica de aprendizaje y la Inteligencia Artificial. Esto demuestra que la gama de aplicaciones donde la computación serverless puede aportar grandes beneficios es muy amplia. Los resultados obtenidos avalan el uso del modelo serverless en la simplificación del diseño de arquitecturas para el uso intensivo de datos en aplicaciones complejas.[CA] Amb el desenvolupament de la Computació en el Núvol, el lliurament de recursos virtualitzats a través d'Internet ha crescut granment en els últims anys. Les Funcions com a Servei (FaaS), un dels models de servei més nous dins de la Computació en el Núvol, permet el desenvolupament i implementació d'aplicacions basades en esdeveniments que cobreixen serveis administrats en Núvols públics i locals. Els proveïdors de computació en el Núvol públic adopten el model FaaS dins del seu catàleg per a proporcionar a les aplicacions computació altament escalable basada en esdeveniments. D'una banda, els desenvolupadors especialitzats en aquesta tecnologia se centren en crear marcs de codi obert serverless per a evitar el bloqueig amb els proveïdors del Núvol públic. Malgrat el desenvolupament alcançat per la informàtica serverless, actualment hi ha camps relacionats amb el processament de dades i l'optimització del rendiment d'execució en els quals no s'ha explorat tot el potencial. En aquesta tesi doctoral es defineixen tres estratègies informàtiques serverless que permeten demostrar els beneficis d'aquesta tecnologia per al processament de dades. Les estratègies implementades permeten l'anàlisi de dades amb a integració de dispositius accelerats per a l'execució eficient d'aplicacion scientífiques en plataformes de Núvol públiques i locals. En primer lloc, es va desenvolupar la plataforma CloudTrail-Tracker. CloudTrail-Tracker és una plataforma de codi obert basada en esdeveniments per al processament de dades serverless que pot escalar automáticament cap amunt i cap avall, amb la capacitat d'escalar a zero per a minimitzar els costos operatius. A continuació es planteja la integració de GPUs en una plataforma serverless local impulsada per esdeveniments per al processament de dades escalables. La plataforma admet l'execució d'aplicacions com funcions severless en resposta a la càrrega d'un arxiu en un sistema d'emmagatzemaments de fitxers, la qual cosa permet l'execució en paral·lel de les aplicacions segon sels recursos disponibles. Este processament és administrat per un cluster Kubernetes elàstic que creix i decreix automàticament segons les necessitats de processament. Certs enfocaments basats en tecnologies de virtualització de GPU com rCUDA i NVIDIA-Docker s'avaluen per a accelerar el temps d'execució de les funcions. Finalment s'implementa una altra solució basada en el model serverless per a executar la fase d'inferència de models d'aprenentatge automàtic prèviament entrenats en la plataforma de Amazon Web Services i en una plataforma privada amb el framework OSCAR. El sistema creix elàsticament d'acord amb la demanda i presenta una escalada a zero per a minimitzar els costos. D'altra banda el front-end proporciona a l'usuari una experiència simplificada en l'obtenció de la predicció de models d'aprenentatge automàtic. Per a demostrar les funcionalitats i avantatges de les solucions proposades durant esta tesi s'arrepleguen diversos casos d'estudi que comprenen diferents camps del coneixement com l'analítica d'aprenentatge i la Intel·ligència Artificial. Això demostra que la gamma d'aplicacions on la computació serverless pot aportar grans beneficis és molt àmplia. Els resultats obtinguts avalen l'ús del model serverless en la simplificació del disseny d'arquitectures per a l'ús intensiu de dades en aplicacions complexes.[EN] With the development of Cloud Computing, the delivery of virtualized resources over the Internet has greatly grown in recent years. Functions as a Service (FaaS), one of the newest service models within Cloud Computing, allows the development and implementation of event-based applications that cover managed services in public and on-premises Clouds. Public Cloud Computing providers adopt the FaaS model within their catalog to provide event-driven highly-scalable computing for applications. On the one hand, developers specialized in this technology focus on creating open-source serverless frameworks to avoid the lock-in with public Cloud providers. Despite the development achieved by serverless computing, there are currently fields related to data processing and execution performance optimization where the full potential has not been explored. In this doctoral thesis three serverless computing strategies are defined that allow to demonstrate the benefits of this technology for data processing. The implemented strategies allow the analysis of data with the integration of accelerated devices for the efficient execution of scientific applications on public and on-premises Cloud platforms. Firstly, the CloudTrail-Tracker platform was developed to extract and process learning analytics in the Cloud. CloudTrail-Tracker is an event-driven open-source platform for serverless data processing that can automatically scale up and down, featuring the ability to scale to zero for minimizing the operational costs. Next, the integration of GPUs in an event-driven on-premises serverless platform for scalable data processing is discussed. The platform supports the execution of applications as serverless functions in response to the loading of a file in a file storage system, which allows the parallel execution of applications according to available resources. This processing is managed by an elastic Kubernetes cluster that automatically grows and shrinks according to the processing needs. Certain approaches based on GPU virtualization technologies such as rCUDA and NVIDIA-Docker are evaluated to speed up the execution time of the functions. Finally, another solution based on the serverless model is implemented to run the inference phase of previously trained machine learning models on theAmazon Web Services platform and in a private platform with the OSCAR framework. The system grows elastically according to demand and is scaled to zero to minimize costs. On the other hand, the front-end provides the user with a simplified experience in obtaining the prediction of machine learning models. To demonstrate the functionalities and advantages of the solutions proposed during this thesis, several case studies are collected covering different fields of knowledge such as learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence. This shows the wide range of applications where serverless computing can bring great benefits. The results obtained endorse the use of the serverless model in simplifying the design of architectures for the intensive data processing in complex applications.Naranjo Delgado, DM. (2021). Serverless Computing Strategies on Cloud Platforms [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160916TESI

    Server-Based Desktop Virtualization

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    Virtualization can be accomplished at different layers in the computational stack and with different goals (servers, desktops, applications, storage and network). This research focuses on server-based desktop virtualization. According to the Gartner group, the main business drivers for adopting desktop virtualization are: application compatibility, business continuity, security and compliance, mobility and improved productivity [15]. Despite these business drivers, desktop virtualization has not been widely adopted. According to a survey conducted by Matrix42, only 5% of desktop computers are virtualized [37]. The research deals with the challenges preventing the wider adoption of server-based desktop virtualization while focusing on two of the main virtualization architectures: session-based desktop virtualization (SBDV) and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). The first chapter introduces some of the challenges faced by large organizations in their efforts to create a cost effective and manageable desktop computing environment. The second chapter discusses two of the main server-based desktop virtualizations (VDI and SBDV), illustrating some of the advantages and disadvantages in these different architectures. The third chapter focuses on some of the technical challenges and provides recommendations regarding server-based desktop virtualization. In the fourth chapter, measurements are conducted for the utilization and performance of SBDV on different 3 user profiles (light, heavy and multimedia). Data and results collected from desktop assessment and lab are used to formulate baselines and metrics for capacity planning. According to the conducted measurements, it is concluded that light and heavy profiles can be virtualized using SBDV, while for multimedia profiles, additional capacity planning and resource allocation are required. Multimedia profiles can be virtualized with VDI considering client-side rendering to avoid network bandwidth congestion. While the research focuses on VDI and SBDV, it highlights few points related to client access devices (CADs). CADs are one of the main components in the desktop virtualization stack (OS virtualization, session virtualization, application virtualization, connection broker, CADs and user data and profiles). The latter chapter of the research focuses on conclusions and future work toward greater levels of adoption of VDI and SBDV

    Orchestration Procedures for the Network Intelligence Stratum in 6G Networks

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    Proceeding of: 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), 6-9 June 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.: 347-352.The quest for autonomous mobile networks introduces the need for fully native support for Network Intelligence (NI) algorithms, typically based on Artificial Intelligence tools like Machine Learning, which shall be gathered into a NI stratum. The NI stratum is responsible for the full automation of the NI operation in the network, including the management of the life-cycle of NI algorithms, in a way that is synergic with traditional network management and orchestration framework. In this regard, the NI stratum must accommodate the unique requirements of NI algorithms, which differ from the ones of, e.g., virtual network functions, and thus plays a critical role in the native integration of NI into current network architectures. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed concept of Network Intelligence Orchestrator (NIO) to (i) define the specific requirements of NI algorithms, and (ii) discuss the procedures that shall be supported by an NIO sitting in the NI stratum to effectively manage NI algorithms. We then (iii) introduce a reference implementation of the NIO defined above using cloud-native open-source tools.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101017109 “DAEMON”.Publicad

    Virtualized FPGA accelerators for efficient cloud computing

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    Hardware accelerators implement custom architectures to significantly speed up computations in a wide range of domains. As performance scaling in server-class CPUs slows, we propose the integration of hardware accelerators in the cloud as a way to maintain a positive performance trend. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) represent the ideal way to integrate accelerators in the cloud, since they can be reprogrammed as needs change and allow multiple accelerators to share optimised communication infrastructure. We discuss a framework that integrates reconfigurable accelerators in a standard server with virtualised resource management and communication. We then present a case study that quantifies the efficiency benefits and break-even point for integrating FPGAs in the cloud

    Game of Templates. Deploying and (re-)using Virtualized Research Environments in High-Performance and High-Throughput Computing

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    The Virtual Open Science Collaboration Environment project worked on different use cases to evaluate the necessary steps for virtualization or containerization especially when considering the external dependencies of digital workflows. Virtualized Research Environments (VRE) can both help to broaden the user base of an HPC cluster like NEMO and offer new forms of packaging scientific workflows as well as managing software stacks. The eResearch initiative on VREs sponsored by the state of Baden-Württemberg provided the necessary framework for both the researchers of various disciplines as well as the providers of (large-scale) compute infrastructures to define future operational models of HPC clusters and scientific clouds. In daily operations, VREs running on virtualization or containerization technologies such as OpenStack or Singularity help to disentangle the responsibilities regarding the software stacks needed to fulfill a certain task. Nevertheless, the reproduction of VREs as well as the provisioning of research data to be computed and stored afterward creates a couple of challenges which need to be solved beyond the traditional scientific computing models

    Data-Driven Methods for Data Center Operations Support

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    During the last decade, cloud technologies have been evolving at an impressive pace, such that we are now living in a cloud-native era where developers can leverage on an unprecedented landscape of (possibly managed) services for orchestration, compute, storage, load-balancing, monitoring, etc. The possibility to have on-demand access to a diverse set of configurable virtualized resources allows for building more elastic, flexible and highly-resilient distributed applications. Behind the scenes, cloud providers sustain the heavy burden of maintaining the underlying infrastructures, consisting in large-scale distributed systems, partitioned and replicated among many geographically dislocated data centers to guarantee scalability, robustness to failures, high availability and low latency. The larger the scale, the more cloud providers have to deal with complex interactions among the various components, such that monitoring, diagnosing and troubleshooting issues become incredibly daunting tasks. To keep up with these challenges, development and operations practices have undergone significant transformations, especially in terms of improving the automations that make releasing new software, and responding to unforeseen issues, faster and sustainable at scale. The resulting paradigm is nowadays referred to as DevOps. However, while such automations can be very sophisticated, traditional DevOps practices fundamentally rely on reactive mechanisms, that typically require careful manual tuning and supervision from human experts. To minimize the risk of outages—and the related costs—it is crucial to provide DevOps teams with suitable tools that can enable a proactive approach to data center operations. This work presents a comprehensive data-driven framework to address the most relevant problems that can be experienced in large-scale distributed cloud infrastructures. These environments are indeed characterized by a very large availability of diverse data, collected at each level of the stack, such as: time-series (e.g., physical host measurements, virtual machine or container metrics, networking components logs, application KPIs); graphs (e.g., network topologies, fault graphs reporting dependencies among hardware and software components, performance issues propagation networks); and text (e.g., source code, system logs, version control system history, code review feedbacks). Such data are also typically updated with relatively high frequency, and subject to distribution drifts caused by continuous configuration changes to the underlying infrastructure. In such a highly dynamic scenario, traditional model-driven approaches alone may be inadequate at capturing the complexity of the interactions among system components. DevOps teams would certainly benefit from having robust data-driven methods to support their decisions based on historical information. For instance, effective anomaly detection capabilities may also help in conducting more precise and efficient root-cause analysis. Also, leveraging on accurate forecasting and intelligent control strategies would improve resource management. Given their ability to deal with high-dimensional, complex data, Deep Learning-based methods are the most straightforward option for the realization of the aforementioned support tools. On the other hand, because of their complexity, this kind of models often requires huge processing power, and suitable hardware, to be operated effectively at scale. These aspects must be carefully addressed when applying such methods in the context of data center operations. Automated operations approaches must be dependable and cost-efficient, not to degrade the services they are built to improve. i