10 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Relevant, historically, it is the role of the Diocese of Fermo (Italy) in the Vatican organization dedicated to vast ecclesiastical patrimony on the territory of the Marche region. In this context, for the peculiarity of its identity and its property, the object of this study is the "Chiesa della Pietà". This research starts with the photogrammetric survey to document and analyse the existing condition of the church. The data acquisition provides many scans following a network schema and the photographic survey allows to create orthoimages to make more realistic the 3D representation. Once acquired the geometric and material survey, a series of investigations have been carried out to assess the surface degradation and the material decay of the external façades and internal environments. Furthermore, some structural problems have been occurred, investigating and verifying the presence of advanced stages of deterioration of the wooden structures and the restoration of these structural elements must be mandatory. To take under control the decay and to propose a restoration step, we have arranged the 3D model in HBIM software with different LOD, according to the BIM Forum Level of Development Specification (2016), suitable to develop a well-structured information system. Before the 3D modelling phase, a decomposition of the building is useful to implement a semantic classification of the architectural elements. Basing on a hierarchy of classes and subclasses, the dedicated database organizes the building components assigning an ID-code to the features, putting in evidence materials decay by a thematic mapping.</p


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    none5noNational Strategy For Cultural Heritage 2017-2027 is a Kosovo Government document that aims the enhancement of the system for the protection and preservation of Kosovan cultural heritage. Among the listed goals, one can find the promotion of an integrated data management approach towards cooperation platforms that involve advanced technologies and information systems applied to cultural heritage. In a country with a low technological progress, as Kosovo is, an innovative information management system like HBIM is a huge challenge. This research contributes in opening the debate about the use of HBIM even for historical architecture, illustrating a methodology of information management promoting the conservation and the valorization of a Kosovan ottoman mosque. The workflow pipeline started with the close range photogrammetric survey, obtaining first spherical panoramas and then the wire-frame processed in a 3D modelling environment, suitable to implement the HBIM project. Basing on the accuracy of the data acquisition, the availability of information about the building and the related level of knowledge, we proposed a semantic representation of the complex structure integrating in an HBIM collecting in an "ad hoc" database the geometrical building components, enriched with attributes as images, materials, decay, interventions, etc., linked to each features. Our approach is an example of how efficient semantic classification can be repeated for the analysis and the documentation of other similar ottoman mosque, simplifying the management of construction by a sort of unique and searchable archive. The advantage of the interoperability concept allows the data sharing is now stressed by HBIM.openDi Stefano F.; Malinverni E.S.; Pierdicca R.; Fangi G.; Ejupi S.Di Stefano, F.; Malinverni, E. S.; Pierdicca, R.; Fangi, G.; Ejupi, S


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    Abstract. National Strategy For Cultural Heritage 2017–2027 is a Kosovo Government document that aims the enhancement of the system for the protection and preservation of Kosovan cultural heritage. Among the listed goals, one can find the promotion of an integrated data management approach towards cooperation platforms that involve advanced technologies and information systems applied to cultural heritage. In a country with a low technological progress, as Kosovo is, an innovative information management system like HBIM is a huge challenge. This research contributes in opening the debate about the use of HBIM even for historical architecture, illustrating a methodology of information management promoting the conservation and the valorization of a Kosovan ottoman mosque. The workflow pipeline started with the close range photogrammetric survey, obtaining first spherical panoramas and then the wire-frame processed in a 3D modelling environment, suitable to implement the HBIM project. Basing on the accuracy of the data acquisition, the availability of information about the building and the related level of knowledge, we proposed a semantic representation of the complex structure integrating in an HBIM collecting in an "ad hoc" database the geometrical building components, enriched with attributes as images, materials, decay, interventions, etc., linked to each features. Our approach is an example of how efficient semantic classification can be repeated for the analysis and the documentation of other similar ottoman mosque, simplifying the management of construction by a sort of unique and searchable archive. The advantage of the interoperability concept allows the data sharing is now stressed by HBIM.</p

    Color-aware surface registration

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    Shape registration is fundamental to 3D object acquisition; it is used to fuse scans from multiple views. Existing algorithms mainly utilize geometric information to determine alignment, but this typically results in noticeable misalignment of textures (i.e. surface colors) when using RGB-depth cameras. We address this problem using a novel approach to color-aware registration, which takes both color and geometry into consideration simultaneously. Color information is exploited throughout the pipeline to provide more effective sampling, correspondence and alignment, in particular for surfaces with detailed textures. Our method can furthermore tackle both rigid and non-rigid registration problems (arising, for example, due to small changes in the object during scanning, or camera distortions). We demonstrate that our approach produces significantly better results than previous methods

    Information Technology and Human Factors to Enhance Design and Constructability Review Processes in Construction

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    abstract: Emerging information and communication technology (ICT) has had an enormous effect on the building architecture, engineering, construction and operation (AECO) fields in recent decades. The effects have resonated in several disciplines, such as project information flow, design representation and communication, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) approaches. However, these effects can potentially impact communication and coordination of the virtual design contents in both design and construction phases. Therefore, and with the great potential for emerging technologies in construction projects, it is essential to understand how these technologies influence virtual design information within the organizations as well as individuals’ behaviors. This research focusses on understanding current emerging technologies and its impacts on projects virtual design information and communication among projects stakeholders within the AECO organizations.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 201

    Development of Bridge Information Model (BrIM) for digital twinning and management using TLS technology

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    In the current modern era of information and technology, the concept of Building Information Model (BIM), has made revolutionary changes in different aspects of engineering design, construction, and management of infrastructure assets, especially bridges. In the field of bridge engineering, Bridge Information Model (BrIM), as a specific form of BIM, includes digital twining of the physical asset associated with geometrical inspections and non-geometrical data, which has eliminated the use of traditional paper-based documentation and hand-written reports, enabling professionals and managers to operate more efficiently and effectively. However, concerns remain about the quality of the acquired inspection data and utilizing BrIM information for remedial decisions in a reliable Bridge Management System (BMS) which are still reliant on the knowledge and experience of the involved inspectors, or asset manager, and are susceptible to a certain degree of subjectivity. Therefore, this research study aims not only to introduce the valuable benefits of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) as a precise, rapid, and qualitative inspection method, but also to serve a novel sliced-based approach for bridge geometric Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model extraction using TLS-based point cloud, and to contribute to BrIM development. Moreover, this study presents a comprehensive methodology for incorporating generated BrIM in a redeveloped element-based condition assessment model while integrating a Decision Support System (DSS) to propose an innovative BMS. This methodology was further implemented in a designed software plugin and validated by a real case study on the Werrington Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in New South Wales, Australia. The finding of this research confirms the reliability of the TLS-derived 3D model in terms of quality of acquired data and accuracy of the proposed novel slice-based method, as well as BrIM implementation, and integration of the proposed BMS into the developed BrIM. Furthermore, the results of this study showed that the proposed integrated model addresses the subjective nature of decision-making by conducting a risk assessment and utilising structured decision-making tools for priority ranking of remedial actions. The findings demonstrated acceptable agreement in utilizing the proposed BMS for priority ranking of structural elements that require more attention, as well as efficient optimisation of remedial actions to preserve bridge health and safety

    Elaboración de modelos de edificios a partir de nubes de puntos con software BIM, análisis y comportamiento

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    Esta investigación, enmarcada en el campo del desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, capaces de realizar mediciones y obtener modelos virtuales de los objetos con mayor precisión y rapidez, se centra en analizar e interpretar los distintos temas orientativos, partiendo desde las herramientas convencionales de medición, hasta las nuevas tecnologías de escaneado laser 3D, como así también el conocimiento de la importancia del patrimonio y la rehabilitación, la aplicación de los nuevos softwares de sistemas asistidos y la utilización de las impresoras 3D a gran escala. Los resultados que hemos obtenido a partir de la elaboración de un modelo virtual 3D de una edificación ya existente, proyectado gracias a la introducción y posterior manipulación de una nube de puntos en un sistema BIM, nos brindaran una primera aproximación de la capacidad de los sistemas utilizados, a su vez estos servirán como base para mejorar la relación entre los sistemas BIM y las nuevas tecnologías de construcción, sean estas las impresoras 3D a gran escala. Dichas impresoras 3D son motivos de investigación actualmente debido a su gran importancia tanto para la construcción, como para otras áreas, ya que con esta herramienta será posible lograr múltiples beneficios, que serán descriptos a lo largo del presente informe.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaMáster en Investigación en Ingeniería de Procesos y Sistemas Industriale

    Reconstrucción tridimensional del patrimonio arquitectónico mediante la utilización de los sistemas BIM y HBIM. Validación con dos casos de estudio: la Iglesia Santa María la Real de Mave y el Castillo de los Comuneros de Torrelobatón

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    El actual documento de tesis doctoral presenta una metodología eficiente y replicable que facilita y acelera el modelado digital y detallado del patrimonio arquitectónico. La metodología propuesta ha sido validada en dos casos de estudio: la iglesia Santa María la Real de Mave y el Castillo Torrelobatón. Consta de tres etapas. La primera etapa abarca la recopilación de la información geométrica, semántica y tipológica. Los datos geométricos se obtienen a partir de las nubes de puntos capturadas por los métodos de escaneado láser y fotogrametría. Por su parte, los datos semánticos y tipológicos se obtienen a partir de los manuscritos y documentos históricos, y también del análisis técnico del edificio. Esta información es capaz de representar el estado de conservación de los edificios analizados, sus características particulares, sus materiales, las reglas y patrones constructivos que siguen, así como las transformaciones pasadas que podrían haber afectado al edificio. La segunda etapa abarca la organización ontológica de los datos semánticos adquiridos y el preprocesamiento de las nubes de puntos. Esta etapa de organización y preprocesamiento permite referenciar con precisión la información adquirida. En la tercera etapa los datos semánticos y las nubes de puntos preprocesadas se integran en una única estructura semántica gráfica utilizando el entorno BIM. Para esta etapa, se proponen realizar cortes, secciones y vistas sobre la nube de puntos (siguiendo las reglas y patrones constructivos), para reconocer las características de los objetos arquitectónicos escaneados. Posteriormente, se utilizan las rejillas para delimitar manualmente el contorno interno y externo de la nube de puntos. Una vez segmentada y delimitada la nube de puntos, se utilizan las herramientas básicas de BIM para modelar paramétricamente las superficies simples (de acuerdo con su apariencia en vista, sección o elevación) que presenta el edificio estudiado. Por otro lado, para las superficies irregulares, se utilizan otras herramientas, las cuales están relacionadas con el perfilado y modelado tridimensional de los objetos.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    Extracción de información geométrica y semántica mediante el tratamiento de datos 2D/3D para labores de documentación y rehabilitación del patrimonio arquitectónico

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    Las tareas de documentación digital del patrimonio arquitectónico requieren del manejo de muy diferentes tipos de datos. Los sistemas actuales de captura de datos permiten obtener enormes volúmenes de datos. Sin embargo la extracción de información que resulte útilpara la documentación digital supone un importante reto de investigación. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y diseño de sistemas y metodologías que permitan extraer información relevante a partir de datos 20 y 30 utilizando técnicas de procesamiento de nubes de puntos, extracción automática de líneas características, superposición de imágenes a modelos tridimensionales para la obtención de modelos con información multicapa y ortofotos, y empleo de técnicas de inteligencia artificial (aprendizaje profundo) para el análisis y clasificación de imágenes de patrimonio arquitectónico.Se presentan también casos de uso realizados como la proyección de policromías sobre edificios patrimoniales, y por último se muestran los resultados obtenidos considerados más representativosDepartamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria