3,453 research outputs found

    Scalable fleet monitoring and visualization for smart machine maintenance and industrial IoT applications

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    The wide adoption of smart machine maintenance in manufacturing is blocked by open challenges in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with regard to robustness, scalability and security. Solving these challenges is of uttermost importance to mission-critical industrial operations. Furthermore, effective application of predictive maintenance requires well-trained machine learning algorithms which on their turn require high volumes of reliable data. This paper addresses both challenges and presents the Smart Maintenance Living Lab, an open test and research platform that consists of a fleet of drivetrain systems for accelerated lifetime tests of rolling-element bearings, a scalable IoT middleware cloud platform for reliable data ingestion and persistence, and a dynamic dashboard application for fleet monitoring and visualization. Each individual component within the presented system is discussed and validated, demonstrating the feasibility of IIoT applications for smart machine maintenance. The resulting platform provides benchmark data for the improvement of machine learning algorithms, gives insights into the design, implementation and validation of a complete architecture for IIoT applications with specific requirements concerning robustness, scalability and security and therefore reduces the reticence in the industry to widely adopt these technologies

    Internet of robotic things : converging sensing/actuating, hypoconnectivity, artificial intelligence and IoT Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is evolving rapidly and influencing newdevelopments in various application domains, such as the Internet of MobileThings (IoMT), Autonomous Internet of Things (A-IoT), Autonomous Systemof Things (ASoT), Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Internetof Things Clouds (IoT-C) and the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) etc.that are progressing/advancing by using IoT technology. The IoT influencerepresents new development and deployment challenges in different areassuch as seamless platform integration, context based cognitive network integration,new mobile sensor/actuator network paradigms, things identification(addressing, naming in IoT) and dynamic things discoverability and manyothers. The IoRT represents new convergence challenges and their need to be addressed, in one side the programmability and the communication ofmultiple heterogeneous mobile/autonomous/robotic things for cooperating,their coordination, configuration, exchange of information, security, safetyand protection. Developments in IoT heterogeneous parallel processing/communication and dynamic systems based on parallelism and concurrencyrequire new ideas for integrating the intelligent “devices”, collaborativerobots (COBOTS), into IoT applications. Dynamic maintainability, selfhealing,self-repair of resources, changing resource state, (re-) configurationand context based IoT systems for service implementation and integrationwith IoT network service composition are of paramount importance whennew “cognitive devices” are becoming active participants in IoT applications.This chapter aims to be an overview of the IoRT concept, technologies,architectures and applications and to provide a comprehensive coverage offuture challenges, developments and applications

    Technological evolution in machining processes with CNC machines in the context of the concept of Industry 4.0

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Industrial EngineeringThe work related to the project of this dissertation will consist of an analysis of the technological evolution of the machining processes with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines regarding the new concept of Industry 4.0. The concept fits into the current transformation process for the fourth industrial revolution, such as integrated Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) within the manufacturing processes using the Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial processes. Faced with technological advances, the processes of Industrial Engineering in machining using CNC machines must undergo adaptations, aiming at substantial increases in the operational effectiveness. Thus, an approach will be made to understand how current processes can adapt to the concept under study when analyzing the evolution of the machining tools for CNC machines in the face of new processes. A thorough study will be done to adapt the methodology of Industry 4.0 applying it to the machining processes in CNC Machines. Thereby, a proposal for future applications will be given on the topics studied. The methodology will be based entirely on a documental analysis research strategy. The virtual technology in machining tools is still a subject in development, being one of the main factors to be understood in this dissertation. In this study, it will be possible to analyze the main factors that can influence directly or indirectly the production processes of a factory with CNC machines. It will be explored and studied the types of machining processes for CNC machines and the types of machining tools developed with virtual technology. When we are talking about virtual technology, we are usually addressing the need for software. In CNC machining operations, there is a CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software that performs machining simulations for CNC machines. Thus, a study and analysis of a production system involving a CAM software, a tool with virtual technology and CNC machines will be done to verify how this set can work encompassed and what changes this production model introduces. In the sequence of this study, an idea of a new production system will be proposed, allowing for a better understanding of the possibilities for application of new approaches in the future.O trabalho relacionado ao projeto desta dissertação de mestrado consistirá de uma análise da evolução tecnológica dos processos de usinagem com as máquinas CNC (Comando Numérico Computacional) em relação ao novo conceito da Indústria 4.0. O conceito se enquadra no atual processo de transformação da quarta revolução industrial, com os Sistemas Ciber-Físicos integrados (CPS) dentro dos processos de fabricação que utilizam a Internet das Coisas (IoT) em processos industriais. Diante dos avanços tecnológicos, os processos de Engenharia Industrial em usinagem utilizando máquinas CNC devem sofrer adaptações, visando um aumento substancial na eficácia operacional. Assim, uma abordagem será feita para entender como os processos atuais podem se adaptar ao conceito em estudo, visando também uma análise da evolução das ferramentas de usinagem para máquinas CNC em face de novos processos. Um estudo minucioso será feito para adaptar a metodologia da Indústria 4.0, aplicando-a aos processos de usinagem em máquinas CNC. Com isso, algumas proposta para aplicações futuras serão apresentadas para os tópicos estudados. A metodologia será totalmente baseada em uma estratégia de investigação documental. A tecnologia virtual em ferramentas de usinagem ainda é um assunto em desenvolvimento, sendo um dos principais fatores a serem compreendidos na realização deste trabalho. Neste estudo, será possível analisar os principais fatores que podem influenciar direta ou indiretamente nos processos de produção de uma fábrica com máquinas CNC. Serão explorados e estudados os tipos de processos de usinagem para máquinas CNC e os tipos de ferramentas de usinagem desenvolvidas com tecnologia virtual. Quando abordamos o assunto sobre tecnologia virtual, geralmente estamos a lidar com a necessidade de um software. Nas operações de usinagem CNC, existe um software CAM (Manufatura Assistida por Computador) que realiza simulações de usinagem para máquinas CNC. Assim, um estudo e análise do sistema de produção envolvendo um software CAM, uma ferramenta com tecnologia virtual e máquinas CNC será feito para verificar como este conjunto pode trabalhar englobado e quais as mudanças para esse modelo de produção. Na sequência dessa análise, será proposta uma ideia de um novo sistema de produção, que permite uma melhor compreensão das possibilidades de aplicação no futuro das novas abordagens

    Quality Assurance in MLOps Setting: An Industrial Perspective

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    Today, machine learning (ML) is widely used in industry to provide the core functionality of production systems. However, it is practically always used in production systems as part of a larger end-to-end software system that is made up of several other components in addition to the ML model. Due to production demand and time constraints, automated software engineering practices are highly applicable. The increased use of automated ML software engineering practices in industries such as manufacturing and utilities requires an automated Quality Assurance (QA) approach as an integral part of ML software. Here, QA helps reduce risk by offering an objective perspective on the software task. Although conventional software engineering has automated tools for QA data analysis for data-driven ML, the use of QA practices for ML in operation (MLOps) is lacking. This paper examines the QA challenges that arise in industrial MLOps and conceptualizes modular strategies to deal with data integrity and Data Quality (DQ). The paper is accompanied by real industrial use-cases from industrial partners. The paper also presents several challenges that may serve as a basis for future studies.Comment: Accepted in ISE2022 of the 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2022

    AI Lifecycle Zero-Touch Orchestration within the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum for Industry 5.0

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    The advancements in human-centered artificial intelligence (HCAI) systems for Industry 5.0 is a new phase of industrialization that places the worker at the center of the production process and uses new technologies to increase prosperity beyond jobs and growth. HCAI presents new objectives that were unreachable by either humans or machines alone, but this also comes with a new set of challenges. Our proposed method accomplishes this through the knowlEdge architecture, which enables human operators to implement AI solutions using a zero-touch framework. It relies on containerized AI model training and execution, supported by a robust data pipeline and rounded off with human feedback and evaluation interfaces. The result is a platform built from a number of components, spanning all major areas of the AI lifecycle. We outline both the architectural concepts and implementation guidelines and explain how they advance HCAI systems and Industry 5.0. In this article, we address the problems we encountered while implementing the ideas within the edge-to-cloud continuum. Further improvements to our approach may enhance the use of AI in Industry 5.0 and strengthen trust in AI systems

    Integration of MLOps with IoT edge

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    Abstract. Edge Computing and Machine Learning have become increasingly vital in today’s digital landscape. Edge computing brings computational power closer to the data source enabling reduced latency and bandwith, increased privacy, and real-time decision-making. Running Machine Learning models on edge devices further enhances these advantages by reducing the reliance on cloud. This empowers industries such as transport, healthcare, manufacturing, to harness the full potential of Machine Learning. MLOps, or Machine Learning Operations play a major role streamlining the deployment, monitoring, and management of Machine Learning models in production. With MLOps, organisations can achieve faster model iteration, reduced deployment time, improved collaboration with developers, optimised performance, and ultimately meaningful business outcomes. Integrating MLOps with edge devices poses unique challenges. Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, customised deployment strategies, and efficient model optimization techniques. This thesis project introduces a set of tools that enable the integration of MLOps practices with edge devices. The solution consists of two sets of tools: one for setting up infrastructure within edge devices to be able to receive, monitor, and run inference on Machine Learning models, and another for MLOps pipelines to package models to be compatible with the inference and monitoring components of the respective edge devices. This platform was evaluated by obtaining a public dataset used for predicting the breakdown of Air Pressure Systems in trucks, which is an ideal use-case for running ML inference on the edge, and connecting MLOps pipelines with edge devices.. A simulation was created using the data in order to control the volume of data flow into edge devices. Thereafter, the performance of the platform was tested against the scenario created by the simulation script. Response time and CPU usage in different components were the metrics that were tested. Additionally, the platform was evaluated against a set of commercial and open source tools and services that serve similar purposes. The overall performance of this solution matches that of already existing tools and services, while allowing end users setting up Edge-MLOps infrastructure the complete freedom to set up their system without completely relying on third party licensed software.MLOps-integraatio reunalaskennan tarpeisiin. Tiivistelmä. Reunalaskennasta (Edge Computing) ja koneoppimisesta on tullut yhä tärkeämpiä nykypäivän digitaalisessa ympäristössä. Reunalaskenta tuo laskentatehon lähemmäs datalähdettä, mikä mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen päätöksenteon ja pienemmän viiveen. Koneoppimismallien suorittaminen reunalaitteissa parantaa näitä etuja entisestään vähentämällä riippuvuutta pilvipalveluista. Näin esimerkiksi liikenne-, terveydenhuolto- ja valmistusteollisuus voivat hyödyntää koneoppimisen koko potentiaalin. MLOps eli Machine Learning Operations on merkittävässä asemassa tehostettaessa ML -mallien käyttöönottoa, seurantaa ja hallintaa tuotannossa. MLOpsin avulla organisaatiot voivat nopeuttaa mallien iterointia, lyhentää käyttöönottoaikaa, parantaa yhteistyötä kehittäjien kesken, optimoida laskennan suorituskykyä ja lopulta saavuttaa merkityksellisiä liiketoimintatuloksia. MLOpsin integroiminen reunalaitteisiin asettaa ainutlaatuisia haasteita. Näiden haasteiden voittaminen edellyttää huolellista suunnittelua, räätälöityjä käyttöönottostrategioita ja tehokkaita mallien optimointitekniikoita. Tässä opinnäytetyöhankkeessa esitellään joukko työkaluja, jotka mahdollistavat MLOps-käytäntöjen integroinnin reunalaitteisiin. Ratkaisu koostuu kahdesta työkalukokonaisuudesta: toinen infrastruktuurin perustamisesta reunalaitteisiin, jotta ne voivat vastaanottaa, valvoa ja suorittaa päätelmiä koneoppimismalleista, ja toinen MLOps “prosesseista”, joilla mallit paketoidaan yhteensopiviksi vastaavien reunalaitteiden komponenttien kanssa. Ratkaisun toimivuutta arvioitiin avoimeen dataan perustuvalla käyttötapauksella. Datan avulla luotiin simulaatio, jonka tarkoituksena oli mahdollistaa reunalaitteisiin suuntautuvan datatovirran kontrollonti. Tämän jälkeen suorituskykyä testattiin simuloinnin luoman skenaarion avulla. Testattaviin mittareihin kuuluivat muun muassa suorittimen käyttö. Lisäksi ratkaisua arvioitiin vertaamalla sitä olemassa oleviin kaupallisiin ja avoimen lähdekoodin alustoihin. Tämän ratkaisun kokonaissuorituskyky vastaa jo markkinoilla olevien työkalujen ja palvelujen suorituskykyä. Ratkaisu antaa samalla loppukäyttäjille mahdollisuuden perustaa Edge-MLOps-infrastruktuuri ilman riippuvuutta kolmannen osapuolen lisensoiduista ohjelmistoista

    An IoT based industry 4.0 architecture for integration of design and manufacturing systems.

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    This paper proposes an Internet of Things (IoT) based 5-stage Industry 4.0 architecture to integrate the design and manufacturing systems in a Cyber Physical Environment (CPE). It considers the transfer of design and manufacturing systems data through the Cloud/Web-based (CW) services and discusses an effective way to integrate them. In the 1st stage, a Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology containing Computer Aided Design (CAD) data/models of the product with the ability to design / redesign is scanned and sent to a secure Internet/Cloud Server (CS). Here the CAD models are auto identified and displayed in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed for the purpose. From the scanned RFID CAD data/models, the 2nd stage adopts unique machine learning technique(s) and identifies the design & manufacturing features information required for product manufacture. Once identified, the 3rd stage handles the necessary modelling changes as required to manufacture the part by verifying the suitability of process-based product design through user input from the GUI. Then, it performs a Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) sequence in a secure design cloud server designed using web-based scripting language. After this, the 4th stage generates Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) toolpaths by continuous data retrieval of design and tooling database in the web server by updating the RFID technology with all the information. The various processes involved the 3rd and 4th stages are completed by using ‘Agents’ (a smart program) which uses various search and find algorithms with the ability to handle the changes to the process plan as required. Finally, the 5th stage, approves the product manufacture instructions by completing the production plan with the approved sheets sent to the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine. In this article, the proposed architecture is explained through the concept of IoT data transfer to help industries driving towards Industry 4.0 by improving productivity, reducing lead time, protecting security and by maintaining internationals standards / regulations applied in their workplace

    Iot open-source architecture for the maintenance of building facilities

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    none6noThe introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the construction industry is evolving facility maintenance (FM) towards predictive maintenance development. Predictive maintenance of building facilities requires continuously updated data on construction components to be acquired through integrated sensors. The main challenges in developing predictive maintenance tools for building facilities is IoT integration, IoT data visualization on the building 3D model and implementation of maintenance management system on the IoT and building information modeling (BIM). The current 3D building models do not fully interact with IoT building facilities data. Data integration in BIM is challenging. The research aims to integrate IoT alert systems with BIM models to moni-tor building facilities during the operational phase and to visualize building facilities’ conditions virtually. To provide efficient maintenance services for building facilities this research proposes an integration of a digital framework based on IoT and BIM platforms. Sensors applied in the building systems and IoT technology on a cloud platform with opensource tools and standards enable monitoring of real-time operation and detecting of different kinds of faults in case of malfunction or failure, therefore sending alerts to facility managers and operators. Proposed preventive maintenance methodology applied on a proof-of-concept heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) plant adopts open source IoT sensor networks. The results show that the integrated IoT and BIM dashboard framework and implemented building structures preventive maintenance methodology are applicable and promising. The automated system architecture of building facilities is intended to provide a reliable and practical tool for real-time data acquisition. Analysis and 3D visualization to support intelligent monitoring of the indoor condition in buildings will enable the facility managers to make faster and better decisions and to improve building facilities’ real time monitoring with fallouts on the maintenance timeliness.openVilla V.; Naticchia B.; Bruno G.; Aliev K.; Piantanida P.; Antonelli D.Villa, V.; Naticchia, B.; Bruno, G.; Aliev, K.; Piantanida, P.; Antonelli, D