73 research outputs found

    Research into the formation of a soccer curriculum in early childhood education Through the action research with students belonging to IPU’s soccer club and nursery school children

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    This six-month research examined the influence of playing soccer on the mental and physical development of 5 year old nursery school children under the corporation of students from IPU’s soccer club. Our objectives were to observe: 1) how soccer is a stimulative for young children as a content of early childhood education, 2) what kinds of effects children gain from a developmental point of view. 3) the possibility developing a new area of the early childhood education and care. Our conclusions suggest the following findings: 1)soccer is effective for improving children\u27s health, motor skills and the formation of human relations ability, 2)the most important coaching method for young children is child-oriented[without strong teacher intervention eacherintervention]as children develop their ability in small group, 3)it provides numerous chances to understand each child’s personality more deeply through such activities

    Prediction of ventricular fibrillation using support vector machine

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) remains one of the top causes of high mortality rate. Early prediction of ventricular fibrillation (VF), and hence SCD, can improve the survival chance of a patient by enabling earlier treatment. Heart rate variability analysis (HRV) has been widely adopted by the researchers in VF prediction. Different combinations of features from multiple domains were explored but the spectral analysis was performed without the required preprocessing or on a shorter segment as opposed to the standards of The European and North American Task force on HRV. Thus, our study aimed to develop a robust prediction algorithm by including only time domain and nonlinear features while maintaining the prediction resolution of one minute. Nine time domain features and seven nonlinear features were extracted and classified using support vector machine (SVM) of different kernels. High accuracy of 94.7% and sensitivity of 100% were achieved using extraction of only two HRV features and Gaussian kernel SVM without complicated preprocessing of HRV signals. This algorithm with high accuracy and low computational burden is beneficial for embedded system and real-time application which could help alert the individuals sooner and hence improving patient survival chance

    Nonlinear Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Cardiovascular System Dynamics - Diagnostic and Prognostic Applications

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    The purpose of this investigation is to develop monitoring, diagnostic and prognostic schemes for cardiovascular diseases by studying the nonlinear stochastic dynamics underlying complex heart system. The employment of a nonlinear stochastic analysis combined with wavelet representations can extract effective cardiovascular features, which will be more sensitive to the pathological dynamics instead of the extraneous noises. While conventional statistical and linear systemic approaches have limitations for capturing signal variations resulting from changes in the cardiovascular system states. The research methodology includes signal representation using optimal wavelet function design, feature extraction using nonlinear recurrence analysis, and local recurrence modeling for state prediction.Industrial Engineering & Managemen

    Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death Using Ensemble Classifiers

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    Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is a medical problem that is responsible for over 300,000 deaths per year in the United States and millions worldwide. SCD is defined as death occurring from within one hour of the onset of acute symptoms, an unwitnessed death in the absence of pre-existing progressive circulatory failures or other causes of deaths, or death during attempted resuscitation. Sudden death due to cardiac reasons is a leading cause of death among Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients. The use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems has made a wealth of medical data available for research and analysis. Supervised machine learning methods have been successfully used for medical diagnosis. Ensemble classifiers are known to achieve better prediction accuracy than its constituent base classifiers. In an effort to understand the factors contributing to SCD, data on 2,521 patients were collected for the Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT). The data included 96 features that were gathered over a period of 5 years. The goal of this dissertation was to develop a model that could accurately predict SCD based on available features. The prediction model used the Cox proportional hazards model as a score and then used the ExtraTreesClassifier algorithm as a boosting mechanism to create the ensemble. We tested the system at prediction points of 180 days and 365 days. Our best results were at 180-days with accuracy of 0.9624, specificity of 0.9915, and F1 score of 0.9607

    Morphological Variability Analysis of Physiologic Waveform for Prediction and Detection of Diseases

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    For many years it has been known that variability of the morphology of high-resolution (∼30-1000 Hz) physiological time series data provides additional prognostic value over lower resolution (≤ 1Hz) derived averages such as heart rate (HR), breathing rate (BR) and blood pressure (BP). However, the field has remained rather ad hoc, based on hand-crafted features. Using a model-based approach we explore the nature of these features and their sensitivity to variabilities introduced by changes in both the sampling period (HR) and observational reference frame (through breathing). HR and BR are determined as having a statistically significant confounding effect on the morphological variability (MV) evaluated in high-resolution physiological time series data, thus an important gap is identified in previous studies that ignored the effects of HR and BR when measuring MV. We build a best-in-class open-source toolbox for exploring MV that accounts for the confounding factors of HR and BR. We demonstrate the toolbox’s utility in three domains on three different signals: arterial BP in sepsis; photoplethysmogram in coarctation of the aorta; and electrocardiogram (ECG) in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In each of the three case studies, incorporating features that capture MV while controlling for BR and/or HR improved disease classification performance compared to previously established methods that used features from lower resolution time series data. Using the PTSD example, we then introduce a deep learning approach that significantly improves our ability to identify the effects of PTSD on ECG morphology. In particular, we show that pre-training the algorithm on a database of over 70,000 ECGs containing a set of 25 rhythms, allowed us to boost performance from an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.61 to 0.85. This novel approach to identifying morphology indicates that there is much more to morphological variability during stressful PTSD-related events than the simple periodic modulation of the T-wave amplitude. This research indicates that future work should focus on identifying the etiology of the dynamic features in the ECG that provided such a large boost in performance, since this may reveal novel underlying mechanisms of the influence of PTSD on the myocardium.Ph.D