13,128 research outputs found

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing supplement 180, May 1978

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    This special bibliography lists 201 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1978

    An automated multiscale ensemble simulation approach for vascular blood flow

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    Cerebrovascular diseases such as brain aneurysms are a primary cause of adult disability. The flow dynamics in brain arteries, both during periods of rest and increased activity, are known to be a major factor in the risk of aneurysm formation and rupture. The precise relation is however still an open field of investigation. We present an automated ensemble simulation method for modelling cerebrovascular blood flow under a range of flow regimes. By automatically constructing and performing an ensemble of multiscale simulations, where we unidirectionally couple a 1D solver with a 3D lattice-Boltzmann code, we are able to model the blood flow in a patient artery over a range of flow regimes. We apply the method to a model of a middle cerebral artery, and find that this approach helps us to fine-tune our modelling techniques, and opens up new ways to investigate cerebrovascular flow properties.This work has received funding from the CRESTA project within the EC-FP7 (ICT-2011.9.13) under Grant Agreements no. 287703, and from EPSRC Grants EP/I017909/1 (www.2020science.net) and EP/I034602/1

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 162, January 1977

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    This bibliography lists 189 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in December 1976

    lifex-ep: a robust and efficient software for cardiac electrophysiology simulations

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    Background: Simulating the cardiac function requires the numerical solution of multi-physics and multi-scale mathematical models. This underscores the need for streamlined, accurate, and high-performance computational tools. Despite the dedicated endeavors of various research teams, comprehensive and user-friendly software programs for cardiac simulations, capable of accurately replicating both normal and pathological conditions, are still in the process of achieving full maturity within the scientific community. Results: This work introduces lifex-ep, a publicly available software for numerical simulations of the electrophysiology activity of the cardiac muscle, under both normal and pathological conditions. lifex-ep employs the monodomain equation to model the heart's electrical activity. It incorporates both phenomenological and second-generation ionic models. These models are discretized using the Finite Element method on tetrahedral or hexahedral meshes. Additionally, lifex-ep integrates the generation of myocardial fibers based on Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-Based Methods, previously released in Africa et al., 2023, within lifex-fiber. As an alternative, users can also choose to import myofibers from a file. This paper provides a concise overview of the mathematical models and numerical methods underlying lifex-ep, along with comprehensive implementation details and instructions for users. lifex-ep features exceptional parallel speedup, scaling efficiently when using up to thousands of cores, and its implementation has been verified against an established benchmark problem for computational electrophysiology. We showcase the key features of lifex-ep through various idealized and realistic simulations conducted in both normal and pathological scenarios. Furthermore, the software offers a user-friendly and flexible interface, simplifying the setup of simulations using self-documenting parameter files. Conclusions: lifex-ep provides easy access to cardiac electrophysiology simulations for a wide user community. It offers a computational tool that integrates models and accurate methods for simulating cardiac electrophysiology within a high-performance framework, while maintaining a user-friendly interface. lifex-ep represents a valuable tool for conducting in silico patient-specific simulations

    Effects of persistent atrial fibrillation-induced electrical remodeling on atrial electro-mechanics – insights from a 3D model of the human atria

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    A 3D electromechanical model of the human atria was developed to investigate the effects of AFER on atrial electro-mechanics. Simulations were carried out in 3 conditions for 4states: (i) the control condition, representing the normal tissue (state 1) and the tissue 2–3months after cardio version (state 2) when the atrial tissue recovers its electrophysiological properties after completion of reverse electrophysiological remodelling; (ii) AFER-SR condition for AF-remodelled tissue with normal sinus rhythm (SR) (state 3); and (iii) AFER-AF condition for AF-remodeled tissue with re-entrant excitation waves (state 4). Our results indicate that at the cellular level, AFER (states 3 & 4) abbreviated action potentials and reduced the Ca2+content in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, resulting in a reduced amplitude of the intracellular Ca2+transient leading to decreased cell active force and cell shortening as compared to the control condition (states 1 & 2). Consequently at the whole organ level, atrial contraction in AFER-SR condition (state 3) was dramatically reduced. In the AFER-AF condition (state 4) atrial contraction was almost abolished

    Finite element simulations: computations and applications to aerodynamics and biomedicine.

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    171 p.Las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales describen muchos fenómenos de interés práctico y sus solucionessuelen necesitar correr simulaciones muy costosas en clústers de cálculo.En el ámbito de los flujos turbulentos, en particular, el coste de las simulaciones es demasiado grande sise utilizan métodos básicos, por eso es necesario modelizar el sistema.Esta tesis doctoral trata principalmente de dos temas en Cálculo Científico.Por un lado, estudiamos nuevos desarrollos en la modelización y simulación de flujos turbulentos;utilizamos un Método de Elementos Finitos adaptativo y un modelo de ¿número de Reynolds infinito¿para reducir el coste computacional de simulaciones que, sin estas modificaciones, serían demasiadocostosas.De esta manera conseguimos lograr simulaciones evolutivas de flujos turbulentos con número deReynolds muy grande, lo cual se considera uno de los mayores retos en aerodinámica.El otro pilar de esta tesis es una aplicación biomédica.Desarrollamos un modelo computacional de Ablación (Cardiaca) por Radiofrecuencia, una terapiacomún para tratar varias enfermedades, por ejemplo algunas arritmias.Nuestro modelo mejora los modelos existentes en varias maneras, y en particular en tratar de obteneruna aproximación fiel de la geometría del sistema, lo cual se descubre ser crítico para simularcorrectamente la física del fenómeno

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho