20 research outputs found


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    The analysis of retinal vasculature in digital fundus images is important for diagnosing eye related diseases. However, digital colour fundus images suffer from low and varied contrast, and are also affected by noise, requiring the use of fundus angiogram modality. The Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram (FFA) modality gives 5 to 6 time’s higher contrast. However, FFA is an invasive method that requires contrast agents to be injected and this can lead other physiological problems. A reported digital image enhancement technique named RETICA that combines Retinex and ICA (Independent Component Analysis) techniques, reduces varied contrast, and enhances the low contrast blood vessels of model fundus images

    Automated retinal analysis

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting over 2% of the population in the UK [1]. Long-term complications of diabetes can affect many different systems of the body including the retina of the eye. In the retina, diabetes can lead to a disease called diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of blindness in the working population of industrialised countries. The risk of visual loss from diabetic retinopathy can be reduced if treatment is given at the onset of sight-threatening retinopathy. To detect early indicators of the disease, the UK National Screening Committee have recommended that diabetic patients should receive annual screening by digital colour fundal photography [2]. Manually grading retinal images is a subjective and costly process requiring highly skilled staff. This thesis describes an automated diagnostic system based oil image processing and neural network techniques, which analyses digital fundus images so that early signs of sight threatening retinopathy can be identified. Within retinal analysis this research has concentrated on the development of four algorithms: optic nerve head segmentation, lesion segmentation, image quality assessment and vessel width measurements. This research amalgamated these four algorithms with two existing techniques to form an integrated diagnostic system. The diagnostic system when used as a 'pre-filtering' tool successfully reduced the number of images requiring human grading by 74.3%: this was achieved by identifying and excluding images without sight threatening maculopathy from manual screening

    Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Pathologies in Fundus Images

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    Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a disease that affects up to 80% of diabetics around the world. It is the second greatest cause of blindness in the Western world, and one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S. Many studies have demonstrated that early treatment can reduce the number of sight-threatening DR cases, mitigating the medical and economic impact of the disease. Accurate, early detection of eye disease is important because of its potential to reduce rates of blindness worldwide. Retinal photography for DR has been promoted for decades for its utility in both disease screening and clinical research studies. In recent years, several research centers have presented systems to detect pathology in retinal images. However, these approaches apply specialized algorithms to detect specific types of lesion in the retina. In order to detect multiple lesions, these systems generally implement multiple algorithms. Furthermore, some of these studies evaluate their algorithms on a single dataset, thus avoiding potential problems associated with the differences in fundus imaging devices, such as camera resolution. These methodologies primarily employ bottom-up approaches, in which the accurate segmentation of all the lesions in the retina is the basis for correct determination. A disadvantage of bottom-up approaches is that they rely on the accurate segmentation of all lesions in order to measure performance. On the other hand, top-down approaches do not depend on the segmentation of specific lesions. Thus, top-down methods can potentially detect abnormalities not explicitly used in their training phase. A disadvantage of these methods is that they cannot identify specific pathologies and require large datasets to build their training models. In this dissertation, I merged the advantages of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to detect DR with high accuracy. First, I developed an algorithm based on a top-down approach to detect abnormalities in the retina due to DR. By doing so, I was able to evaluate DR pathologies other than microaneurysms and exudates, which are the main focus of most current approaches. In addition, I demonstrated good generalization capacity of this algorithm by applying it to other eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration. Due to the fact that high accuracy is required for sight-threatening conditions, I developed two bottom-up approaches, since it has been proven that bottom-up approaches produce more accurate results than top-down approaches for particular structures. Consequently, I developed an algorithm to detect exudates in the macula. The presence of this pathology is considered to be a surrogate for clinical significant macular edema (CSME), a sight-threatening condition of DR. The analysis of the optic disc is usually not taken into account in DR screening systems. However, there is a pathology called neovascularization that is present in advanced stages of DR, making its detection of crucial clinical importance. In order to address this problem, I developed an algorithm to detect neovascularization in the optic disc. These algorithms are based on amplitude-modulation and frequency-modulation (AM-FM) representations, morphological image processing methods, and classification algorithms. The methods were tested on a diverse set of large databases and are considered to be the state-of the art in this field

    Mathematical Morphological Processing for Retinal Image Analysis

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    Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of the blindness in the western world. Digital retinal imaging with remote image evaluations is a promising new solution to accurately and precisely stage patients conveniently. The spot lesion detection is the primary step. Based on the mathematical morphology, we discussed two lesion extraction algorithms. To avoid over-segmentation, inner and outer markers are introduced into the marker controlled watershed segmentation method. Gradient image is generated by multi-color channels. Marked lesions can be successfully extracted with clear boundaries. The second method, the adaptive multiscale morphological processing, is a novel procedure to efficiently extract spot lesions in the fundus image. The relative contrast of lesions with the surrounding background is used as criteria, which are similar to the human vision property. Entropy-based thresholding can well distinguish lesions. Post processing removes misclassified areas and produces vascular tree. Both algorithms have been tested in the Clemson University's database.School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

    Automatic detection of microaneurysms in fundus images

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    Diabetická retinopatie je závažná komplikace diabetu mellitus. Vzniká jako důsledek celkového poškození cév při hyperglykemii a je jednou z hlavních příčin slepoty. Prvními klinicky prokazatelnými projevy diabetické retinopatie jsou mikroaneurysmata. Úkolem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout a realizovat detektor mikroaneurysmat ve snímcích sítnice. Teoretická část práce popisuje anatomii oka, diabetickou retinopatii a některé již existující metody detekce. Dále je popsána realizovaná metoda a zhodnoceny výsledky detekce.Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus. It develops as a result of total damage of vessels caused by hyperglycemia and it is one of major causes of blindness. The microaneurysms are the first clinically observed pathologies of diabetic retinopathy. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to propose and to implement an automated microaneurysm detector. Teoretical part describes the eye anatomy, diabetic retinopathy and some existing methods of automated detection. Next the implemented solution is described and the results of the detectin are evaluated.

    Detection of pathologies in retina digital images an empirical mode decomposition approach

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    Accurate automatic detection of pathologies in retina digital images offers a promising approach in clinicalapplications. This thesis employs the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to extract six statistical textural features from retina digital images. The statistical features are the mean, standard deviation, smoothness, third moment, uniformity, and entropy. The purpose is to classify normal and abnormal images. Five different pathologies are considered. They are Artery sheath (Coat’s disease), blot hemorrhage, retinal degeneration (circinates), age-related macular degeneration (drusens), and diabetic retinopathy (microaneurysms and exudates). Four classifiers are employed; including support vector machines (SVM), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), k-nearest neighbor algorithm (k-NN), and probabilistic neural networks (PNN). For each experiment, ten random folds are generated to perform cross-validation tests. In order to assess the performance of the classifiers, the average and standard deviation of the correct recognition rate, sensitivity and specificity are computed for each simulation. The experimental results highlight two main conclusions. First, they show the outstanding performance of EMD over DWT with all classifiers. Second, they demonstrate the superiority of the SVM classifier over QDA, k-NN, and PNN. Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) was employed to reduce the number of features in hope to improve the accuracy of classifiers. We find that there is no general and significant improvement of the performance, however. In sum, the EMD-SVM system provides a promising approach for the detection of pathologies in digital retina

    Microaneurysms and hemorrhages detection in retinal images

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    Diabetická retinopatie je vážnou oční komplikací diabetu mellitus a jedním z hlavních důvodů slepoty na světě. Mikroaneuryzmata a hemoragie jsou patologie diabetické retinopatie. Jejich včasná detekce může zpomalit průběh nemoci a zabránit možnému oslepnutí. Algoritmy detekcí by zároveň usnadnili práci oftalmologů. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá detekcí mikroaneuryzmat a hemoragií ve snímcích sítnice. V úvodní části je popsána diabetická retinopatie, typy lézí a možnosti léčby. Následuje uvedení několika již existujících detekcí. Praktická část se věnuje návrhu a řešení detekce červených lézí. Skládá se z několika kroků, vhodného výběru kanálu RGB snímku, lokální metody zvýraznění kontrastu snímku, zvýraznění hran, prahování, vytvoření trénovací množiny z vektoru příznaků a klasifikace pomocí neuronové sítě.Diabetic retinopathy is a serious eye complication of diabetes mellitus and one of the major causes of blindness in the world. The microaneurysms and the haemorrhages are the pathologies of diabetic retinopathy. Their detection can halt or reverse the progression of this disease and prevent blindness. The algorithms could be helpful to ophthalmologists. This bacherol’s thesis is concerned with the detection of microaneurysms and haemorrhages in fundus images. The diabetic retinopathy, the types of lesions and the treatment methods are described in the first part of the paper. Existing methods are described as follows. The practical part of this work is aimed at the proposal and the detection of the red lesions. It consists of several steps, such as selecting the correct channel of RGB images, using local methods of contrast enhancement, edge detection, thresholding, creating a training set of the feature vector and the classification with the use of the neutral network.

    Modélisation statistique des structures anatomiques de la rétine à partir d'images de fond d'oeil

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    L’examen non-invasif du fond d’oeil permet d’identifier sur la rétine les signes de nombreuses pathologies oculaires qui développent de graves symptômes pour le patient pouvant entraîner la cécité. Le réseau vasculaire rétinien peut de surcroît présenter des signes précurseurs de pathologies cardiovasculaires et cérébro-vasculaires. La rétine, où apparaissent ces pathologies, est constituée de plusieurs structures anatomiques dont la variabilité est importante au sein d’une population saine. Pour autant, les évaluations cliniques actuelles ne prennent pas en compte cette variabilité ce qui ne permet pas de détecter précocement ces pathologies. Ces évaluations se basent sur un ensemble restreint de mesures prélevées à partir de structures dont la segmentation manuelle est réalisable par les experts. De plus, elles sont basées sur un seuillage empirique déterminé par les cliniciens et appliqué sur chacune des mesures afin d’établir un diagnostic. Ainsi, les évaluations cliniques actuelles sont affectées par la grande variabilité des structures anatomiques de la rétine au sein de la population et elles n’évaluent pas les anomalies trop difficiles à mesurer manuellement. Dans ce contexte, il convient de proposer de nouvelles mesures cliniques qui tiennent compte de la variabilité normale à l’aide d’une modélisation statistique des structures anatomiques de la rétine. Cette modélisation statistique permet de mieux comprendre et identifier ce qui est normal et comment l’anatomie et ses attributs varient au sein d’une population saine. Cela permet ainsi d’identifier la présence de pathologies à l’aide de nouvelles mesures cliniques construites en tenant compte de la variabilité des attributs de l’anatomie. La modélisation statistique des structures anatomiques de la rétine est cependant difficile étant donné les variations morphologiques et topologiques de ces structures. Les changements morphologiques et topologiques du réseau vasculaire rétinien compliquent son analyse statistique ainsi que les outils de recalage, de segmentation et de représentation sémantique s’y appliquant. Les questions de recherches adressées dans cette thèse sont la production d’outils capables d’analyser la variabilité des structures anatomiques de la rétine et l’élaboration de nouvelles mesures cliniques tenant compte de la variabilité normale de ces structures. Pour répondre à ces questions de recherche, trois objectifs de recherche sont formulés. ----------ABSTRACT: Non-invasive retinal fundus examination allows clinicians to identify signs of many ocular conditions that develop critical symptoms affecting the patient and even leading to blindness. In addition, the retinal vascular network may present early signs of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The retina, where these pathologies appear, is composed of several anatomical structures whose variability is considerable within a healthy population. Yet, current clinical evaluations do not take into account this variability, and this does not allow early detection of these pathologies. These evaluations are based on a limited set of measurements taken from structures whose manual segmentation is achievable by the experts. In addition, they are based on empirical thresholding determined by the clinicians and applied to each of the measurements to establish a diagnosis. Thus, current clinical assessments are affected by the large variability of anatomical structures of the retina within a healthy population and do not evaluate abnormalities that are too difficult to measure manually. In this context, it is advisable to propose new clinical measurements that take into account the normal variability using statistical modeling of the anatomical structures of the retina. Such a statistical modeling approach helps us to better understand and identify what is normal and how the anatomy and its attributes vary across a healthy population. This makes it possible to identify the presence of pathologies using new clinical measurements constructed by taking into account the variability of the anatomy’s attributes. Statistical modeling of the anatomical structures of the retina is difficult, however, given the morphological and topological variations of these structures. Morphological and topological changes in the retinal vascular network complicate its statistical analysis as well as the registration methods, segmentation and semantic representation applied to it. The research questions proposed in this thesis pertain to creating tools capable of analyzing the variability of the anatomical structures of the retina and proposing new clinical measures that take into account the normal variability of those structures. To answer these research questions, three research objectives are formulated

    A retinal vasculature tracking system guided by a deep architecture

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    Many diseases such as diabetic retinopathy (DR) and cardiovascular diseases show their early signs on retinal vasculature. Analysing the vasculature in fundus images may provide a tool for ophthalmologists to diagnose eye-related diseases and to monitor their progression. These analyses may also facilitate the discovery of new relations between changes on retinal vasculature and the existence or progression of related diseases or to validate present relations. In this thesis, a data driven method, namely a Translational Deep Belief Net (a TDBN), is adapted to vasculature segmentation. The segmentation performance of the TDBN on low resolution images was found to be comparable to that of the best-performing methods. Later, this network is used for the implementation of super-resolution for the segmentation of high resolution images. This approach provided an acceleration during segmentation, which relates to down-sampling ratio of an input fundus image. Finally, the TDBN is extended for the generation of probability maps for the existence of vessel parts, namely vessel interior, centreline, boundary and crossing/bifurcation patterns in centrelines. These probability maps are used to guide a probabilistic vasculature tracking system. Although segmentation can provide vasculature existence in a fundus image, it does not give quantifiable measures for vasculature. The latter has more practical value in medical clinics. In the second half of the thesis, a retinal vasculature tracking system is presented. This system uses Particle Filters to describe vessel morphology and topology. Apart from previous studies, the guidance for tracking is provided with the combination of probability maps generated by the TDBN. The experiments on a publicly available dataset, REVIEW, showed that the consistency of vessel widths predicted by the proposed method was better than that obtained from observers. Moreover, very noisy and low contrast vessel boundaries, which were hardly identifiable to the naked eye, were accurately estimated by the proposed tracking system. Also, bifurcation/crossing locations during the course of tracking were detected almost completely. Considering these promising initial results, future work involves analysing the performance of the tracking system on automatic detection of complete vessel networks in fundus images.Open Acces