137 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Reranking Techniques For Web Image Search With Attribute –Assisted

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    Many commercial search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have been adopted this strategy. The search engines are mostly based on text and constrained due to user search by keyword which results into ambiguity among images. The noisy or irrelevant images may be present in the retrieved results. The purpose of web image search re-ranking is to reorder retrieved elements to get optimal rank list. The existing visual reranking schemes improve text-based search results by making the use of visual information. These methods are based on low-level visual features, and do not take into account the semantic relationship among images. Semantic attribute assisted re-ranking is proposed for web image search. Using the classifiers for predefined attributes, each image is represented by attribute features. The hypergraph is used to model the relationship between images. Hypergraph ranking is carried out to order the images. The basic principle is that similar images should have similar ranking. This paper presents a detail review of different image retrieval and reranking approaches. The purpose of the survey is to provide an overview and analysis of the functionality, merits, and demerits of the existing image reranking systems, which can be useful for researchers for developing effective system with more accuracy

    A Review on Attribute Based Image Search Reranking

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    Image search reranking is one of the effective approach to refine the text-based image search result. Text-based image retrieval suffers from essential problems that are lead to the incapability of the associated text to appropriately evoke the image content. In this paper, reranking methods are put forward to address this drawback in scalable fashion. Based on the classifiers for each and every predefined attributes,each and every  image is represented by an attribute feature consisting of the responses from these classifiers. This hypergraph can be used to model the relationship between images by integration of low-level visual features and attribute features. Hypergraph ranking is then performed to order the images. Its basic principle is that visually close images should have identical ranking scores. It improves the performance over the text-based image search engin

    Web Image re-ranking using Attribute Assisted Hypergraph

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    A hypergraph will be accustomed to model the connection between images by integrating low-level visual features and attribute features. Hypergraph ranking will be carried out to buy the pictures. Its fundamental principle is the fact that aesthetically similar images must have similar ranking scores. Image search Re-Ranking is an efficient method of refine the written text-based image Google listing. Most existing Re-Ranking approaches derive from low-level visual features. Within this paper, we advise to take advantage of semantic characteristics for image search Re-Ranking. In line with the classifiers for the predefined characteristics, each image is symbolized by a characteristic feature composed from the reactions from all of these classifiers. Within this work, we advise a visible-attribute joint hypergraph learning method of concurrently explore two information sources. We conduct experiments on greater than 1,000 queries in MSRA-MM V2. Dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the potency of our approach a hypergraph is built to model the connection of images

    A Fast Object Recognition Using Edge Texture Analysis for Image Retrieval

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    A Robust Object Recognition for Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) based on Discriminative Robust Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP) and Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) analysis. The Robust Object Recognition using edge and texture feature extraction. The extension of Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is called DRLBP. The category recognition system will be developed for application to image retrieval. The category recognition is to classify an object into one of several predefined categories. LBP is defined as an ordered set of binary comparisons of pixel intensities between the center pixel and its eight surrounding pixels .DRLBP features identifying the contrast information of image patterns. The proposed features preserve the contrast information of image patterns. The DRLBP discriminates an object like the object surface texture and the object shape formed by its boundary

    Attributes and action recognition based on convolutional neural networks and spatial pyramid VLAD encoding

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017.Determination of human attributes and recognition of actions in still images are two related and challenging tasks in computer vision, which often appear in fine-grained domains where the distinctions between the different categories are very small. Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models have demonstrated their remarkable representational learning capability through various examples. However, the successes are very limited for attributes and action recognition as the potential of CNNs to acquire both of the global and local information of an image remains largely unexplored. This paper proposes to tackle the problem with an encoding of a spatial pyramid Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) on top of CNN features. With region proposals generated by Edgeboxes, a compact and efficient representation of an image is thus produced for subsequent prediction of attributes and classification of actions. The proposed scheme is validated with competitive results on two benchmark datasets: 90.4% mean Average Precision (mAP) on the Berkeley Attributes of People dataset and 88.5% mAP on the Stanford 40 action dataset

    Computer vision beyond the visible : image understanding through language

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    In the past decade, deep neural networks have revolutionized computer vision. High performing deep neural architectures trained for visual recognition tasks have pushed the field towards methods relying on learned image representations instead of hand-crafted ones, in the seek of designing end-to-end learning methods to solve challenging tasks, ranging from long-lasting ones such as image classification to newly emerging tasks like image captioning. As this thesis is framed in the context of the rapid evolution of computer vision, we present contributions that are aligned with three major changes in paradigm that the field has recently experienced, namely 1) the power of re-utilizing deep features from pre-trained neural networks for different tasks, 2) the advantage of formulating problems with end-to-end solutions given enough training data, and 3) the growing interest of describing visual data with natural language rather than pre-defined categorical label spaces, which can in turn enable visual understanding beyond scene recognition. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the problem of visual instance search, where we particularly focus on obtaining meaningful and discriminative image representations which allow efficient and effective retrieval of similar images given a visual query. Contributions in this part of the thesis involve the construction of sparse Bag-of-Words image representations from convolutional features from a pre-trained image classification neural network, and an analysis of the advantages of fine-tuning a pre-trained object detection network using query images as training data. The second part of the thesis presents contributions to the problem of image-to-set prediction, understood as the task of predicting a variable-sized collection of unordered elements for an input image. We conduct a thorough analysis of current methods for multi-label image classification, which are able to solve the task in an end-to-end manner by simultaneously estimating both the label distribution and the set cardinality. Further, we extend the analysis of set prediction methods to semantic instance segmentation, and present an end-to-end recurrent model that is able to predict sets of objects (binary masks and categorical labels) in a sequential manner. Finally, the third part of the dissertation takes insights learned in the previous two parts in order to present deep learning solutions to connect images with natural language in the context of cooking recipes and food images. First, we propose a retrieval-based solution in which the written recipe and the image are encoded into compact representations that allow the retrieval of one given the other. Second, as an alternative to the retrieval approach, we propose a generative model to predict recipes directly from food images, which first predicts ingredients as sets and subsequently generates the rest of the recipe one word at a time by conditioning both on the image and the predicted ingredients.En l'última dècada, les xarxes neuronals profundes han revolucionat el camp de la visió per computador. Els resultats favorables obtinguts amb arquitectures neuronals profundes entrenades per resoldre tasques de reconeixement visual han causat un canvi de paradigma cap al disseny de mètodes basats en representacions d'imatges apreses de manera automàtica, deixant enrere les tècniques tradicionals basades en l'enginyeria de representacions. Aquest canvi ha permès l'aparició de tècniques basades en l'aprenentatge d'extrem a extrem (end-to-end), capaces de resoldre de manera efectiva molts dels problemes tradicionals de la visió per computador (e.g. classificació d'imatges o detecció d'objectes), així com nous problemes emergents com la descripció textual d'imatges (image captioning). Donat el context de la ràpida evolució de la visió per computador en el qual aquesta tesi s'emmarca, presentem contribucions alineades amb tres dels canvis més importants que la visió per computador ha experimentat recentment: 1) la reutilització de representacions extretes de models neuronals pre-entrenades per a tasques auxiliars, 2) els avantatges de formular els problemes amb solucions end-to-end entrenades amb grans bases de dades, i 3) el creixent interès en utilitzar llenguatge natural en lloc de conjunts d'etiquetes categòriques pre-definits per descriure el contingut visual de les imatges, facilitant així l'extracció d'informació visual més enllà del reconeixement de l'escena i els elements que la composen La primera part de la tesi està dedicada al problema de la cerca d'imatges (image retrieval), centrada especialment en l'obtenció de representacions visuals significatives i discriminatòries que permetin la recuperació eficient i efectiva d'imatges donada una consulta formulada amb una imatge d'exemple. Les contribucions en aquesta part de la tesi inclouen la construcció de representacions Bag-of-Words a partir de descriptors locals obtinguts d'una xarxa neuronal entrenada per classificació, així com un estudi dels avantatges d'utilitzar xarxes neuronals per a detecció d'objectes entrenades utilitzant les imatges d'exemple, amb l'objectiu de millorar les capacitats discriminatòries de les representacions obtingudes. La segona part de la tesi presenta contribucions al problema de predicció de conjunts a partir d'imatges (image to set prediction), entès com la tasca de predir una col·lecció no ordenada d'elements de longitud variable donada una imatge d'entrada. En aquest context, presentem una anàlisi exhaustiva dels mètodes actuals per a la classificació multi-etiqueta d'imatges, que són capaços de resoldre la tasca de manera integral calculant simultàniament la distribució probabilística sobre etiquetes i la cardinalitat del conjunt. Seguidament, estenem l'anàlisi dels mètodes de predicció de conjunts a la segmentació d'instàncies semàntiques, presentant un model recurrent capaç de predir conjunts d'objectes (representats per màscares binàries i etiquetes categòriques) de manera seqüencial. Finalment, la tercera part de la tesi estén els coneixements apresos en les dues parts anteriors per presentar solucions d'aprenentatge profund per connectar imatges amb llenguatge natural en el context de receptes de cuina i imatges de plats cuinats. En primer lloc, proposem una solució basada en algoritmes de cerca, on la recepta escrita i la imatge es codifiquen amb representacions compactes que permeten la recuperació d'una donada l'altra. En segon lloc, com a alternativa a la solució basada en algoritmes de cerca, proposem un model generatiu capaç de predir receptes (compostes pels seus ingredients, predits com a conjunts, i instruccions) directament a partir d'imatges de menjar.Postprint (published version

    Large-scale interactive exploratory visual search

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    Large scale visual search has been one of the challenging issues in the era of big data. It demands techniques that are not only highly effective and efficient but also allow users conveniently express their information needs and refine their intents. In this thesis, we focus on developing an exploratory framework for large scale visual search. We also develop a number of enabling techniques in this thesis, including compact visual content representation for scalable search, near duplicate video shot detection, and action based event detection. We propose a novel scheme for extremely low bit rate visual search, which sends compressed visual words consisting of vocabulary tree histogram and descriptor orientations rather than descriptors. Compact representation of video data is achieved through identifying keyframes of a video which can also help users comprehend visual content efficiently. We propose a novel Bag-of-Importance model for static video summarization. Near duplicate detection is one of the key issues for large scale visual search, since there exist a large number nearly identical images and videos. We propose an improved near-duplicate video shot detection approach for more effective shot representation. Event detection has been one of the solutions for bridging the semantic gap in visual search. We particular focus on human action centred event detection. We propose an enhanced sparse coding scheme to model human actions. Our proposed approach is able to significantly reduce computational cost while achieving recognition accuracy highly comparable to the state-of-the-art methods. At last, we propose an integrated solution for addressing the prime challenges raised from large-scale interactive visual search. The proposed system is also one of the first attempts for exploratory visual search. It provides users more robust results to satisfy their exploring experiences