3,847 research outputs found

    Locally weighted learning: How and when does it work in Bayesian networks?

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    © 2016, Taylor and Francis Ltd. All rights reserved. Bayesian network (BN), a simple graphical notation for conditional independence assertions, is promised to represent the probabilistic relationships between diseases and symptoms. Learning the structure of a Bayesian network classifier (BNC) encodes conditional independence assumption between attributes, which may deteriorate the classification performance. One major approach to mitigate the BNC’s primary weakness (the attributes independence assumption) is the locally weighted approach. And this type of approach has been proved to achieve good performance for naive Bayes, a BNC with simple structure. However, we do not know whether or how effective it works for improving the performance of the complex BNC. In this paper, we first do a survey on the complex structure models for BNCs and their improvements, then carry out a systematically experimental analysis to investigate the effectiveness of locally weighted method for complex BNCs, e.g., tree-augmented naive Bayes (TAN), averaged one-dependence estimators AODE and hidden naive Bayes (HNB), measured by classification accuracy (ACC) and the area under the ROC curve ranking (AUC). Experiments and comparisons on 36 benchmark data sets collected from University of California, Irvine (UCI) in Weka system demonstrate that locally weighting technologies just slightly outperforms unweighted complex BNCs on ACC and AUC. In other words, although locally weighting could significantly improve the performance of NB (a BNC with simple structure), it could not work well on BNCs with complex structures. This is because the performance improvements of BNCs are attributed to their structures not the locally weighting

    SODE: Self-Adaptive One-Dependence Estimators for classification

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. SuperParent-One-Dependence Estimators (SPODEs) represent a family of semi-naive Bayesian classifiers which relax the attribute independence assumption of Naive Bayes (NB) to allow each attribute to depend on a common single attribute (superparent). SPODEs can effectively handle data with attribute dependency but still inherent NB's key advantages such as computational efficiency and robustness for high dimensional data. In reality, determining an optimal superparent for SPODEs is difficult. One common approach is to use weighted combinations of multiple SPODEs, each having a different superparent with a properly assigned weight value (i.e., a weight value is assigned to each attribute). In this paper, we propose a self-adaptive SPODEs, namely SODE, which uses immunity theory in artificial immune systems to automatically and self-adaptively select the weight for each single SPODE. SODE does not need to know the importance of individual SPODE nor the relevance among SPODEs, and can flexibly and efficiently search optimal weight values for each SPODE during the learning process. Extensive experiments and comparisons on 56 benchmark data sets, and validations on image and text classification, demonstrate that SODE outperforms state-of-the-art weighted SPODE algorithms and is suitable for a wide range of learning tasks. Results also confirm that SODE provides an appropriate balance between runtime efficiency and accuracy

    Absolute Correlation Weighted Naïve Bayes for Software Defect Prediction

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    The maintenance phase of the software project can be very expensive for the developer team and harmful to the users because some flawed software modules. It can be avoided by detecting defects as early as possible. Software defect prediction will provide an opportunity for the developer team to test modules or files that have a high probability defect. Naïve Bayes has been used to predict software defects. However, Naive Bayes assumes all attributes are equally important and are not related each other while, in fact, this assumption is not true in many cases. Absolute value of correlation coefficient has been proposed as weighting method to overcome Naïve Bayes assumptions. In this study, Absolute Correlation Weighted Naïve Bayes have been proposed. The results of parametric test on experiment results show that the proposed method improve the performance of Naïve Bayes for classifying defect-prone on software defect prediction

    Automated Model Selection with AMSFin a production process of the automotive industry

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    Machine learning, statistics and knowledge engineering provide a broad variety of supervised learning algorithms for classification. In this paper we introduce the Automated Model Selection Framework (AMSF) which presents automatic and semi-automatic methods to select classifiers. To achieve this we split up the selection process into three distinct phases. Two of those select algorithms by static rules which are derived from a manually created knowledgebase. At this stage of AMSF the user can choose between different rankers in the third phase. Currently, we use instance based learning and a scoring scheme for ranking the classifiers. After evaluation of different rankers we will recommend the most successful to the user by default. Besides describing the architecture and design issues, we additionally point out the versatile ways AMSF is applied in a production process of the automotive industr

    Recognition of Promoters in DNA Sequences Using Weightily Averaged One-dependence Estimators

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    AbstractThe completion of the human genome project in the last decade has generated a strong demand in computational analysis techniques in order to fully exploit the acquired human genome database. The human genome project generated a perplexing mass of genetic data which necessitates automatic genome annotation. There is a growing interest in the process of gene finding and gene recognition from DNA sequences. In genetics, a promoter is a segment of a DNA that marks the starting point of transcription of a particular gene. Therefore, recognizing promoters is a one step towards gene finding in DNA sequences. Promoters also play a fundamental role in many other vital cellular processes. Aberrant promoters can cause a wide range of diseases including cancers. This paper describes a state-of-the-art machine learning based approach called weightily averaged one-dependence estimators to tackle the problem of recognizing promoters in genetic sequences. To lower the computational complexity and to increase the generalization capability of the system, we employ an entropy-based feature extraction approach to select relevant nucleotides that are directly responsible for promoter recognition. We carried out experiments on a dataset extracted from the biological literature for a proof-of-concept. The proposed system has achieved an accuracy of 97.17% in classifying promoters. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our framework and encourage us to extend the framework to recognize promoter sequences in various species of higher eukaryotes

    RascalC: A Jackknife Approach to Estimating Single and Multi-Tracer Galaxy Covariance Matrices

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    To make use of clustering statistics from large cosmological surveys, accurate and precise covariance matrices are needed. We present a new code to estimate large scale galaxy two-point correlation function (2PCF) covariances in arbitrary survey geometries that, due to new sampling techniques, runs 104\sim 10^4 times faster than previous codes, computing finely-binned covariance matrices with negligible noise in less than 100 CPU-hours. As in previous works, non-Gaussianity is approximated via a small rescaling of shot-noise in the theoretical model, calibrated by comparing jackknife survey covariances to an associated jackknife model. The flexible code, RascalC, has been publicly released, and automatically takes care of all necessary pre- and post-processing, requiring only a single input dataset (without a prior 2PCF model). Deviations between large scale model covariances from a mock survey and those from a large suite of mocks are found to be be indistinguishable from noise. In addition, the choice of input mock are shown to be irrelevant for desired noise levels below 105\sim 10^5 mocks. Coupled with its generalization to multi-tracer data-sets, this shows the algorithm to be an excellent tool for analysis, reducing the need for large numbers of mock simulations to be computed.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Code is available at http://github.com/oliverphilcox/RascalC with documentation at http://rascalc.readthedocs.io