9 research outputs found

    Control Architecture and Simulation of the Borea Quadrotor

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    The paper presents modelling, control design and simulated results preliminary to test the Borea quadrotor. Guidance, navigation and control strategy are implemented following the Embedded Model Control (EMC) schem

    Fuzzy logic based pid control of quadcopter altitude and attitude stabilization

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    This paper presents the development and implementation fuzzy logic based PID control algorithm for a quadcopter system. The quadcopter consists four motors with four propellers placed on the ends. The rotors are directed upwards and they are placed in a square formation with equal distance from the center of mass of the quadcopter. Four different scenarios are presented: altitude movement, pitch, roll and yaw angle. For the all cases 6-DOF model is derived and used. The quadcopter can be perceived as a challenging control problem due to its high nonlinearity, even with four motors it is underactuated and cannot move translative without rotating about one of its axes. The main objective of the controller is to propose a suitable solution for the problem associated with the control of quadcopter. A fuzzy controller was designed according to the process characteristics. The simulation results were carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The corresponding figures and simulation results are presented. The performance of suggested fuzzy controllers is discussed and analysed. Comparing the performance of the proportional and derivative (PD) controller tuned by Zeiger-Nichols method and proportional, integral and derivative (PID) tuned by partial swarm optimization (PSO) results depict that fuzzy logic based PID controller give a better performance in terms of transient responses, steady state responses and overshoot error

    Sistem Kendali Penerbangan Quadrotor pada Keadaan Melayang dengan Metode LQR dan Kalman Filter

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    Quadrotor is a type of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) with four propellers and four rotor. Quadrotor as flying robots has the advantage to take off and land vertically. In addition quadrotor also has the ability to fly hovered near a stationary state. However quadrotor had some difficulties to operate. One of these difficulties is to make quadrotor be able to fly and maintain the stationary state of the Euler angles (roll, pitch, and yaw). Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) as one of the modern control method which has the advantage of maintaining the conditions on the ground. This method can be combined with Kalman filter algorithm. It aims to reduce measurement error from the process sensor fusion and maintain Euler angles (roll, pitch and yaw).Kalman filter aims to reduce the measurement error of the sensor fusion. Then the output of Kalman filter algorithm becomes the input state for control LQR the roll angle and pitch angle. Input state is multiplied with the negative feedback  as process systems. The results are converted into pulses to rotate the brushless motor so quadrotor can fly stably.The test results showed quadrotor while maintaining stability against roll angle has overshoot of 0.35 ° and the pitch angle has overshoot of 2 °

    Design and Demonstration of a Two-Dimentional Test Bed for UAV Controller Evaluation

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    A three degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar test bed for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) controller evaluation was built. The test-bed consists of an instrumented tether and an experimental twin-rotor, planar UAV mounted with a one DOF manipulator mounted below the UAV body. The tether was constructed to constrain the UAV under test to motion on the surface of a sphere. Experiments can be conducted through the tether, approximating motion in a vertical plane by a UAV under test. The tether provides the means to measure the position and attitude of the UAV under test. The experimental twin-rotor UAV and one-link on-board manipulator, were designed and built to explore a unified control strategy for Manipulator on VTOL Aircraft (MOVA), in which the interaction of UAV body dynamics with the manipulator motion is of primary interest. The dynamics of the propulsion unit was characterized through experiments, based on which a phase lead compensator was designed to improve the UAV frequency response. A \u27separate\u27 controller based on independent nonlinear control of the VTOL aircraft and PD linear control of the on-board manipulator was designed as a reference for comparison to the unified MOVA controller. Tests with the separate controller show the negative effect that a coupled manipulator can have on the UAV body motion, while the tests on MOVA show the potential benefit of explicit compensation of the UAV and manipulator interaction

    Double Coupling Between Inertial Sensors and Visual Odometry in Multicopters

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    This article presents a system for determining the position and orientation of unmanned aerial vehicles. The system has two hardware layers coupled in both directions. One layer stabilizes the vehicle while the other determines lateral displacements. The two-directional coupling between layers allows the system to minimize estimation errors. The proposed implementation is evaluated on real hardware and evaluation results show that a real time implementation is feasible.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Quadrocopter - Sensory Subsytem

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem zpracování dat z inerciálního navigačního systému za účelem stabilizace létajícího vzdušného prostředku - tzv. quadrokopteru. Nejprve podává obecné informace o létajících vzdušných prostředcích tzv. kopterech, dále je vytvořen matematický model quadrokopteru ve formě stavového popisu, je popsána konkrétní použitá realizace quadrokopteru, pomocí vytvořeného modelu je navrhnuto zpracování dat ze snímačů a nakonec jsou uvedeny naměřené výsledky. V závěru je pak zhodnocení dosažených výsledků a návrhy k dalšímu vývoji projektu.This diploma thesis deals with processing of measured data from inertial navigation system in order these could be used for stabilization. There is general information about aerial vehicles called copters with emphasis on four-rotor construction called quadrocopter at first. Then mathematical model of quadrocopter in state space form is derived, the particular implementation of university developed quadrocopter is described and the design of data processing algorithm is presented with measured results. Finally achieved results are discussed.


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    This dissertation aims to develop algorithms of guidance and control for propulsive terminal phase planetary landing, including a piloting strategy. The algorithms developed here are based on the Embedded Model Control (EMC) principles. Currently, the planetary entry descent and landing are important issues, landing on Mars and Moon has been scientifically rewarding; successful landed robotic systems on the surface of Mars have been achieved. Projects as Mars Science Laboratory MSL inter alia have achieved a successful landing. These new approaches are focused in delivering large amounts of mass with a low uncertainty and in performing the entry, descent and landing sequence for human exploration. The dissertation is divided in two parts, the first part is focused on Pinpoint landing algorithms, piloting definition and its integration with guidance; some simulations runs are provided. The second part of this research describes the Borea project. It shows the modelling of quadrotor dynamics and kinematics. Its propulsive system is studied and an alternative methodology for the propeller modelling is presented. The embedded model control for quadrotor vehicles is developed. Test of GNC algorithms for planetary landing were studied and simulated. The dissertation is divided in two parts, the first part is focused on Pinpoint landing algorithms, piloting definition and its integration with guidance, some simulations runs are provided. The second part of this research describes the Borea project. shows modelling of quadrotor dynamics and kinematics. Its propulsive system is studied and an alternative methodology for the propeller modelling is presented. The embedded model control for quadrotor vehicles is developed. Test of GNC algorithms for planetary landing were studied and simulated

    Desenvolvimento de um robô quadrotor autónomo

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesExiste actualmente um interesse visível por parte de grupos de investigação e entusiastas em veículos aéreos não tripulados de descolagem e aterragem vertical, especialmente numa aeronave denominada de quadrotor. Este interesse surge, em grande parte, devido _a capacidade destes veículos desempenharem funções em ambientes de difícil acesso ao homem. O Grupo de Actividade Transversal em Robótica Inteligente (ATRI) do Instituto de Engenharia Eletrónica e Telemática de Aveiro (IEETA) com experiência em diversos tipos de plataformas robóticas terrestres, pretende iniciar o estudo neste tipo de aeronaves com o objectivo de, a prazo, as tornar totalmente autónomas. Esta dissertação consiste, consequentemente, no estudo da dinâmica neste tipo de veículos, assim como na construção de um primeiro protótipo de testes. São descritas as varias etapas de construção, desde a escolha dos componentes, desenvolvimento de uma placa de controlo e estabilização _a assemblagem final da aeronave. São explicados quais os sensores necessários para efectuar a estimativa da orientação do veiculo, assim como a implementação de filtros de fusão sensorial para uma estimativa mais precisa. Alem disso, e descrito do algoritmo de controlo PID aplicado para controlo e estabilização do quadrotor. No final são expostos os testes realizados e os resultados experimentais, retirando conclusões para trabalhos futuros.Nowadays, many research groups and enthusiasts developed an interest in Vertical Take Of and Landing (VTOL) vehicles due to the ability to perform tasks in hazardous environments for human beings. The Transverse Activity on Intelligent Robotics (ATRI) research group, part of the Institute of Electronics and Telematics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA), which has a lot of experience in terrestrial robots, wants to start the research in these kind of aircrafts, setting the future goal of developing a fully autonomous quadrotor. Therefore, this dissertation overviews the study of the quadrotor dynamics and the developing of a rst version of a VTOL prototype. Several stages of research are discussed, since the components selection, the required sensors to estimate the quadrotor attitude and the implemented fusion lters to improve that estimation. The implemented control algorithms( PID) necessary to perform control and stabilization are also discussed. Finally, the experimental results are presented, followed by the conclusions and future work