2,044 research outputs found

    Atrial Activity Extraction for Atrial Fibrillation Analysis Using Blind Source Separation

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    Wavelet entropy as a measure of ventricular beat suppression from the electrocardiogram in atrial fibrillation

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    A novel method of quantifying the effectiveness of the suppression of ventricular activity from electrocardiograms (ECGs) in atrial fibrillation is proposed. The temporal distribution of the energy of wavelet coefficients is quantified by wavelet entropy at each ventricular beat. More effective ventricular activity suppression yields increased entropies at scales dominated by the ventricular and atrial components of the ECG. Two studies are undertaken to demonstrate the efficacy of the method: first, using synthesised ECGs with controlled levels of residual ventricular activity, and second, using patient recordings with ventricular activity suppressed by an average beat template subtraction algorithm. In both cases wavelet entropy is shown to be a good measure of the effectiveness of ventricular beat suppression

    Extraction of the atrial activity from the ECG based on independent component analysis with prior knowledge of the source kurtosis signs

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    In this work it will be shown that a contrast for independent component analysis based on prior knowledge of the source kurtosis signs (ica-sks) is able to extract atrial activity from the electrocardiogram when a constrained updating is introduced. A spectral concentration measure is used, only allowing signal pair updates when spectral concentration augments. This strategy proves to be valid for independent source extraction with priors on the spectral concentration. Moreover, the method is computationally attractive with a very low complexity compared to the recently proposed methods based on spatiotemporal extraction of the atrial fibrillation signal

    Atrial signal extraction in atrial fibrillation ECGs exploiting spatial constraints

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    International audienceThe accuracy in the extraction of the atrial activity (AA) from electrocardiogram (ECG) signals recorded during atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes plays an important role in the analysis and characterization of atrial arrhhythmias. The present contribution puts forward a new method for AA signal automatic extraction based on a blind source separation (BSS) formulation that exploits spatial information about the AA during the T-Q segments. This prior knowledge is used to optimize the spectral content of the AA signal estimated by BSS on the full ECG recording. The comparative performance of the method is evaluated on real data recorded from AF sufferers. The AA extraction quality of the proposed technique is comparable to that of previous algorithms, but is achieved at a reduced cost and without manual selection of parameters

    Principal component analysis of atrial fibrillation: Inclusion of posterior ECG leads does not improve correlation with left atrial activity

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    Background Lead V? is routinely analysed due to its large amplitude AF waveform. V? correlates strongly with right atrial activity but only moderately with left atrial activity. Posterior lead V? correlates strongest with left atrial activity. Aims (1) To establish whether surface dominant AF frequency (DAF) calculated using principal component analysis (PCA) of a modified 12-lead ECG (including posterior leads) has a stronger correlation with left atrial activity compared to the standard ECG. (2) To assess the contribution of individual ECG leads to the AF principal component in both ECG configurations. Methods Patients were assigned to modified or standard ECG groups. In the modified ECG, posterior leads V? and V? replaced V? and V?. AF waveform was extracted from one-minute surface ECG recordings using PCA. Surface DAF was correlated with intracardiac DAF from the high right atrium (HRA), coronary sinus (CS) and pulmonary veins (PVs). Results 96 patients were studied. Surface DAF from the modified ECG did not have a stronger correlation with left atrial activity compared to the standard ECG. Both ECG configurations correlated strongly with HRA, CS and right PVs but only moderately with left PVs. V? contributed most to the AF principal component in both ECG configurations

    Characterization and processing of atrial fibrillation episodes by convolutive blind source separation algorithms and nonlinear analysis of spectral features

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    Las arritmias supraventriculares, en particular la fibrilación auricular (FA), son las enfermedades cardíacas más comúnmente encontradas en la práctica clínica rutinaria. La prevalencia de la FA es inferior al 1\% en la población menor de 60 años, pero aumenta de manera significativa a partir de los 70 años, acercándose al 10\% en los mayores de 80. El padecimiento de un episodio de FA sostenida, además de estar ligado a una mayor tasa de mortalidad, aumenta la probabilidad de sufrir tromboembolismo, infarto de miocardio y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Por otro lado, los episodios de FA paroxística, aquella que termina de manera espontánea, son los precursores de la FA sostenida, lo que suscita un alto interés entre la comunidad científica por conocer los mecanismos responsables de perpetuar o conducir a la terminación espontánea de los episodios de FA. El análisis del ECG de superficie es la técnica no invasiva más extendida en la diagnosis médica de las patologías cardíacas. Para utilizar el ECG como herramienta de estudio de la FA, se necesita separar la actividad auricular (AA) de las demás señales cardioeléctricas. En este sentido, las técnicas de Separación Ciega de Fuentes (BSS) son capaces de realizar un análisis estadístico multiderivación con el objetivo de recuperar un conjunto de fuentes cardioeléctricas independientes, entre las cuales se encuentra la AA. A la hora de abordar un problema de BSS, se hace necesario considerar un modelo de mezcla de las fuentes lo más ajustado posible a la realidad para poder desarrollar algoritmos matemáticos que lo resuelvan. Un modelo viable es aquel que supone mezclas lineales. Dentro del modelo de mezclas lineales se puede además hacer la restricción de que estas sean instantáneas. Este modelo de mezcla lineal instantánea es el utilizado en el Análisis de Componentes Independientes (ICA).Vayá Salort, C. (2010). Characterization and processing of atrial fibrillation episodes by convolutive blind source separation algorithms and nonlinear analysis of spectral features [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8416Palanci

    Löwner-Based Tensor Decomposition for Blind Source Separation in Atrial Fibrillation ECGs

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    International audienceThe estimation of the atrial activity (AA) signal in electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings is an important step in the noninvasive analysis of atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice. Recently, this blind source separation (BSS) problem has been formulated as a tensor factorization, based on the block term decomposition (BTD) of a data tensor built from Hankel matrices of the observed ECG. However, this tensor factorization technique was precisely assessed only in segments with long R-R intervals and with the AA well defined in the TQ segment, where ventricular activity (VA) is absent. Due to the chaotic nature of AA in AF, segments with disorganized or weak AA and with short R-R intervals are quite more common in persistent AF, posing some difficulties to the BSS methods to extract the AA signal, regarding performance and computational cost. In this paper, the BTD built from Löwner matrices is proposed as a method to separate VA from AA in these challenging scenarios. Experimental results obtained in a population of 10 patients show that the Löwner-based BTD outperforms the Hankel-based BTD and two well-known matrix-based methods in terms of atrial signal estimation quality and computational cost

    Applications of Signal Analysis to Atrial Fibrillation

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    This work was supported by projects TEC2010–20633 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and PPII11–0194–8121 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaRieta Ibañez, JJ.; Alcaraz Martínez, R. (2013). Applications of Signal Analysis to Atrial Fibrillation. En Atrial Fibrillation - Mechanisms and Treatment. InTech. 155-180. https://doi.org/10.5772/5340915518

    Advances in Digital Processing of Low-Amplitude Components of Electrocardiosignals

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    This manual has been published within the framework of the BME-ENA project under the responsibility of National Technical University of Ukraine. The BME-ENA “Biomedical Engineering Education Tempus Initiative in Eastern Neighbouring Area”, Project Number: 543904-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPCR is a Joint Project within the TEMPUS IV program. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.Навчальний посібник присвячено розробці методів та засобів для неінвазивного виявлення та дослідження тонких проявів електричної активності серця. Особлива увага приділяється вдосконаленню інформаційного та алгоритмічного забезпечення систем електрокардіографії високого розрізнення для ранньої діагностики електричної нестабільності міокарда, а також для оцінки функціонального стану плоду під час вагітності. Теоретичні основи супроводжуються прикладами реалізації алгоритмів за допомогою системи MATLAB. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів, аспірантів, а також фахівців у галузі біомедичної електроніки та медичних працівників.The teaching book is devoted to development and research of methods and tools for non-invasive detection of subtle manifistations of heart electrical activity. Particular attention is paid to the improvement of information and algorithmic support of high resolution electrocardiography for early diagnosis of myocardial electrical instability, as well as for the evaluation of the functional state of the fetus during pregnancy examination. The theoretical basis accompanied by the examples of implementation of the discussed algorithms with the help of MATLAB. The teaching book is intended for students, graduate students, as well as specialists in the field of biomedical electronics and medical professionals

    Non-invasive estimation of left atrial dominant frequency in atrial fibrillation from different electrode sites: Insight from body surface potential mapping

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    © 2014, CardioFront LLC. All rights reserved. The dominant driving sources of atrial fibrillation are often found in the left atrium, but the expression of left atrial activation on the body surface is poorly understood. Using body surface potential mapping and simultaneous invasive measurements of left atrial activation our aim was to describe the expression of the left atrial dominant fibrillation frequency across the body surface. 20 patients in atrial fibrillation were studied. The spatial distributions of the dominant atrial fibrillation frequency across anterior and posterior sites on the body surface were quantified. Their relationship with invasive left atrial dominant fibrillation frequency was assessed by linear regression analysis, and the coefficient of determination was calculated for each body surface site. The correlation between intracardiac and body surface dominant frequency was significantly higher with posterior compared with anterior sites (coefficient of determination 67±8% vs 48±2%,