55 research outputs found

    Leveraging Task-Based Polar Decomposition Using PARSEC on Massively Parallel Systems

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    International audienceThis paper describes how to leverage a task-based implementation of the polar decomposition on massively parallel systems using the PARSEC dynamic runtime system. Based on a formulation of the iterative QR Dynamically-Weighted Halley (QDWH) algorithm, our novel implementation reduces data traffic while exploiting high concurrency from the underlying hardware architecture. First, we replace the most time-consuming classical QR factorization phase with a new hierarchical variant, customized for the specific structure of the matrix during the QDWH iterations. The newly developed hierarchical QR for QDWH exploits not only the matrix structure, but also shortens the length of the critical path to maximize hardware occupancy. We then deploy PARSEC to seamlessly orchestrate, pipeline, and track the data dependencies of the various linear algebra building blocks involved during the iterative QDWH algorithm. PARSEC enables to overlap communications with computations thanks to its asynchronous scheduling of fine-grained computational tasks. It employs look-ahead techniques to further expose parallelism, while actively pursuing the critical path. In addition, we identify synergistic opportunities between the task-based QDWH algorithm and the PARSEC framework. We exploit them during the hierarchical QR factorization to enforce a locality-aware task execution. The latter feature permits to minimize the expensive inter-node communication, which represents one of the main bottlenecks for scaling up applications on challenging distributed-memory systems. We report numerical accuracy and performance results using well and ill-conditioned matrices. The benchmarking campaign reveals up to 2X performance speedup against the existing state-of-the-art implementation for the polar decomposition on 36,864 cores

    High-performance SVD partial spectrum computation

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    We introduce a new singular value decomposition (SVD) solver based on the QR-based Dynamically Weighted Halley (QDWH) algorithm for computing the partial spectrum SVD (QDWHpartial-SVD) problems. By optimizing the rational function underlying the algorithms in the desired part of the spectrum only, the QDWHpartial-SVD algorithm efficiently computes a fraction (say 1-20%) of the leading singular values/vectors. We develop a high-performance implementation of QDWHpartial-SVD 1 on distributed-memory manycore systems and demonstrate its numerical robustness. We perform a benchmarking campaign against counterparts from the state-of-theart numerical libraries across various matrix sizes using up to 36K MPI processes. Experimental results show performance speedups for QDWHpartial-SVD up to 6X and 2X against vendor-optimized PDGESVD from ScaLAPACK and KSVD on a Cray XC40 system using 1152 nodes based on two-socket 16-core Intel Haswell CPU, respectively. We also port our QDWHpartial-SVD software library to a system composed of 256 nodes with two-socket 64-Core AMD EPYC Milan CPU and achieve performance speedup up to 4X compared to vendor-optimized PDGESVD from ScaLAPACK. We also compare energy consumption for the two algorithms and demonstrate how QDWHpartial-SVD can further outperform PDGESVD in that regard by performing fewer memory-bound operations

    Many-core and heterogeneous architectures: programming models and compilation toolchains

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    1noL'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmentopen677. INGEGNERIA INFORMATInopartially_openembargoed_20211002Barchi, Francesc

    XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language

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    XcalableMP is a directive-based parallel programming language based on Fortran and C, supporting a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model for distributed memory parallel systems. This open access book presents XcalableMP language from its programming model and basic concept to the experience and performance of applications described in XcalableMP.  XcalableMP was taken as a parallel programming language project in the FLAGSHIP 2020 project, which was to develop the Japanese flagship supercomputer, Fugaku, for improving the productivity of parallel programing. XcalableMP is now available on Fugaku and its performance is enhanced by the Fugaku interconnect, Tofu-D. The global-view programming model of XcalableMP, inherited from High-Performance Fortran (HPF), provides an easy and useful solution to parallelize data-parallel programs with directives for distributed global array and work distribution and shadow communication. The local-view programming adopts coarray notation from Coarray Fortran (CAF) to describe explicit communication in a PGAS model. The language specification was designed and proposed by the XcalableMP Specification Working Group organized in the PC Consortium, Japan. The Omni XcalableMP compiler is a production-level reference implementation of XcalableMP compiler for C and Fortran 2008, developed by RIKEN CCS and the University of Tsukuba. The performance of the XcalableMP program was used in the Fugaku as well as the K computer. A performance study showed that XcalableMP enables a scalable performance comparable to the message passing interface (MPI) version with a clean and easy-to-understand programming style requiring little effort

    Towards Intelligent Runtime Framework for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems

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    Scientific applications strive for increased memory and computing performance, requiring massive amounts of data and time to produce results. Applications utilize large-scale, parallel computing platforms with advanced architectures to accommodate their needs. However, developing performance-portable applications for modern, heterogeneous platforms requires lots of effort and expertise in both the application and systems domains. This is more relevant for unstructured applications whose workflow is not statically predictable due to their heavily data-dependent nature. One possible solution for this problem is the introduction of an intelligent Domain-Specific Language (iDSL) that transparently helps to maintain correctness, hides the idiosyncrasies of lowlevel hardware, and scales applications. An iDSL includes domain-specific language constructs, a compilation toolchain, and a runtime providing task scheduling, data placement, and workload balancing across and within heterogeneous nodes. In this work, we focus on the runtime framework. We introduce a novel design and extension of a runtime framework, the Parallel Runtime Environment for Multicore Applications. In response to the ever-increasing intra/inter-node concurrency, the runtime system supports efficient task scheduling and workload balancing at both levels while allowing the development of custom policies. Moreover, the new framework provides abstractions supporting the utilization of heterogeneous distributed nodes consisting of CPUs and GPUs and is extensible to other devices. We demonstrate that by utilizing this work, an application (or the iDSL) can scale its performance on heterogeneous exascale-era supercomputers with minimal effort. A future goal for this framework (out of the scope of this thesis) is to be integrated with machine learning to improve its decision-making and performance further. As a bridge to this goal, since the framework is under development, we experiment with data from Nuclear Physics Particle Accelerators and demonstrate the significant improvements achieved by utilizing machine learning in the hit-based track reconstruction process

    Adaptive heterogeneous parallelism for semi-empirical lattice dynamics in computational materials science.

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    With the variability in performance of the multitude of parallel environments available today, the conceptual overhead created by the need to anticipate runtime information to make design-time decisions has become overwhelming. Performance-critical applications and libraries carry implicit assumptions based on incidental metrics that are not portable to emerging computational platforms or even alternative contemporary architectures. Furthermore, the significance of runtime concerns such as makespan, energy efficiency and fault tolerance depends on the situational context. This thesis presents a case study in the application of both Mattsons prescriptive pattern-oriented approach and the more principled structured parallelism formalism to the computational simulation of inelastic neutron scattering spectra on hybrid CPU/GPU platforms. The original ad hoc implementation as well as new patternbased and structured implementations are evaluated for relative performance and scalability. Two new structural abstractions are introduced to facilitate adaptation by lazy optimisation and runtime feedback. A deferred-choice abstraction represents a unified space of alternative structural program variants, allowing static adaptation through model-specific exhaustive calibration with regards to the extrafunctional concerns of runtime, average instantaneous power and total energy usage. Instrumented queues serve as mechanism for structural composition and provide a representation of extrafunctional state that allows realisation of a market-based decentralised coordination heuristic for competitive resource allocation and the Lyapunov drift algorithm for cooperative scheduling

    Transparent management of scratchpad memories in shared memory programming models

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    Cache-coherent shared memory has traditionally been the favorite memory organization for chip multiprocessors thanks to its high programmability. In this organization the cache hierarchy is in charge of moving the data and keeping it coherent between all the caches, enabling the usage of shared memory programming models where the programmer does not need to carry out any data management operation. Unfortunately, performing all the data management operations in hardware causes severe problems, being the primary concerns the power consumption originated in the caches and the amount of coherence traffic in the interconnection network. A good solution is to introduce ScratchPad Memories (SPMs) alongside the cache hierarchy, forming a hybrid memory hierarchy. SPMs are more power-efficient than caches and do not generate coherence traffic, but they degrade programmability. In particular, SPMs require the programmer to partition the data, to program data transfers, and to keep coherence between different copies of the data. A promising solution to exploit the benefits of the SPMs without harming programmability is to allow programmers to use shared memory programming models and to automatically generate code that manages the SPMs. Unfortunately, current compilers and runtime systems encounter serious limitations to automatically generate code for hybrid memory hierarchies from shared memory programming models. This thesis proposes to transparently manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in shared memory programming models. In order to achieve this goal this thesis proposes a combination of hardware and compiler techniques to manage the SPMs in fork-join programming models and a set of runtime system techniques to manage the SPMs in task programming models. The proposed techniques allow to program hybrid memory hierarchies with these two well-known and easy-to-use forms of shared memory programming models, capitalizing on the benefits of hybrid memory hierarchies in power consumption and network traffic without harming programmability. The first contribution of this thesis is a hardware/software co-designed coherence protocol to transparently manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in fork-join programming models. The solution allows the compiler to always generate code to manage the SPMs with tiling software caches, even in the presence of unknown memory aliasing hazards between memory references to the SPMs and to the cache hierarchy. On the software side, the compiler generates a special form of memory instruction for memory references with possible aliasing hazards. On the hardware side, the special memory instructions are diverted to the correct copy of the data using a set of directories that track what data is mapped to the SPMs. The second contribution of this thesis is a set of runtime system techniques to manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in task programming models. The proposed runtime system techniques exploit the characteristics of these programming models to map the data specified in the task dependences to the SPMs. Different policies are proposed to mitigate the communication costs of the data transfers, overlapping them with other execution phases such as the task scheduling phase or the execution of the previous task. The runtime system can also reduce the number of data transfers by using a task scheduler that exploits data locality in the SPMs. In addition, the proposed techniques are combined with mechanisms that reduce the impact of fine-grained tasks, such as hardware runtime systems or large SPM sizes. The accomplishment of this thesis is that hybrid memory hierarchies can be programmed with fork-join and task programming models. Consequently, architectures with hybrid memory hierarchies can be exposed to the programmer as a shared memory multiprocessor, taking advantage of the benefits of the SPMs while maintaining the programming simplicity of shared memory programming models.La memoria compartida con coherencia de caches es la jerarquía de memoria más utilizada en multiprocesadores gracias a su programabilidad. En esta solución la jerarquía de caches se encarga de mover los datos y mantener la coherencia entre las caches, habilitando el uso de modelos de programación de memoria compartida donde el programador no tiene que realizar ninguna operación para gestionar las memorias. Desafortunadamente, realizar estas operaciones en la arquitectura causa problemas severos, siendo especialmente relevantes el consumo de energía de las caches y la cantidad de tráfico de coherencia en la red de interconexión. Una buena solución es añadir Memorias ScratchPad (SPMs) acompañando la jerarquía de caches, formando una jerarquía de memoria híbrida. Las SPMs son más eficientes en energía y tráfico de coherencia, pero dificultan la programabilidad ya que requieren que el programador particione los datos, programe transferencias de datos y mantenga la coherencia entre diferentes copias de datos. Una solución prometedora para beneficiarse de las ventajas de las SPMs sin dificultar la programabilidad es permitir que el programador use modelos de programación de memoria compartida y generar código para gestionar las SPMs automáticamente. El problema es que los compiladores y los entornos de ejecución actuales sufren graves limitaciones al gestionar automáticamente una jerarquía de memoria híbrida en modelos de programación de memoria compartida. Esta tesis propone gestionar automáticamente una jerarquía de memoria híbrida en modelos de programación de memoria compartida. Para conseguir este objetivo esta tesis propone una combinación de técnicas hardware y de compilador para gestionar las SPMs en modelos de programación fork-join, y técnicas en entornos de ejecución para gestionar las SPMs en modelos de programación basados en tareas. Las técnicas propuestas hacen que las jerarquías de memoria híbridas puedan programarse con estos dos modelos de programación de memoria compartida, de tal forma que las ventajas en energía y tráfico de coherencia se puedan explotar sin dificultar la programabilidad. La primera contribución de esta tesis en un protocolo de coherencia hardware/software para gestionar SPMs en modelos de programación fork-join. La propuesta consigue que el compilador siempre pueda generar código para gestionar las SPMs, incluso cuando hay posibles alias de memoria entre referencias a memoria a las SPMs y a la jerarquía de caches. En la solución el compilador genera instrucciones especiales para las referencias a memoria con posibles alias, y el hardware sirve las instrucciones especiales con la copia válida de los datos usando directorios que guardan información sobre qué datos están mapeados en las SPMs. La segunda contribución de esta tesis son una serie de técnicas para gestionar SPMs en modelos de programación basados en tareas. Las técnicas aprovechan las características de estos modelos de programación para mapear las dependencias de las tareas en las SPMs y se complementan con políticas para minimizar los costes de las transferencias de datos, como solaparlas con fases del entorno de ejecución o la ejecución de tareas anteriores. El número de transferencias también se puede reducir utilizando un planificador que tenga en cuenta la localidad de datos y, además, las técnicas se pueden combinar con mecanismos para reducir los efectos negativos de tener tareas pequeñas, como entornos de ejecución en hardware o SPMs de más capacidad. Las propuestas de esta tesis consiguen que las jerarquías de memoria híbridas se puedan programar con modelos de programación fork-join y basados en tareas. En consecuencia, las arquitecturas con jerarquías de memoria híbridas se pueden exponer al programador como multiprocesadores de memoria compartida, beneficiándose de las ventajas de las SPMs en energía y tráfico de coherencia y manteniendo la simplicidad de uso de los modelos de programación de memoria compartida

    Reconfigurable Antenna Systems: Platform implementation and low-power matters

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    Antennas are a necessary and often critical component of all wireless systems, of which they share the ever-increasing complexity and the challenges of present and emerging trends. 5G, massive low-orbit satellite architectures (e.g. OneWeb), industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), satcom on-the-move, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles, all call for highly flexible systems, and antenna reconfigurability is an enabling part of these advances. The terminal segment is particularly crucial in this sense, encompassing both very compact antennas or low-profile antennas, all with various adaptability/reconfigurability requirements. This thesis work has dealt with hardware implementation issues of Radio Frequency (RF) antenna reconfigurability, and in particular with low-power General Purpose Platforms (GPP); the work has encompassed Software Defined Radio (SDR) implementation, as well as embedded low-power platforms (in particular on STM32 Nucleo family of micro-controller). The hardware-software platform work has been complemented with design and fabrication of reconfigurable antennas in standard technology, and the resulting systems tested. The selected antenna technology was antenna array with continuously steerable beam, controlled by voltage-driven phase shifting circuits. Applications included notably Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) deployed in the Italian scientific mission in Antarctica, in a traffic-monitoring case study (EU H2020 project), and into an innovative Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) antenna concept (patent application submitted). The SDR implementation focused on a low-cost and low-power Software-defined radio open-source platform with IEEE 802.11 a/g/p wireless communication capability. In a second embodiment, the flexibility of the SDR paradigm has been traded off to avoid the power consumption associated to the relevant operating system. Application field of reconfigurable antenna is, however, not limited to a better management of the energy consumption. The analysis has also been extended to satellites positioning application. A novel beamforming method has presented demonstrating improvements in the quality of signals received from satellites. Regarding those who deal with positioning algorithms, this advancement help improving precision on the estimated position