76 research outputs found

    A nonlinear M-estimation approach to robust asynchronous multiuser detection in Non-gaussian noise

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    A nonlinear M-estimation approach is proposed to solve the multiuser detection problem in asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems where the ambient noise is impulsive and the delays are not known. We treat the unknown delays as nuisance parameters and the transmitted symbols as parameters of interest. We also analyze the asymptotic performance of the proposed estimator and propose suboptimal but computationally efficient procedures for solving the nonlinear optimization function. Simulation results show considerable improvements over the conventional approaches

    Independent component analysis applications in CDMA systems

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Izmir, 2004Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 56)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxi, 96 leavesBlind source separation (BSS) methods, independent component analysis (ICA) and independent factor analysis (IFA) are used for detecting the signal coming to a mobile user which is subject to multiple access interference in a CDMA downlink communication. When CDMA models are studied for different channel characteristics, it is seen that they are similar with BSS/ICA models. It is also showed that if ICA is applied to these CDMA models, desired user.s signal can be estimated successfully without channel information and other users. code sequences. ICA detector is compared with matched filter detector and other conventional detectors using simulation results and it is seen that ICA has some advantages over the other methods.The other BSS method, IFA is applied to basic CDMA downlink model. Since IFA has some convergence and speed problems when the number of sources is large, firstly basic CDMA model with ideal channel assumption is used in IFA application.With simulation of ideal CDMA channel, IFA is compared with ICA and matched filter.Furthermore, Pearson System-based ICA (PS-ICA) method is used forestimating non-Gaussian multipath fading channel coefficients. Considering some fading channel measurements showing that the fading channel coefficients may have an impulsive nature, these coefficients are modeled with an -stable distribution whose shape parameter takes values close to 2 which makes the distributions slightly impulsive. Simulation results are obtained to compare PS-ICA with classical ICA.Also IFA is applied to the single path CDMA downlink model to estimate fading channel by using the advantage of IFA which is the capability to estimate sources with wide class of distributions

    Approaching universal frequency reuse through base station cooperation

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    Base Station (BS) architectures are a promising cellular wireless solution to mitigate the interference issues and to avoid the high frequency reuse factors implemented in conventional systems. Combined with block transmission techniques, such as Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for the downlink and Single-Carrier with Frequency-Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) for the uplink, these systems provide a significant performance improvement to the overall system. Block transmission techniques are suitable for broadband wireless communication systems, which have to deal with strongly frequency-selective fading channels and are able to provide high bit rates despite the channel adversities. In BS cooperation schemes users in adjacent cells share the same physical channel and the signals received by each BS are sent to a Central Processing Unit (CPU) that combines the different signals and performs the user detections and/or separation, which can be regarded as a Multi-User Detection (MUD) technique. The work presented in this thesis is focused on the study of uplink transmissions in BS cooperations systems, considering single carrier block transmission schemes and iterative receivers based on the Iterative-Block Decision Feedback Equalization (IB-DFE) concept, which combined with the employment of Cyclic Prefix (CP)-assisted block transmission techniques are appropriate to scenarios with strongly time-dispersive channels. Furthermore, the impact of the sampling and quantization applied to the received signals from each Mobile Terminal (MT) to the corresponding BS is studied, with the achievement of the spectral characterization of the quantization noise. This thesis also provides a conventional analytical model for the BER (Bit Error Rate) performance complemented with an approach to improve its results. Finally, this thesis addresses the contextualization of BS cooperation schemes in clustered C-RAN (Centralized-Radio Access Network)-type solutions.As arquitecturas BS cooperation são uma solução promissora de redes celulares sem fios para atenuar o problema da interferência e evitar os factores de reuso elevados, que se encontram implementados nos sistemas convencionais. Combinadas com técnicas de transmissão por blocos, como o OFDM para o downlink e o SC-FDE no uplink, estes sistemas fornecem uma melhoria significativa no desempenho geral do sistema. Técnicas de transmissão por blocos são adequadas para sistemas de comunicações de banda larga sem fios, que têm que lidar com canais que possuem um forte desvanescimento selectivo na frequência e são capazes de fornecer ligações com taxas de transmissão altas apesar das adversidades do canal. Em esquemas BS cooperation os terminais móveis situados em células adjacentes partilham o mesmo canal físico e os sinais recebidos em cada estação de base são enviados para uma Unidade Central de Processamento (CPU) que combina os diferentes sinais recebidos associados a um dado utilizador e realiza a detecção e/ou separação do mesmo, sendo esta considerada uma técnica de Detecção Multi-Utilizador (MUD). O trabalho apresentado nesta tese concentra o seu estudo no uplink de transmissões em sistemas BS cooperation, considerando transmissões em bloco de esquemas monoportadoras e receptores iterativos baseados no conceito B-DFE, em que quando combinados com a implementação de técnicas de transmissao por blocos assistidas por prefixos cíclicos (CP) são apropriados a cenários com canais fortemente dispersivos no tempo. Além disso, é estudado o impacto do processo de amostragem e quantização aplicados aos sinais recebidos de cada terminal móvel para a estação de base, com a obtenção da caracterização espectral do ruído de quantização. Esta tese também fornece um modelo analítico convencional para a computação do desempenho da taxa de erros de bit (BER), com um método melhorado para o mesmo. Por último, esta tese visa a contextualização dos sistemas BS cooperation em soluções do tipo C-RAN

    Investigation of non-binary trellis codes designed for impulsive noise environments

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    PhD ThesisIt is well known that binary codes with iterative decoders can achieve near Shannon limit performance on the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, but their performance on more realistic wired or wireless channels can become degraded due to the presence of burst errors or impulsive noise. In such extreme environments, error correction alone cannot combat the serious e ect of the channel and must be combined with the signal processing techniques such as channel estimation, channel equalisation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). However, even after the received signal has been processed, it can still contain burst errors, or the noise present in the signal maybe non Gaussian. In these cases, popular binary coding schemes such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) or turbo codes may not perform optimally, resulting in the degradation of performance. Nevertheless, there is still scope for the design of new non-binary codes that are more suitable for these environments, allowing us to achieve further gains in performance. In this thesis, an investigation into good non-binary trellis error-correcting codes and advanced noise reduction techniques has been carried out with the aim of enhancing the performance of wired and wireless communication networks in di erent extreme environments. These environments include, urban, indoor, pedestrian, underwater, and powerline communication (PLC). This work includes an examination of the performance of non-binary trellis codes in harsh scenarios such as underwater communications when the noise channel is additive S S noise. Similar work was also conducted for single input single output (SISO) power line communication systems for single carrier (SC) and multi carrier (MC) over realistic multi-path frequency selective channels. A further examination of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wired and wireless systems on Middleton class A noise channel was carried out. The main focus of the project was non-binary coding schemes as it is well-known that they outperform their binary counterparts when the channel is bursty. However, few studies have investigated non-binary codes for other environments. The major novelty of this work is the comparison of the performance of non-binary trellis codes with binary trellis codes in various scenarios, leading to the conclusion that non-binary codes are, in most cases, superior in performance to binary codes. Furthermore, the theoretical bounds of SISO and MIMO binary and non-binary convolutional coded OFDM-PLC systems have been investigated for the rst time. In order to validate our results, the implementation of simulated and theoretical results have been obtained for di erent values of noise parameters and on di erent PLC channels. The results show a strong agreement between the simulated and theoretical analysis for all cases.University of Thi-Qar for choosing me for their PhD scholarship and the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti c Research (MOHESR) for granting me the funds to study in UK. In addition, there was ample support towards my stay in the UK from the Iraqi Cultural Attach e in Londo

    Analysis of low-density parity-check codes on impulsive noise channels

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    PhD ThesisCommunication channels can severely degrade a signal, not only due to fading effects but also interference in the form of impulsive noise. In conventional communication systems, the additive noise at the receiver is usually assumed to be Gaussian distributed. However, this assumption is not always valid and examples of non-Gaussian distributed noise include power line channels, underwater acoustic channels and manmade interference. When designing a communication system it is useful to know the theoretical performance in terms of bit-error probability (BEP) on these types of channels. However, the effect of impulses on the BEP performance has not been well studied, particularly when error correcting codes are employed. Today, advanced error-correcting codes with very long block lengths and iterative decoding algorithms, such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes and turbo codes, are popular due to their capacity-approaching performance. However, very long codes are not always desirable, particularly in communications systems where latency is a serious issue, such as in voice and video communication between multiple users. This thesis focuses on the analysis of short LDPC codes. Finite length analyses of LDPC codes have already been presented for the additive white Gaussian noise channel in the literature, but the analysis of short LDPC codes for channels that exhibit impulsive noise has not been investigated. The novel contributions in this thesis are presented in three sections. First, uncoded and LDPC-coded BEP performance on channels exhibiting impulsive noise modelled by symmetric -stable (S S) distributions are examined. Different sub-optimal receivers are compared and a new low-complexity receiver is proposed that achieves near-optimal performance. Density evolution is then used to derive the threshold signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) of LDPC codes that employ these receivers. In order to accurately predict the waterfall performance of short LDPC codes, a nite length analysis is proposed with the aid of the threshold SNRs of LDPC codes and the derived uncoded BEPs for impulsive noise channels. Second, to investigate the e ect of impulsive noise on wireless channels, the analytic BEP on generalized fading channels with S S noise is derived. However, it requires the evaluation of a double integral to obtain the analytic BEP, so to reduce the computational cost, the Cauchy- Gaussian mixture model and the asymptotic property of S S process are used to derive upper bounds of the exact BEP. Two closed-form expressions are derived to approximate the exact BEP on a Rayleigh fading channel with S S noise. Then density evolution of different receivers is derived for these channels to nd the asymptotic performance of LDPC codes. Finally, the waterfall performance of LDPC codes is again estimated for generalized fading channels with S S noise by utilizing the derived uncoded BEP and threshold SNRs. Finally, the addition of spatial diversity at the receiver is investigated. Spatial diversity is an effective method to mitigate the effects of fading and when used in conjunction with LDPC codes and can achieve excellent error-correcting performance. Hence, the performance of conventional linear diversity combining techniques are derived. Then the SNRs of these linear combiners are compared and the relationship of the noise power between different linear combiners is obtained. Nonlinear detectors have been shown to achieve better performance than linear combiners hence, optimal and sub-optimal detectors are also presented and compared. A non-linear detector based on the bi-parameter Cauchy-Gaussian mixture model is used and shows near-optimal performance with a significant reduction in complexity when compared with the optimal detector. Furthermore, we show how to apply density evolution of LDPC codes for different combining techniques on these channels and an estimation of the waterfall performance of LDPC codes is derived that reduces the gap between simulated and asymptotic performance. In conclusion, the work presented in this thesis provides a framework to evaluate the performance of communication systems in the presence of additive impulsive noise, with and without spatial diversity at the receiver. For the first time, bounds on the BEP performance of LDPC codes on channels with impulsive noise have been derived for optimal and sub-optimal receivers, allowing other researchers to predict the performance of LDPC codes in these type of environments without needing to run lengthy computer simulations

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation addresses several key challenges in multiple-antenna communications, including information-theoretical analysis of channel capacity, capacity-achieving signaling design, and practical statistical detection algorithms. The first part of the thesis studies the capacity limits of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple access channel (MAC) via virtual representation (VR) model. The VR model captures the physical scattering environment via channel gains in the angular domain, and hence is a realistic MIMO channel model that includes many existing channel models as special cases. This study provides analytical characterization of the optimal input distribution that achieves the sum-capacity of MAC-VR. It also investigates the optimality of beamforming, which is a simple scalar coding strategy desirable in practice. For temporally correlated channels, beamforming codebook designs are proposed that can efficiently exploit channel correlation. The second part of the thesis focuses on statistical detection for time-varying frequency-selective channels. The proposed statistical detectors are developed based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. The complexity of such detectors grows linearly in system dimensions, which renders them applicable to inter-symbol-interference (ISI) channels with long delay spread, for which the traditional trellis-based detectors fail due to prohibitive complexity. The proposed MCMC detectors provide substantial gain over the de facto turbo minimum-mean square-error (MMSE) detector for both synthetic channel and underwater acoustic (UWA) channels. The effectiveness of the proposed MCMC detectors is successfully validated through experimental data collected from naval at-sea experiments

    Façonnement de l'Interférence en vue d'une Optimisation Globale d'un Système Moderne de Communication

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    A communication is impulsive whenever the information-bearing signal is burst-like in time. Examples of the impulsive concept are: impulse-radio signals, that is, wireless signals occurring within short intervals of time; optical signals conveyed by photons; speech signals represented by sound pressure variations; pulse-position modulated electrical signals; a sequence of arrival/departure events in a queue; neural spike trains in the brain. Understanding impulsive communications requires to identify what is peculiar to this transmission paradigm, that is, different from traditional continuous communications.In order to address the problem of understanding impulsive vs. non-impulsive communications, the framework of investigation must include the following aspects: the different interference statistics directly following from the impulsive signal structure; the different interaction of the impulsive signal with the physical medium; the actual possibility for impulsive communications of coding information into the time structure, relaxing the implicit assumption made in continuous transmissions that time is a mere support. This thesis partially addresses a few of the above issues, and draws future lines of investigation. In particular, we studied: multiple access channels where each user adopts time-hopping spread-spectrum; systems using a specific prefilter at the transmitter side, namely the transmit matched filter (also known as time reversal), particularly suited for ultrawide bandwidhts; the distribution function of interference for impulsive systems in several different settings.Une communication est impulsive chaque fois que le signal portant des informations est intermittent dans le temps et que la transmission se produit à rafales. Des exemples du concept impulsife sont : les signaux radio impulsifs, c’est-à-dire des signaux très courts dans le temps; les signaux optiques utilisé dans les systèmes de télécommunications; certains signaux acoustiques et, en particulier, les impulsions produites par le système glottale; les signaux électriques modulés en position d’impulsions; une séquence d’événements dans une file d’attente; les trains de potentiels neuronaux dans le système neuronal. Ce paradigme de transmission est différent des communications continues traditionnelles et la compréhension des communications impulsives est donc essentielle. Afin d’affronter le problème des communications impulsives, le cadre de la recherche doit inclure les aspects suivants : la statistique d’interférence qui suit directement la structure des signaux impulsifs; l’interaction du signal impulsif avec le milieu physique; la possibilité pour les communications impulsives de coder l’information dans la structure temporelle. Cette thèse adresse une partie des questions précédentes et trace des lignes indicatives pour de futures recherches. En particulier, nous avons étudié: un système d'accès multiple où les utilisateurs adoptent des signaux avec étalement de spectre par saut temporel (time-hopping spread spectrum) pour communiquer vers un récepteur commun; un système avec un préfiltre à l'émetteur, et plus précisément un transmit matched filter, également connu comme time reversal dans la littérature de systèmes à bande ultra large; un modèle d'interférence pour des signaux impulsifs

    Private Communications with Chaotic Code Division Multiple Access: Performance Analysis and System Design

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    In this dissertation we develop a class of pseudochaotic direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems that can provide private and reliable communication over wireless channels. These systems exploit the sensitive dependence of chaotic sequences on initial conditions together with the presence of channel noise to provide a substantial gap between the bit error probabilities achievable by intended and unintended receivers. We illustrate how a desired level of private communication can be achieved with a systematic selection of the system parameters. This type of privacy can be readily combined with traditional encryption methods to further ensure the protection of information against eavesdroppers. The systems we propose employ linear modulation of each user's symbol stream on a spreading sequence generated by iterating a distinct initial condition through a pseudochaotic map. We evaluate and compare the uncoded probability of error (Pr(e)) achievable by intended receivers that know the initial condition used to generate the spreading sequence to the associated Pr(e) of unintended receivers that know the modulation scheme but not the initial condition. We identify the map attributes that affect privacy, and construct algorithmic design methods for generating pseudochaotic spreading sequences that successively and substantially degrade the unintended user performance, while yielding intended user performance similar to that of conventional DS/CDMA systems. We develop efficient metrics for quantifying the unintended receiver Pr(e) and prove that it decays at a constant rate of 1/sqrt(SNR) in AWGN and fading channels. In addition, we show that this decaying rate is independent of the available degrees of diversity in fading channels, showing in the process that only intended receivers can harvest the available diversity benefits. Moreover, we illustrate that the pseudochaotic DS/CDMA systems can provide reliable multiuser communication that is inherently resilient to eavesdropping, even in the worst-case scenarios where all receivers in a network except the intended one collude to better eavesdrop on the targeted transmission. We also develop optimized digital implementation methods for generating practical pseudochaotic spreading sequences that preserve the privacy characteristics associated with the underlying chaotic spreading sequences
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