247 research outputs found

    Asynchronous CDMA Systems with Random Spreading-Part I: Fundamental Limits

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    Spectral efficiency for asynchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) with random spreading is calculated in the large system limit allowing for arbitrary chip waveforms and frequency-flat fading. Signal to interference and noise ratios (SINRs) for suboptimal receivers, such as the linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) detectors, are derived. The approach is general and optionally allows even for statistics obtained by under-sampling the received signal. All performance measures are given as a function of the chip waveform and the delay distribution of the users in the large system limit. It turns out that synchronizing users on a chip level impairs performance for all chip waveforms with bandwidth greater than the Nyquist bandwidth, e.g., positive roll-off factors. For example, with the pulse shaping demanded in the UMTS standard, user synchronization reduces spectral efficiency up to 12% at 10 dB normalized signal-to-noise ratio. The benefits of asynchronism stem from the finding that the excess bandwidth of chip waveforms actually spans additional dimensions in signal space, if the users are de-synchronized on the chip-level. The analysis of linear MMSE detectors shows that the limiting interference effects can be decoupled both in the user domain and in the frequency domain such that the concept of the effective interference spectral density arises. This generalizes and refines Tse and Hanly's concept of effective interference. In Part II, the analysis is extended to any linear detector that admits a representation as multistage detector and guidelines for the design of low complexity multistage detectors with universal weights are provided

    Multi-user detection for multi-rate DS/CDMA systems

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    Wireless cellular communication is witnessing a rapid growth in market, technology and range of services. Current and future demands for wireless communication services motivate the need for handling multi-media traffic types. In a multimedia communication system, users with different and even time-varying rates and quality of services (QoS) requirements, such as voice, image and data, must be accommodated. The use of Spread Spectrum modulation with Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology is an attractive approach for economical spectrally efficient and high quality cellular and personal communication services. This dissertation explores the technologies of applying different interference cancellation techniques to multi-rate CDMA systems that serve users with different QoS. Multiple Access Interference (MAI) and multipath propagation are the major issues in wireless communication systems. It is also true for multi-rate CDMA systems. Multi-user detection has been shown to be effective in combating the near-far problem and providing superior performance over conventional detection method. In this dissertation, we combine both linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) detector, nonlinear decision feedback detector, with other signal processing techniques, such as array processing and multipath combining, to create effective near-far resistant detectors for multi-rate CDMA systems. Firstly, we propose MMSE receivers for synchronous multi-rate CDMA system and compare the performance with the corresponding multi-rate decorrelating detectors. The multi-rate decorrelating detector is optimally near-far resistant and easy to implement. The proposed linear MMSE multi-rate receiver can be adaptively implemented only with the knowledge of the desired user. Due to the fact that MMSE detector offers best trade-off between the MAI cancellation and noise variance enhancement, it is shown that multi-rate MMSE receiver can offer better performance than the multi-rate decorrelator when the interfering users\u27 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is relatively low comparing to the desired user\u27s SNR. Secondly, the asynchronous multi-rate CDMA system, we propose multi-rate multi-shoot decorrelating detectors and multi-rate multi-shot MMSE detectors. The performance of multi-shot detectors can be improved monotonically with increasing the number of stacked bits, but a great computational complexity is going to be introduced in order to get better performance. A debiasing method is introduced to multi-rate multi-shot linear detectors. Debiasing method optimizes multi-rate detectors based on the multi-rate multi-shot model. Debiasing multi-shot MMSE detector for multi-rate signals can offer performance than the corresponding debiasing multi-shot decorrelating detector. Thirdly, we propose linear space-time receivers for multi-rate CDMA systems. The minimum mean-squared error criteria is used. We perform a comparative study on the multi-rate receiver which uses either multipath (temporal) processing or array (spatial) processing, and the one which uses both array and multipath (space-time) processing. The space-time receiver for the multi-rate CDMA signals give us the potential of improving the capacity of multi-rate systems. The space-time processing combined with multiuser detection have the advantages of combating multipath fading through temporal processing, reducing MAI through MMSE method and provide antenna or diversity gain through spatial processing and increasing the capacity of the multi-rate CDMA systems. Lastly, the group-wise interference cancellation methods are proposed for multi-rate CDMA signals. The non-linear decision feedback detection (DFD) schemes are used in the proposed receivers. The proposed interference cancellation schemes benefit from the nature of the unequal received amplitudes for multi-rate CDMA signals. Users with same data rate are grouped together. Users with the highest data-rate are detected first. Interference between the groups is cancelled in a successive order. The results show that the group-wise MMSE DFD yields better performance than multi-rate linear MMSE detector and multi-rate decorrelating detector, especially for highly loaded CDMA systems

    Multiuser detection in CDMA using blind techniques

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Izmir, 2004Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 63-65)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiv, 69 leavesIn code division multiple access (CDMA) systems, blind multiuser detection (MUD) techniques are of great importance, especially for downlinks, since in practice, it may be unrealistic for a mobile user to know the spreading codes of other active users in the channel. Furthermore, blind methods remove the need for training sequences which leads to a gain in the channel bandwidth. Subspace concept in blind MUD is an alternative process to classical and batch blind MUD techniques based on principle component analysis, or independent component analysis (ICA) and ICA-like algorithms, such as joint approximate diagonalization of eigen-matrices (JADE), blind source separation algorithm with reference system, etc. Briefly, the desired signal is searched in the signal subspace instead of the whole space, in this type of detectors. A variation of the subspace-based MUD is reduced-rank MUD in which a smaller subspace of the signal subspace is tracked where the desired signal is contained in. This latter method leads to a performance gain compared to a standard subspace method. In this thesis, blind signal subspace and reduced-rank MUD techniques are investigated, and applied to minimum mean square error (MMSE) detectors with two different iterative subspace tracking algorithms. The performances of these detectors are compared in different scenarios for additive white Gaussian noise and for multipath fading channels as well. With simulation results the superiority of the reduced-rank detector to the signal subspace detector is shown. Additionally, as a new remark for both detectors, it is shown that, using minimum description length criterion in subspace tracking algorithm results in an increase in rank-tracking ability and correspondingly in the final performance. Finally, the performances of these two detectors are compared with MMSE, adaptive MMSE and JADE detectors

    Blind adaptive near-far resistant receivers for DS/CDMA multi-user communication systems

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    Code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems have multiple users that simultaneously share a common channel using pre-assigned signature waveforms. The conventional receiver suffers from the near-far problem when the received signal power of the desired user is weaker than those of the other users. Optimum and suboptimum multi-user detectors outperform the conventional receiver at the expense of a significant increase in complexity and need for side-information about interfering users. Complexity of these detectors may not be acceptable for many practical applications and communication security may restrict the distribution of all users\u27 signature waveforms to all the receivers;For a single-user receiver, the multi-user detection problem is viewed as an interference suppression problem. This dissertation presents a cost-constraint strategy to implement adaptive single-user receivers that suppress the multiple-access interference without using training sequences. A constrained LMS algorithm that converges to a near-optimum solution by using the received signal and some known properties of the desired signal is developed. The constrained LMS receiver is useful for static CDMA detection where the channel accessed by the desired user is time-invariant. The dissertation also develops an adaptive space-alternating generalized EM (SAGE) algorithm. This algorithm jointly updates estimates of filter weights and adaptive reference signal in a sequential manner. The SAGE receiver out-performs the existing: blind receiver that employ the constrained output-power-minimizing algorithm while using the same amount of information. The SAGE receiver is applicable to dynamic CDMA detection where the channel accessed by the desired user is time-varying. The dissertation further generalizes the adaptive SAGE algorithm to an adaptive space-alternating generalized projection (SAGP) algorithm that uses the same amount of information as in the conventional receiver;Proposed receivers are tested by simulations and compared with the existing receivers that use the same amount of information. Throughout the analytical analysis and simulations of the proposed receivers, the dissertation shows that, for realistic CDMA communications, achieving both the near-far resistance and the near-optimum performance is possible with the same or similar information required by the conventional receiver

    Energy-Efficient Power Control in Multipath CDMA Channels via Large System Analysis

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    This paper is focused on the design and analysis of power control procedures for the uplink of multipath code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) channels based on the large system analysis (LSA). Using the tools of LSA, a new decentralized power control algorithm aimed at energy efficiency maximization and requiring very little prior information on the interference background is proposed; moreover, it is also shown that LSA can be used to predict with good accuracy the performance and operational conditions of a large network operating at the equilibrium over a multipath channel, i.e. the power, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and utility profiles across users, wherein the utility is defined as the number of bits reliably delivered to the receiver for each energy-unit used for transmission. Additionally, an LSA-based performance comparison among linear receivers is carried out in terms of achieved energy efficiency at the equilibrium. Finally, the problem of the choice of the utility-maximizing training length is also considered. Numerical results show a very satisfactory agreement of the theoretical analysis with simulation results obtained with reference to systems with finite (and not so large) numbers of users.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France, September 15-18, 200

    Interference suppression and diversity for CDMA systems

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    In code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems, due to non-orthogonality of the spreading codes and multipath channels, the desired signal suffers interference from other users. Signal fading due to multipath propagation is another source of impairment in wireless CDMA systems, often severely impacting performance. In this dissertation, reduced-rank minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver and reduced-rank minimum variance receiver are investigated to suppress interference; transmit diversity is applied to multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) systems to combat fading; packet combing is studied to provide both interference suppression and diversity for CDMA random access systems. The reduced-rank MMSE receiver that uses a reduced-rank estimated covariance matrix is studied to improve the performance of MMSE receiver in CDMA systems. It is shown that the reduced-rank MMSE receiver has much better performance than the full-rank MMSE receiver when the covariance matrix is estimated by using a finite number of data samples and the desired signal is in a low dimensional subspace. It is also demonstrated that the reduced-rank minimum variance receiver outperforms the full-rank minimum variance receiver. The probability density function of the output SNR of the full-rank and reduced-rank linear MMSE estimators is derived for a general linear signal model under the assumption that the signals and noise are Gaussian distributed. Space-time coding that is originally proposed for narrow band systems is applied to an MC-CDMA system in order to get transmit diversity for such a wideband system. Some techniques to jointly decode the space-time code and suppress interference are developed. The channel estimation using either pilot channels or pilot symbols is studied for MC-CDMA systems with space-time coding. Performance of CDMA random access systems with packet combining in fading channels is analyzed. By combining the current retransmitted packet with all its previous transmitted copies, the receiver obtains a diversity gain plus an increased interference and noise suppression gain. Therefore, the bit error rate dramatically decreases with the number of transmissions increasing, which in turn improves the system throughput and reduces the average delay

    An adaptive asynchronous CDMA receiver and its convergence analysis

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    An adaptive CDMA receiver scheme assuming perfect synchronization has been generalized in this thesis to the asynchronous channel, a much more practical assumption of the real system. Similar formulas are derived and as its synchronous version, it is still near-far resistant and requires no knowldge [sic] of received signal amplitudes and training sequences. Thus, sophisticated high-precision power control and user power estimation are not necessary and the receiver is particularly useful in mobile communications since it can adjust itself adaptively to changes in the power of the users. Tile convergence and transient behavior of the receiver are also investigated and found to have similar results to its synchronous counterpart. A new way to analyze the error performance of the decorrelator is also proposed and the error probability of the one-shot decorrelator is formulated for the general case in an alternative way using the new idea, which is much simpler. Furthermore, the singularity problem associated with the one-shot decorrelator is addressed and its effect on the performance of the receiver is discussed

    Blind adaptive constrained reduced-rank parameter estimation based on constant modulus design for CDMA interference suppression

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    This paper proposes a multistage decomposition for blind adaptive parameter estimation in the Krylov subspace with the code-constrained constant modulus (CCM) design criterion. Based on constrained optimization of the constant modulus cost function and utilizing the Lanczos algorithm and Arnoldi-like iterations, a multistage decomposition is developed for blind parameter estimation. A family of computationally efficient blind adaptive reduced-rank stochastic gradient (SG) and recursive least squares (RLS) type algorithms along with an automatic rank selection procedure are also devised and evaluated against existing methods. An analysis of the convergence properties of the method is carried out and convergence conditions for the reduced-rank adaptive algorithms are established. Simulation results consider the application of the proposed techniques to the suppression of multiaccess and intersymbol interference in DS-CDMA systems