1,073 research outputs found

    Maxima and minima of complete and incomplete stationary sequences

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    In the seminal contribution [R. A. Davis, Maxima and minima of stationary sequences, Ann. Probab. 7(3) (1979), pp. 453-460.] the joint weak convergence of maxima and minima of weakly dependent stationary sequences is derived under some mild asymptotic conditions. In this paper we address additionally the case of incomplete samples assuming that the average proportion of incompleteness converges in probability to some random variable P. We show the joint weak convergence of the maxima and the minima of both complete and incomplete samples. It turns out that the maxima and the minima are asymptotically independent when P is a deterministic constant

    Berman's inequality under random scaling

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    Berman's inequality is the key for establishing asymptotic properties of maxima of Gaussian random sequences and supremum of Gaussian random fields. This contribution shows that, asymptotically an extended version of Berman's inequality can be established for randomly scaled Gaussian random vectors. Two applications presented in this paper demonstrate the use of Berman's inequality under random scaling

    On Piterbarg theorem for maxima of stationary Gaussian sequences

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    Limit distributions of maxima of dependent Gaussian sequence are different according to the convergence rate of their correlations. For three different conditions on convergence rate of the correlations, in this paper, we establish the Piterbarg theorem for maxima of stationary Gaussian sequence

    The asymptotic distribution of maxima of stationary random sequences under random replacing

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    In this paper, we investigated the effect on extreme of random replacing for a stationary sequence satisfying a type of long dependent condition and a local dependent condition, and derived the joint asymptotic distribution of maximum from the stationary sequence and the maximum from the random replacing sequence. We also provided several applications for our main results.Comment:

    State space modelling of extreme values with particle filters

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    State space models are a flexible class of Bayesian model that can be used to smoothly capture non-stationarity. Observations are assumed independent given a latent state process so that their distribution can change gradually over time. Sequential Monte Carlo methods known as particle filters provide an approach to inference for such models whereby observations are added to the fit sequentially. Though originally developed for on-line inference, particle filters, along with related particle smoothers, often provide the best approach for off-line inference. This thesis develops new results for particle filtering and in particular develops a new particle smoother that has a computational complexity that is linear in the number of Monte Carlo samples. This compares favourably with the quadratic complexity of most of its competitors resulting in greater accuracy within a given time frame. The statistical analysis of extremes is important in many fields where the largest or smallest values have the biggest effect. Accurate assessments of the likelihood of extreme events are crucial to judging how severe they could be. While the extreme values of a stationary time series are well understood, datasets of extremes often contain varying degrees of non-stationarity. How best to extend standard extreme value models to account for non-stationary series is a topic of ongoing research. The thesis develops inference methods for extreme values of univariate and multivariate non-stationary processes using state space models fitted using particle methods. Though this approach has been considered previously in the univariate case, we identify problems with the existing method and provide solutions and extensions to it. The application of the methodology is illustrated through the analysis of a series of world class athletics running times, extreme temperatures at a site in the Antarctic, and sea-level extremes on the east coast of England

    Counterexamples to the classical central limit theorem for triplewise independent random variables having a common arbitrary margin

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    We present a general methodology to construct triplewise independent sequences of random variables having a common but arbitrary marginal distribution FF (satisfying very mild conditions). For two specific sequences, we obtain in closed form the asymptotic distribution of the sample mean. It is non-Gaussian (and depends on the specific choice of FF). This allows us to illustrate the extent of the 'failure' of the classical central limit theorem (CLT) under triplewise independence. Our methodology is simple and can also be used to create, for any integer KK, new KK-tuplewise independent sequences that are not mutually independent. For K4K \geq 4, it appears that the sequences created using our methodology do verify a CLT, and we explain heuristically why this is the case.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl