4,487 research outputs found

    Cramer–Rao lower bounds for change points in additive and multiplicative noise

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    The paper addresses the problem of determining the Cramer–Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) for noise and change-point parameters, for steplike signals corrupted by multiplicative and/or additive white noise. Closed-form expressions for the signal and noise CRLBs are first derived for an ideal step with a known change point. For an unknown change-point, the noise-free signal is modeled by a sigmoidal function parametrized by location and step rise parameters. The noise and step change CRLBs corresponding to this model are shown to be well approximated by the more tractable expressions derived for a known change-point. The paper also shows that the step location parameter is asymptotically decoupled from the other parameters, which allows us to derive simple CRLBs for the step location. These bounds are then compared with the corresponding mean square errors of the maximum likelihood estimators in the pure multiplicative case. The comparison illustrates convergence and efficiency of the ML estimator. An extension to colored multiplicative noise is also discussed

    Detection of multiplicative noise in stationary random processes using second- and higher order statistics

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting the presence of colored multiplicative noise, when the information process can be modeled as a parametric ARMA process. For the case of zero-mean multiplicative noise, a cumulant based suboptimal detector is studied. This detector tests the nullity of a specific cumulant slice. A second detector is developed when the multiplicative noise is nonzero mean. This detector consists of filtering the data by an estimated AR filter. Cumulants of the residual data are then shown to be well suited to the detection problem. Theoretical expressions for the asymptotic probability of detection are given. Simulation-derived finite-sample ROC curves are shown for different sets of model parameters

    Noisy metrology beyond the standard quantum limit

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    Parameter estimation is of fundamental importance in areas from atomic spectroscopy and atomic clocks to gravitational wave detection. Entangled probes provide a significant precision gain over classical strategies in the absence of noise. However, recent results seem to indicate that any small amount of realistic noise restricts the advantage of quantum strategies to an improvement by at most a multiplicative constant. Here, we identify a relevant scenario in which one can overcome this restriction and attain superclassical precision scaling even in the presence of uncorrelated noise. We show that precision can be significantly enhanced when the noise is concentrated along some spatial direction, while the Hamiltonian governing the evolution which depends on the parameter to be estimated can be engineered to point along a different direction. In the case of perpendicular orientation, we find superclassical scaling and identify a state which achieves the optimum.Comment: Erroneous expressions with inconsistent units have been corrected. 5 pages, 3 figures + Appendi

    Semiparametric inference in correlated long memory signal plus noise models

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    This paper proposes an extension of the log periodogram regression in perturbed long memory series that accounts for the added noise, also allowing for correlation between signal and noise, which represents a common situation in many economic and financial series. Consistency (for d < 1) and asymptotic normality (for d < 3/4) are shown with the same bandwidth restriction as required for the original log periodogram regression in a fully observable series, with the corresponding gain in asymptotic efficiency and faster convergence over competitors. Local Wald, Lagrange Multiplier and Hausman type tests of the hypothesis of no correlation between the latent signal and noise are also proposed.long memory, signal plus noise, semiparametric inference, log-periodogram regression

    Robust detection, isolation and accommodation for sensor failures

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    The objective is to extend the recent advances in robust control system design of multivariable systems to sensor failure detection, isolation, and accommodation (DIA), and estimator design. This effort provides analysis tools to quantify the trade-off between performance robustness and DIA sensitivity, which are to be used to achieve higher levels of performance robustness for given levels of DIA sensitivity. An innovations-based DIA scheme is used. Estimators, which depend upon a model of the process and process inputs and outputs, are used to generate these innovations. Thresholds used to determine failure detection are computed based on bounds on modeling errors, noise properties, and the class of failures. The applicability of the newly developed tools are demonstrated on a multivariable aircraft turbojet engine example. A new concept call the threshold selector was developed. It represents a significant and innovative tool for the analysis and synthesis of DiA algorithms. The estimators were made robust by introduction of an internal model and by frequency shaping. The internal mode provides asymptotically unbiased filter estimates.The incorporation of frequency shaping of the Linear Quadratic Gaussian cost functional modifies the estimator design to make it suitable for sensor failure DIA. The results are compared with previous studies which used thresholds that were selcted empirically. Comparison of these two techniques on a nonlinear dynamic engine simulation shows improved performance of the new method compared to previous technique

    Cram\'er-Rao Bounds for Polynomial Signal Estimation using Sensors with AR(1) Drift

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    We seek to characterize the estimation performance of a sensor network where the individual sensors exhibit the phenomenon of drift, i.e., a gradual change of the bias. Though estimation in the presence of random errors has been extensively studied in the literature, the loss of estimation performance due to systematic errors like drift have rarely been looked into. In this paper, we derive closed-form Fisher Information matrix and subsequently Cram\'er-Rao bounds (upto reasonable approximation) for the estimation accuracy of drift-corrupted signals. We assume a polynomial time-series as the representative signal and an autoregressive process model for the drift. When the Markov parameter for drift \rho<1, we show that the first-order effect of drift is asymptotically equivalent to scaling the measurement noise by an appropriate factor. For \rho=1, i.e., when the drift is non-stationary, we show that the constant part of a signal can only be estimated inconsistently (non-zero asymptotic variance). Practical usage of the results are demonstrated through the analysis of 1) networks with multiple sensors and 2) bandwidth limited networks communicating only quantized observations.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, This paper will appear in the Oct/Nov 2012 issue of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin
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