552 research outputs found

    Fast and Efficient Compressive Sensing using Structurally Random Matrices

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    This paper introduces a new framework of fast and efficient sensing matrices for practical compressive sensing, called Structurally Random Matrix (SRM). In the proposed framework, we pre-randomize a sensing signal by scrambling its samples or flipping its sample signs and then fast-transform the randomized samples and finally, subsample the transform coefficients as the final sensing measurements. SRM is highly relevant for large-scale, real-time compressive sensing applications as it has fast computation and supports block-based processing. In addition, we can show that SRM has theoretical sensing performance comparable with that of completely random sensing matrices. Numerical simulation results verify the validity of the theory as well as illustrate the promising potentials of the proposed sensing framework

    Reducing Uncertainties in Conservation Decision-Making for American Alligators

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    Effective conservation decision-making necessitates monitoring programs that are designed to collect unbiased and precise measurements of relevant attributes deemed to reduce structural uncertainty of the managed resource state. American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis; hereafter alligator) are a keystone species within the southeastern United States that have cascading effects on ecosystem structure and function, and are managed under consumptive use management programs throughout their range. Management of alligator populations in South Carolina is challenging due to pervasive uncertainties regarding the size class distribution, which is only partially observable using the primary monitoring tool (nightlight surveys), a lack of demographic parameter estimates, and identification of measurable attributes that could pose conservation threats (e.g., drought, contaminants). My objective was to develop analytical tools to reduce partial observability in alligator monitoring and identify potential drivers of alligator population dynamics to reduce structural uncertainty. I developed a Bayesian integrated population model (IPM) that produced among the first demographic parameter estimates for alligators in South Carolina and determined that survival probabilities increased greatly among immature size classes, but are relatively similar among adults (\u3e0.90); a pattern that has been previously reported for American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus). The IPM produced size-class specific abundance estimates for alligators from count data with prolific state uncertainty (\u3e60% unknown size observations). In general, alligator abundance trends were uncertain and appeared to vary spatially, though the mean population growth (λ) estimates for all sites, IPM versions, and the Lefkovtich matrix were \u3c1, indicating a population decline. However, the 95% Bayesian credible intervals for λ at one survey site included 1, indicating some uncertainty. I then used the demographic parameter estimates to simulate virtual alligator populations under varying gradations of initial population density, harvest rate to determine an optimal level of spatiotemporal replication for a monitoring programs. To evaluate the need to obtain size class-specific abundance estimates, the simulated count data from the underlying virtual population was total individuals (of all size classes). Based on fundamental objectives to maximize financial effectiveness and minimize management and ecological uncertainty, all of the harvest and density scenarios (except low density and maximum harvest) selected a monitoring program with six temporal replicates (the maximum) and 320 spatial replicates (1 spatial replicate = 0.5 km river segment). In general, data reliability (precision and accuracy) was more sensitive to increasing temporal, compared to spatial, replication, which has been previously reported in other simulation based studies in which detection probabilities are low (p\u3c 0.10). Moreover, all scenarios and monitoring programs induced changes in alligator size class structure, though the effects were minimized with reduced harvest rate, increase survey effort and population density. In synthesis, the demographic parameter estimates produced by the IPM can and are being used to improve monitoring methodology for alligators in South Carolina, and provide a mechanism to increase the demographic resolution of monitoring data, inform optimal monitoring decisions, and explore further uncertainties associate with harvest decisions. Finally, to better elucidate potential drivers of alligator population status, I evaluated total mercury (THg) concentrations in adult alligator whole blood from a longitudinal mark-recapture study. I determined that THg in whole blood was best described by an interactive effect of sex and predicted age, as calculated by predicted age at first capture using a recently developed growth model for alligators in South Carolina. THg concentrations averaged 0.16 ± 0.05 mg kg-1 ww and were slightly higher in males than female, though the overall average is significantly lower than other estimates reported in the Florida Everglades and the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. The quadratic effect of THg with predicted age, in which older individuals had lower levels than younger individuals is novel, and contrasts with previous assumptions that THg bioaccumulates with age (i.e., does not decrease). We posit that determinate (asymptotic) growth, which could accompany age-related changes in foraging patters and metabolism, could potentially explain the lower THg we detected in the oldest individuals. The results from our study could highlight the need for long-term longitudinal monitoring of sentinel species to further evaluate our hypotheses

    Aspects of Credit Risk Modeling

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    Catalysts for steam reforming of Ethanol in a catalytic wall reactor

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    La energía se ha convertido en una necesidad vital para garantizar el desarrollo de las sociedades modernas. Entre las diferentes posibles alternativas para producir energía, el hidrogeno presenta varias características que lo convierten en un atractivo vector energético: primero, se trata de una tecnología más eficiente para transformar la energía química en electricidad -por ejemplo, utilizando pilas de-combustible, las cuales también reducen de manera significativa los niveles de emisión de CO2 -; en segundo lugar, el hidrogeno puede ser producido a partir de una amplia variedad de materias primas, incluyendo recursos renovables y no renovables. Sin embargo, las tecnologías para producir hidrogeno para applicaciones con pilas de combustible aun requieren de un esfuerzo en investigación y desarrollo.El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue de evaluar técnicamente las opciones para preparar y utilizar catalizadores en placas insertados en un reactor de pared catalítica para producir hidrogeno mediante el reformado por vapor de etanol bajo condiciones de alta eficiencia térmica. Para completar el objetivo general y los objetivos específicos, se diseño un plan experimental sistemático, compuesto de tres partes: documentación, experimentación y simulación numérica. La información utilizada se puede clasificar en tres ramas: primero, una revisión detallada de las características generales que presentan las técnicas de reformado, seguido por una revisión descriptiva del reformado por vapor de etanol, enfocado en los principales aspectos de la preparación de catalizadores y la realización de la reacción química. A continuación en segundo lugar, se presenta una descripción acerca de reactores estructurados y los métodos para preparar catalizadores. Por último, en tercer lugar, se expone una explicación centrada en los materiales, equipos y métodos empleados para explorar el rendimiento de los catalizadores. Esta parte incluye la descripción de: algunas de las técnicas analíticas más comunes para caracterizar y evaluar tanto catalizadores como compuestos químicos y la descripción de las herramientas utilizadas en la simulación numérica.El primer bloque de simulación numérica tiene como fin evaluar las posibles restricciones termodinámicas por medio de análisis específicos basados en el equilibrio termodinámico, tanto del reactor como del proceso integrado. Luego, se ejecuta un mapeo del conjunto de condiciones operacionales, compuesto por cuatro variables principales: (temperatura, relación vapor carbón, presión y factor de recobro de hidrogeno en el separador de membrana). Ello con el fin de garantizar una operación auto-térmica del procesador de combustible. Se compara la habilidad y la ventaja entre los diferentes tipos de catalizadores publicados en trabajos previos en base a las condiciones termodinámicas ideales determinadas en el análisis termodinámico.Para los catalizadores en polvo, se realizo experimentos de caracterización y reacción mediante el empleo de un reactor de lecho fijo. Se ha efectuado un estudio sistematico para comparar la actividad y la selectividad de dos tipos de catalizadores, bajo condiciones moderadas de temperatura y relación vapor carbón. Los catalizadores basados en níquel (Ni/La2O3-Al2O3) y cobalto (Co-Fe/ZnO y Co-Mn/ZnO) han sido preparados y probados a las siguientes condiciones: temperatura en el rango de 400-500°C, relación vapor carbono entre 2 y 4, tiempo de contacto desde 4.3 hasta 1100 min·gcat molEtOH-1, cubriendo un rango de conversión de etanol desde 20 hasta 100%. Se ha efectuado un diseño de análisis multifactorial para establecer la influencia de las variables (temperatura, relación vapor carbón, tiempo de contacto y formulación del catalizador) en términos de la conversión de etanol y la selectividad hacia los diferentes productos.Por último, se ha efectuado la caracterización, simulación y experimentación utilizando una configuración de reactor de pared catalítica. Primero, se emplea un modelo en 2D para analizar las características principales del reactor de pared catalítica diseñado y construido para realizar la reacción sobre las placas con catalizador previamente preparadas. En segundo lugar, se expone de manera detallada el método seguido para preparar dos tipos diferentes de placas catalíticas. Estas placas con catalizador son caracterizadas de manera similar al método empleado con los catalizadores en polvo. Luego, se ha realizado un estudio sistemático para comparar la actividad y la selectividad de los dos tipos de placas catalíticas. Por último, mediante un modelo 1D se revelan aspectos fundamentales de la configuración del reactor de pared catalítica utilizando una configuración con dos canales paralelos, en los cuales se ejecutan una reacción endotérmica y otra exotérmica respectivamente.La principal conclusión de este trabajo es que el reformado por vapor de etanol puede ser realizado bajo condiciones de alta eficiencia térmica si se emplea un diseño basado en un reactor de pared catalítica con recobro de calor integrado a una unidad de separación para la purificación del hidrogeno. Las placas catalíticas han demostrado ser un elemento fundamental en este tipo de reactor porque incrementan de manera significativa el transporte de calor que se requiere para sostener las reacciones endotérmicas.Energy has become a fundamental necessity to guarantee modern society development. Among different alternatives possible to produce energy, hydrogen presents several characteristics which make it an attractive energy vector: first, more efficient processes to transform chemical energy into electricity -such as Fuel Cells that, in addition, will help to reduce significantly CO2 emission levels-; and second, hydrogen can be produced from a large variety of feed stocks, including fossil and renewable resources. However, as hydrogen production technologies for Fuel Cell applications are not available commercially yet, it still requires additional R&D efforts.The principal objective of this thesis was to evaluate technical feasibility for preparing and using catalytic plates in a Catalytic Wall Reactor configuration to produce hydrogen by Steam Reforming of Ethanol under conditions of high thermal efficiency. To fulfill the overall and specific objectives, a systematic experimental plan was designed and executed. It was composed of three main parts: documentation, experimentation and numerical simulation. Background information is divided into three branches, first a detailed overview of technical features for reforming technology, followed by a descriptive review of Steam Reforming of Ethanol key aspects for catalysts preparation and reaction performance. Third is presented a comprehensive examination on structured reactor and catalyst preparation methods. In this part is exposed a detailed explanation of materials, equipments, and methods employed for screening catalyst and evaluating catalytic reactor performance. Also, is presented employed techniques for catalyst characterization and fluid analysis. Finally are described tools for numerical simulation.First component of numerical simulations evaluates possible thermodynamic constrains through specific analyses based on thermodynamic equilibrium of reactor and integrated fuel processor. Then, is performed a mapping for the set of four operational variables (temperature, steam to carbon ratio, pressure, and hydrogen recovery in the membrane separator), that allow an auto-thermal operation of the fuel processor. The suitability and advantages of the different catalysts preparations that are known from recent publications are discussed on the basis of the operation conditions determined on the thermodynamic analysis.Experimental work is performed for powder catalyst characterization and catalytic experimentation using a Packed Bed Reactor (PBR). It has conducted a systematic study to compare the activity and selectivity of two types of catalyst at moderate temperature and steam to carbon (SC) ratios. Nickel-based catalysts (Ni/La2O3-Al2O3) and novel Co-based catalysts (Co-Fe/ZnO and Co-Mn/ZnO) have been prepared and tested at temperatures of 400 and 500 °C, Steam to Carbon (SC) molar ratios of 2 and 4, and contact times from 4.3 to 1100 min·gcat molEtOH-1, covering a range of ethanol conversion from 20 to 100%. A multifactorial design analysis has been conducted to establish the significance of temperature, SC ratio, contact time and catalyst formulation on ethanol conversion and selectivity towards the different reaction products.At last, it is carried out the catalytic plate characterization, simulation and experimentation using a Catalytic Wall Reactor configuration. First, is used a 2D modeling to analyze main characteristics of the Catalytic Wall Reactor designed and constructed to perform reactions on the prepared catalytic plates. Prepared catalytic plates are characterize in a similar way to that employed for the powder catalysts. After that, it was conducted a systematic study to compare the activity and selectivity of two types of catalytic plates. 1D model reveals main aspects on thermal performance for a theoretical Catalytic Wall Reactor using two co-current channels with endothermic and exothermic reactions respectively.Main conclusion from this work is that Steam Reforming of Ethanol can be performed at high thermal efficiency if the design of the fuel processor is based on structured catalytic wall reactors with integrated heat recovery coupled to a separation unit for hydrogen purification. Catalytic plates have proven to be a key component on CWR because improves significantly the heat transfer which is required to sustain endothermic reactions

    FY 1988 scientific and technical reports, articles, papers and presentations

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    This document presents formal NASA technical reports, papers published in technical journals, and presentations by MSFC personnel in FY 88. It also includes papers of MSFC contractors. After being announced in STAR, all of the NASA series reports may be obtained from the NationaL Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. The information in this report may be of value to the scientific and engineering community in determining what information has been published and what is available